23.0 RC Testing Guide Feedback #24706

issue stickies-v openend this issue on March 29, 2022
  1. stickies-v commented at 10:20 am on March 29, 2022: member

    This issue is to discuss the 23.0 Release Candidate Testing Guide. If you have any issues with or feedback on the document, please leave a comment here.

    Note: this is for feedback on the document, not on Bitcoin Core or on the 23.0 changes. Please see the v23.0 testing ticket for instructions on how to report bug/results.

    Thank you for your testing efforts!

  2. jonatack commented at 10:32 am on March 29, 2022: member
    s/cd hyperboria-peerstats/cd hyperboria-peers/
  3. stickies-v commented at 10:35 am on March 29, 2022: member

    s/cd hyperboria-peerstats/cd hyperboria-peers/

    Oh whoops fixed, thanks!

  4. jonatack commented at 10:39 am on March 29, 2022: member
    “find the corresponding full config in /hyperboria-peers/peers” -> for me, there is no /peers dir but instead directories by continent (af, as, eu), within which you have further dirs by country, each of which contain peers.
  5. stickies-v commented at 11:09 am on March 29, 2022: member

    You’re right, changed it to:

    and find the corresponding full config in /hyperboria-peers/<continent/<country>/... folder

  6. jonatack commented at 11:42 am on March 29, 2022: member

    ./configure --with-gui=yes --with-sqlite=yes -> IIRC normally those flags aren’t necessary, as default is auto = yes if the deps are installed and the wallet isn’t disabled. Run: ./configure -h | grep -A2 "with-sqlite\|with-gui\|disable-wallet"

    In their place perhaps add the --enable-suppress-external-warnings flag to avoid users reporting build warnings from third-party libraries in the v23 testing.

  7. brunoerg commented at 4:52 pm on March 29, 2022: member

    Nice guide, @stickies-v!

    I think the script to test the non-default ports could stop bitcoind in the end. What do you think?

  8. stickies-v commented at 10:48 am on March 30, 2022: member

    IIRC normally those flags aren’t necessary, as default is auto = yes if the deps are installed and the wallet isn’t disabled.

    I think it’s important for this test that we’re sure people are compiling with sqlite and gui, so then it’s helpful to catch missing dependencies earlier as opposed to after the build process? For that reason, I’d prefer to keep the explicit flags in.

    I think the script to test the non-default ports could stop bitcoind in the end. What do you think?

    I had it like that for a while, but the downside is that the monitoring script stops working as soon as bitcoind terminates, and I think it’s nice to be able to look at that (at least briefly) after the test finishes, hence I took it out. So far that reason I think it’s better to keep it this way? Thanks for going through the guide!

  9. danielabrozzoni commented at 10:54 am on March 30, 2022: contributor

    In the script for testing non default ports, you declare DISCONNECTFREQ=5, but then through the test you use FREQ instead. I think it should be:

    0-echo "Starting test, disconnecting outbound peers on :8333 every $FREQ seconds..."
    1+echo "Starting test, disconnecting outbound peers on :8333 every $DISCONNECTFREQ seconds..."
    2 until [[ "$(getNonDefaultNode)" != "null" ]] > /dev/null;
    3 do $BINARY_PATH/bitcoin-cli -datadir=$DATA_DIR getpeerinfo | jq 'map(select(.inbound == false and (.addr | endswith(":8333")))) | .[] | .id' | xargs -L 1 $BINARY_PATH/bitcoin-cli -datadir=$DATA_DIR disconnectnode "" > /dev/null
    4-sleep $FREQ;
    5+sleep $DISCONNECTFREQ;
    6 done;
    8 echo "Test successful: connected to non-default peer on $(getNonDefaultNode | jq '.addr')"

    Also, in the monitoring script:

    0-$BINARY_PATH/bitcoin-cli -datadir=$DATA_DIR getnodeaddresses 0 > /tmp/getnodeaddresses0
    1+$BINARY_PATH/bitcoin-cli -datadir=$DATA_DIR getnodeaddresses 0 > $DATA_DIR/getnodeaddresses0
  10. stickies-v commented at 11:44 am on March 30, 2022: member
    Oh my, yes thank you Daniela, fixed that!
  11. jonatack commented at 11:46 am on March 30, 2022: member
    Might be good to add the –enable-suppress-external-warnings flag to avoid testers reporting build warnings from third-party libraries.
  12. stickies-v commented at 12:03 pm on March 30, 2022: member
    Sorry I skipped that, yes I agree with that suggestion: updated
  13. hebasto commented at 6:02 am on April 1, 2022: member
  14. stickies-v commented at 11:03 am on April 2, 2022: member
  15. dunxen commented at 12:18 pm on April 3, 2022: contributor

    Great guide, stickies!

    Should it not be encouraged to send back previously loved signet coins to the faucet before wiping the data directory?

    EDIT: Addresses for recycling can be found here: https://signet.bublina.eu.org/about.html

  16. stickies-v commented at 2:51 pm on April 3, 2022: member
    Oh that’s a good point, I hadn’t considered that, thank you. Updated with instructions to return coins.
  17. hebasto commented at 8:06 am on April 5, 2022: member
  18. laanwj referenced this in commit fe66dad8a7 on Apr 5, 2022
  19. stickies-v commented at 8:58 pm on April 25, 2022: member
    Closing as 23.0 is now released.
  20. stickies-v closed this on Apr 25, 2022

  21. DrahtBot locked this on Apr 25, 2023


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