0 IPv4 IPv6 Onion Pass
1426728 59523 7900 Initial
2426728 59523 7900 Skip entries with invalid address
3426728 59523 7900 After removing duplicates
4426727 59523 7900 Skip entries from suspicious hosts
5123226 51785 7787 Enforce minimal number of blocks
6121710 51322 7586 Require service bit 1
7 4706 1427 3749 Require minimum uptime
8 4124 1098 3681 Require a known and recent user agent
9 4033 1075 3681 Filter out hosts with multiple bitcoin ports
10 512 140 512 Look up ASNs and limit results per ASN and per net
I’ve credited RandyMcMillan for the first commit because of #20190.
There are at least enough onions this time! Number of IPv6 nodes that pass all the requirements seems similar to last time in #18506.
For the next major release we’ll want TORv3 hardcoded peers as well. This makes no sense now as there are hardly any. But it’d make sense to think about how to collect them because they cannot come from the DNS seeds.
02020-10-28 12:04:45 jnewbery wumpus: Do you have any suggestions for how to review [#20237](/bitcoin-bitcoin/20237/) ?
12020-10-28 12:28:37 wumpus jnewbery: previous PRs like it might be a guide there (#18506, [#16999](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16999/)), e.g. people could try to repeat the last step in and see if it ends up with the same .h file, you could also repeat the entire process but as the list of peers from the seeder will be different every time that will give a (slightly, hopefully)
22020-10-28 12:28:37 wumpus different output
32020-10-28 12:49:40 wumpus testing what part of the peers are connectable is also useful
42020-10-28 12:51:05 wumpus or to go deeper, whether most part of the nodes are 'good nodes' and not say spy nodes, but i don't know what means of testing