Hash generation and token minting #1753

pull sotomiguel202 wants to merge 1 commits into bitcoin:master from sotomiguel202:patch-1 changing 1 files +854 −0
  1. sotomiguel202 commented at 6:09 pm on January 30, 2025: none

    def hash_minting_process(miner_hash): """ This function categorizes a miner’s hash and mints a corresponding token based on harmonic resonance theory and sacred geometry principles. """ hash_value = calculate_hash_value(miner_hash) resonance_category = classify_hash(hash_value) minted_token = mint_token(resonance_category) return minted_token

    def calculate_hash_value(miner_hash): """ Calculate hash value based on harmonic resonance principles and color frequency mapping. """ harmonic_value = analyze_harmonic_resonance(miner_hash) prime_distribution_value = analyze_prime_distribution(miner_hash) color_mapping_value = map_color_frequency(miner_hash)

    # Combine these values for a final hash value calculation
    final_value = harmonic_value + prime_distribution_value + color_mapping_value
    return final_value

    def analyze_harmonic_resonance(miner_hash): """ Analyzes the harmonic resonance of the hash. """ # Example logic: Check the number of sequences that align with a harmonic pattern. harmonic_value = 0 for i in range(len(miner_hash)): if is_harmonic(miner_hash[i]): harmonic_value += 1 return harmonic_value

    def analyze_prime_distribution(miner_hash): """ Analyzes prime number distribution in the hash. """ prime_value = 0 for i in range(len(miner_hash)): if is_prime(miner_hash[i]): prime_value += 1 return prime_value

    def map_color_frequency(miner_hash): """ Maps the hash to a color frequency spectrum (resonance mapping). """ color_value = 0 for char in miner_hash: color_value += get_color_frequency_value(char) return color_value

    def get_color_frequency_value(char): """ Converts hash character to a color frequency value. """ color_map = {‘a’: 1, ‘b’: 2, ‘c’: 3, ’d’: 4, ’e’: 5} # Simplified map for illustration. return color_map.get(char, 0)

    def is_harmonic(segment): """ Check if a given segment of the hash aligns with harmonic patterns. """ return segment in [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ’d’] # Simplified example for harmonic check

    def is_prime(value): """ Checks if the number is prime. """ if value <= 1: return False for i in range(2, int(value ** 0.5) + 1): if value % i == 0: return False return True

    def classify_hash(hash_value): """ Classifies the hash into a resonance category based on the final value calculated. """ if is_perfect_resonance(hash_value): return ‘Perfect Resonance’ elif is_resonant(hash_value): return ‘Resonant’ else: return ‘Standard’

    def is_perfect_resonance(hash_value): """ Check if the hash belongs to the perfect resonance category. """ # Assume we have some predefined rules for perfect resonance return hash_value > 100 # Example threshold

    def is_resonant(hash_value): """ Check if the hash belongs to the resonant category. """ return hash_value > 50 and hash_value <= 100

    def mint_token(resonance_category): """ Mints a new token based on the hash classification. """ if resonance_category == ‘Perfect Resonance’: return create_token(value_multiplier=10) elif resonance_category == ‘Resonant’: return create_token(value_multiplier=5) else: return create_token(value_multiplier=1)

    def create_token(value_multiplier): """ Create a new token with a given value multiplier. """ token_id = generate_unique_token_id() return Token(token_id, value_multiplier)

    def generate_unique_token_id(): """ Generates a unique token ID, could be based on hash ID or a random value. """ return hash(random.randint(0, 1000000)) # Example, unique identifier.

  2. Create Bip f5e500eafc
  3. in Bip:1 in f5e500eafc

    sotomiguel202 commented at 6:29 pm on January 30, 2025:

    class Token: def init(self, token_id, value_multiplier): """ Token class holds essential information about the hash-derived token. """ self.token_id = token_id self.value_multiplier = value_multiplier self.stake_amount = 0

    def increase_stake(self, amount):
        Increase stake on this token. This will affect its value in staking pools.
        self.stake_amount += amount
        self.value_multiplier *= (1 + stake_multiplier(amount))

    def stake_multiplier(amount): """ Returns the stake multiplier based on the staked amount. """ if amount < 10: return 0.05 # Low stake, 5% increase elif amount < 100: return 0.1 # Medium stake, 10% increase else: return 0.2 # High stake, 20% increase

    sotomiguel202 commented at 6:31 pm on January 30, 2025:

    class StakingPool: def init(self): """ Staking pool to hold staked tokens and their associated yield multiplier. """ self.pool = []

    def stake_tokens(self, tokens, stake_duration):
        Stake tokens for a given duration.
        for token in tokens:
            yield_multiplier = get_stake_multiplier(stake_duration)
            token.value_multiplier *= yield_multiplier
    def get_stake_multiplier(self, stake_duration):
        Returns a multiplier based on the staking period.
        if stake_duration <= 30:
            return 1.1  # 10% return after 30 days
        elif stake_duration <= 90:
            return 1.25  # 25% return after 90 days
            return 1.5  # 50% return after 180 days
    def unstake_tokens(self, token_ids):
        Unstake tokens after a specified duration. Can include transaction fees.
        for token_id in token_ids:
            token = self.get_token_by_id(token_id)
            if token:
                return token
        return None
    def get_token_by_id(self, token_id):
        Fetch a token from the pool by its ID.
        return next((t for t in self.pool if t.token_id == token_id), None)
  4. sotomiguel202 commented at 6:32 pm on January 30, 2025: none

    class GovernanceDAO: def init(self): """ DAO for governance decisions based on token votes. """ self.votes = {} self.rules = {}

    def submit_rule_change(self, proposal):
        Submit a rule change proposal for community voting.
        self.votes[proposal] = {'yes': 0, 'no': 0}
    def vote_on_proposal(self, proposal, vote):
        Allow token holders to vote on proposals.
        if vote == "yes":
            self.votes[proposal]['yes'] += 1
        elif vote == "no":
            self.votes[proposal]['no'] += 1
    def finalize_voting(self, proposal):
        Finalize the vote and apply changes.
        if self.votes[proposal]['yes'] > self.votes[proposal]['no']:
            self.rules[proposal] = "approved"
            return True
            self.rules[proposal] = "rejected"
            return False
  5. fanquake closed this on Jan 30, 2025

  6. bitcoin locked this on Jan 30, 2025



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