#12101 adds 2 edge cases to wallet_encryption.py, but those cases always fail with my mac.
wallet_encryption.log debug.log
in the debug.log:
02018-02-07 10:31:10.016784 Received a POST request for / from
12018-02-07 10:31:10.016861 ThreadRPCServer method=walletpassphrase
22018-02-07 10:31:10.120324 queue run of timer lockwallet(wallet.dat) in 1073741224 seconds (using HTTP)
32018-02-07 10:31:10.121092 Received a POST request for / from
42018-02-07 10:31:10.121184 libevent: kevent: Invalid argument
52018-02-07 10:31:10.121196 ThreadRPCServer method=getwalletinfo
62018-02-07 10:31:10.121208 Exited http event loop
It seems 1073741224 == (1 « 30) - 600 is accepted by libevent.event_add(), but fails libevent.event_base_dispatch() via kevent() and stop http thread loop, therefore following RPC(getwalletinfo) is timed out.
[enviroment] MacBook Pro (macOS 10.13.3/i7 2.2GHz/mem 16GB/SSD) Bitcoin Core version v0.16.99.0-1462bde76 (release build)
[how to reproduce the issue] wallet_encryption.py or bitcoin-cli walletpassphrase “yourpassphrase” 100000002