style: How to format multi-line if condition with clang-format? #21735

issue MarcoFalke openend this issue on April 20, 2021
  1. MarcoFalke commented at 5:23 am on April 20, 2021: member

    Usually clang-format is overall producing a nice formatting style. However, it doesn’t handle multi-line if conditions well.

    Currently it will put the condition as well as the true-block on the same indentation. Making them appear to be one block. This isn’t nice to the eye and I wouldn’t be surprised if it lead to bugs eventually.


    0    if (IsThisTrue() ||
    1        IsThatTrue()) {
    2        DoThis;
    3        DoThat;
    4    }
  2. MarcoFalke added the label Brainstorming on Apr 20, 2021
  3. amitiuttarwar commented at 5:55 pm on April 20, 2021: contributor

    agree that this is aesthetically misleading. to brainstorm,

    what do you think about this for when the conditionals are short enough:

    0if (IsThisTrue() || IsThatTrue()) {
    1        DoThis;
    2        DoThat;
    3    }

    and this for when they are longer:

    0if (IsThisTrue() 
    1 || IsThatTrue()) {
    2        DoThis;
    3        DoThat;
    4    }
  4. MarcoFalke commented at 6:50 pm on April 20, 2021: member

    Yeah, I think single-line if-conditions are already fine. And for multi-line conditions I am looking for something that works with clang-format, ideally. Right now I manually put the opening { on a new line, which will be undone the next time I call clang-format.

    One hack would be to use double (()) around the condition.

    0    if ((nStartTime == Consensus::BIP9Deployment::ALWAYS_ACTIVE ||
    1         nStartTime == Consensus::BIP9Deployment::NEVER_ACTIVE)) {
    2        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(min_activation_height, 0);
    3        return;
    4    }
  5. kristapsk commented at 7:02 pm on April 20, 2021: contributor

    For multi-line if conditions I personally prefer this way, where I add newline after first ( and before last ), so that it’s better division between last line of condition and first line of code in if block.

    0    if (
    1        nStartTime == Consensus::BIP9Deployment::ALWAYS_ACTIVE ||
    2        nStartTime == Consensus::BIP9Deployment::NEVER_ACTIVE
    3    ) {
    4        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(min_activation_height, 0);
    5        return;
    6    }

    But have no idea how that works with clang-format.

  6. MarcoFalke renamed this:
    style: How to format multi-line if condition?
    style: How to format multi-line if condition with clang-format?
    on Apr 20, 2021
  7. jnewbery commented at 10:20 am on April 26, 2021: member

    How about placing the boolean operator at the start of the new line:

    0    if (IsThisTrue()
    1        || IsThatTrue()) {
    2        DoThis;
    3        DoThat;
    4    }

    This is recommended by the GNU coding standards (

    When you split an expression into multiple lines, split it before an operator, not after one. Here is the right way:

    0if (foo_this_is_long && bar > win (x, y, z)
    1    && remaining_condition)

    Try to avoid having two operators of different precedence at the same level of indentation. For example, don’t write this:

    0mode = (inmode[j] == VOIDmode
    1        || GET_MODE_SIZE (outmode[j]) > GET_MODE_SIZE (inmode[j])
    2        ? outmode[j] : inmode[j]);

    Instead, use extra parentheses so that the indentation shows the nesting:

    0mode = ((inmode[j] == VOIDmode
    1         || (GET_MODE_SIZE (outmode[j]) > GET_MODE_SIZE (inmode[j])))
    2        ? outmode[j] : inmode[j]);


    Google C++ standards just say “When you have a boolean expression that is longer than the standard line length, be consistent in how you break up the lines.” (

    A bit more discussion here:

  8. MarcoFalke commented at 10:35 am on April 26, 2021: member
    That could be set via BreakBeforeBinaryOperators in clang-format
  9. jonatack commented at 10:56 am on April 26, 2021: member

    This is recommended by the GNU coding standards (

    Agree (after first attempting to write things in a way that avoids the need for multi-line conditionals).

  10. ajtowns commented at 10:25 am on May 13, 2021: member

    Has open-brace-on-new-line already been ruled out for multi-line conditions?

     0if (short_condition) trivial_action();
     2if (short_condition) {
     3    complex();
     4    action();
     7if (one_complicated_condition
     8    && another_complicated_condition)
    10    trivial_or_complex_action();

    Specifying BraceWrapping: AfterControlStatement: MultiLine stops clang-format from undoing that style, I think – but we’d need to set ColumnLimit: to something for it to actually stop you from putting an open brace at the end of a multiline if.

  11. martinus commented at 5:27 pm on May 29, 2021: contributor

    Right now I manually put the opening { on a new line, which will be undone the next time I call clang-format.

    Another hack would be to add // at the end of the if. In combination with BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: NonAssignment clang-format wouldn’t change this any more:

    0if (nStartTime == Consensus::BIP9Deployment::ALWAYS_ACTIVE
    1    || nStartTime == Consensus::BIP9Deployment::NEVER_ACTIVE) //
    3    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(min_activation_height, 0);
    4    return;

    I couldn’t get BraceWrapping: AfterControlStatement working with that.

  12. vasild commented at 2:42 pm on July 29, 2021: member

    Isn’t this discussion irrelevant with the current unlimited line length (ColumnLimit: 0)? For me, no matter how I break the line manually, clang-format joins all the lines into a single line (unlimitedly long one). Also it never decides to break a long line.

    Otherwise, I like @jnewbery’s suggestion above. BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: true does just that.

  13. MarcoFalke commented at 10:18 am on October 7, 2021: member

    Has open-brace-on-new-line already been ruled out for multi-line conditions?

    No. I wasn’t aware of this option. Thanks for suggesting. Fixed in #23216.

    For me, no matter how I break the line manually, clang-format joins all the lines into a single line (unlimitedly long one).

    I can’t reproduce. Does this happen with the example “dirty” diff in #23216#issue-753033469 ? Which version of clang-format are you using?

  14. vasild commented at 12:47 pm on October 7, 2021: member

    I played a bit with this. It looks like clang-format would join lines only sometimes. Not always, as I was thinking before. For example, with the current config, the following:

    0    // Example1
    1    if (m_connman.ShouldRunInactivityChecks(node_to) && peer.m_ping_nonce_sent 
    2        && now > peer.m_ping_start.load() + std::chrono::seconds{TIMEOUT_INTERVAL}) {

    is joined into a single line:

    0    if (m_connman.ShouldRunInactivityChecks(node_to) && peer.m_ping_nonce_sent && now > peer.m_ping_start.load() + std::chrono::seconds{TIMEOUT_INTERVAL}) {

    But this remains unchanged:

    0    // Example2
    1    if (m_connman.ShouldRunInactivityChecks(node_to) && peer.m_ping_nonce_sent &&
    2        now > peer.m_ping_start.load() + std::chrono::seconds{TIMEOUT_INTERVAL}) {

    I guess this is due to BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: false. If I change that to true, then Example1 remains unchanged while Example2 is joined into a single line.

    Does this happen with the example “dirty” diff…

    No, because it breaks after &&.

    Which version of clang-format are you using?

    Tried with 12 and 14.

    It looks like manually inserted line breaks, if they do not violate some rules, are respected and not removed. If they violate e.g. BreakBeforeBinaryOperators then they are removed and lines joined.

  15. MarcoFalke commented at 1:42 pm on October 8, 2021: member

    Specifying BraceWrapping: AfterControlStatement: MultiLine stops clang-format from undoing that style, I think – but we’d need to set ColumnLimit: to something for it to actually stop you from putting an open brace at the end of a multiline if.

    Isn’t this discussion irrelevant with the current unlimited line length (ColumnLimit: 0)?

    Right, the column limit needs to be set first before looking into this.

  16. vasild commented at 2:00 pm on October 8, 2021: member

    FWIW, I run a shell wrapper of clang-format that:

    • Changes ColumnLimit from 0 to 100 in src/.clang-format
    • Runs the real clang-format
    • Restores the original src/.clang-format (so that I don’t commit it accidentally)

    The unlimited line length creates too many problems for me, so I solve it locally. Have been afraid to raise the topic publicly :fire:

  17. MarcoFalke closed this on Oct 21, 2021

  18. MarcoFalke commented at 8:39 am on November 14, 2021: member

    FWIW, I run a shell wrapper of clang-format that:


    This is the patch I use. (150 is also the limit on the GitHub web view)

     0diff --git a/src/.clang-format b/src/.clang-format
     1index 791b3b8f9f..8da3baf34a 100644
     2--- a/src/.clang-format
     3+++ b/src/.clang-format
     4@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: false
     5 BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
     6 BraceWrapping:
     7   AfterClass: true
     8+  AfterControlStatement: MultiLine
     9   AfterFunction: true
    10 BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: false
    11 BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false
    12-ColumnLimit:     0
    13+ColumnLimit:     150
    14 CommentPragmas:  '^ IWYU pragma:'
    15 ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false
    16 ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
  19. martinus commented at 11:35 am on November 14, 2021: contributor

    150 is also the limit on the GitHub web view

    I’m pretty sure that GitHub’s limit depends on your monitor and fonts used. For me a diff on github can have 156 characters. I’ve created a little project to see the line lengths:

    I would very much appreciate it if we could add a reasonable default ColumnLimit to the .clang-format. I’m fine with anything in the range 80-150. I usually use around 130 or so.

  20. MarcoFalke commented at 11:59 am on November 14, 2021: member
    Ok, I meant the GitHub line limit with an unlimited monitor. Locally I get 153 chars for
  21. vasild commented at 1:33 pm on November 15, 2021: member

    For me:

    Diff, unified view: 129 Diff, split view: 62 Comment in PR: 80

    but yes, it quickly changes if I zoom in/out (ctrl + +/-). I think Github’s sh**y web UI, that could as well change, shouldn’t be a deciding factor for ColumnLimit in .clang-format.

  22. MarcoFalke commented at 1:39 pm on November 15, 2021: member
    It shouldn’t be important what the exact limit is, as it is only used to format touched code, not reformat the whole codebase. If there is a reason, it can always be adjusted. Though, initially it shouldn’t be reduced too much, since it is currently unlimited.
  23. DrahtBot locked this on Nov 15, 2022


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