Strange error code on bitcoin cli with descriptor wallet #28744

issue DmytroShalaiev openend this issue on October 27, 2023
  1. DmytroShalaiev commented at 3:04 pm on October 27, 2023: none
    • I still think this issue should be opened here


    I use the descriptor wallet and seems to be that the error should be related to descriptor mode, same for importaddress NOTE: for not descriptor address importaddress || importpubkey works well with same data

    importpubkey "03234573021d48ba91f2fab9e210c32c5dbf2a132e701d117dce21ec5de362107d" "test_import_with_same_label" false Only legacy wallets are supported by this command (code -4)

  2. DmytroShalaiev added the label GUI on Oct 27, 2023
  3. achow101 commented at 3:10 pm on October 27, 2023: member

    Which error are you asking about? The “Only legacy wallets” error or the “method not found”?

    Both should be expected. Descriptor wallets explicitly disable importpubkey, importaddress, and a few other RPCs. It looks like you later typed in - which is not a valid RPC.

  4. DmytroShalaiev commented at 3:24 pm on October 27, 2023: none
    Yes, I am about importpubkey & importaddress and ‘Only legacy wallets’ - A non-obvious message if in fact the point is that I have a descriptor wallet, - i used as a delimiter(sry) on the screenshot.
  5. maflcko commented at 3:25 pm on October 27, 2023: member
    You can type help importdescriptors to learn more about how to import descriptors.
  6. DmytroShalaiev commented at 3:25 pm on October 27, 2023: none
    Sorry, for some reason I thought that the message was about legacy addresses (my fault) Thanks
  7. DmytroShalaiev closed this on Oct 27, 2023

  8. bitcoin locked this on Oct 26, 2024


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