Update the hardcoded P2P network seeds for 24.x after updating the manual seeds and the generation script as necessary. Previous update was #24417.
Can be tested by following the steps in contrib/seeds/README.md
Tool output:
0$ python3 makeseeds.py -a asmap-filled.dat < seeds_main.txt > nodes_main.txt
1Loading asmap database "asmap-filled.dat"…Done.
2Loading and parsing DNS seeds…Done.
3 IPv4 IPv6 Onion Pass
4472019 73788 0 Initial
5472019 73788 0 Skip entries with invalid address
6472019 73788 0 After removing duplicates
7 7766 2310 0 Enforce minimal number of blocks
8 6534 1835 0 Require service bit 1
9 2808 801 0 Require minimum uptime
10 2748 781 0 Require a known and recent user agent
11 2727 775 0 Filter out hosts with multiple bitcoin ports
12 512 267 0 Look up ASNs and limit results per ASN and per net