I’m getting a strange error running tests under /src/test/functional/
with the following error:
0Temporary test directory at /tmp/test_runner_₿_🏃_20220504_123152
1Running Unit Tests for Test Framework Modules
4Ran 10 tests in 0.614s
7Traceback (most recent call last):
8 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/", line 27, in <module>
9 CreateCache().main()
10 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 156, in main
11 exit_code = self.shutdown()
12 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 311, in shutdown
13 self.stop_nodes()
14 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 567, in stop_nodes
15 node.stop_node(wait=wait, wait_until_stopped=False)
16 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 336, in stop_node
17 self.stop(wait=wait)
18 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 184, in __getattr__
19 assert self.rpc_connected and self.rpc is not None, self._node_msg("Error: no RPC connection")
20AssertionError: [node 0] Error: no RPC connection
212022-05-04T19:31:53.315000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /tmp/test_runner_₿_🏃_20220504_123152/cache
222022-05-04T19:31:56.079000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Unexpected exception caught during testing
23Traceback (most recent call last):
24 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 132, in main
25 self.setup()
26 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 294, in setup
27 self.setup_chain()
28 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 385, in setup_chain
29 self._initialize_chain()
30 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 777, in _initialize_chain
31 self.start_node(CACHE_NODE_ID)
32 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 534, in start_node
33 node.wait_for_rpc_connection()
34 File "/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/test_framework/", line 225, in wait_for_rpc_connection
35 raise FailedToStartError(self._node_msg(
36test_framework.test_node.FailedToStartError: [node 0] bitcoind exited with status 3 during initialization
372022-05-04T19:31:56.133000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
38[node 0] Cleaning up leftover process
39Traceback (most recent call last):
40 File "test/functional/", line 832, in <module>
41 main()
42 File "test/functional/", line 471, in main
43 run_tests(
44 File "test/functional/", line 525, in run_tests
45 subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, tests_dir + ''] + flags + ["--tmpdir=%s/cache" % tmpdir])
46 File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 415, in check_output
47 return run(*popenargs, stdout=PIPE, timeout=timeout, check=True,
48 File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 516, in run
49 raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
50subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/usr/bin/python3', '/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/', '--cachedir=/usr/src/bitcoin/test/cache', '--configfile=/usr/src/bitcoin/test/functional/../config.ini', '--tmpdir=/tmp/test_runner_₿_🏃_20220504_123152/cache']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
any pointers are highly appreciated
Possible solution
No response
Useful Skills
- RPC/P2P layer
- Debugging
- overall understanding of Bitcoin Core
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