Was first announced in https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2020-July/018024.html
Motivation and descriptions of usecases are given in the BIP draft, in the mailing-list post, and expanded in the replies to this mailing-list post and in Bitcoin Optech newsletter 105.
While this draft BIP did not receive extensive public discussions, it did not receive any rejections or criticism either. Within private or semi-private discussions, people said that they like the idea, noted the usefulness of this format and having it standardized. I attribute the lack of public discussions to the template format being boring but practical, and thus uncontroversial. I think that having this as a formal standard will be a benefit to the Bitcoin-related software and hardware ecosystem. I hope that submitting this as PR will bring more discussion and comments.
There are three implementations, including two reference implementations: in C and in Python (that is also compatible with micropython to be suitable for embedded applications). The implementations are thoroughly tested with the test data generated from the formal specification, and thus their behaviour follows the formal spec closely.
My thanks to @Enegnei for the help in fixing grammatical and punctuation errors in the early draft.