validation: assumeutxo params for testnet and signet #28516

pull Sjors wants to merge 26 commits into bitcoin:master from Sjors:2023/09/assume_testnet_signet changing 43 files +1598 −285
  1. Sjors commented at 2:12 pm on September 21, 2023: member

    Based on #27596. This adds snapshot parameters for testnet block 2,500,000 and signet block 160,000.

    You can generate the snapshots yourself using ./contrib/devtools/ or download my torrent:

    • testnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:511e09f4bf853aefab00de5c070b1e031f0ecbe9&dn=utxo-testnet-2500000.dat&
    • signet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9da986cb27b3980ea7fd06b21e199b148d486880&dn=utxo-signet-160000.dat&

    It would be a good idea to test:

    1. That you can produce the same snapshot files, sha256 sums:
    0eeeca845385ba91e84ef58c09d38f98f246a24feadaad57fe1e5874f3f92ef8c utxo-signet-160000.dat
    179db4b025448cc0ac388d8589a28eab02de53055d181e34eb47391717aa16388 utxo-testnet-2500000.dat
    1. That the snapshots work

    Not part of this PR:

    I also have a branch with a mainnet snapshot at height 800,000. It can be used for testing, but I’m not proposing it for merge just yet. I think more testing and conceptual discussion should happen first.

    • branch: 2023/09/assume_mainnet
    • torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:50ee955bef37f5ec3e5b0df4cf0288af3d715a2e&dn=utxo-800000.dat&
  2. net_processing: Request assumeutxo background chain blocks
    Add new PeerManagerImpl::TryDownloadingHistoricalBlocks method and use it to
    request background chain blocks in addition to blocks normally requested by
    Co-authored-by: Ryan Ofsky <>
    Co-authored-by: James O'Beirne <>
  3. bugfix: correct is_snapshot_cs in VerifyDB e9aa43db7e
  4. assumeutxo: remove snapshot during -reindex{-chainstate}
    Removing a snapshot chainstate from disk (and memory) is consistent with
    existing reindex operations.
  5. chainparams: add blockhash to AssumeutxoData
    This allows us to reference assumeutxo configuration by blockhash as
    well as height; this is helpful in future changes when we want to
    reference assumeutxo configurations before the block index is loaded.
  6. validation: MaybeRebalanceCaches when chain leaves IBD
    Check to see if we need to rebalance caches across chainstates when
    a chain leaves IBD.
  7. validation: add ChainstateRole 6d5aca2340
  8. validation: only call UpdatedBlockTip for active chainstate
    This notification isn't needed for background chainstates.
    `kernel::Notifications::blockTip` are also skipped.
  9. validation: pass ChainstateRole for validationinterface calls
    This allows consumers to decide how to handle events from background or
    assumedvalid chainstates.
  10. validationinterface: only send zmq notifications for active b2117a1fa9
  11. wallet: validationinterface: only handle active chain notifications e2c5c5dfdb
  12. net_processing: validationinterface: ignore some events for bg chain 40d5ca3082
  13. validation: indexing changes for assumeutxo
    When using an assumedvalid chainstate, only process validationinterface
    callbacks from the background chainstate within indexes. This ensures
    that all indexes are built in-order.
    Later, we can possibly designate indexes which can be built out of order
    and continue their operation during snapshot use.
    Once the background sync has completed, restart the indexes so that
    they continue to index the now-validated snapshot chainstate.
  14. validation: pruning for multiple chainstates
    Introduces ChainstateManager::GetPruneRange().
    The prune budget is split evenly between the number of chainstates,
    however the prune budget may be exceeded if the resulting shares are
  15. test: adjust chainstate tests to use recognized snapshot base
    In future commits, loading the block index while making use of a
    snapshot is contingent on the snapshot being recognized by chainparams.
    Ensure all existing unittests that use snapshots use a recognized
    snapshot (at height 110).
    Co-authored-by: Ryan Ofsky <>
  16. validation: populate nChainTx value for assumedvalid chainstates
    Use the expected AssumeutxoData in order to bootstrap nChainTx values
    for assumedvalid blockindex entries in the snapshot chainstate. This
    is necessary because nChainTx is normally built up from nTx values,
    which are populated using blockdata which the snapshot chainstate
    does not yet have.
  17. blockstorage: segment normal/assumedvalid blockfiles
    When using an assumedvalid (snapshot) chainstate along with a background
    chainstate, we are syncing two very different regions of the chain
    simultaneously. If we use the same blockfile space for both of these
    syncs, wildly different height blocks will be stored alongside one
    another, making pruning ineffective.
    This change implements a separate blockfile cursor for the assumedvalid
    chainstate when one is in use.
  18. validation: assumeutxo: swap m_mempool on snapshot activation
    Otherwise we will not receive transactions during background sync until
  19. validation: do not activate snapshot if behind active chain
    Most easily reviewed with
      git show --color-moved=dimmed-zebra --color-moved-ws=ignore-all-space
    Co-authored-by: Ryan Ofsky <>
  20. rpc: add loadtxoutset
    Co-authored-by: Sebastian Falbesoner <>
  21. refuse to activate a UTXO snapshot if mempool not empty
    This ensures that we avoid any unexpected conditions inherent in
    transferring non-empty mempools across chainstates.
    Note that this should never happen in practice given that snapshot
    activation will not occur outside of IBD, based upon the height checks
    in `loadtxoutset`.
  22. rpc: add getchainstates
    Co-authored-by: Ryan Ofsky <>
  23. test: add feature_assumeutxo functional test
    Most ideas for test improvements (TODOs) provided by Russ Yanofsky.
  24. contrib: add script to demo/test assumeutxo
    Add the script to the shellcheck exception list since the
    quoted variables rule needs to be violated in order to get
    bitcoind to pick up on $CHAIN_HACK_FLAGS.
  25. doc: add note about confusing HaveTxsDownloaded name 32b797f37e
  26. chainparams: add testnet assumeutxo param at height 2_500_000 d55cc7fd53
  27. chainparams: add signet assumeutxo param at height 160_000 d5f83a7181
  28. DrahtBot commented at 2:12 pm on September 21, 2023: contributor

    The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers.


    See the guideline for information on the review process. A summary of reviews will appear here.


    Reviewers, this pull request conflicts with the following ones:

    • #28550 (Covenant tools softfork by jamesob)
    • #28453 (wallet: Receive silent payment transactions by achow101)
    • #28368 (Fee Estimator updates from Validation Interface/CScheduler thread by ismaelsadeeq)
    • #28120 (p2p: make block download logic aware of limited peers threshold by furszy)
    • #28031 (Package Relay 1/3: Introduce TxDownloadManager and improve orphan-handling by glozow)
    • #27866 (blockstorage: Return on fatal flush errors by TheCharlatan)
    • #27837 (net: introduce block tracker to retry to download blocks after failure by furszy)
    • #27770 (Introduce ‘getblockfileinfo’ RPC command by furszy)
    • #27039 (blockstorage: do not flush block to disk if it is already there by pinheadmz)
    • #26966 (index: blockfilter initial sync speedup, parallelize process by furszy)
    • #26762 (bugfix: Make CCheckQueue RAII-styled (attempt 2) by hebasto)
    • #26045 (rpc: Optimize serialization disk space of dumptxoutset by aureleoules)

    If you consider this pull request important, please also help to review the conflicting pull requests. Ideally, start with the one that should be merged first.

  29. DrahtBot added the label Validation on Sep 21, 2023
  30. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Sep 29, 2023
  31. DrahtBot commented at 6:53 pm on September 29, 2023: contributor

    🐙 This pull request conflicts with the target branch and needs rebase.

  32. Sjors commented at 12:53 pm on September 30, 2023: member

    Testnet and signet params have been absorbed into #27596.

    I opened a draft PR for those who want to test mainnet: #28553

  33. Sjors closed this on Sep 30, 2023


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