BIP94 Testnet 4 #1601

pull fjahr wants to merge 1 commits into bitcoin:master from fjahr:testnet4 changing 2 files +127 −0
  1. fjahr commented at 10:12 pm on May 27, 2024: contributor

    A written specification for Testnet 4 has been requested in the PR discussion and a BIP seems to be the right place for this.

    Given the active discussion in the PR I think it’s best if this is kept open until the PR is merged. I will keep it up-to-date and track the current status of the PR.

  2. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:56 in 92ca582b6b outdated
    52+- For the block storm fix an alternative fix could have been to prevent the last block in a difficulty period from applying the existing difficulty exception. Both solutions were deemed acceptable and there was no clear preference among reviewers.
    53+- Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature.
    54+- Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner.
    55+- Increase of the delay in the 20 min difficulty exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.
    56+- Re-enabling `acceptnonstdtxn` by default on the network was dismissed as it had led to confusion among layer-2s that had used testnet for transaction propagation tests.

    vostrnad commented at 11:05 pm on May 27, 2024:
    I’d consider Bitcoin Core’s default policy to be out of scope for this BIP. It’s completely unrelated to launching a new testnet, and can be discussed and changed at any later time.

    Sjors commented at 6:30 am on May 28, 2024:
    It’s fine to mention this in the rationale section. The actual specification can leave it up to implementers to decide what to do (MAY, rather than SHOULD or MUST), but explaining pros and cons is useful.

    fjahr commented at 1:37 pm on May 28, 2024:
    Sure, in Testnet 3 it was changed long after it’s launch. But since it was part of the conversation and considered a potential component in the bug/feature discussion of the 20-min exception and whether that should be kept or removed, I think it’s important to mention in rationale.
  3. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:58 in 92ca582b6b outdated
    53+- Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature.
    54+- Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner.
    55+- Increase of the delay in the 20 min difficulty exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.
    56+- Re-enabling `acceptnonstdtxn` by default on the network was dismissed as it had led to confusion among layer-2s that had used testnet for transaction propagation tests.
    57+- Motivating miners to re-org min difficulty blocks was suggested but this may still be done after Testnet 4 is deployed, so it can be considered out of scope for this BIP.
    58+- Persisting the real difficulty in the version field was suggested to prevent exploits of the 20-min rule in an even more robust way, but did not receive a critical level of support since it would be a more invasive change.

    vostrnad commented at 11:05 pm on May 27, 2024:
    List isn’t correctly formatted, renders as a single paragraph without actual bullet points.

    fjahr commented at 1:37 pm on May 28, 2024:
  4. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:79 in 92ca582b6b outdated
    75+The resulting genesis block hash is 00000000da84f2bafbbc53dee25a72ae507ff4914b867c565be350b0da8bf043, and the block hex is XXX.
    77+=== Message Start ===
    79+The message start is defined as `0x1c163f28`. These four bytes were randomly generated and have no special meaning.

    vostrnad commented at 11:05 pm on May 27, 2024:

    Backticks don’t work in Mediawiki the same way they do in Markdown. You probably want:

    0The message start is defined as <code>0x1c163f28</code>. These four bytes were randomly generated and have no special meaning.

    fjahr commented at 1:38 pm on May 28, 2024:
  5. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:85 in 92ca582b6b outdated
    81+== Compatibility ==
    83+This specification is backward compatible in the sense that existing software can use Testnet 4 out of the box, assuming support for Testnet 3 already exists.
    85+Simply by adding the network parameters for Testnet 4 (magic number, etc), a client can connect to and use Testnet 4 without further modifications. The block headers have valid proof of work, so clients can trivially check that blocks are "probably" valid.

    vostrnad commented at 11:05 pm on May 27, 2024:
    0Simply by adding the network parameters for Testnet 4 (magic number, etc.), a client can connect to and use Testnet 4 without further modifications. The block headers have valid proof of work, so clients can trivially check that blocks are "probably" valid.

    fjahr commented at 1:38 pm on May 28, 2024:
  6. Sjors commented at 6:28 am on May 28, 2024: member
    Thanks for writing a BIP, added to review list.
  7. fjahr force-pushed on May 28, 2024
  8. fjahr commented at 1:38 pm on May 28, 2024: contributor
    Addressed feedback by @vostrnad , thanks for the review!
  9. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:14 in 88f0d3af86 outdated
     8+  Status: Draft
     9+  Type: Standards Track
    10+  Created: 2024-05-27
    11+  License: CC0-1.0
    12+  Post-History:

    murchandamus commented at 3:01 pm on May 28, 2024:
    I may have overlooked it, but I think the BIP itself has not been sent to mailing list yet. Could you please send it to the mailing list (preferably as a new thread, to ensure that it’s not overlooked by people who muted the prior thread).

    fjahr commented at 10:02 pm on May 28, 2024:
    You didn’t overlook it, I just sent it and will add the link when it has been accepted.

    fjahr commented at 11:44 pm on May 28, 2024:
  10. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:42 in 88f0d3af86 outdated
    38+This means that the existing 20 min difficulty exception in Testnet 3 is explicitly kept in place, meaning that a block with a timestamp 20 minutes further into the future from the current time is allowed to have a minimum difficulty of 1 instead of whatever the actual level currently is.
    40+=== Block Storm Fix ===
    42+When the next work required is calculated for the first block in a new difficulty period, the last block of the previous difficulty period is only used as the base for this calculation if its difficulty is not 1. If its difficulty is 1, all blocks in the previous difficulty period are checked in reverse order if any of them have a different difficulty than 1. When a different difficulty is encountered, it is assumed to be the actual difficulty of the network and used as the base for the calculation of the new difficulty level. Only if all blocks from the previous difficulty period have had a difficulty of 1, this is also used as the base for the calculation of the next difficulty period.

    murchandamus commented at 3:05 pm on May 28, 2024:

    This seems a bit imprecise. It sounds like the latest block is ignored, but I suspect that the timestamps from first and last block are always used, it is just the difficulty that is taken from the latest block with a difficulty greater than 1.

    Perhaps you could also clarify: When every single block in a difficulty period is mined per the 20-minute exception, the difficulty would still reset to 1, right?

    fjahr commented at 10:42 pm on May 28, 2024:

    This seems a bit imprecise. It sounds like the latest block is ignored, but I suspect that the timestamps from first and last block are always used, it is just the difficulty that is taken from the latest block with a difficulty greater than 1.

    Right, good catch. I tried to clarify this in this last edit.

    Perhaps you could also clarify: When every single block in a difficulty period is mined per the 20-minute exception, the difficulty would still reset to 1, right?

    In theory yeah but that isn’t possible. The first block of the difficulty period does not allow the usage of the 20-min rule. I managed to confuse myself with this again as well so I changed this further and clarified this. The confusing part here is that this is not a change of behavior which is why I failed to emphasize this. The first block of the difficulty period also can not use the 20-min rule in Testnet 3. But there it can get difficulty 1 when the last block of the previous period was mined with the 20-min rule, which then leads to a block storm.

    murchandamus commented at 3:45 pm on May 29, 2024:
    Oh, but then that means that if someone drives up the difficulty by mining a few difficulty periods with an ASIC and then leaves right after mining the last block of a difficulty period, the network does get stuck on the first block of the next difficulty period, because it does have to be mined at actual difficulty.

    fjahr commented at 4:08 pm on May 29, 2024:
    Yeah, that has been discussed in the PR, let’s continue the discussion there :)
  11. murchandamus commented at 3:11 pm on May 28, 2024: contributor
    Looks pretty good so far, but waiting for this to get more review and be presented on the mailing list.
  12. murchandamus added the label New BIP on May 28, 2024
  13. murchandamus added the label PR Author action required on May 28, 2024
  14. fjahr force-pushed on May 28, 2024
  15. fjahr force-pushed on May 28, 2024
  16. fjahr force-pushed on May 28, 2024
  17. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:36 in 9ecaea0a1e outdated
    32+Since then the issue with block storms has been further demonstrated on Testnet 3 when three years' worth of blocks were mined in a few weeks while rendering the network practically unusable at the same time.
    34+== Specification ==
    36+Consensus of Testnet 4 follows the same rules as Testnet 3 with the exception of the two new rules detailed below.

    maflcko commented at 6:40 pm on May 30, 2024:

    Reads a bit odd to define testnet 4 in this BIP terms of testnet 3, when there is no BIP for testnet 3. Also, the goal of testing should be to be as close to possible to the real production workload as possible. Readers may be wondering where the differences lay. Thus, it would be better to define it in terms of mainnet, no?

    Section === Consensus Rules === already does it this way.

    fjahr commented at 1:04 pm on June 24, 2024:
    Changed this to describe the 20-min exception as well so that everything is defined in terms of mainnet.

    maflcko commented at 10:13 am on June 25, 2024:
    Thanks, lgtm
  18. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:102 in 9ecaea0a1e outdated
    77+The resulting genesis block hash is <code>00000000da84f2bafbbc53dee25a72ae507ff4914b867c565be350b0da8bf043</code>, and the block hex is <code>01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff5504ffff001d01044c4c30332f4d61792f323032342030303030303030303030303030303030303030303165626435386332343439373062336161396437383362623030313031316662653865613865393865303065ffffffff0100f2052a010000002321000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ac00000000</code>.
    79+=== Message Start ===
    81+The message start is defined as <code>0x1c163f28</code>. These four bytes were randomly generated and have no special meaning.

    maflcko commented at 6:56 pm on May 30, 2024:

    nit: Instead of claiming that they are randomly generated, it may be better to generate them deterministically, so that the same approach can be used for testnet5?

    E.g. echo -n testnet4 | sha256sum | head -c 8, or similar, if you recall how you generated them?

    fjahr commented at 8:12 am on June 24, 2024:

    I called head -c 4 /dev/urandom | xxd -p locally.

    Instead of claiming that they are randomly generated, it may be better to generate them randomly, so that the same approach can be used for testnet5?

    E.g. echo -n testnet4 | sha256sum | head -c 8, or similar, if you recall how you generated them?

    The suggested way to generate them isn’t random but deterministic as far as I can tell and if my definition of random isn’t off. If there is a serious concern with my suggested sequence of bytes we could switch to something deterministic but making it repeatable and setting a rule in stone like suggested means the bytes for all future testnets will be known now and I am not sure this is a good thing.

    fjahr commented at 12:10 pm on June 24, 2024:
    I think the only actual random byte sequence that would satisfy everyone is to take the first 4 bytes of a blockhash to which height we would previously commit to use it. If we go the deterministic route we may as well use something meaningful like the utxo set dump uses UTXO as the magic now. I can change it if we reset one more time before merging but I would like to know from more reviewers what their preference is.

    maflcko commented at 10:11 am on June 25, 2024:

    Yeah, it was just a nit. I guess the exact value doesn’t matter too much, except that it shouldn’t collide with the bytes of the mainnet, or previous, or current testnets (including signets). I suggested a hash function, because the uniform distribution is probably the best bet at achieving the goal. (Edited out the typo in my comment, thanks).

    Signet uses the hash of the challenge, so using the hash of the genesis block for testnet seems fine. (I think this is what you were suggesting in your last reply?)

    In any case, just a nit and not a blocker.

    fjahr commented at 1:17 pm on July 9, 2024:
    It looks likely that we will reset one more time before merge of the PR so I will switch to something deterministic if we do this.

    vjudeu commented at 11:10 am on July 30, 2024:

    making it repeatable and setting a rule in stone like suggested means the bytes for all future testnets will be known now

    They don’t have to be. For example, in Signet, you have double SHA-256 of the signet challenge. This can work in a similar way. The code for signet message start chars is already there. So, it can be identical to a signet network, where the message from the Genesis Block is set as a signet challenge. In this way, the code for generating new networks will be known upfront, but the hash of the block will remain unknown, until the new Genesis Block for the new testnet will be mined.

    it shouldn’t collide with the bytes of the mainnet, or previous, or current testnets (including signets)

    You cannot avoid colliding with signets. Every network creator can pick its own signet challenge. And there are only four bytes. Which means, that finding a signet challenge, which will collide with any existing network, takes roughly the same effort, as mining a single block, with the minimal difficulty. Also, because of that, anyone can make a new network, and grind it to reach 0x1c163f28, and then try to connect it with testnet4.

  19. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:101 in 9ecaea0a1e outdated
    93+Pull request at
    95+== References ==
    97+# Original mailing list thread:

    joseedil commented at 3:33 pm on June 3, 2024:

    What about referring to the gnusha archives as well? They seem to be more stable long term.


    fjahr commented at 8:03 am on June 24, 2024:
    Sounds like it would be good to have general guidance on this, which type of link is preferred in general because all new BIPs will have such a link. Do you have feedback on this @murchandamus @jonatack ?

    murchandamus commented at 5:00 pm on July 2, 2024:
    Sorry, I do not have any information on whether one or the other will have more longevity. Either seems fine to me.

    fjahr commented at 3:26 pm on July 9, 2024:
    I have changed this. I am undecided on the stability argument but some people try to avoid google whenever they can so this will make it a bit easier for them.
  20. joseedil commented at 3:54 pm on June 3, 2024: none

    Looks good so far, considering the the comments from others.

    I’m still to play a bit with the specification.

  21. fjahr force-pushed on Jun 24, 2024
  22. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:13 in aad54df7b3 outdated
     8+  Status: Draft
     9+  Type: Standards Track
    10+  Created: 2024-05-27
    11+  License: CC0-1.0
    12+  Post-History:

    Sjors commented at 6:54 am on June 26, 2024:
    Since there’s conceptual discussion in the PR, maybe link it here too?

    fjahr commented at 3:12 pm on July 9, 2024:
  23. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:22 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    18+A new test network with the goal to replace Testnet 3. This network comes with small but important improvements of the consensus rules, that should make it impractical to attack the network using only CPU mining.
    20+== Motivation ==
    22+Quoting the original mailing list post from Jameson Lopp:

    Sjors commented at 6:58 am on June 26, 2024:
    Add footnote with link?

    fjahr commented at 3:12 pm on July 9, 2024:
  24. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:24 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    20+== Motivation ==
    22+Quoting the original mailing list post from Jameson Lopp:
    24+"Testnet3 has been running for 13 years. It's on block 2.5 million something and the block reward is down to ~0.014 TBTC, so mining is not doing a great job at distributing testnet coins anymore.

    Sjors commented at 6:59 am on June 26, 2024:
    Maybe use > for this multi paragraph quote.

    fjahr commented at 3:11 pm on July 9, 2024:
  25. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:36 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    28+Testnet3 is being actively used for scammy airdrops; those of us who tend to be generous with our testnet coins are getting hounded by non-developers chasing cheap gains.
    30+As a result, TBTC is being actively bought and sold; one could argue that the fundamental principle of testnet coins having no value has been broken."
    32+Since then the issue with block storms has been further demonstrated on Testnet 3 when three years' worth of blocks were mined in a few weeks while rendering the network practically unusable at the same time.

    Sjors commented at 7:01 am on June 26, 2024:
    Would be nice if we can link to an earlier mailinglist, forum post or Github issue where the reset-when-worth-money policy was mentioned in the past.

    fjahr commented at 3:11 pm on July 9, 2024:
    I did some further digging and it seems this was the trigger for the first Testnet reset but I couldn’t find a good primary source for that yet. It is stated in the Wiki. Here is the PR adding it and the following reset but they don’t have any details…
  26. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:36 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    32+Since then the issue with block storms has been further demonstrated on Testnet 3 when three years' worth of blocks were mined in a few weeks while rendering the network practically unusable at the same time.
    34+== Specification ==
    36+Consensus of Testnet 4 follows the same rules as mainnet with the exception of the three rules detailed below.

    Sjors commented at 7:07 am on June 26, 2024:
    0Additionally all soft forks that are active on mainnet as of May 2024 are enforced from genesis.

    (with “May” being the month of the genesis block)

    fjahr commented at 3:11 pm on July 9, 2024:
  27. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:40 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    36+Consensus of Testnet 4 follows the same rules as mainnet with the exception of the three rules detailed below.
    38+=== 20-min Exception ===
    40+A block with a timestamp that is more than 20 minutes past the timestamp of the previous block is allowed to have a minimum difficulty of 1 (the network's minimum difficulty) instead of whatever the actual difficulty level currently is. This applies to all blocks in a difficulty period except for the first block. The blocks that take advantage of this rule must also change their `nBits` field from the actual difficulty level to the minimum difficulty value `0x1d00ffff`.

    Sjors commented at 7:16 am on June 26, 2024:

    It’s not “allowed to” (MAY have), it’s required (“MUST have”).

    Unfortunately ContextualCheckBlockHeader does block.nBits != GetNextWorkRequired rather than >=. You can still reorg such a block with the “real” nBits value by backdating the timestamp such that it’s less than 20 minutes after the previous block.

    Sjors commented at 7:17 am on June 26, 2024:
    “rule MUST also”

    fjahr commented at 3:10 pm on July 9, 2024:
    Oh, that is actually something I hadn’t realized yet. Thanks!

    fjahr commented at 3:11 pm on July 9, 2024:
  28. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:42 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    38+=== 20-min Exception ===
    40+A block with a timestamp that is more than 20 minutes past the timestamp of the previous block is allowed to have a minimum difficulty of 1 (the network's minimum difficulty) instead of whatever the actual difficulty level currently is. This applies to all blocks in a difficulty period except for the first block. The blocks that take advantage of this rule must also change their `nBits` field from the actual difficulty level to the minimum difficulty value `0x1d00ffff`.
    42+Please note: This rule was already previously implemented and active in Testnet 3 but there is no BIP specifying its behavior. This rule also led to the block storms which the following rule seeks to fix.

    Sjors commented at 7:41 am on June 26, 2024:

    Let’s move “This rule was already previously implemented and active in Testnet 3” to the top, leaving out “Please note”.

    You can probably also drop “there is no BIP specifying its behavior”, since the above “follows the same rules as mainnet with the exception of” already makes it clear why this rule is specified here.

    The last sentence “This rule also led to …” can stay where it is.

    Would be nice to link to some earlier discussion where this rule was introduced.

    fjahr commented at 3:10 pm on July 9, 2024:
  29. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:46 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    42+Please note: This rule was already previously implemented and active in Testnet 3 but there is no BIP specifying its behavior. This rule also led to the block storms which the following rule seeks to fix.
    44+=== Block Storm Fix ===
    46+When the next work required is calculated for the first block in a new difficulty period, the difficulty of the last block of the previous difficulty period is only used as the base for this calculation if its difficulty is not 1. If its difficulty is 1, all blocks in the previous difficulty period are checked in reverse order if any of them have a different difficulty than 1. When a different difficulty is encountered, it is assumed to be the actual difficulty of the network and used as the base for the calculation of the new difficulty level. Note that the first block in new difficulty period does not allow usage of the 20-min rule (this is prior behavior). This means that in each difficulty period the first block should always have the actual difficulty even if all other blocks were mined with the 20-min rule.

    Sjors commented at 8:00 am on June 26, 2024:

    Let’s explain the problem first:

    The work required for a new difficulty period is calculated as multiplication factor to the difficulty of the previous period (but no less than 1/4th and no more than 4x). This factor is applied to the nBits value of the last block.

    Block storms are generated by causing the nBits value of the last block to be 1, using the rule from the previous section. The multiplication factor then results in a new difficulty between 1 (since it can’t be less) and 4. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can then be generated at very low difficulty. The block storm is bound only by miner hash rate, the need for every last block in the difficulty adjustment period to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule and the requirement that blocks can’t be more than 2 hours in the future.

    A block storm does not require a time warp attack, but one can be used to amplify it.

    The mitigation consists of adding a new rule, to no longer apply the adjustment factor to the last block of the previous difficulty period when its difficulty is 1. In that case blocks are traversed in reverse order until a block is found with a higher difficulty. If the first block of the previous period also has difficulty 1 than this is used.

    The previous block that is found in this manner is assumed to be the actual difficulty of the network and used as the base for the calculation of the new difficulty level. Note that the first block in new difficulty period does not allow usage of the 20-min rule (this is prior behavior). This means that in each difficulty period the first block should always have the actual difficulty even if all other blocks were mined with the 20-min rule.

    fjahr commented at 3:10 pm on July 9, 2024:
    Taken, thank you!
  30. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:48 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    44+=== Block Storm Fix ===
    46+When the next work required is calculated for the first block in a new difficulty period, the difficulty of the last block of the previous difficulty period is only used as the base for this calculation if its difficulty is not 1. If its difficulty is 1, all blocks in the previous difficulty period are checked in reverse order if any of them have a different difficulty than 1. When a different difficulty is encountered, it is assumed to be the actual difficulty of the network and used as the base for the calculation of the new difficulty level. Note that the first block in new difficulty period does not allow usage of the 20-min rule (this is prior behavior). This means that in each difficulty period the first block should always have the actual difficulty even if all other blocks were mined with the 20-min rule.
    48+For the avoidance of doubt, no matter which block in the previous difficulty period provides the actual difficulty used as the basis for the calculation, the timestamp of the last block is always the one that is used as the end time of the difficulty period.

    Sjors commented at 8:12 am on June 26, 2024:

    One known downside of this approach is that if the difficulty is gradually raised by a miner with significant hash rate, and this miner disappears, then each difficulty adjustment period requires one block at the original difficulty.

    This would cause the network to stall once per difficulty adjustment period until the real difficulty is adjusted downwards enough for the remaining hash rate to find this block in reasonable time.

    fjahr commented at 3:10 pm on July 9, 2024:
    I think this fits into “rationale” better than in “specification”. I have added it there.
  31. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:52 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    48+For the avoidance of doubt, no matter which block in the previous difficulty period provides the actual difficulty used as the basis for the calculation, the timestamp of the last block is always the one that is used as the end time of the difficulty period.
    50+=== Time Warp Fix ===
    52+To protect against the time warp attack, the following rule proposed as part of The Great Consensus Cleanup is enforced: "The nTime field of each block whose height, mod 2016, is 0 must be greater than or equal to the nTime field of the immediately prior block minus 600. For the avoidance of doubt, such blocks must still comply with existing Median-Time-Past nTime restrictions."

    Sjors commented at 8:16 am on June 26, 2024:
    Let’s link to that BIP (proposal) here.

    fjahr commented at 3:10 pm on July 9, 2024:
  32. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:59 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    54+== Rationale ==
    56+The applied changes were the result of discussions on the mailing list and the PR. The selected changes try to strike a balance between minimal changes to the network (keeping it as close to mainnet as possible) while making it more robust against attackers that try to disrupt the network. Several alternative designs were considered:
    58+* For the block storm fix an alternative fix could have been to prevent the last block in a difficulty period from applying the existing difficulty exception. Both solutions were deemed acceptable and there was no clear preference among reviewers.
    59+* Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU.

    Sjors commented at 8:23 am on June 26, 2024:
    The rule is also necessary to allow the difficulty to go down faster after a miner explodes it and leaves. Rather, I think the objection was against the alternative approach of setting the minimum difficulty to an S9 miner. That would make block storms significantly more expensive, but completely break this CPU mining trick.

    fjahr commented at 3:10 pm on July 9, 2024:
    The removal of 20-min rule was also suggested and rejected, it’s just hard to follow that because the conversation was going on in PR and ML in parallel at the time. I added another sentence on the difficulty going down, let me know if that works.
  33. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:60 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    56+The applied changes were the result of discussions on the mailing list and the PR. The selected changes try to strike a balance between minimal changes to the network (keeping it as close to mainnet as possible) while making it more robust against attackers that try to disrupt the network. Several alternative designs were considered:
    58+* For the block storm fix an alternative fix could have been to prevent the last block in a difficulty period from applying the existing difficulty exception. Both solutions were deemed acceptable and there was no clear preference among reviewers.
    59+* Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU.
    60+* Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner.

    Sjors commented at 8:23 am on June 26, 2024:
    That’s already impossible today on testnet4, except with the trick above - which I think is the real objection.

    fjahr commented at 3:10 pm on July 9, 2024:
    I thought that’s what I am saying here. I added a hint to the 20-min exception but if that doesn’t cut it for you can you suggest an alternative wording?
  34. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:75 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    58+* For the block storm fix an alternative fix could have been to prevent the last block in a difficulty period from applying the existing difficulty exception. Both solutions were deemed acceptable and there was no clear preference among reviewers.
    59+* Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU.
    60+* Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner.
    61+* Increase of the delay in the 20 min difficulty exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.
    62+* Re-enabling <code>acceptnonstdtxn</code> in bitcoin core by default was dismissed as it had led to confusion among layer-2s that had used testnet for transaction propagation tests and expected it to behave similar to mainnet.

    Sjors commented at 8:25 am on June 26, 2024:
    Standardness rules for testnet4 can be changed at a later point.

    fjahr commented at 3:10 pm on July 9, 2024:
    Yes, but I don’t understand what you are asking to be changed here. I am describing the discussion as the guidelines say: “It should describe alternate designs that were considered” under rationale.

    Sjors commented at 8:11 am on July 11, 2024:
    Whether acceptnonstdtxn is on by default in Bitcoin Core, is not part of the design of testnet4. But it’s fine to just leave it here.
  35. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:74 in aad54df7b3 outdated
    58+* For the block storm fix an alternative fix could have been to prevent the last block in a difficulty period from applying the existing difficulty exception. Both solutions were deemed acceptable and there was no clear preference among reviewers.
    59+* Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU.
    60+* Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner.
    61+* Increase of the delay in the 20 min difficulty exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.
    62+* Re-enabling <code>acceptnonstdtxn</code> in bitcoin core by default was dismissed as it had led to confusion among layer-2s that had used testnet for transaction propagation tests and expected it to behave similar to mainnet.
    63+* Motivating miners to re-org min difficulty blocks was suggested but this may still be done after Testnet 4 is deployed, so it can be considered out of scope for this BIP.

    Sjors commented at 8:25 am on June 26, 2024:
    Indeed, though it requires messing with the timestamp as explained above.

    fjahr commented at 3:10 pm on July 9, 2024:
    I didn’t think the details how this would work exactly matter this much here. Or if you would really like something added can you suggest a different wording?

    Sjors commented at 8:19 am on July 11, 2024:
    It’s probably fine as-is.
  36. Sjors approved
  37. Sjors commented at 10:02 am on June 26, 2024: member

    Concept ACK aad54df7b3c3db49f05e6c354c2066c2e4911ba7.

    I left feedback on the explanation, but the proposed rules themselves look good to me.

    I’m still open to someone writing a script to produce useful test vectors, and resetting the genesis block to include those earlier.

    Other than that, it seems we ran out of steam coming up with ideas to further improve testnet4 resistance against shenanigans. There’s always testnet5 :-)

  38. 5twelve approved
  39. fjahr force-pushed on Jul 9, 2024
  40. fjahr commented at 3:16 pm on July 9, 2024: contributor

    I’m still open to someone writing a script to produce useful test vectors, and resetting the genesis block to include those earlier.

    I am happy to add this but writing that script is the hard part. I am working on something but there are a lot of ideas, contributors welcome!

  41. fjahr force-pushed on Jul 9, 2024
  42. fjahr force-pushed on Jul 9, 2024
  43. fjahr force-pushed on Jul 9, 2024
  44. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:45 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    41+=== 20-min Exception ===
    43+This rule was already previously implemented and active in Testnet 3<ref></ref>.
    45+A block with a timestamp that is more than 20 minutes past the timestamp of the previous block must have a minimum difficulty of 1 (the network's minimum difficulty) instead of whatever the actual difficulty level currently is. This applies to all blocks in a difficulty period except for the first block. This means the blocks must change their <code>nBits</code> field from the actual difficulty level to the minimum difficulty value <code>0x1d00ffff</code>.

    murchandamus commented at 2:55 pm on July 17, 2024:
    I didn’t realize before that the use of the 20-min exception is mandatory. Would a block that is mined with a later timestamp but at regular difficulty actually be rejected as invalid?

    fjahr commented at 6:29 pm on July 18, 2024:
    Yepp! I hadn’t realized the rejection part myself before @Sjors pointed it out here: #1601 (review)
  45. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:51 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    47+This rule also led to the block storms<ref></ref> which the following rule seeks to fix.
    49+=== Block Storm Fix ===
    51+The work required for a new difficulty period is calculated as multiplication factor to the difficulty of the previous period (but no less than 1/4th and no more than 4x). This factor is applied to the nBits value of the last block.

    murchandamus commented at 3:00 pm on July 17, 2024:

    Here in the Specification section, this could be understood to be describing the fix. Perhaps it should be clarified that the latter does not apply to Testnet 4.

    0The work required for a new difficulty period is calculated as multiplication factor to the difficulty of the previous period (but no less than 1/4th and no more than 4x). On Mainnet and Testnet 3, this factor is applied to the nBits value of the last block.

    fjahr commented at 6:29 pm on July 18, 2024:
  46. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:53 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    49+=== Block Storm Fix ===
    51+The work required for a new difficulty period is calculated as multiplication factor to the difficulty of the previous period (but no less than 1/4th and no more than 4x). This factor is applied to the nBits value of the last block.
    53+Block storms are generated by causing the nBits value of the last block to be 1, using the rule from the previous section. The multiplication factor then results in a new difficulty between 1 (since it can't be less) and 4. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can then be generated at very low difficulty. The block storm is bound only by miner hash rate, the need for every last block in the difficulty adjustment period to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule and the requirement that blocks can't be more than 2 hours in the future.

    murchandamus commented at 3:34 pm on July 17, 2024:

    Perhaps mention that block storms were happening organically before someone figured out that they could create a perpetual storm:

    0Block storms happen organically whenever the 20-minute exception is applied to a difficulty period’s last block, setting its nBits value to 1. The difficulty adjustment rules then limit the subsequent difficulty to a value between 1 (the minimum) and 4. Blocks will be generated rapidly in the subsequent low-difficulty periods while the difficulty climbs back to an adequate range. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can be generated quickly by repeatedly using the 20-minute exception on every last block of difficulty periods. The block storm is then bounded only by miner hash rate, the need for last blocks to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule, and the requirement that blocks can't be more than 2 hours in the future. Overall a sustained would eventually be limited to a maximum cadence of one block per second.

    fjahr commented at 6:29 pm on July 18, 2024:
    Sounds good to me, taken with minor edit: I think the last sentence was missing a word. I think you want to say “Overall a sustained attack would…”
  47. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:55 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    51+The work required for a new difficulty period is calculated as multiplication factor to the difficulty of the previous period (but no less than 1/4th and no more than 4x). This factor is applied to the nBits value of the last block.
    53+Block storms are generated by causing the nBits value of the last block to be 1, using the rule from the previous section. The multiplication factor then results in a new difficulty between 1 (since it can't be less) and 4. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can then be generated at very low difficulty. The block storm is bound only by miner hash rate, the need for every last block in the difficulty adjustment period to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule and the requirement that blocks can't be more than 2 hours in the future.
    55+A block storm does not require a time warp attack, but one can be used to amplify it.

    murchandamus commented at 3:37 pm on July 17, 2024:

    It was not clear to me at first how a time warp attack could be used to exacerbate the perpetual block storm attack, but this is how I explained it to myself then:

    0A block storm does not require a time warp attack, but one can be used to amplify<ref>A perpetual block storm attack with entire difficulty period being authored in less than 3.5 days that resets the difficulty to the minimum in the last block of every difficulty period would adjust to a new actual difficulty of 4 every period. An attacker that additionally leverages a time warp attack would start their attack by holding back timestamps until the latest block’s timestamp is at least two weeks in the past, and then limiting their block rate to six blocks per second, incrementing the timestamp on every sixth block. Only on the last block they would use the current time, which both resets the difficulty to one per the 20-minute exception and would result in a difficulty adjustment keeping the difficulty at the minimum due to the elapsed time exceeding the target.</ref> it.

    fjahr commented at 6:29 pm on July 18, 2024:

    I have added this but maybe @Sjors can chime in if he had a different style of attack in mind.

    I think what’s also true and could be added here as well is that the 20-minute exception rule makes it possible to attack Testnet 4 with lower hash power than usual. I realize now that is the inverse of what is written here right now but it’s been in my mind mostly when thinking of why we don’t want time warp attacks.

    For example, to ensure that the attacker gets to set the timestamp on the first block (or any particular block) of the difficulty period they could use the 20-min exception to reorg other miners out. They could mine in the pattern of one block with a timestamp as low as the MTP permits, then a few 20-min exception blocks on top of that to reorg anyone else who has found blocks in the meantime, then again another real one with as low as MTP permits. That should allow them to reliably keep MTP low even with low mining power compared to the rest of the network. I guess 10% of the network hashrate might be enough to exploit the time warp on Testnet 4 without timewarp protection, since you need to be able to find at least one real block within the MTP window somewhat reliably. The good thing is of course that each 20-min exception also potentially drags MTP forward so that makes the attack a bit trickier.

    In general I think we should see average blocktimes faster than 10 min if the 20-min exception is taken advantage of regularly already even without doing anything to the timestamps.

    I need to think a bit more about this but I can try to draft something if you think this belongs in here as well.

    murchandamus commented at 7:42 pm on July 19, 2024:

    Oh, I thought that blocks would count towards the total work of the chain according to their nBits and that would mean that even several 20-minute exception blocks would contribute less to the total work than one block mined at the actual difficulty.

    I asked a clarifying question here:

    Edit: It sounds like you would have to mine a large number of 20-minute exception blocks to oust an actual difficulty block ;)

    murchandamus commented at 1:53 pm on July 22, 2024:

    Was just thinking about this again. I am not quite sure I follow your scenario. If you were suggesting that two 20-minute exception blocks can displace one actual difficulty block, I don’t think that’s the case. The total work added by the two 20-minute blocks would only amount to difficulty 2, whereas the actual difficulty block would probably have a difficulty of more than 2.

    However, if there are two actual difficulty blocks competing, one could easily decide the tie by mining a 20-minute exception block as diff_act + 1 would beat diff_act.

    fjahr commented at 10:02 pm on July 30, 2024:
    Yeah, I guess I was exaggerating since not multiple blocks can be reorged. But I do think that what you describe in the second paragraph with the two competing blocks does lower the amount of hash power you need to successfully attack the network, though not that significantly. But it gives you a bit higher chance to find blocks more consistently since you can try to make a competing block and make it win with the 20-min block afterwards if you were not successful for a while.
  48. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:57 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    53+Block storms are generated by causing the nBits value of the last block to be 1, using the rule from the previous section. The multiplication factor then results in a new difficulty between 1 (since it can't be less) and 4. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can then be generated at very low difficulty. The block storm is bound only by miner hash rate, the need for every last block in the difficulty adjustment period to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule and the requirement that blocks can't be more than 2 hours in the future.
    55+A block storm does not require a time warp attack, but one can be used to amplify it.
    57+The mitigation consists of adding a new rule, to no longer apply the adjustment factor to the last block of the previous difficulty period when its difficulty is 1. In that case blocks are traversed in reverse order until a block is found with a higher difficulty. If the first block of the previous period also has difficulty 1 than this is used.

    murchandamus commented at 4:05 pm on July 17, 2024:

    Why do we need to traverse in reverse order at all? Wouldn’t it be easier to always use the first block’s nBits to calculate the difficulty adjustment? It seems to me that it would even be compatible with mainnet.

    0The mitigation consists of adding a new rule, to no longer apply the adjustment factor to the last block of the previous difficulty period when its difficulty is 1. In that case, blocks are traversed in reverse order until a block is found with a higher difficulty. Only if all blocks of the previous period have a difficulty of 1, including its first block, difficulty 1 is used.

    fjahr commented at 6:29 pm on July 18, 2024:

    You are right, that makes sense. I think the traversing back just made sense to me initially because that’s what we are also doing when we look for the real difficulty of a normal 20-minute exception block. I will look into simplifying the code in the PR with this in mind and then update here.

    Also took the suggested change here.

    fjahr commented at 10:12 pm on July 30, 2024:
    I have applied that change to the PR now and also made the respective edit here.
  49. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:59 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    55+A block storm does not require a time warp attack, but one can be used to amplify it.
    57+The mitigation consists of adding a new rule, to no longer apply the adjustment factor to the last block of the previous difficulty period when its difficulty is 1. In that case blocks are traversed in reverse order until a block is found with a higher difficulty. If the first block of the previous period also has difficulty 1 than this is used.
    59+The previous block that is found in this manner is assumed to be the actual difficulty of the network and used as the base for the calculation of the new difficulty level. Note that the first block in new difficulty period does not allow usage of the 20-min rule (this is prior behavior). This means that in each difficulty period the first block should always have the actual difficulty even if all other blocks were mined with the 20-min rule.

    murchandamus commented at 4:06 pm on July 17, 2024:
    0The previous block that is found in this manner must contain the actual difficulty of the network and can therefore be used as the base for the calculation of the new difficulty level. Note that the first block in new difficulty period does not allow usage of the 20-min exception (this is prior behavior). This means that in each difficulty period the first block must always have the actual difficulty even if all other blocks were mined with the 20-min exception.

    murchandamus commented at 5:59 pm on July 17, 2024:
    0The previous block that is found in this manner is assumed to be the actual difficulty of the network and used as the base for the calculation of the new difficulty level. Note that the first block in new difficulty period does not allow usage of the 20-minute exception (this is prior behavior). This means that in each difficulty period the first block should always have the actual difficulty even if all other blocks were mined with the 20-minute exception.

    fjahr commented at 6:29 pm on July 18, 2024:

    fjahr commented at 6:30 pm on July 18, 2024:
  50. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:65 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    59+The previous block that is found in this manner is assumed to be the actual difficulty of the network and used as the base for the calculation of the new difficulty level. Note that the first block in new difficulty period does not allow usage of the 20-min rule (this is prior behavior). This means that in each difficulty period the first block should always have the actual difficulty even if all other blocks were mined with the 20-min rule.
    61+=== Time Warp Fix ===
    63+To protect against the time warp attack, the following rule proposed as part of The Great Consensus Cleanup<ref></ref> is enforced: "The nTime field of each block whose height, mod 2016, is 0 must be greater than or equal to the nTime field of the immediately prior block minus 600. For the avoidance of doubt, such blocks must still comply with existing Median-Time-Past nTime restrictions."

    murchandamus commented at 5:24 pm on July 17, 2024:
    0In addition to a time warp attack potentially exacerbating the perpetual block storm attack, a time warp attack provides an alternative way to increase the block production rate even if the unintended reset of the actual difficulty due to the 20-minute exception was mitigated.
    1To protect against the time warp attack, the following rule proposed as part of The Great Consensus Cleanup<ref></ref> is enforced: "The nTime field of each block whose height, mod 2016, is 0 must be greater than or equal to the nTime field of the immediately prior block minus 600. For the avoidance of doubt, such blocks must still comply with existing Median-Time-Past nTime restrictions."

    fjahr commented at 6:30 pm on July 18, 2024:
  51. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:70 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    65+== Rationale ==
    67+The applied changes were the result of discussions on the mailing list and the PR. The selected changes try to strike a balance between minimal changes to the network (keeping it as close to mainnet as possible) while making it more robust against attackers that try to disrupt the network. Several alternative designs were considered:
    69+* For the block storm fix an alternative fix could have been to prevent the last block in a difficulty period from applying the existing difficulty exception. Both solutions were deemed acceptable and there was no clear preference among reviewers.
    70+* Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU. It is also prevents the chain from getting stuck immediately in case a large amount of hash power suddenly leaves the network which allows the chain to recover to a normal difficulty level faster.

    murchandamus commented at 5:32 pm on July 17, 2024:

    Extraneous word in “It is also prevents”, and “It also prevents the chain from getting stuck immediately” bugs me a bit, since that is only true for 2015 blocks out 2016. ;)


    0* Removal of the 20-minute exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU. The 20-minute exception also allows CPU users to move the chain forward (except on the first block that needs to be mined at actual difficulty) in case a large amount of hash power suddenly leaves the network. This would allow the chain to recover to a normal difficulty level faster if left stranded at high difficulty.

    fjahr commented at 6:30 pm on July 18, 2024:
  52. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:74 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    69+* For the block storm fix an alternative fix could have been to prevent the last block in a difficulty period from applying the existing difficulty exception. Both solutions were deemed acceptable and there was no clear preference among reviewers.
    70+* Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU. It is also prevents the chain from getting stuck immediately in case a large amount of hash power suddenly leaves the network which allows the chain to recover to a normal difficulty level faster.
    71+* Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner (utilizing the 20-min exception).
    72+* Increase of the delay in the 20 min difficulty exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.
    73+* Re-enabling <code>acceptnonstdtxn</code> in bitcoin core by default was dismissed as it had led to confusion among layer-2s that had used testnet for transaction propagation tests and expected it to behave similar to mainnet.
    74+* Motivating miners to re-org min difficulty blocks was suggested but this may still be done after Testnet 4 is deployed, so it can be considered out of scope for this BIP.

    murchandamus commented at 5:34 pm on July 17, 2024:

    How about:

    0* Motivating miners to re-org min difficulty blocks was suggested, but was considered out of scope for this BIP, since adoption of such a mining policy remains available after Testnet 4 is deployed.

    fjahr commented at 6:30 pm on July 18, 2024:
  53. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:75 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    70+* Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU. It is also prevents the chain from getting stuck immediately in case a large amount of hash power suddenly leaves the network which allows the chain to recover to a normal difficulty level faster.
    71+* Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner (utilizing the 20-min exception).
    72+* Increase of the delay in the 20 min difficulty exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.
    73+* Re-enabling <code>acceptnonstdtxn</code> in bitcoin core by default was dismissed as it had led to confusion among layer-2s that had used testnet for transaction propagation tests and expected it to behave similar to mainnet.
    74+* Motivating miners to re-org min difficulty blocks was suggested but this may still be done after Testnet 4 is deployed, so it can be considered out of scope for this BIP.
    75+* Persisting the real difficulty in the version field was suggested to prevent exploits of the 20-min rule in an even more robust way, but did not receive a critical level of support since it would be a more invasive change.

    murchandamus commented at 5:37 pm on July 17, 2024:
    0* Persisting the real difficulty in the version field was suggested to robustly prevent exploits of the 20-minute exception while allowing it to be used on any block, but did not receive a sufficient level of support to justify the more invasive change.

    fjahr commented at 6:30 pm on July 18, 2024:
  54. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:102 in 541ad43eaa outdated
     98+=== Message Start ===
    100+The message start is defined as <code>0x1c163f28</code>. These four bytes were randomly generated and have no special meaning.
    102+== Compatibility ==

    murchandamus commented at 5:42 pm on July 17, 2024:
    0== Backwards Compatibility ==

    fjahr commented at 6:30 pm on July 18, 2024:
  55. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:108 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    104+This specification is backward compatible in the sense that existing software can use Testnet 4 out of the box, assuming support for Testnet 3 already exists.
    106+Simply by adding the network parameters for Testnet 4 (magic number, etc.), a client can connect to and use Testnet 4 without further modifications. The block headers have valid proof of work, so clients can trivially check that blocks are "probably" valid.
    108+However, without the implementation of the changes detailed in Specifications, a client could follow a chain that does not follow the rules. Any fully validating node should check these rules and reject blocks that fail to follow them. Clients should either validate these rules or connect to trusted peers that do full validation.

    murchandamus commented at 5:55 pm on July 17, 2024:

    It’s not obvious to me why this section speaks about full nodes. Both new rules can be validated on basis of the headers and therefore should even be enforced by light clients.

    0The rules used by Testnet 4 are backwards compatible to the rules of Testnet 3. Existing software that implements support for Testnet 3 would only require addition of the network parameters  (magic number, genesis block, etc.) to be able to follow Testnet 4. 
    2However, implementations that only implement Testnet 3’s rules would accept a chain that violates Testnet 4’s rules and are therefore susceptible to being forked off. It is recommended that any implementations check blocks in regard to all the new rules of Testnet 4 and reject blocks that fail to comply.

    fjahr commented at 6:30 pm on July 18, 2024:
  56. murchandamus commented at 5:57 pm on July 17, 2024: contributor
    Formatting of the document looks good to me. I have a few suggestions on alternative phrasings and potential additions. Please feel free to take or leave as you wish.
  57. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:41 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    37+== Specification ==
    39+Consensus of Testnet 4 follows the same rules as mainnet with the exception of the three rules detailed below. Additionally all soft forks that are active on mainnet as of May 2024 are enforced from genesis.
    41+=== 20-min Exception ===

    murchandamus commented at 5:58 pm on July 17, 2024:
    0=== 20-minute Exception ===

    fjahr commented at 6:30 pm on July 18, 2024:
  58. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:71 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    67+The applied changes were the result of discussions on the mailing list and the PR. The selected changes try to strike a balance between minimal changes to the network (keeping it as close to mainnet as possible) while making it more robust against attackers that try to disrupt the network. Several alternative designs were considered:
    69+* For the block storm fix an alternative fix could have been to prevent the last block in a difficulty period from applying the existing difficulty exception. Both solutions were deemed acceptable and there was no clear preference among reviewers.
    70+* Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU. It is also prevents the chain from getting stuck immediately in case a large amount of hash power suddenly leaves the network which allows the chain to recover to a normal difficulty level faster.
    71+* Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner (utilizing the 20-min exception).

    murchandamus commented at 6:00 pm on July 17, 2024:
    0* Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner (utilizing the 20-minute exception).

    fjahr commented at 6:30 pm on July 18, 2024:
  59. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:72 in 541ad43eaa outdated
    67+The applied changes were the result of discussions on the mailing list and the PR. The selected changes try to strike a balance between minimal changes to the network (keeping it as close to mainnet as possible) while making it more robust against attackers that try to disrupt the network. Several alternative designs were considered:
    69+* For the block storm fix an alternative fix could have been to prevent the last block in a difficulty period from applying the existing difficulty exception. Both solutions were deemed acceptable and there was no clear preference among reviewers.
    70+* Removal of the 20-min difficulty exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU. It is also prevents the chain from getting stuck immediately in case a large amount of hash power suddenly leaves the network which allows the chain to recover to a normal difficulty level faster.
    71+* Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner (utilizing the 20-min exception).
    72+* Increase of the delay in the 20 min difficulty exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.

    murchandamus commented at 6:00 pm on July 17, 2024:
    0* Increase of the delay in the 20-minute exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.

    fjahr commented at 6:30 pm on July 18, 2024:
  60. murchandamus commented at 6:05 pm on July 17, 2024: contributor
    Oh, I noticed that the document uses “20 min difficulty exception”, “20-min exception”, “20-min difficulty exception”, and “20-min rule” for the same concept. I would recommend to use one term in all instances: “20-minute exception”.
  61. fjahr force-pushed on Jul 18, 2024
  62. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:53 in 1be362cec9 outdated
    49+=== Block Storm Fix ===
    51+The work required for a new difficulty period is calculated as multiplication factor to the difficulty of the previous period (but no less than 1/4th and no more than 4x). On Mainnet and Testnet 3, this factor is applied to the nBits value of the last block.
    53+Block storms happen organically whenever the 20-minute exception is applied to a difficulty period’s last block, setting its nBits value to 1. The difficulty adjustment rules then limit the subsequent difficulty to a value between 1 (the minimum) and 4. Blocks will be generated rapidly in the subsequent low-difficulty periods while the difficulty climbs back to an adequate range. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can be generated quickly by repeatedly using the 20-minute exception on every last block of difficulty periods. The block storm is then bounded only by miner hash rate, the need for last blocks to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule, and the requirement that blocks can't be more than 2 hours in the future. Overall a sustained attack would eventually be limited to a maximum cadence of one block per second.

    murchandamus commented at 1:56 pm on July 22, 2024:

    Sorry, I was wrong on this one. The maximum sustainable cadence of blocks is six per second, not one per second.

    0Block storms happen organically whenever the 20-minute exception is applied to a difficulty period’s last block, setting its nBits value to 1. The difficulty adjustment rules then limit the subsequent difficulty to a value between 1 (the minimum) and 4. Blocks will be generated rapidly in the subsequent low-difficulty periods while the difficulty climbs back to an adequate range. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can be generated quickly by repeatedly using the 20-minute exception on every last block of difficulty periods. The block storm is then bounded only by miner hash rate, the need for last blocks to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule, and the requirement that blocks can't be more than 2 hours in the future. Overall a sustained attack would eventually be limited to a maximum cadence of six blocks per second.

    garlonicon commented at 9:33 am on July 30, 2024:
    Yes, you can confirm on regtest, that it is possible to mine blocks faster than one per second. In two hours, you have 7200 seconds. It is possible to mine regtest blocks continuously, and then, you end up with roughly 40k blocks per two hours. Which means, that you can practically mine six blocks per second, so 6*7200=43200 blocks per two hours.

    fjahr commented at 10:02 pm on July 30, 2024:
  63. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:55 in 1be362cec9 outdated
    51+The work required for a new difficulty period is calculated as multiplication factor to the difficulty of the previous period (but no less than 1/4th and no more than 4x). On Mainnet and Testnet 3, this factor is applied to the nBits value of the last block.
    53+Block storms happen organically whenever the 20-minute exception is applied to a difficulty period’s last block, setting its nBits value to 1. The difficulty adjustment rules then limit the subsequent difficulty to a value between 1 (the minimum) and 4. Blocks will be generated rapidly in the subsequent low-difficulty periods while the difficulty climbs back to an adequate range. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can be generated quickly by repeatedly using the 20-minute exception on every last block of difficulty periods. The block storm is then bounded only by miner hash rate, the need for last blocks to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule, and the requirement that blocks can't be more than 2 hours in the future. Overall a sustained attack would eventually be limited to a maximum cadence of one block per second.
    55+A block storm does not require a time warp attack, but one can be used to amplify<ref>A perpetual block storm attack with entire difficulty period being authored in less than 3.5 days that resets the difficulty to the minimum in the last block of every difficulty period would adjust to a new actual difficulty of 4 every period. An attacker that additionally leverages a time warp attack would start their attack by holding back timestamps until the latest block’s timestamp is at least two weeks in the past, and then limiting their block rate to six blocks per second, incrementing the timestamp on every sixth block. Only on the last block they would use the current time, which both resets the difficulty to one per the 20-minute exception and would result in a difficulty adjustment keeping the difficulty at the minimum due to the elapsed time exceeding the target.</ref> it.

    murchandamus commented at 1:59 pm on July 22, 2024:

    One more sentence to make the amplification obvious.

    0A block storm does not require a time warp attack, but one can be used to amplify<ref>A perpetual block storm attack with entire difficulty periods being authored in less than 3.5 days that resets the difficulty to the minimum in the last block of every difficulty period would adjust to a new actual difficulty of 4 every period. An attacker that additionally leverages a time warp attack would start their attack by holding back timestamps until the latest block’s timestamp is at least two weeks in the past, and then limiting their block rate to six blocks per second, incrementing the timestamp on every sixth block. Only on the last block they would use the current time, which both resets the difficulty to one per the 20-minute exception and would result in a difficulty adjustment keeping the difficulty at the minimum due to the elapsed time exceeding the target. This would allow lower the difficulty for all blocks to difficulty 1 instead of difficulty 4.</ref> it.

    fjahr commented at 10:02 pm on July 30, 2024:
  64. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:76 in 1be362cec9 outdated
    71+* For the block storm fix an alternative fix could have been to prevent the last block in a difficulty period from applying the existing difficulty exception. Both solutions were deemed acceptable and there was no clear preference among reviewers.
    72+* Removal of the 20-minute exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU. The 20-minute exception also allows CPU users to move the chain forward (except on the first block that needs to be mined at actual difficulty) in case a large amount of hash power suddenly leaves the network. This would allow the chain to recover to a normal difficulty level faster if left stranded at high difficulty.
    73+* Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner (utilizing the 20-minute exception).
    74+* Increase of the delay in the 20-minute exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.
    75+* Re-enabling <code>acceptnonstdtxn</code> in bitcoin core by default was dismissed as it had led to confusion among layer-2s that had used testnet for transaction propagation tests and expected it to behave similar to mainnet.
    76+* Motivating miners to re-org min difficulty blocks was suggested, but was considered out of scope for this BIP, since adoption of such a mining policy remains available after Testnet 4 is deployed.

    murchandamus commented at 2:03 pm on July 22, 2024:

    The diverging total work contribution of 20-minute exception blocks could be highlighted here:

    0* Motivating miners to re-org min difficulty blocks was suggested, but was considered out of scope for this BIP, since adoption of such a mining policy remains available after Testnet 4 is deployed. As 20-minute exception blocks only contribute work corresponding to difficulty one to the chaintip, and actual difficulty blocks should have a difficulty magnitudes higher, a block mined at actual difficulty could easily replace even multiple 20-minute exception blocks.

    fjahr commented at 10:03 pm on July 30, 2024:
  65. in bip-testnet4.mediawiki:77 in 1be362cec9 outdated
    72+* Removal of the 20-minute exception was discussed but dismissed since several reviewers insisted that it was a useful feature allowing non-standard transactions to be mined with just a CPU. The 20-minute exception also allows CPU users to move the chain forward (except on the first block that needs to be mined at actual difficulty) in case a large amount of hash power suddenly leaves the network. This would allow the chain to recover to a normal difficulty level faster if left stranded at high difficulty.
    73+* Increase of minimum difficulty was discussed but dismissed as it would categorically prevent participation in the network using a CPU miner (utilizing the 20-minute exception).
    74+* Increase of the delay in the 20-minute exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.
    75+* Re-enabling <code>acceptnonstdtxn</code> in bitcoin core by default was dismissed as it had led to confusion among layer-2s that had used testnet for transaction propagation tests and expected it to behave similar to mainnet.
    76+* Motivating miners to re-org min difficulty blocks was suggested, but was considered out of scope for this BIP, since adoption of such a mining policy remains available after Testnet 4 is deployed.
    77+* Persisting the real difficulty in the version field was suggested to robustly prevent exploits of the 20-minute exception while allowing it to be used on any block, but did not receive a sufficient level of support to justify the more invasive change.

    murchandamus commented at 2:04 pm on July 22, 2024:
    Also, that happens essentially in the first block of each difficulty period automatically without introducing any other changes.

    fjahr commented at 10:03 pm on July 30, 2024:
    Hm, I am not sure if that is relevant. The idea of this was to make it possible to make the first block also a 20-min block so the “other changes” are implied in this. And those basically are also what is referred to as the invasive change.
  66. murchandamus approved
  67. murchandamus commented at 2:05 pm on July 22, 2024: contributor
    Gave it another read. Looks good to me, got a couple more suggestions.
  68. murchandamus removed the label PR Author action required on Jul 22, 2024
  69. murchandamus commented at 2:40 pm on July 22, 2024: contributor

    Let’s call this BIP 94.

    Could you please add the number to the PR title, put it into the preamble, and insert a table entry in the README for your BIP?

  70. RandyMcMillan commented at 3:33 pm on July 22, 2024: contributor


    To prevent a premine - take the bits from a hash of a future mainnet block:

    psuedo code ’’' if mainnet_blockheight >= 898898 then messageStart = sha256(mainnetblock_hash_898898) … ’''

    This method can be reused for all future testnets?

    This is both deterministic and verifiable?

  71. RandyMcMillan commented at 4:06 pm on July 22, 2024: contributor


    To prevent a premine - take the bits from a hash of a future mainnet block:

    psuedo code ’’' if mainnet_blockheight >= 898898 then messageStart = sha256(mainnetblock_hash_898898) … ’''

    This method can be reused for all future testnets?

    This is both deterministic and verifiable?

    Couldn’t the mainnet_blockheight be a parameter - enabling devs to spin up their own testnet4? It may be useful to miners for testing? In fact - every future block can seed its own testnet4. :)

  72. RandyMcMillan commented at 4:23 pm on July 22, 2024: contributor
    A parameterized testnet4 <mainnet_blockheight> may have the effect of allowing inscribers to use a testnet4 at mainnet_blockheight <int> for their own purposes - mitigating the incentives to pollute mainnet as well as the global testnet4 at blockheight <tbd>
  73. RandyMcMillan commented at 4:33 pm on July 22, 2024: contributor

    Note: I was - in jest - calling this “blobnet” :)

  74. jonatack renamed this:
    Add BIP Testnet 4
    BIP94 Testnet 4
    on Jul 24, 2024
  75. jonatack added the label PR Author action required on Jul 24, 2024
  76. fjahr force-pushed on Jul 30, 2024
  77. fjahr force-pushed on Jul 30, 2024
  78. fjahr commented at 10:15 pm on July 30, 2024: contributor

    A parameterized testnet4 <mainnet_blockheight> may have the effect of allowing inscribers to use a testnet4 at mainnet_blockheight for their own purposes - mitigating the incentives to pollute mainnet as well as the global testnet4 at blockheight

    Part of what makes Testnet still interesting is that there are lots of others using it. So I think this is a different feature that is out of scope for this BIP, requiring seperate conceptual review etc..

  79. in bip-0094.mediawiki:7 in ebc9b1737f outdated
    0@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
    2+  BIP: 94
    3+  Layer: Applications
    4+  Title: Testnet 4
    5+  Author: Fabian Jahr <>
    6+  Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
    7+  Comments-URI:

    murchandamus commented at 5:13 pm on July 31, 2024:
    0  Comments-URI:

    fjahr commented at 6:16 pm on July 31, 2024:
  80. in bip-0094.mediawiki:57 in ebc9b1737f outdated
    53+Block storms happen organically whenever the 20-minute exception is applied to a difficulty period’s last block, setting its nBits value to 1. The difficulty adjustment rules then limit the subsequent difficulty to a value between 1 (the minimum) and 4. Blocks will be generated rapidly in the subsequent low-difficulty periods while the difficulty climbs back to an adequate range. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can be generated quickly by repeatedly using the 20-minute exception on every last block of difficulty periods. The block storm is then bounded only by miner hash rate, the need for last blocks to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule, and the requirement that blocks can't be more than 2 hours in the future. Overall a sustained attack would eventually be limited to a maximum cadence of six blocks per second.
    55+A block storm does not require a time warp attack, but one can be used to amplify<ref>A perpetual block storm attack with entire difficulty periods being authored in less than 3.5 days that resets the difficulty to the minimum in the last block of every difficulty period would adjust to a new actual difficulty of 4 every period. An attacker that additionally leverages a time warp attack would start their attack by holding back timestamps until the latest block’s timestamp is at least two weeks in the past, and then limiting their block rate to six blocks per second, incrementing the timestamp on every sixth block. Only on the last block they would use the current time, which both resets the difficulty to one per the 20-minute exception and would result in a difficulty adjustment keeping the difficulty at the minimum due to the elapsed time exceeding the target. This would allow lower the difficulty for all blocks to difficulty 1 instead of difficulty 4</ref> it.
    57+The mitigation consists of adding a new rule, to no longer apply the adjustment factor to the last block of the previous difficulty period when its difficulty is 1. In that case instead the first block of the difficulty period is used as the base.

    murchandamus commented at 5:18 pm on July 31, 2024:
    Isn’t it unnecessary to check the last block at all? We could just always use the first block’s difficulty.

    fjahr commented at 6:16 pm on July 31, 2024:
    Right, that’s what I am doing in the Bitcoin Core PR anyway.

    fjahr commented at 6:16 pm on July 31, 2024:
  81. murchandamus commented at 5:19 pm on July 31, 2024: contributor
    The second CI check fails because of the Comments-URI line, but I’m not sure why the third one fails. Perhaps it will be fixed by the Comments-URI as well.
  82. fjahr force-pushed on Jul 31, 2024
  83. in bip-0094.mediawiki:51 in 451f4533fd outdated
    47+This rule also led to the block storms<ref></ref> which the following rule seeks to fix.
    49+=== Block Storm Fix ===
    51+The work required for a new difficulty period is calculated as multiplication factor to the difficulty of the previous period (but no less than 1/4th and no more than 4x). On Mainnet and Testnet 3, this factor is applied to the nBits value of the last block.

    murchandamus commented at 8:14 pm on July 31, 2024:

    Nit: nBits is the target, and the difficulty is inversely related to the target, so the factor that is being applied to the difficulty is the inverse of the factor being applied to nBits.

    I also notice that it is not mentioned that the factor is based on the duration of the prior difficulty period.

    fjahr commented at 8:43 pm on July 31, 2024:
    Make some edits here that should address this.
  84. in bip-0094.mediawiki:53 in 451f4533fd outdated
    49+=== Block Storm Fix ===
    51+The work required for a new difficulty period is calculated as multiplication factor to the difficulty of the previous period (but no less than 1/4th and no more than 4x). On Mainnet and Testnet 3, this factor is applied to the nBits value of the last block.
    53+Block storms happen organically whenever the 20-minute exception is applied to a difficulty period’s last block, setting its nBits value to 1. The difficulty adjustment rules then limit the subsequent difficulty to a value between 1 (the minimum) and 4. Blocks will be generated rapidly in the subsequent low-difficulty periods while the difficulty climbs back to an adequate range. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can be generated quickly by repeatedly using the 20-minute exception on every last block of difficulty periods. The block storm is then bounded only by miner hash rate, the need for last blocks to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule, and the requirement that blocks can't be more than 2 hours in the future. Overall a sustained attack would eventually be limited to a maximum cadence of six blocks per second.

    murchandamus commented at 8:19 pm on July 31, 2024:

    As mentioned above, the nBits value corresponding to difficulty 1 is 0x1d00ffff. It would be better to clearly distinguish when we are referring to the difficulty and when we are referring to the target—it could be a bit confusing to say that the nBits value is “set to 1”.

    0Block storms happen organically whenever the 20-minute exception is applied to a difficulty period’s last block, causing the block to be mined at a difficulty of 1. The difficulty adjustment rules then limit the subsequent period’s difficulty to a value between 1 (the minimum) and 4. Blocks will be generated rapidly in the subsequent low-difficulty periods while the difficulty climbs back to an adequate range. An arbitrarily large number of blocks can be generated quickly by repeatedly using the 20-minute exception on every last block of difficulty periods. The block storm is then bounded only by miner hash rate, the need for last blocks to have a timestamp 20 minutes after the second to last block, the Median-Time-Past nTime rule, and the requirement that blocks can't be more than 2 hours in the future. Overall a sustained attack would eventually be limited to a maximum cadence of six blocks per second.

    fjahr commented at 8:43 pm on July 31, 2024:
  85. in bip-0094.mediawiki:79 in 451f4533fd outdated
    74+* Increase of the delay in the 20-minute exception was suggested but did not receive significant support.
    75+* Re-enabling <code>acceptnonstdtxn</code> in bitcoin core by default was dismissed as it had led to confusion among layer-2s that had used testnet for transaction propagation tests and expected it to behave similar to mainnet.
    76+* Motivating miners to re-org min difficulty blocks was suggested, but was considered out of scope for this BIP, since adoption of such a mining policy remains available after Testnet 4 is deployed. As 20-minute exception blocks only contribute work corresponding to difficulty one to the chaintip, and actual difficulty blocks should have a difficulty magnitudes higher, a block mined at actual difficulty could easily replace even multiple 20-minute exception blocks.
    77+* Persisting the real difficulty in the version field was suggested to robustly prevent exploits of the 20-minute exception while allowing it to be used on any block, but did not receive a sufficient level of support to justify the more invasive change.
    79+One known downside of the chosen approach is that if the difficulty is gradually raised by a miner with significant hash rate, and this miner disappears, then each difficulty adjustment period requires one block at the original difficulty.

    murchandamus commented at 8:23 pm on July 31, 2024:


    0One known downside of the chosen approach is that if the difficulty is gradually raised by a miner with significant hash rate, and this miner disappears, then each difficulty adjustment period requires one block at the actual difficulty.

    fjahr commented at 8:43 pm on July 31, 2024:
  86. in bip-0094.mediawiki:81 in 451f4533fd outdated
    76+* Motivating miners to re-org min difficulty blocks was suggested, but was considered out of scope for this BIP, since adoption of such a mining policy remains available after Testnet 4 is deployed. As 20-minute exception blocks only contribute work corresponding to difficulty one to the chaintip, and actual difficulty blocks should have a difficulty magnitudes higher, a block mined at actual difficulty could easily replace even multiple 20-minute exception blocks.
    77+* Persisting the real difficulty in the version field was suggested to robustly prevent exploits of the 20-minute exception while allowing it to be used on any block, but did not receive a sufficient level of support to justify the more invasive change.
    79+One known downside of the chosen approach is that if the difficulty is gradually raised by a miner with significant hash rate, and this miner disappears, then each difficulty adjustment period requires one block at the original difficulty.
    81+This would cause the network to stall once per difficulty adjustment period until the real difficulty is adjusted downwards enough for the remaining hash rate to find this block in reasonable time.

    murchandamus commented at 8:24 pm on July 31, 2024:

    I have been taught that in technical writing we should always use the same word for the same abstract concept, even if it is a bit more repetitive than we would write in prose. :nerd_face:

    0This would cause the network to stall once per difficulty adjustment period until the actual difficulty is adjusted downwards enough for the remaining hash rate to find this block in reasonable time.

    fjahr commented at 8:43 pm on July 31, 2024:
  87. murchandamus approved
  88. murchandamus commented at 8:27 pm on July 31, 2024: contributor

    ACK 451f4533fd5fe9a90b1d462f366042b63db50adc

    Left a few nits, but it also seems fine to be merged as is. What’s the plan regarding the Genesis Block? I seem to recall that we might reset another time before rolling it out for good.

  89. Add BIP 94 - Testnet 4 a35650e14e
  90. fjahr force-pushed on Jul 31, 2024
  91. fjahr commented at 8:53 pm on July 31, 2024: contributor

    What’s the plan regarding the Genesis Block? I seem to recall that we might reset another time before rolling it out for good.

    I will bring this up in the Bitcoin Core IRC meeting tomorrow. It may not be the perfect venue but I am not sure what could be a better one and I would like to know what we do before v28 feature freeze. Opinions mentioned to me have been split throughout the last months but I think there is more upside to not resetting. I don’t see an issue with the “pre-mine” of 40k blocks since many of these coins seem to be available through free faucets right now which makes it easier for anyone to get some right from the start. There currently is some distribution of these coins among several miners and it’s not clear to me that a more public re-launch next week gives us a fairer result. Maybe someone invests some real hashrate in order to get all of those first 40k blocks. And not resetting allows us to also set a min chain work as @Sjors mentioned on the PR. So I see more upside on not resetting personally but happy to discuss it.

    If we had gotten the task done of embedding scripts then we could have done the reset with that but I don’t think I will be able to finish that work by next week and nobody else seems to have stepped up either. I am still going to try to add these scripts in the later parts of the chain and make the tooling available for an eventual Testnet 5.

  92. murchandamus commented at 9:11 pm on July 31, 2024: contributor
    Okay, then let’s reconvene after Bitcoin Core meeting and consider whether we should merge. Thanks for the quick turnaround on my review.
  93. murchandamus removed the label PR Author action required on Jul 31, 2024
  94. fjahr commented at 4:34 pm on August 1, 2024: contributor
    Based on the feedback from the IRC discussion today I would say this is ready for merge.
  95. murchandamus merged this on Aug 2, 2024
  96. murchandamus closed this on Aug 2, 2024

  97. Roasbeef commented at 10:46 pm on March 6, 2025: contributor
    Should we have picked another bech32 prefix for testnet3? As is, it isn’t possbile to distinguish an address meant for testnet3 vs testnet4.
  98. Sjors commented at 9:27 am on March 7, 2025: member
    @Roasbeef changing the prefix would break ~all hardware wallet support.


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