I lost a significant amount of bitcoin because bitcoinqt made transactions I never gave permission to: address changes. I assumed this software was unix-like, that basically it was good software. But because of the address changes, which are not signalled to the user, it is not.
Bitcoin private keys are artefacts of the bitcoin network. This is what the user own and is entitled too when he gets bitcoin. Bitcoin wallets are NOT artefacts of the network, they are not part of the network at all. From the point of view of the network, they are artefact of a 3rd party software. The user may use them, but he doesnt own bitcoin because he owns a wallet, the user owns bitcoins because he owns private keys.
Therefore, when bitcoinqt makes transaction - address changes - without warning the user, it is a clear breach of unix-like trust - for a lack of better terms.
Bitcoinqt should be unix-like. It should be fully transparent to the user, and not try to appeal to the mass. It should not be up to another software to fulfill that role.
Just make the address changes visible.
I can understand the mistake has been made at the beginning of bitcoin. Bitcoin was supposed to appeal to the mass in order to be used in mass consumption. It is still a mistake, but it is understandable. Today, we know it will never be used to buy a macdonald meal (beside the use of 3rd party software which make you think you do).