BIPXXX: Taproot Annex Format #1381
pull ariard wants to merge 1 commits into bitcoin:master from ariard:2022-07-bip-annex changing 1 files +173 −0-
ariard commented at 5:59 am on October 10, 2022: memberThis is WIP, see ML post for context.
bitcoin deleted a comment on Nov 17, 2022
manda2020panda approved
manda2020panda approved
ajtowns commented at 5:42 am on January 4, 2023: contributorI think is the mailing list post in question.
ariard commented at 2:34 am on January 5, 2023: memberYes current state of the TLV format discussion is here: and implementation here:
in bip-annex.mediawiki:146 in df5af5bcac outdated
141+=== DoSy annex === 142+ 143+Lengthy annex bytes stream could be given to nodes as a CPU DoS vector. Standard policy rules should be adequate 144+to prevent that concern. If many annex fields are considered as valid and/or their validation is expensive, a 145+compensation mechanism should be introduced to constrain witness producer to commit higher fees (e.g inflate witness 146+weight in function of annex size).
ajtowns commented at 2:58 am on January 5, 2023:I think this is a little bit backwards – I think it would be better to say that the annex should always be simple and fast to parse and verify (eg, only using information from the transaction, its utxos, and block headers; only requiring a single pass to parse) and that any expensive computation (such as signature validation) should be left for script evaluation.
Either way, this seems more like a “rationale” thing?
instagibbs commented at 7:10 pm on January 11, 2023:Right, putting stuff in annex is cheap for verifiers, unless new verification burdens are added.ariard force-pushed on Jan 17, 2023Add BIP annex.
Co-authored-by: Anthony Towns <>
ariard force-pushed on Jan 17, 2023ariard commented at 0:56 am on January 17, 2023: memberUpdated at 6f3dcc2 with the suggestions from
I think I still have two issues with the current approach:
- in case of script path spend, we might have a redeem path with
<pubkey_alice> OP_CHECKSIG <pubkey_bob> OP_CHECKSIG
, where Alice is committing to annex X and Bob is committing to annex Y as spending policies. The current approach by {type,length} delta encoding might prevent to combine them. I don’t know if it’s a use we care about, and if we should have some clawback mechanism to aggregate annexes from signers sharing the same tapscript. - re-using the delta for both type and length might be unpractical as the accumulating the delta for the length might have no relation at all with the size of the data item.
ajtowns commented at 8:28 am on January 17, 2023: contributor* in case of script path spend, we might have a redeem path with `<pubkey_alice> OP_CHECKSIG <pubkey_bob> OP_CHECKSIG`, where Alice is committing to annex X and Bob is committing to annex Y as spending policies. The current approach by {type,length} delta encoding might prevent to combine them. I don't know if it's a use we care about, and if we should have some clawback mechanism to aggregate annexes from signers sharing the same tapscript.
CHECKSIG can only commit to an input’s annex as a whole; so in the case above either X=Y=the entire annex, or one or both of the signatures are invalid/incompatible. You’d need something like:
spent by having the following annex (eg): {0: [15, 1], 1: [alicepolicy], 15: [bobpolicy]}, where the novel opcodes behave as:
- annexlength tells you the number of distinct tags in the annex
- pushannex pops n of the stack, looks up annex entry n, and pushes each value from the annex with tag n onto the stack, followed by the count (possibly 0)
- extrasigdata pops an element off the stack, hashes it, and will commit to the (cumulative) hash in subsequent checksig operations
- resetsigdata resets that cumulative hash
So the “annexlength” check is used to prevent malleability, then the first “0 pushannex” will put [1 15 2] on the stack (2 at the top); the second pushannex will update the stack to [alicepolicy 1], extrasigdata will ensure alice’s signature commits to “alicepolicy”, the final pushannex will update the stack to [bobpolicy 1], etc. You’d also need a SIGHASH_NOANNEX or similar, of course.
Alice and Bob would still need to agree on the script that defines which subset of the annex they’ll each commit to; currently that obviously has to be at the time they define their shared pubkey, but even with OP_EVAL or graftroot, while they could delay that agreement, they’d still need to do it sometime. You’d need a much more generic language to allow them to each choose which parts of the annex to sign at signing time.
* re-using the delta for both type and length might be unpractical as the accumulating the delta for the length might have no relation at all with the size of the data item.
They don’t need to have any relation? If the previous element had type X, size N1, and this element has type X+K and size N2, you just encode (K, N2), as:
- if N2 < 127: K*128 + N2
- if N2 >= 127: (K*128 + 127), (N2-127)
in bip-annex.mediawiki:145 in 9dc3f74b38
140+ 141+The meaning of the value byte stream depends entirely on the `type` and may require further encoding/deconding as appropriate. 142+ 143+=== Annex validation rules === 144+ 145+* If the annex does not decode successfully (that is, if read_CompressedInt() or read_bytes(length) fail due to reaching eof early); fail.
instagibbs commented at 2:18 pm on January 17, 2023:0* If the annex does not decode successfully (e.g., if read_CompressedInt() or read_bytes(length) fail due to reaching eof early): fail.
in bip-annex.mediawiki:20 in 9dc3f74b38
15+== Introduction == 16+ 17+=== Abstract === 18+ 19+This BIP describes a validation format for the taproot annex ([ BIP341]). 20+It allows to extend the usual transaction fields with new data records allowing witness signatures to commit to them.
instagibbs commented at 2:19 pm on January 17, 2023:0It allows extension of the usual transaction fields with new data records allowing taproot signatures to commit to them.
in bip-annex.mediawiki:32 in 9dc3f74b38
27+=== Motivation === 28+ 29+From the limited set of Bitcoin transaction fields (i.e nVersion, inputs, outputs, nLocktime, etc) 30+released in the early days of the network, few soft-forks occurred extending the validation semantic 31+of some transaction fields (e.g [ BIP68]) 32+or adding whole new field to solve the malleability issue (e.g [ BIP141]).
instagibbs commented at 2:22 pm on January 17, 2023:0released in the early days of the network, soft-forks either extended the validation semantic 1of some transaction fields (e.g [ BIP68]) 2or in one case added a whole new field to solve the malleability issue (e.g [ BIP141]).
in bip-annex.mediawiki:38 in 9dc3f74b38
33+While a generic mechanism consensus to extend the block commmitments have been provisioned with BIP141, 34+there is lacking an equivalent generic mechanism to extend the transaction data fields. 35+ 36+This proposal introduces a format to add new data fields in the Taproot annex. BIP341 mandates 37+that if a witness includes at least two elements and the first byte of the last element is 0x50, 38+this element is qualified as the annex. The remaining bytes semantics are defined by new validation
instagibbs commented at 2:23 pm on January 17, 2023:0this element is the annex. This BIP defines the remaining bytes' semantics and validation
in bip-annex.mediawiki:45 in 9dc3f74b38
40+ 41+Specific semantics for the new data fields can be introduced with future soft-forks to enable a range 42+of use-cases. For now there is only one nLocktime field in a transaction and all inputs must share 43+the same value. It could be possible to define per-input lock-time enabling aggregation of off-chain 44+protocols transactions (e.g [ Lightning HTLC-timeout]). 45+A commitment to historical block hash could be also a new annex data field to enable replay protection
instagibbs commented at 2:25 pm on January 17, 2023:0A commitment to a historical block hash could be a new annex data field to enable replay protection
in bip-annex.mediawiki:46 in 9dc3f74b38
41+Specific semantics for the new data fields can be introduced with future soft-forks to enable a range 42+of use-cases. For now there is only one nLocktime field in a transaction and all inputs must share 43+the same value. It could be possible to define per-input lock-time enabling aggregation of off-chain 44+protocols transactions (e.g [ Lightning HTLC-timeout]). 45+A commitment to historical block hash could be also a new annex data field to enable replay protection 46+in case of persisting forks. Another use-case, a group of input-outputs could be bundled and signed
instagibbs commented at 2:25 pm on January 17, 2023:0in the case of persisting forks. Another use-case, a group of input-outputs could be bundled and signed
in bip-annex.mediawiki:54 in 9dc3f74b38
49+defined to make accessible annex fields to Script operations. </ref> Beyond, the annex format aims to 50+be reusable across spends of SegWit versions. 51+ 52+== Specification == 53+ 54+=== CompressedInt Integer Encoding ===
instagibbs commented at 2:29 pm on January 17, 2023:Any historical precedence for this kind of encoding? If so, please add reference.
ajtowns commented at 9:57 pm on February 15, 2023:This encoding is from (
I don’t think there’s any precedence for it in other BIPs
roconnor-blockstream commented at 1:33 pm on February 17, 2023:This is unsigned LEB128?No, it is VLQ
in bip-annex.mediawiki:48 in 9dc3f74b38
43+the same value. It could be possible to define per-input lock-time enabling aggregation of off-chain 44+protocols transactions (e.g [ Lightning HTLC-timeout]). 45+A commitment to historical block hash could be also a new annex data field to enable replay protection 46+in case of persisting forks. Another use-case, a group of input-outputs could be bundled and signed 47+together to enable fee-bumping batching of off-chain protocols transactions. <ref> '''What if the 48+use-cases require access to the annex fields by Script operations ?''' A new PUSH_ANNEX_RECORD could be
naumenkogs commented at 9:22 am on January 23, 2023:Can you make it more clear from the beginning that there are two ways to look at the annex records:out-of-script rule enforcement
andin-script rule enforcement
ajtowns commented at 9:33 am on January 23, 2023:Maybe “rules enforced directly by the presence of an annex element” (like nLockTime or nSequence making a tx invalid in context) and “interaction with script rules” (PUSH_ANNEX_RECORD behaves like OP_CLTV or OP_CSV requiring a particular nLockTime or nSequence value; or SIGHASH_GROUP proposes CHECKSIG hashing working differently depending on an annex value – those rules should be independent of the tx’s context, ie they either always pass or always fail, just as a mismatching nLockTime for your OP_CLTV will always mean the tx is invalid, no matter how long you wait before broadcasting it) ?in bip-annex.mediawiki:134 in 9dc3f74b38
129+ annex.append( (type, value) ) 130+ last_type = type 131+ 132+Rather than encoding the type directly, we encode the difference between 133+the previous type (initially 0), both minimising the encoding and ensuring 134+a canonical ordering for annex entries.
roconnor-blockstream commented at 1:37 pm on February 17, 2023:canonical up to reordering of entries of the same type.
ajtowns commented at 3:24 pm on February 17, 2023:The way I think about the annex is that as a total function from non-negative integers to vectors of byte strings.
So if you’re mapping type 9 to the vector
["abc", "def"]
then that is distinct from mapping type 9 to the vector["def", "abc"]
, and “canonical” here means there’s exactly one encoding for each mapping.In particular, I’m thinking that a script opcode to examine an annex entry might look like
– now you have “abc” at the top of the stack and “def” beneath it. In that case the annex entries of a single type cannot always be reordered without changing their semantics.(The current text says
The annex is defined as containing an ordered set of "type, value" pairs,
– my thinking was that “ordered set” already captures the idea that reordering entries changes the semantics)in bip-annex.mediawiki:166 in 9dc3f74b38
161+ 162+ 163+== Deployment == 164+ 165+ 166+== Backwards compatibility ==
luke-jr commented at 5:18 pm on February 21, 2023:This can’t be empty.luke-jr changes_requestedin bip-annex.mediawiki:3 in 9dc3f74b38
0@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ 1+<pre> 2+ BIP: XXX 3+ Layer: Consensus (soft fork)
joostjager commented at 11:44 am on May 31, 2023:I thought the taproot upgrade introduced the annex field to allow for future protocol expansions without requiring further soft forks? Doesn’t the requirement of this bip for another soft fork to make the field useable defeat that purpose?
roconnor-blockstream commented at 1:10 pm on May 31, 2023:The annex field gives space for future protocol expansions, but each expansion requires a soft fork in order to give it semantics.
That said, this particular format BIP in principle could alternatively be defined so that invalidly formatted annex fields do not invalidate the transaction, and instead just prevent the interpretation of the annex in this format. There would be advantages and disadvantages to such an alternative definition.
instagibbs commented at 1:36 pm on May 31, 2023:There could also be a policy-only relaxation(as we’ve done in the inquisition repo), but the same tradeoffs apply
ariard commented at 0:46 am on June 1, 2023:I thought the taproot upgrade introduced the annex field to allow for future protocol expansions without requiring further soft forks? Doesn’t the requirement of this bip for another soft fork to make the field useable defeat that purpose?
The idea is to have a type-length-value record where new semantics can be assigned to each record without the record developers having to think about the consensus syntax issues (e.g what if another record use multi-bytes length) though the semantic issues will be still something to reason on.
I still think even if you have a policy-only relaxation of the annex, we have to deploy a relaxation for each new record.
joostjager commented at 4:31 pm on June 1, 2023:Thinking about the most minimal change to make the annex useable on the short term. How about just defining in policy a way to express an ‘unstructured’ block of data for now? For example starting unstructured data with byte0
, and then later define tlv or something else in a way that the first byte is never0
joostjager commented at 6:03 am on June 2, 2023:This is probably also more efficient for the unstructured data case than tlv using a single record that still requires a length to be encoded.
joostjager commented at 1:44 pm on June 2, 2023:To avoid any possibility of misunderstanding the suggestion:
ariard commented at 2:21 am on June 7, 2023:Thinking about the most minimal change to make the annex useable on the short term. How about just defining in policy a way to express an ‘unstructured’ block of data for now?
Looking on current approach we would burn at least one type record (
) ? This is more efficient for unstructured data as effectively you save the encoded length. As an alternative we can versions the annex and have one of them being reserved for policy-only experimentations.Concerns with current approach if/when consensus semantic is assigned to the annex, all the policy-only annexes will become enforced in a different way, breaking use-cases. Protocol evolvability matters.
joostjager commented at 6:09 am on June 7, 2023:Unstructured data has a lot of uses. With nothing in the annex having consensus meaning yet, these are also the only uses for now. I think it is worth the burning of that one record.
Whether you’d interpret the
byte as a version or not is something to define later I think? You can either define other versions with different formats, or map tlv straight onto the non-0
-starting remainder of the data space.Also linking as a potential way to deal with the coinjoin problem described in
ajtowns commented at 12:29 pm on June 7, 2023:I don’t see why you’d burn anything rather than just adopt the format already described in this PR and dedicate tag
to unstructured data (as done in the inquisition PR). In particular that answers two questions: how to have multiple data items in a single input (eg “ord”, “image/jpeg”, “[the jpeg]”), and how to use structured data / data with consensus meaning in future (use a different tag/have the first compressed int be multiple bytes).To put
["ord", "text/plain;charset=utf8", "Hello, world"]
in the annex via the current proposal here, you’d encode:0 50 - annex 1 03 - type 0, length 3 2 6f7264 - "ord" 3 17 - type 0, length 23 4 746578742f706c61696e3b636861727365743d75746638 - text/plain;... 5 0c - type 0, length 12 6 48656c6c6f2c20776f726c64 - "Hello, world"
For data longer than 126 bytes, you’d prefix it with
then the “CompressedInt” encoding of its length minus 127, eg7f96e471
for 390,000 (encoded as 127 then 389873), and then you’d just include the 390kB of data directly. That’s a total overhead of 13 witness bytes (3 bytes for the total annex witness size, 1 byte for the annex tag, 4 bytes for “ord” and its length, 5 bytes for the lengths of the mime type and data).
joostjager commented at 12:44 pm on June 7, 2023:For large amounts of data, the overhead is indeed small. But there might be current or future use cases that only require smaller bits of unstructured data for which the overhead weighs more heavily. EDIT: For <127 bytes of unstructured data there is no overhead indeed in this proposal, so agree that this is hardly an argument.
Other than that I think tlv is great. I proposed
-prefix for unstructured data to keep things as simple as possible initially without compromising future upgradeability, to avoid a potentially lengthy process to get to a standard for tlv.
joostjager commented at 12:08 pm on June 8, 2023:I detailed another format that would optimize the unstructured annex data case more in
In short: any annex is considered unstructured and does not incur any overhead at all, unless the annex starts with a magic byte which is to be repeated for unstructured data. Other values of the second byte are reserved for future extensions.
ajtowns commented at 0:40 am on June 9, 2023:Other than that I think tlv is great. I proposed
-prefix for unstructured data to keep things as simple as possible initially without compromising future upgradeability, to avoid a potentially lengthy process to get to a standard for tlv.If you don’t like lengthy processes, don’t extend them by proposing unnecessary alternatives when there’s already a workable proposal?
Compared to this PR, what you propose adds overhead for encoding data that has consensus meaning, or where multiple items of data need to be included.
joostjager commented at 6:23 am on June 9, 2023:Compared to this PR, what you propose adds overhead for encoding data that has consensus meaning, or where multiple items of data need to be included.
It indeed depends on whether you want to space-optimize for structured or for unstructured data.
If you don’t like lengthy processes, don’t extend them by proposing unnecessary alternatives when there’s already a workable proposal?
I think it is important to explore alternatives. It maps out the design space and shows the trade-offs, which also exist in the case of tlv. Tlv isn’t strictly better.
A “workable” proposal doesn’t necessarily mean that it won’t need to go through a lengthy process still. In my experience, starting with a simpler alternative can often expedite things and depending on future usage patterns it may even be the optimal choice.
Most important for me though is that the annex becomes usable in some form regardless of the exact space requirements. If you’re saying that the tlv proposal can easily be guided through the process and enabled in policy for the next release, it’s all good for me.
ariard commented at 0:08 am on June 10, 2023:For large amounts of data, the overhead is indeed small. But there might be current or future use cases that only require smaller bits of unstructured data for which the overhead weighs more heavily. EDIT: For <127 bytes of unstructured data there is no overhead indeed in this proposal, so agree that this is hardly an argument.
If you have users leveraging smaller bits of unstructured data who cannot afford the TLV record bytes fee overhead cost, I think the economically rational position is to design a L2 system to uplift the unstructured data from on-chain to off-chain ?
Of course there is the question if you can maintain the accountability and visibility properties that your use-case is looking for with a L2 system relying on private state.
It indeed depends on whether you want to space-optimize for structured or for unstructured data.
On the question of space-optimization, in my mind if the annex is used for economically space-sensitive use-case like channel factories or payment pools in the future, even few bytes of witness waste translates in raising the economic bar to afford access to those advanced Bitcoin payment systems.
ajtowns commented at 9:34 am on June 10, 2023:I think it is important to explore alternatives.
It’s valuable to explore alternatives if they potentially offer benefits; but this doesn’t – it just makes one use case slightly cheaper and other uses slightly more expensive. The cost to exploring alternatives is that it delays the entire process of making a decision, which was what you were complaining about in the first place.
ariard commented at 0:53 am on June 1, 2023: memberI thought the taproot upgrade introduced the annex field to allow for future protocol expansions without requiring further soft forks?
There is an interesting design open question - If we could have restrained soft-fork semantics introduced by economic or proof-of-work mechanism, or with expiring enforcement. There was such an idea presented on the mailing list a while back “Automatically reverting (“transitory”) soft forks" .
Can we design the taproot annex as a safe sandbox under some consensus boundaries ?
luke-jr marked this as a draft on Jun 29, 2023luke-jr added the label New BIP on Jun 29, 2023casey commented at 7:50 pm on September 25, 2023: noneWe could consider using a prefix varint, where the number of leading 1s in the initial and subsequent bytes, until a 0 is reached, determines how many additional bytes follow. The only advantage is performance, since you don’t have a potential branch on every byte, and you can load data bytes directly. I don’t know if that’s enough of an advantage to use a less-common varint encoding, but it’s worth considering. Here’s a good. Hacker News post about the encoding.ariard commented at 1:33 am on September 30, 2023: memberYes browsed over the hacker news post where a 128-bit prefix varint is argued to be dramatically faster to decode and encode. I think this is unclear if performance-over-space or space-over-performance should be favored (sounds classic time-space csci trade-offs), and what is the average annex payload that can be expected. Maybe performance gain is so cheap that it doesn’t matter to optimize to protect full-node CPU cycles, and favor cheap witness cost for annex users.
Note the annex policy-only discussion, where non-interactive annex composition among a set of multi-party users is weighted on.
casey commented at 2:05 am on September 30, 2023: noneI notice that there’s no maximum varint size mentioned. Would it be a good idea to restrict varints to being no greater than one of{u32, u64, u128}::MAX
? (Which one depending on how large varints are expected to be. This would simplify code that has to pass around varints, since they can use a fixed-size value, instead of having to use big ints.ajtowns commented at 5:08 am on November 17, 2023: contributorI notice that there’s no maximum varint size mentioned. Would it be a good idea to restrict varints to being no greater than one of
{u32, u64, u128}::MAX
? (Which one depending on how large varints are expected to be. This would simplify code that has to pass around varints, since they can use a fixed-size value, instead of having to use big ints.Particularly when combined with (a) a “PUSHANNEX” opcode that grabs an entry from the annex and puts it on the stack, or (b) signing or otherwise accessing annex data from other inputs (see inq#19), it might make sense to make the annex much more limited. For example, only allowing individual data items to be 0-127 bytes, and limiting tags to be integers between, perhaps,
.In that case, rather than putting 100kB of data in the annex, you’d put the 100kB on the stack and use a script like “HASH160 0 PUSHANNEX EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG” to achieve the same result; the benefit being that other inputs that also sign your annex are only signing an extra 20 byte hash160 hash, not the 100kB of data.
Doing things with those limits would let you encode annex entries as:
- 1 byte - bump_len
- 3 byte optional - tag_bump (present iff
(bump_len & 0x80) != 0
) (bump_len & 0x7F)
bytes - data
So if you wanted to encode
{0: [<1234>], 1: [800000, <54a0>]}
you’d do it as50 02 1234 83 010000 00350c 02 54a0
, which gets decoded as50
– annex prefix,02
no tag_bump, 2 bytes of data, data is hex string1234
bump the tag, 3 bytes of data, tag is bumped by 0x000001 (little endian), data is0x0c3400
or 800,000 (little-endian),02
don’t bump the tag, 2 bytes of data, data is hex string54a0
.(My thinking is that this way you can define tag value 1 as per-input locktime, which accepts one or two data items, if there’s one data item, it just requires that that block height has been reached; if there’s two data items, it requires that block height has been reached and that block’s hash matches the second data item)
If you make a bad encoding, either by not having enough data or bumping the tag to 2**24 or higher, that’s “invalid”, either causing the tx to be invalid, or causing the data to be inaccessible via
is 16M different tags, which is surely more than enough; but perhaps2**16
or even2**8
would be fine?ariard commented at 7:00 am on April 25, 2024: memberI’m more likely to work on the great consensus cleanup for the coming future. If someone wish to shepherd forward the taproot annex from here, feel free to ask AJ and/or me if you wish inputs as this current draft are gathering common ideas.ariard commented at 11:46 pm on April 26, 2024: member@jonatack somehow the annex is one of the best known way to fix technical debt in l2s:
when i say i don’t currently plan to work on it, it’s on the 2/3 years coming span of time.
meantime, i think it can be good to keep collecting feedbacks, or folks wanna discuss the implementation approach.
if you wish to say more on how we shall deal with BIP related to consensus changes, good.
reality they’re shepherd by a plurality of authors over very long span of time.
ariard commented at 9:24 pm on April 28, 2024: memberClosing it, I did backup of the comments for my own archive. If someone wants to grab it, feel free to do it.ariard closed this on Apr 28, 2024
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