commented at 10:32 pm on March 18, 2024:
This PR implements MuSig2 descriptors (BIP 390), derivation (BIP 328), and PSBT fields (BIP 373) so that the wallet can receive and spend from taproot addresses that have keys involving a MuSig2 aggregate key.
The libsecp musig module is enabled so that it can be used for all of the MuSig2 cryptography.
Secnonces are handled in a separate class which holds the libsecp secnonce object in a secure_unique_ptr. Since secnonces must not be used, this class has no serialization and will only live in memory. A restart of the software will require a restart of the MuSig2 signing process.
commented at 10:32 pm on March 18, 2024:
The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers.
If you consider this pull request important, please also help to review the conflicting pull requests. Ideally, start with the one that should be merged first.
DrahtBot added the label
on Mar 18, 2024
DrahtBot added the label
CI failed
on Mar 19, 2024
commented at 2:45 am on March 19, 2024:
🚧 At least one of the CI tasks failed. Make sure to run all tests locally, according to the
Possibly this is due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being
incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest
commit of the target branch.
Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.
144+ for deriv_path in dec_psbt["inputs"][0]["taproot_bip32_derivs"]:
145+ if deriv_path["pubkey"] in part_pks:
146+ part_pks.remove(deriv_path["pubkey"])
147+ assert_equal(len(part_pks), 0)
149+ nonce_psbts = []
a1e4c323dbff9fa5095cf216d7cd528f10a1feeb: and that this is where round 2 happens (maybe link to the BIP at the top of the test and briefly summarise the steps)
161+ for wallet in wallets:
162+ proc = wallet.walletprocesspsbt(comb_nonce_psbt)
163+ assert_equal(proc["complete"], False)
164+ psig_psbts.append(proc["psbt"])
166+ comb_psig_psbt = self.nodes[0].combinepsbt(psig_psbts)
a1e4c323dbff9fa5095cf216d7cd528f10a1feeb: because all wallets live on the same node, it’s useful to point out here that anyone, including non-participants can combine the partial signatures. Which is why the non-wallet combinepsbt and finalizepsbt RPC’s are used.
commented at 2:22 pm on March 19, 2024:
Very cool stuff! Will review more later.
This pulls in (an older version of) the musig module in libsecp
What do you mean by “older”? Just that the PR to libsecp needs another rebase?
An open question is whether the approach for handling the secnonces is ideal and safe. Since nonces must not be reused, this PR holds them exclusively in memory, so a restart of the software will require a restart of the MuSig2 signing process.
It sounds safe, but not ideal, which might make it unsafe. Every Bitcoin Core instance involved would need to keep running, with the wallet loaded (and decrypted?) throughout the two rounds. For an airgapped setup with keys in multiple locations, the node in each location would have to be left running unattended (assuming one person running between them).
My understanding is that Ledger (cc @bigspider) creates a nonce, stores it, and then deletes it from storage as soon as it’s loaded (before signing). We could similarly store the nonce in our wallet and then delete the field at the start of the new round. For safety we could disable backups and dump RPC’s while a round is in progress (e.g. with a NO_BACKUP flag).
That only prevents accidental replay, not a replay attack, but it seems that anyone who is able to replay a node, already has access to its private keys (from the time a wallet was decrypted), so can’t do additional harm?
Implementation questions.
I tried making a 2 party tr(musig(A,B)) in a blank wallet. Initially I obtained two private keys and their public keys from another legacy wallet. I gave the new Alice wallet her private key and Bob’s public key, i.e. tr(musig(a,B)/0/*) but this failed with Ranged musig() requires all participants to be xpubs. Why though? Given that bip-musig2-derivation defines a virtual root xpub, and providers a fake chaincode, this restriction seems unneeded? (though it’s not blocker either, with descriptor wallets it’s easy to get an xpub - after #29130 anyway)
Once I had two wallets, I could see they generated the same receive address, nice! I then imported the same xpub/xpriv pair for the change address 1/*. I sent some (signet) coins to it, which arrived and confirmed.
Sadly after the GUI rugged me :-) Trying to send any amount elsewhere resulted in “Signing transaction failed” followed by “Transaction creation failed!”. Whereas I was hoping to get a PSBT this way.
Using the send RPC I do get a PSBT (from Alice). I had the musig2_participant_pubkeys set, but no musig2_pubnonces. That required calling walletprocesspsbt which seems an unnecessary extra step (but such fine tuning can wait). On Bob’s side the GUI complained with “Could not sign any more inputs”, but it did add a nonce.
At this point all the nonces were commited, so Bob could have added his partial signature. But at the stage the GUI crashes when trying to sign: [libsecp256k1] illegal argument: secp256k1_memcmp_var(&nonce->data[0], secp256k1_musig_pubnonce_magic, 4) == 0.
After a restart Bob’s walletprocesspsbt command didn’t fail. Which seems wrong: at this point the nonce should be gone, which he should complain about.
Starting with a fresh transaction, sing only the RPC I got the same crash, i.e.:
Alice: send
Alice: processpsbt
Bob: processpsbt
Bob: processpsbt: crash
Perhaps relevant: Bob’s wallet is encrypted, though it was unlocked throughout steps 3 and 4.
0% test/functional/
12024-03-19T14:23:33.113000Z TestFramework (INFO): PRNG seed is: 647071992440405417422024-03-19T14:23:33.115000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /var/folders/h6/qrb4j9vn6530kp7j4ymj934h0000gn/T/bitcoin_func_test_66knao3l
32024-03-19T14:23:35.070000Z TestFramework (INFO): Testing rawtr(musig(keys/*))
42024-03-19T14:23:35.192000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Unexpected exception caught during testing
(didn’t check if it’s the same crash)
commented at 2:36 pm on March 19, 2024:
My understanding is that Ledger (cc @bigspider) creates a nonce, stores it, and then deletes it from storage as soon as it’s loaded (before signing). We could similarly store the nonce in our wallet and then delete the field at the start of the new round. For safety we could disable backups and dump RPC’s while a round is in progress (e.g. with a NO_BACKUP flag).
Not yet implemented, but that’s the plan: store nonces in flash memory (persistent memory) after generation; remove them from flash memory before signing starts (therefore, they’re gone even if there is a later failure, and signing must restart from nonce generation).
Note that there is no backup possibility for the persistent memory.
commented at 3:52 pm on March 19, 2024:
What do you mean by “older”? Just that the PR to libsecp needs another rebase?
I pulled in a commit that is probably outdated at this point. There may have been API changes since.
We could similarly store the nonce in our wallet and then delete the field at the start of the new round. For safety we could disable backups and dump RPC’s while a round is in progress (e.g. with a NO_BACKUP flag).
Disabling backups with a flag would not help as an oft suggested method for backing up a wallet is by copying the wallet file. There’s nothing that we can do about that, so to be safe, I don’t think we can store the nonces in the wallet file.
I tried making a 2 party tr(musig(A,B)) in a blank wallet. Initially I obtained two private keys and their public keys from another legacy wallet. I gave the new Alice wallet her private key and Bob’s public key, i.e. tr(musig(a,B)/0/*) but this failed with Ranged musig() requires all participants to be xpubs. Why though? Given that bip-musig2-derivation defines a virtual root xpub, and providers a fake chaincode, this restriction seems unneeded? (though it’s not blocker either, with descriptor wallets it’s easy to get an xpub - after #29130 anyway)
It’s specified in bip-musig2-descriptors that the musig must only contain xpubs if the aggregate will be derived from. I believe the rationale for this is that xpubs are intended to have derivation done on them whereas normal keys are not, and so there may be particular handling of such keys to deal with possibilities of derivation doing something unexpected, and so if we do anything with derivation, we should only use keys that are intended for derivation to avoid any confusion. I think @sipa was the one who made this suggestion.
Sadly after the GUI rugged me :-) Trying to send any amount elsewhere resulted in “Signing transaction failed” followed by “Transaction creation failed!”. Whereas I was hoping to get a PSBT this way.
The GUI may be expecting that at least one signature is produced, but we can’t do that with musig without at least one round with the cosigners. I have it implemented such that ProduceSignature does not report the tx as being signed until there is actually a signature, so even the partial sigs generation will not return “signed”.
After a restart Bob’s walletprocesspsbt command didn’t fail. Which seems wrong: at this point the nonce should be gone, which he should complain about.
Currently it just ignores if there is already a nonce for a participant’s key. It doesn’t replace the nonce, but it also doesn’t validate whether that key belongs to the wallet or whether the nonce exists in the wallet.
At this point all the nonces were commited, so Bob could have added his partial signature. But at the stage the GUI crashes when trying to sign: [libsecp256k1] illegal argument: secp256k1_memcmp_var(&nonce->data[0], secp256k1_musig_pubnonce_magic, 4) == 0.
Starting with a fresh transaction, sing only the RPC I got the same crash, i.e.:
Perhaps relevant: Bob’s wallet is encrypted, though it was unlocked throughout steps 3 and 4.
0% test/functional/
12024-03-19T14:23:33.113000Z TestFramework (INFO): PRNG seed is: 647071992440405417422024-03-19T14:23:33.115000Z TestFramework (INFO): Initializing test directory /var/folders/h6/qrb4j9vn6530kp7j4ymj934h0000gn/T/bitcoin_func_test_66knao3l
32024-03-19T14:23:35.070000Z TestFramework (INFO): Testing rawtr(musig(keys/*))
42024-03-19T14:23:35.192000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Unexpected exception caught during testing
(didn’t check if it’s the same crash)
Huh, works fine for me.
commented at 4:37 pm on March 19, 2024:
Huh, works fine for me.
This was on Intel macOS 14.4 with a clean checkout and ./configure --disable-bench --disable-tests --enable-wallet --disable-fuzz-binary --disable-zmq --with-gui.
On Ubuntu 23.10 with gcc 13.2.0 the test do pass, odd.
(if this still happens after CI passes, I’ll dig a bit deeper, for now I’ll just test on Ubuntu)
I don’t think we can store the nonces in the wallet file.
Storing them in some other file might be fine too. As long as we delete it upon read, don’t sign anything if deletion fails and maybe also commit to some unique property of the PSBT.
Currently it just ignores if there is already a nonce for a participant’s key.
I guess we need to distinguish here between a nonce for our own key and one for other participants. We have no idea if some other node crashed. But it does seem reasonable to fail if we see a nonce for ourselves. Whether we previously crashed or if someone is trying a replay attack doesn’t really matter. Though it’s unusual for processpsbt to fail when called twice normally, here it seems justifiable.
Update: successfully completed the MuSig2 signing on Ubuntu!
achow101 force-pushed
on Mar 19, 2024
achow101 force-pushed
on Mar 20, 2024
achow101 force-pushed
on Mar 25, 2024
achow101 force-pushed
on Mar 25, 2024
achow101 force-pushed
on Mar 25, 2024
achow101 force-pushed
on Mar 26, 2024
DrahtBot added the label
Needs rebase
on Mar 29, 2024
achow101 force-pushed
on Apr 1, 2024
DrahtBot removed the label
Needs rebase
on Apr 1, 2024
commented at 10:36 am on April 2, 2024:
Only 3 red CI machines to go :-)
achow101 force-pushed
on Apr 2, 2024
commented at 5:10 pm on April 2, 2024:
commented at 8:05 am on April 3, 2024:
The test passes for me now on macOS.
DrahtBot added the label
Needs rebase
on Apr 6, 2024
achow101 force-pushed
on Apr 16, 2024
bitcoin deleted a comment
on May 23, 2024
commented at 11:43 am on June 6, 2024:
Hi all,
an early alpha of the Ledger Bitcoin Testnet app with MuSig2 support is available for testing. (NB: the app is called Bitcoin Test Musig and not Bitcoin Test). It should be compatible with the latest draft of the specs.
Instructions and an easy end-2-end script for MuSig signing to play with it is available here for anyone interested in trying it out:
commented at 6:09 pm on November 5, 2024:
These three constants are 0x1a , 0x1b, 0x1c in the final version of BIP-373.
commented at 8:11 pm on November 5, 2024:
Good catch! Fixed.
achow101 force-pushed
on Nov 5, 2024
fanquake referenced this in commit
on Nov 6, 2024
commented at 11:37 am on November 6, 2024:
EDIT: this is now resolved.
The current implementation seems to be using the aggregate pubkey (before the tweaks) inside the key of the PSBT_IN_MUSIG2_PUB_NONCE (and I’d assume PSBT_IN_MUSIG2_PARTIAL_SIGNATURE, but I didn’t reach there, yet); instead, BIP-373 says that it must be the key found in the script and not the aggregate public key that it was derived from, if it was derived from an aggregate key. Therefore, I interpreted it as the taproot pubkey for a keypath spend, and the exact key that appears in the tapleaf for a scriptspend.
Using the aggregate key pre-tweaks could be problematic if the same aggregate key appears multiple times, for example in something like:
Here, the two musigs have the same participants, and same aggregate key pre-tweaks (and they are in the same leaf, so even the tapleaf_hash won’t help); only the tweaks allow the disambiguation.
Here’s what I pulled from the test I’m working on:
The aggregate_pubkey added by core is 03480793485c903f11b8ace2d81a89f4c0ec3b1944af98b6048426d35703f9898a, but I think it should be 02c94987d29e8939d728dd8879c8b5aa6c21b45c61a30751e394cafbef0e597f14 (after the BIP32-tweaks + the taptweak), matching the pubkey in the Script, if my understanding of BIP-373 is correct.
As a consequence, the musig2_pubnonces should probably use the name aggregate_pubkey_tweaked or something else that avoids confusion with the untweaked aggregate_pubkey that appears in musig2_participant_pubkeys.
achow101 force-pushed
on Nov 6, 2024
commented at 6:01 pm on November 6, 2024:
The current implementation seems to be using the aggregate pubkey (before the tweaks) inside the key of the PSBT_IN_MUSIG2_PUB_NONCE
Indeed, fixed.
Therefore, I interpreted it as the taproot pubkey for a keypath spend
I’ve interpreted (and implemented) it as also allowing the taproot internal key, not just the output key. I think that is actually what I meant when writing the BIP, but it’s been a while.
achow101 marked this as ready for review
on Nov 6, 2024
achow101 force-pushed
on Nov 6, 2024
achow101 force-pushed
on Nov 6, 2024
DrahtBot added the label
CI failed
on Nov 6, 2024
commented at 8:09 pm on November 6, 2024:
Try to run the tests locally, according to the documentation. However, a CI failure may still
happen due to a number of reasons, for example:
Possibly due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being
incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest
commit of the target branch.
A sanitizer issue, which can only be found by compiling with the sanitizer and running the
affected test.
An intermittent issue.
Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.
DrahtBot removed the label
CI failed
on Nov 6, 2024
commented at 9:53 pm on November 6, 2024:
I’ve interpreted (and implemented) it as also allowing the taproot internal key, not just the output key. I think that is actually what I meant when writing the BIP, but it’s been a while.
I think it’s important that the (aggregate) plain key used in the key of PSBT_IN_MUSIG2_PUB_NONCE/PSBT_IN_MUSIG2_PARTIAL_SIGNATURE is unambiguous and clearly specified, or implementations will essentially have to try both in order to find in the PSBT all the pubnonces/musig_partial_signatures for a certain key.
Using the same public key that can be used to verify the final signature (therefore, the tweaked taproot pubkey for keypath spends, or the pubkey as it appears in tapleaves for script spends) seems the most natural choice to me.
I don’t have an opinion on PSBT_IN_MUSIG2_PARTICIPANT_PUBKEYS - I’m not using it, since it’s redundant in the context of signing based on BIP-388 wallet policies.
achow101 force-pushed
on Nov 6, 2024
commented at 10:46 pm on November 6, 2024:
Using the same public key that can be used to verify the final signature (therefore, the tweaked taproot pubkey for keypath spends, or the pubkey as it appears in tapleaves for script spends) seems the most natural choice to me.
That’s a good point, I don’t feel too strongly about this, it was just a bit more annoying to figure out how. I’ve updated the PR to do that.
commented at 1:34 pm on November 7, 2024:
Looking good!
I can confirm that I was able to complete two e2e tests on regtest (commit 09a6091711eef299de7cfbfd340a112706422c81), using Ledger’s MuSig2 implementation for a cosigner and bitcoin-core for the other one.
In both cases, the Ledger device was just the MuSig2 cosigner, while bitcoin-core was both the other musig cosigner and the combiner/finalizer/extractor.
I will report more once I have more extensive tests.
commented at 4:44 pm on November 7, 2024:
Attempting some fancier setups, I’m trying to do a “decaying MuSig” that starts as a 3-of-3 in the keypath, with 3 timelocked 2-of-2 in the scriptpaths. Not managing to work with the descriptor in core:
0$ ./bitcoin-cli -regtest getdescriptorinfo "tr(musig(tpubDD863BuWFdsaCg6f1SGdwLxp9mDcm3YRm3HxxbppBrizxvU1MqhQ1WpMwhz4vrZHNT7NFbXQ35CquVG9xaLsWaUWfSMZamDESisvtKZ7veF,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4YAPXpMw61GrdqXJJEiYhHo6wxVkfwZgUged5qXm6Df4NLf8ZTFXxW1UhxDKGeKdAVxZtmodC8KfR7SqmW6LGQfDGfnFLmQ6,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4WSLhjy9cMaGTEW7No4ALTRikqWo5xFsiTTkRfxA8eRyj2GTkFbkKU6HeW5z8LqrcgHbcVoVg2QZ8JECSHv4PpQ5vUdKJbkR)/1/*,{and_v(v:pk(musig(tpubDD863BuWFdsaCg6f1SGdwLxp9mDcm3YRm3HxxbppBrizxvU1MqhQ1WpMwhz4vrZHNT7NFbXQ35CquVG9xaLsWaUWfSMZamDESisvtKZ7veF,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4YAPXpMw61GrdqXJJEiYhHo6wxVkfwZgUged5qXm6Df4NLf8ZTFXxW1UhxDKGeKdAVxZtmodC8KfR7SqmW6LGQfDGfnFLmQ6)/1/*),older(12960)),{and_v(v:pk(musig(tpubDD863BuWFdsaCg6f1SGdwLxp9mDcm3YRm3HxxbppBrizxvU1MqhQ1WpMwhz4vrZHNT7NFbXQ35CquVG9xaLsWaUWfSMZamDESisvtKZ7veF,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4WSLhjy9cMaGTEW7No4ALTRikqWo5xFsiTTkRfxA8eRyj2GTkFbkKU6HeW5z8LqrcgHbcVoVg2QZ8JECSHv4PpQ5vUdKJbkR)/1/*),older(12960)),and_v(v:pk(musig(tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4YAPXpMw61GrdqXJJEiYhHo6wxVkfwZgUged5qXm6Df4NLf8ZTFXxW1UhxDKGeKdAVxZtmodC8KfR7SqmW6LGQfDGfnFLmQ6,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4WSLhjy9cMaGTEW7No4ALTRikqWo5xFsiTTkRfxA8eRyj2GTkFbkKU6HeW5z8LqrcgHbcVoVg2QZ8JECSHv4PpQ5vUdKJbkR)/1/*),older(12960))}})"
1error code: -5
2error message:
3'and_v(v:pk(musig(tpubDD863BuWFdsaCg6f1SGdwLxp9mDcm3YRm3HxxbppBrizxvU1MqhQ1WpMwhz4vrZHNT7NFbXQ35CquVG9xaLsWaUWfSMZamDESisvtKZ7veF,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4YAPXpMw61GrdqXJJEiYhHo6wxVkfwZgUged5qXm6Df4NLf8ZTFXxW1UhxDKGeKdAVxZtmodC8KfR7SqmW6LGQfDGfnFLmQ6)/1/*),older(12960))' is not a valid descriptor function
Been staring at it for a while, it seems valid to me. Am I missing something?
Sorry if it’s obvious
commented at 4:51 pm on November 7, 2024:
musig() is not being parsed in Miniscript expressions yet.
commented at 4:58 pm on November 7, 2024:
musig() is not being parsed in Miniscript expressions yet.
Ah, ok, I’ll keep an eye for updates.
achow101 force-pushed
on Nov 7, 2024
achow101 marked this as a draft
on Nov 7, 2024
commented at 6:23 pm on November 7, 2024:
Several earlier commits have been split out into separate PRs. See the tracking issue #31246 for the breakdown.
achow101 force-pushed
on Nov 7, 2024
achow101 force-pushed
on Nov 7, 2024
commented at 4:12 am on November 8, 2024:
Given BIP373 doesn’t have test vectors, it would be very useful that either this PR or the BIP include some hard coded PSBT examples to ensure every implementations are on the same page.
commented at 12:54 pm on November 26, 2024:
Concept ACK
Given BIP373 doesn’t have test vectors, it would be very useful that either this PR or the BIP include some hard coded PSBT examples to ensure every implementations are on the same page.
Good point (the BIP373 test vector section currently states “TBD” and seems worth completing even if the implementation here also has tests).
commented at 3:24 pm on November 26, 2024:
It might be useful if someone expands doc/ to add a MuSig2 section. That doesn’t have to go in this PR, but it will make testing and review easier. The functional test added in this PR can be used for inspiration.
It can take advantage of the new <0;1> syntax and the new gethdkeys RPC.
I was able to generate a simple 2-of-2 tr(musig(A,B)/<0;1>/*) watch-only wallet on testnet4 and receive to it. Keys A and B were extracted from regular wallets by taking the pkh() account level xpub, including its origin.
However when trying to send walletprocesspsbt (with the wallet that has private keys) does not add any fields.
commented at 9:49 am on December 3, 2024:
I also tried @bigspider’s MooSig demo which worked. I then crafted a multisig between A and the device: tr(musig(A,L)/<0;1>/*). I managed to register the policy (after several mistakes, it’s very tedious to do this manually).
I wanted to try using HWI to display the address, but I would have to modify it to work with the test app. I just yolo funded it.
I then created a withdrawal PSBT and pasted it in the Moosig script, modifying it to only add its public nonce. I also hardcoded the registered hmac. The device recognized the account being spent from. I can see that musig2_pubnonces was added to the PSBT.
I then ran it through walletprocesspsbt in wallet A. The resulting PSBT was longer, but it didn’t add its nonce to musig2_pubnonces.
commented at 10:02 am on December 3, 2024:
Looking at the functional tests in 3649c2eb2053a0c166c68beb310c9c64ddc5b273 it seems the way this is designed to work is by swapping out the active tr([m/86'/1'/0']xpriv/<0;1>)/* descriptor for tr(musig([m/86'/1'/0']xpriv,other,other)/<0;1>)/*.
I guess that’s fine for the purpose of getting MuSig2 functionality in for experimental use, but it seems a bit unsafe and confusing for general use.
The test could make the intention a bit more clear by starting with blank wallets, only adding a tr() descriptor and mentioning in a comment that we just want its keys.
So instead of creating a watch-only wallet, I created a blank wallet. I imported the same tr(musig(A,L)/<0;1>/*) descriptor, but using the xpriv instead of xpub for A. It found the deposited coin. This time I started the withdrawal from the Core, so the Moosig could do its two calls to device in quick succession.
Even though I had “enable PSBT controls” selected, the GUI did not give me a chance to create a PSBT and immediately complained “Signing transaction failed” after I clicked “Send”.
The send RPC did work though it didn’t add a nonce. I had to use walletprocesspsbt for that.
I fed the result to Moosig generate_public_nonces and generate_partial_signatures. I fed the result to walletprocesspsbt et voila! Money back.
commented at 4:03 pm on December 3, 2024:
I just updated it with a new version (Bitcoin Test Musig v2.4.0-rc):
Some bug fixes for more complex policies. Testing is still not extensive, but it should work for all combinations of musig and miniscript (with the due limits to the policy size; currently, at most 5 keys for MuSig2).
If a psbt is sent where only MuSig2 round 1 is executed (no signatures returned), the app will return pubnonces with no user interaction. Note that if there are other internal keys in the wallet policy for whom the PSBT_IN_TAP_BIP32_DERIVATION is present, then the device will sign for those, and in that case confirmation is of course still required.
Does /** in descriptors mean a combination of /0/* and /1/*? I.e. a receive and a change descriptor.
commented at 4:35 pm on January 4, 2025:
@starius Kind of. We build on top of the descriptor template defined in BIP 129 (BSMS). The above snippet is part of a larger BSMS wallet configuration file, which includes derivation path restrictions.
commented at 10:41 pm on January 4, 2025:
@hugohn I built bitcoin core using this PR rebased on master.
I tried the descriptor from your message, replacing /**/ with /0/* and /1/*. It works!
commented at 10:50 pm on January 4, 2025:
@starius Kind of. We build on top of the descriptor template defined in BIP 129 (BSMS). The above snippet is part of a larger BSMS wallet configuration file, which includes derivation path restrictions.
@hugohn: FYI BIP-388 generalizes descriptor templates to arbitrary wallets, including with miniscript and musig; it should be entirely compatible with the special cases defined in BIP-129 for multisig.
commented at 4:28 am on January 5, 2025:
I attempted to test this on Signet with a 2-of-2 MuSig2 Taproot address (without script leaves).
Succeeded using walletprocesspsbt, but failed when using GUI “Load PSBT from keyboard” option.
I copied it to node 2, loaded PSBT there, signed,
then copied to node 3, loaded PSBT there, signed,
then copied to node 2, loaded PSBT there, signed,
then copied to node 3, loaded PSBT there, signed.
Despite including a taproot_key_path_sig, the transaction remains incomplete. Why?
When I use walletprocesspsbt instead of GUI for nonce exchange and signing (4 times), the process completes and I get a hex encoded final transaction.
Any insights or clarifications on this would be appreciated!
commented at 6:44 pm on January 5, 2025:
Sample descriptors: tr(musig([15d62cdf/87'/0'/0']xpub6CpM1svHYyNMTVdmDh5syFXCJHKctJNajbyLEdA8pAgAeg1jotmg9G1aVkND5Rzf37uhwhs8o2Lvq22iRpWwcbNGCrYxAozQfYQYi1eduES/**,[7f15646b/87'/0'/0']xpub6ChFTmSdBrhN3D16Rna7hJVQe4w56Gx83U4uNhT3oJaEXiPv7LKnY2gXi3FbbusCb145c3SMEUsSLMRdkxa82MNKqkatnK5b77BXPc3aK8h/**),{{{pk(musig([15d62cdf/87'/0'/0']xpub6CpM1svHYyNMTVdmDh5syFXCJHKctJNajbyLEdA8pAgAeg1jotmg9G1aVkND5Rzf37uhwhs8o2Lvq22iRpWwcbNGCrYxAozQfYQYi1eduES/**,[07895d1c/87'/0'/0']xpub6DF4oz8Ws6Qcd87qKeKFJCMMvcY3X8vQkS5uQE6P5GxCjNE6XfCeak8xc7VUWjUnH4W1N9rmyjVrUHS5S5odkipXkH8G3VGqVoqoRJzL3UZ/**)),pk(musig([15d62cdf/87'/0'/0']xpub6CpM1svHYyNMTVdmDh5syFXCJHKctJNajbyLEdA8pAgAeg1jotmg9G1aVkND5Rzf37uhwhs8o2Lvq22iRpWwcbNGCrYxAozQfYQYi1eduES/**,[17f48baa/87'/0'/0']xpub6DQGEWSeUwmDE9HHzV3Biwj6VWxJj3VkGjefC7zqRJWM1xTU1s5dozA7DNty3ZniaejgLZBPVhsmrR88cpAeW8E3yieJHhfkPVDmAtuhkym/**))},{pk(musig([7f15646b/87'/0'/0']xpub6ChFTmSdBrhN3D16Rna7hJVQe4w56Gx83U4uNhT3oJaEXiPv7LKnY2gXi3FbbusCb145c3SMEUsSLMRdkxa82MNKqkatnK5b77BXPc3aK8h/**,[07895d1c/87'/0'/0']xpub6DF4oz8Ws6Qcd87qKeKFJCMMvcY3X8vQkS5uQE6P5GxCjNE6XfCeak8xc7VUWjUnH4W1N9rmyjVrUHS5S5odkipXkH8G3VGqVoqoRJzL3UZ/**)),pk(musig([7f15646b/87'/0'/0']xpub6ChFTmSdBrhN3D16Rna7hJVQe4w56Gx83U4uNhT3oJaEXiPv7LKnY2gXi3FbbusCb145c3SMEUsSLMRdkxa82MNKqkatnK5b77BXPc3aK8h/**,[17f48baa/87'/0'/0']xpub6DQGEWSeUwmDE9HHzV3Biwj6VWxJj3VkGjefC7zqRJWM1xTU1s5dozA7DNty3ZniaejgLZBPVhsmrR88cpAeW8E3yieJHhfkPVDmAtuhkym/**))}},pk(musig([07895d1c/87'/0'/0']xpub6DF4oz8Ws6Qcd87qKeKFJCMMvcY3X8vQkS5uQE6P5GxCjNE6XfCeak8xc7VUWjUnH4W1N9rmyjVrUHS5S5odkipXkH8G3VGqVoqoRJzL3UZ/**,[17f48baa/87'/0'/0']xpub6DQGEWSeUwmDE9HHzV3Biwj6VWxJj3VkGjefC7zqRJWM1xTU1s5dozA7DNty3ZniaejgLZBPVhsmrR88cpAeW8E3yieJHhfkPVDmAtuhkym/**))})@hugohn: Update: I notice now that you are using the derive-then-aggregate pattern (musig(xpub1/**,xpub2/**,...)), instead of the aggregate-then-derive one: (musig(xpub1,xpub2,...)/**); therefore, contrarily to what I claimed above, it is not compatible with BIP-388, which only supports the latter.
Descriptors, as currently specified, support both, which I think it’s unfortunate.
I recommend using the aggregate-then-derive pattern as it is going to be a lot more efficient in hardware signing devices - and the only one compatible with BIP-388.
commented at 2:22 am on January 6, 2025:
Our main concern would be compatibility with other wallets. Do you know what wallets support BIP-388 right now (besides Ledger)? Does Sparrow support it?
commented at 8:22 am on January 6, 2025:
Our main concern would be compatibility with other wallets. Do you know what wallets support BIP-388 right now (besides Ledger)? Does Sparrow support it?
BIP-388 is the base for the miniscript implementation used currently in Ledger, BitBox and Jade.
Sparrow only supports the standard multisig types, and I suppose it works with most devices.
The musig part of BIP-388 is currently only implemented in Ledger in a test application (details here), and should reach production this quarter.
commented at 9:25 am on January 6, 2025:
Maybe we should have a wallet or importdescriptors flag that restricts imported descriptors to BIP-388? Whether to make that the default would be a separate debate.
achow101 force-pushed
on Jan 6, 2025
commented at 9:19 pm on January 6, 2025:
Succeeded using walletprocesspsbt, but failed when using GUI “Load PSBT from keyboard” option.
Thanks for testing! This revealed an issue with sighash type handling in the aggregation code. I’ve pushed a fix for it, as well as a functional test which could replicate the issue with walletprocesspsbt.
This fix does require changing how we handle non-default sighash types - namely we now will add PSBT_IN_SIGHASH to an input if we are trying to sign it with something other than SIGHASH_DEFAULT (note that SIGHASH_DEFAULT == SIGHASH_ALL for non-taproot, so the normal non-taproot won’t have this field added, unless SIGHASH_ALL was explicitly specified on the command line).
commented at 3:08 am on January 7, 2025:
@achow101 I tried the updated version (2da3f0e659d3e89da0cdf525f8ce370bb35365a1).
I tested GUI flow - it works the same (doesn’t produce a transaction).
I also re-tested walletprocesspsbt flow - now it is also broken:
12Specified sighash value does not match value stored in PSBT (code -22)
commented at 4:52 am on January 7, 2025:
@achow101 I tried the updated version (2da3f0e). I tested GUI flow - it works the same (doesn’t produce a transaction). I also re-tested walletprocesspsbt flow - now it is also broken:
Ah, the sighash stuff needs a bit more work, and it also has impacts outside of MuSig support.
For the GUI workflow, if you apply on top of 3649c2e, it should “work”. However that is not a complete fix as it doesn’t work with other sighash types
commented at 2:10 am on January 9, 2025:
I’ve pushed several commits to fix the sighash issues. These are also opened in their own PR #31622
commented at 10:52 am on January 16, 2025:
Can you update the PR description to have a list of pre-requisite PRs?
fanquake referenced this in commit
on Jan 16, 2025
commented at 8:16 pm on January 16, 2025:
Can you update the PR description to have a list of pre-requisite PRs?
There’s a tracking issue with everything listed #31246
achow101 force-pushed
on Jan 22, 2025
DrahtBot added the label
Needs rebase
on Feb 4, 2025
tests: Test PSBT sighash type mismatch75778d4cbe
psbt: Return PSBTError from SignPSBTInputc49cccf9aa
wallet: change FillPSBT to take sighash as optional
Instead of having the caller have to figure out the correct sane default
to provide to FillPSBT, have FillPSBT do that by having it take the
sighash type as an optional. This further allows it to distinguish
between an explicit sighash type being provided and expecting the
default value to be used.
script: Add IsPayToTaproot()57bfdd0a8f
psbt: Check sighash types in SignPSBTInput and take sighash as optional121c8fb494
wallet: Remove sighash type enforcement from FillPSBT2a0ce2c691
psbt: Add sighash types to PSBT when not DEFAULT or ALL
When an atypical sighash type is specified by the user, add it to the
PSBT so that further signing can enforce sighash type matching.
psbt: use sighash type field to determine whether to remove non-witness utxos
Since the sighash type field is written for atypical sighash types, we
can look at that field to figure out whether the psbt contains
unnecessary transactions.
rpc, psbt: Require sighashes match for descriptorprocesspsbt9911ba82be
psbt: Implement un/ser of musig2 fieldse33ca03451
rpc: Include MuSig2 fields in decodepsbt79cfe1ab4c
wallet, rpc: Only allow keypool import from single key descriptors
Instead of relying on implicit assumptions about whether pubkeys show up
after expanding a descriptor, just explicitly allow only single
key descriptors to import keys into a legacy wallet's keypool.
descriptors: Have GetPubKey fill origins directly
Instead of having ExpandHelper fill in the origins in the
FlatSigningProvider output, have GetPubKey do it by itself. This reduces
the extra variables needed in order to track and set origins in
Also changes GetPubKey to return a std::optional<CPubKey> rather than
using a bool and output parameters.
descriptors: Move FlatSigningProvider pubkey filling to GetPubKey
Instead of MakeScripts inconsistently filling the output
FlatSigningProvider with the pubkeys involved, just do it in GetPubKey.
descriptors: Have GetPrivKey fill keys directly
Instead of GetPrivKey returning a key and having the caller fill the
FlatSigningProvider, have GetPrivKey take the FlatSigningProvider and
fill it by itself.
GetPrivKey is now changed to void as the caller no longer cares whether
it succeeds or fails.
XOnlyPubKey: Add GetCPubKeys
We need to retrieve the even and odd compressed pubkeys for xonly
pubkeys, so add a function to do that. Also reuse it in GetKeyIDs.
spanparsing: Allow Const to not skip the found constant4b35475570
sign: Add GetAggregateParticipantPubkeys to SigningProvider755ce92daa
Add MuSig2 Keyagg Cache class and functions
- MuSig2KeyAggCache contains a MuSig2KeyAggCacheImpl which has the
secp256ke_musig_keyagg_cache object to avoid having to link libsecp256k1
- GetMuSig2KeyAggCache creates the MuSig2KeyAggCache from a
- GetCPubKeyFromMuSig2KeyAggCache creates a CPubKey from a cache created
with GetMuSig2KeyAggCache
- MuSig2AggregatePubKeys does the two above functions together.
sign: Refactor Schnorr sighash computation out of CreateSchnorrSig
There will be other functions within MutableTransactionSignatureCreator
that need to compute the same sighash, so make it a separate member
pubkey: Return tweaks from BIP32 derivation16f8359e78
sign: Include taproot output key's KeyOriginInfo in sigdata681abd1144
Add MuSig2SecNonce class for secure allocation of musig nonces981ff702a8
signingprovider: Add musig2 secnonces
Adds GetMuSig2SecNonces which returns secp256k1_musig_secnonce*, and
DeleteMuSig2Session which removes the MuSig2 secnonce from wherever it
was retrieved. FlatSigningProvider stores it as a pointer to a map of
session id to secnonce so that deletion will actually delete from the
object that actually owns the secnonces.
The session id is just a unique identifier for the caller to determine
what secnonces have been created.
sign: Add CreateMuSig2AggregateSigf7d39c2371
sign: Add CreateMuSig2Noncee498ab7a5a
sign: Add CreateMuSig2PartialSig870b15d179
sign: Create MuSig2 signatures for known MuSig2 aggregate keys
When creating Taproot signatures, if the key being signed for is known
to be a MuSig2 aggregate key, do the MuSig2 signing algorithms.
First try to create the aggregate signature. This will fail if there are
not enough partial signatures or public nonces. If it does fail, try to
create a partial signature with all participant keys. This will fail for
those keys that we do not have the private keys for, and if there are
not enough public nonces. Lastly, if the partial signatures could be
created, add our own public nonces for the private keys that we know, if
they do not yet exist.
wallet: Keep secnonces in DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan26da366d47
psbt: MuSig2 data in Fill/FromSignatureData9d26e65b1f
test: Test MuSig2 in the wallet2bc1783572
achow101 force-pushed
on Feb 10, 2025
DrahtBot removed the label
Needs rebase
on Feb 12, 2025
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