Fee Estimation: Ignore all transactions that are CPFP’d #30079

pull ismaelsadeeq wants to merge 6 commits into bitcoin:master from ismaelsadeeq:05-2023-ignore-transactions-with-parents changing 11 files +496 −18
  1. ismaelsadeeq commented at 9:04 am on May 10, 2024: member

    Another attempt at #25380 with an alternate approach

    This PR updates CBlockPolicyEstimator to ignore all transactions that are CPFP’d by some child when a new block is received. This fixes the assumption that all transactions are confirmed solely because of their fee rate. As some transactions are confirmed due to a CPFP by some child.

    This approach linearize all transactions removed from the mempool because of the new block, and only ignore transactions whose mining score is not the same with their the fee rate.

    All transaction with in-mempool parent are already not tracked for fee estimation, so the child that CPFP’d the parent is also ignored.

    Upon implementing the cluster mempool, we will just track chunks and make the fee estimator package aware.

  2. DrahtBot commented at 9:04 am on May 10, 2024: contributor

    The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers.

    Code Coverage & Benchmarks

    For details see: https://corecheck.dev/bitcoin/bitcoin/pulls/30079.


    See the guideline for information on the review process.

    Type Reviewers
    Concept ACK instagibbs, josibake
    Stale ACK rkrux

    If your review is incorrectly listed, please react with 👎 to this comment and the bot will ignore it on the next update.


    Reviewers, this pull request conflicts with the following ones:

    • #31664 (Fees: add Fee rate Forecaster Manager by ismaelsadeeq)

    If you consider this pull request important, please also help to review the conflicting pull requests. Ideally, start with the one that should be merged first.

  3. glozow commented at 1:54 pm on May 10, 2024: member
    cc @josibake @instagibbs @naumenkogs @darosior @murchandamus since you reviewed the last time
  4. instagibbs commented at 1:58 pm on May 10, 2024: member

    concept ACK

    strikes me as the right idea, keep it simple for now, focusing on correctness. Do we have charts anywhere tracking % of transactions that are in a cluster size of 1?

  5. ismaelsadeeq commented at 2:19 pm on May 10, 2024: member

    Do we have charts anywhere tracking % of transactions that are in a cluster size of 1?

    I will analyze the percentage of cluster size 1 transactions mined in previous blocks.

  6. josibake commented at 5:41 pm on May 10, 2024: member
    Concept ACK
  7. in test/functional/feature_fee_estimation.py:526 in c12a677cc2 outdated
    529         self.log.info("Testing estimates with RBF.")
    530-        self.sanity_check_rbf_estimates(self.confutxo + self.memutxo)
    531+        self.sanity_check_rbf_estimates(self.confutxo)
    533+        self.log.info("Restarting node with fresh estimation")

    rkrux commented at 7:49 am on May 14, 2024:
    This log and the same one on line 520 can go inside clear_first_node_estimates().

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 5:05 pm on May 14, 2024:
    Fixed, thanks
  8. in test/functional/feature_fee_estimation.py:415 in c12a677cc2 outdated
    410+        broadcaster = self.nodes[0]
    411+        miner = self.nodes[1]
    412+        # In sat/vb
    413+        low_feerate = Decimal(2)
    414+        med_feerate = Decimal(15)
    415+        high_feerate = Decimal(20)

    rkrux commented at 7:52 am on May 14, 2024:


    0[low_feerate, med_feerate, high_feerate] = [Decimal(2), Decimal(15), Decimal(20)]

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 5:06 pm on May 14, 2024:
  9. in test/functional/feature_fee_estimation.py:441 in c12a677cc2 outdated
    436+        tx = send_tx(wallet=self.wallet, node=broadcaster, utxo=None, feerate=high_feerate)
    437+        u = {"txid": tx["txid"], "vout": 0, "value": Decimal(tx["tx"].vout[0].nValue) / COIN}
    438+        send_tx(wallet=self.wallet, node=broadcaster, utxo=u, feerate=high_feerate)
    439+        self.sync_mempools(wait=0.1, nodes=[broadcaster, miner])
    440+        self.generate(miner, 1)
    441+        assert_equal(broadcaster.estimaterawfee(1)["short"]["fail"]["totalconfirmed"], 0)

    rkrux commented at 8:12 am on May 14, 2024:
    This is an easy candidate to remove code duplication by extracting this out in an internal function, and by accepting tx and feeRate as function args.

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 5:06 pm on May 14, 2024:
    Yes, this is fixed
  10. in test/functional/feature_fee_estimation.py:465 in c12a677cc2 outdated
    462+                u = utxos.pop(0)
    463+                tx = make_tx(wallet=self.wallet, utxo=u, feerate=med_feerate)
    464+                txs.append(tx)
    465+            batch_send_tx = (broadcaster.sendrawtransaction.get_request(tx["hex"]) for tx in txs)
    466+            broadcaster.batch(batch_send_tx)
    467+            self.sync_mempools(wait=0.1, nodes=[broadcaster, miner])

    rkrux commented at 8:13 am on May 14, 2024:
    I’ve seen this function call in other functional tests as well, can you share why this call is required?

    rkrux commented at 1:54 pm on May 14, 2024:
    Oh nevermind, reviewing this PR gave me the answer: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29982
  11. in test/functional/feature_fee_estimation.py:132 in c12a677cc2 outdated
    128@@ -129,6 +129,15 @@ def make_tx(wallet, utxo, feerate):
    129     )
    132+def send_tx(wallet, node, utxo, feerate):

    rkrux commented at 8:19 am on May 14, 2024:
    Nit: The meaning would be more explicit if we called the last argument as feerate_satvb.

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 5:07 pm on May 14, 2024:
    Their is a description below that states that the feerate is in sat/vb so I will leave this as is.
  12. in test/functional/feature_fee_estimation.py:137 in c12a677cc2 outdated
    128@@ -129,6 +129,15 @@ def make_tx(wallet, utxo, feerate):
    129     )
    132+def send_tx(wallet, node, utxo, feerate):
    133+    """Broadcast a 1in-1out transaction with a specific input and feerate (sat/vb)."""
    134+    return wallet.send_self_transfer(
    135+        from_node=node,
    136+        utxo_to_spend=utxo,
    137+        fee_rate=Decimal(feerate * 1000) / COIN,

    rkrux commented at 8:21 am on May 14, 2024:
    I dont fully understand this conversion, is the intention to convert it to feerate_satkvb?

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 4:13 pm on May 14, 2024:
    This is converting to feerate in sat/vb to (BTC/kvB)
  13. in src/policy/fees.cpp:705 in c12a677cc2 outdated
    700+                // It may be fee bumped by the child.
    701+                _removeTx(parentId, /*inblock=*/true);
    702+                seen_transactions.erase(parentId);
    703+            }
    704+        }
    705+    }

    rkrux commented at 8:25 am on May 14, 2024:
    Nit: This code block can be extracted in a separate function because after reading the code above that’s mostly delegation consecutive function calls, it’d be nice to have something similar here as well - removeParentTxs. One more point being that seen_transactions variable is internal to this logic and doesn’t need to be exposed to processBlock.

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 5:07 pm on May 14, 2024:
  14. in src/policy/fees.cpp:698 in c12a677cc2 outdated
    689@@ -690,6 +690,20 @@ void CBlockPolicyEstimator::processBlock(const std::vector<RemovedMempoolTransac
    690     shortStats->UpdateMovingAverages();
    691     longStats->UpdateMovingAverages();
    693+    std::set<Txid> seen_transactions;
    694+    for (const auto& tx : txs_removed_for_block) {
    695+        seen_transactions.insert(tx.info.m_tx->GetHash());
    696+        for (const auto& input : tx.info.m_tx->vin) {
    697+            const Txid& parentId = input.prevout.hash;
    698+            if (seen_transactions.count(parentId)) {

    rkrux commented at 8:26 am on May 14, 2024:
    I’m assuming the transactions are sorted from parents to children. So in the case A -> B -> C -> D, all except D would be removed, right?

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 8:58 am on May 14, 2024:

    I’m assuming the transactions are sorted from parents to children.

    Yes, they are.

    The fee estimator does not take all transaction with parents in the mempool into account already see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/7fcf4e99791ca5be0b068ac03a81a50ece11dba3/src/policy/fees.cpp#L615

    Assuming A->B->C->D are topologically sorted from parent to last descendant.

    In this case B, C, D are already not considered for fee estimation, After this PR A will also be ignored.

    rkrux commented at 2:01 pm on May 14, 2024:

    Hmm I see, as per this comment it says “not dependent on any other transactions in the mempool” - does this also apply to other transactions in the block?


    ismaelsadeeq commented at 5:28 pm on May 14, 2024:

    does this also apply to other transactions in the block?

    I don’t fully understand your question. The comment you highlighted refers to all incoming transactions into the mempool.

    After a new block arrives, the fee estimator listens for notifications of all transactions removed from mempool because of the new block, and updates their tracking stats. All transactions with mempool dependencies that are mined are not tracked initially, they are just going to be skipped.

  15. in test/functional/feature_fee_estimation.py:307 in 37b7ce3c1a outdated
    282@@ -278,12 +283,16 @@ def sanity_check_rbf_estimates(self, utxos):
    283             while len(utxos_to_respend) > 0:
    284                 u = utxos_to_respend.pop(0)
    285                 tx = make_tx(self.wallet, u, high_feerate)
    286+                self.confutxo.append({
    287+                    "txid": tx["txid"],
    288+                    "vout": 0,
    289+                    "value": Decimal(tx["tx"].vout[0].nValue) / COIN
    290+                })

    rkrux commented at 8:29 am on May 14, 2024:
    Wondering why these calls are not required after every make_tx call?

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 5:22 pm on May 14, 2024:

    Because make_tx is only constructing the transaction, the transaction created might not be confirmed, so Its inaccurate to add it to confirmed utxo’s after constructing the transaction.

    Transactions added to the confirmed utxo’s in the diff (sanity_check_rbf_estimates) are all going to be confirmed eventually so we are accounting for them.

  16. in test/functional/feature_fee_estimation.py:425 in c12a677cc2 outdated
    406+        sanity checks its behaviour when receiving transactions that were confirmed because
    407+        of their child's feerate.
    408+        """
    409+        # The broadcaster and block producer
    410+        broadcaster = self.nodes[0]
    411+        miner = self.nodes[1]

    rkrux commented at 8:37 am on May 14, 2024:
    +1 for expressive node names!
  17. rkrux approved
  18. rkrux commented at 8:38 am on May 14, 2024: contributor

    tACK c12a677

    Make successful, all functional tests successful. Mentioned few nits and asked few questions for my clarity.

    The downside of this approach is that transactions that are not CPFP’d will aslo be ignored.

    Related to this^, one specific case I can think of that will be affected is of layered transactions that are meant to be confirmed together, example: fanout transactions to increase the utxo count in the wallet and make the utxo value distribution more even, but Idk how frequently these transactions happen.

  19. DrahtBot requested review from instagibbs on May 14, 2024
  20. DrahtBot requested review from josibake on May 14, 2024
  21. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on May 14, 2024
  22. ismaelsadeeq commented at 4:43 pm on May 15, 2024: member

    Do we have charts anywhere tracking % of transactions that are in a cluster size of 1?

    I will analyze the percentage of cluster size 1 transactions mined in previous blocks.

    I tracked recent 1000 blocks from block 842457 to 843457

    ~61% of transactions in the last 1000 blocks were confirmed in a cluster size > 1. ~38% of transactions in the last 1000 blocks were confirmed in a cluster size 1

    Transactions: 3974143 Cluster size 1 transactions: 1516505 Approximate percentage of Cluster size 1 transactions: ~38 Transactions in a cluster size > 1 transactions: 2457638 Approximate percentage of transactions in a cluster size > 1: ~61

    The data is available here here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QTE2EQeQlamA123pIn0SY4F-9jtnzS7e7CV1etT6ytM/edit?usp=sharing

    I used this script to collect the data https://gist.github.com/ismaelsadeeq/e2767040b720f65986976b3f8c6b7b20

  23. ismaelsadeeq commented at 4:53 pm on May 15, 2024: member

    Thanks for review @rkrux

    • I addressed all your comments
    • Force pushed from c12a677cc250608171bc4f6311095b60ba24abab to 2563305c0aef3975a6321911db7e0f2a245486de compare diff
  24. in test/functional/feature_fee_estimation.py:413 in 2563305c0a outdated
    400@@ -383,6 +401,79 @@ def test_acceptstalefeeestimates_option(self):
    401         assert_equal(self.nodes[0].estimatesmartfee(1)["feerate"], fee_rate)
    404+    def send_and_mine_child_tx(self, broadcaster, miner, parent_tx, feerate):
    405+        u = {"txid": parent_tx["txid"], "vout": 0, "value": Decimal(parent_tx["tx"].vout[0].nValue) / COIN}

    rkrux commented at 9:20 am on May 16, 2024:

    Decimal(parent_tx["tx"].vout[0].nValue) / COIN

    Is there not a satToBtc() already? WDYT about introducing one? I’ve noticed this conversion in this diff thrice.

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 9:33 am on May 16, 2024:
    Happy to modify if there is need to retouch, else this is a good idea for a follow-up @rkrux

    josibake commented at 10:00 am on May 16, 2024:
    yeah, would recommend this be a separate PR, since there are likely multiple instances in other tests where we could replace the satToBtc conversion with a utility function in the test framework.

    rkrux commented at 10:57 am on May 16, 2024:
    Yeah, I can pick this up in a separate PR.

    rkrux commented at 12:03 pm on November 22, 2024:
    Quite a late reply here but I don’t think I will get to this anytime soon, created an issue here for anyone else to pick up: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31345
  25. rkrux approved
  26. rkrux commented at 9:21 am on May 16, 2024: contributor

    reACK 2563305

    Thanks for the quick turnaround on this @ismaelsadeeq!

  27. in src/policy/fees.cpp:665 in a6e8133689 outdated
    661@@ -662,6 +662,22 @@ bool CBlockPolicyEstimator::processBlockTx(unsigned int nBlockHeight, const Remo
    662     return true;
    663 }
    665+void CBlockPolicyEstimator::removeParentTxs(const std::vector<RemovedMempoolTransactionInfo>& txs_removed_for_block)

    josibake commented at 9:56 am on May 16, 2024:

    in https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30079/commits/a6e81336897bfa472b79c82899584b2763af99e4 (“ignore all transaction with in block child”):

    Shouldn’t we also remove the child? Otherwise we will overestimate fees, unless I’m missing something? Example:

    • Parent pays 1 sat/vb
    • 10 sat/vb per tx is required to be competitive for the next block
    • Child pays 20 sat/vb to try and get them + parent to 10 sat/vb
    • Now in fee estimation, we see 20 sat/vb for a child that could have only paid 10 sat/vb

    glozow commented at 10:32 am on May 16, 2024:

    although unclear to me why we don’t also remove the child transaction from fee estimation to avoid overestimating

    A child is already ignored, new mempool txns with unconfirmed parents are never added

    https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/dd42a5ddea6a72e1e9cad54f8352c76b0b701973/src/validation.cpp#L1274-L1279 https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/dd42a5ddea6a72e1e9cad54f8352c76b0b701973/src/policy/fees.cpp#L610-L615

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 10:39 am on May 16, 2024:

    Thanks for your review, Josie. I think you are missing something.

    When the child arrives, it will have a mempool parent, and we currently do not consider all transactions with mempool parent for fee estimation.

    So when processing a transaction in processBlockTx all transactions with mempool parent, will be missing and , and we will skip them.

    Child transactions whose parents aren’t in our mempool will also be missing, and we will skip them because orphan transactions aren’t added to the mempool and hence won’t be tracked. They are skipped here: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/dd42a5ddea6a72e1e9cad54f8352c76b0b701973/src/policy/fees.cpp#L640

    See the discussion with @rkrux: #30079 (review)

    I recently made a delving on how fix this limitation and track chunks post cluster mempool. Package-aware fee estimator post

    josibake commented at 8:28 am on May 17, 2024:
    ah, my bad. I had even read that comment that @glozow linked to earlier but it didn’t click for me that by the time we get to the block we’ve already processed transactions and excluded the child transaction. I think a comment explaining what you just explained here would help a lot, maybe at the call site of removeParentTxs?

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 1:00 pm on June 3, 2024:
    Added the comment, thanks.
  28. in src/policy/fees.h:306 in a6e8133689 outdated
    302@@ -303,6 +303,9 @@ class CBlockPolicyEstimator : public CValidationInterface
    303     /** Process a transaction confirmed in a block*/
    304     bool processBlockTx(unsigned int nBlockHeight, const RemovedMempoolTransactionInfo& tx) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);
    306+    /* Remove transactions with child from fee estimation tracking stats */

    josibake commented at 9:58 am on May 16, 2024:

    in https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30079/commits/a6e81336897bfa472b79c82899584b2763af99e4 (“ignore all transaction with in block child”):

    nit: /** comment */ to match the styling of the surrounding comments. Might also be worth mention this is only for in-block children (CPFP).

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 1:00 pm on June 3, 2024:
  29. josibake commented at 10:02 am on May 16, 2024: member
    Looks good, although unclear to me why we don’t also remove the child transaction from fee estimation to avoid overestimating. Would recommend also removing the children, or at least documenting why it doesn’t matter in a comment.
  30. DrahtBot requested review from josibake on May 16, 2024
  31. laanwj added the label Mempool on May 16, 2024
  32. bitcoin deleted a comment on Jun 3, 2024
  33. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jun 3, 2024
  34. ismaelsadeeq renamed this:
    Fee Estimation: Ignore all transactions with an in-block child
    Fee Estimation: Ignore all transactions that are CPFP'd
    on Jun 3, 2024
  35. ismaelsadeeq commented at 1:04 pm on June 3, 2024: member

    Do we have charts anywhere tracking % of transactions that are in a cluster size of 1?

    I will analyze the percentage of cluster size 1 transactions mined in previous blocks.

    I tracked recent 1000 blocks from block 842457 to 843457

    ~61% of transactions in the last 1000 blocks were confirmed in a cluster size > 1. ~38% of transactions in the last 1000 blocks were confirmed in a cluster size 1

    Transactions: 3974143 Cluster size 1 transactions: 1516505 Approximate percentage of Cluster size 1 transactions: ~38 Transactions in a cluster size > 1 transactions: 2457638 Approximate percentage of transactions in a cluster size > 1: ~61

    The data is available here here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QTE2EQeQlamA123pIn0SY4F-9jtnzS7e7CV1etT6ytM/edit?usp=sharing

    I used this script to collect the data https://gist.github.com/ismaelsadeeq/e2767040b720f65986976b3f8c6b7b20

    This data shows that most transactions are in cluster size > 1.

    So I switched to ignoring transaction that are CPFP’d only.

    Thanks for your reviews @rkrux @josibake

    • Forced pushed from 2563305c0aef3975a6321911db7e0f2a245486de to 055d9e6752dc87b25cdd5ea0138bfca7e4322dcb Compare diff

    • Addressed all comments.

  36. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jun 3, 2024
  37. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Jun 3, 2024
  38. DrahtBot commented at 2:57 pm on June 3, 2024: contributor

    🚧 At least one of the CI tasks failed. Make sure to run all tests locally, according to the documentation.

    Possibly this is due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest commit of the target branch.

    Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.

    Debug: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/runs/25734218532

  39. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jun 3, 2024
  40. josibake commented at 9:51 am on June 10, 2024: member

    I didn’t look too closely into the CI failure reason, but seems like a relatively simple fix, i.e. fixing an signed int overflow:

     0SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: signed-integer-overflow node/mini_miner.cpp:196:33 
     1MS: 0 ; base unit: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
     2artifact_prefix='./'; Test unit written to ./crash-2315c89458602360eb93362328da5c0ef21f9864
     4Traceback (most recent call last):
     5  File "/ci_container_base/ci/scratch/build/bitcoin-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/test/fuzz/test_runner.py", line 411, in <module>
     6    main()
     7  File "/ci_container_base/ci/scratch/build/bitcoin-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/test/fuzz/test_runner.py", line 199, in main
     8    run_once(
     9  File "/ci_container_base/ci/scratch/build/bitcoin-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/test/fuzz/test_runner.py", line 376, in run_once
    10    assert len(done_stat) == 1
    11           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  41. ismaelsadeeq marked this as a draft on Jun 10, 2024
  42. ismaelsadeeq commented at 10:13 am on June 10, 2024: member
    Marking as draft, as I attempt to fix the fuzzing overflow error.
  43. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jun 13, 2024
  44. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jun 13, 2024
  45. ismaelsadeeq commented at 7:45 pm on June 13, 2024: member

    I didn’t look too closely into the CI failure reason, but seems like a relatively simple fix, i.e. fixing an signed int overflow: @josibake overflow is from mini miner AncestorFeerateComparator, added a fixup commit here and opened an issue for it. #30284

  46. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Jun 13, 2024
  47. ismaelsadeeq marked this as ready for review on Jun 13, 2024
  48. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jun 25, 2024
  49. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Jul 2, 2024
  50. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jul 3, 2024
  51. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jul 3, 2024
  52. in src/test/feesutil_tests.cpp:102 in 5e6ff0f80e outdated
     97+        // Create cluster C child ---> J
     98+        outpoints = {COutPoint(transactions[2].info.m_tx->GetHash(), 0)};
     99+        const CTransactionRef txJ = make_tx(outpoints);
    100+        transactions.emplace_back(entry.FromTx(txJ));
    102+        // Create cluster B child ---> K

    rkrux commented at 9:04 am on July 8, 2024:
    0// Create cluster D child ---> K

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 5:34 pm on July 8, 2024:
  53. in src/test/feesutil_tests.cpp:136 in 5e6ff0f80e outdated
    118+            BOOST_CHECK(descendants.find(txA_Id) != descendants.end());
    119+            for (auto i = 4; i <= 6; i++) {
    120+                auto curr_tx = transactions[i];
    121+                BOOST_CHECK(descendants.find(curr_tx.info.m_tx->GetHash()) != descendants.end());
    122+            }
    123+        }

    rkrux commented at 9:20 am on July 8, 2024:

    There are 9 such assertion blocks with almost similar validations on ancestors and descendants. If the author feels it’s worth it, IMO this duplication can be eliminated by accepting few variables as the input in a function and calling it with different arguments.

    0validateTxRelations(txToValidate, ancestorTxs, descendantTxs)

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 5:35 pm on July 8, 2024:
    thanks accepted your suggestion with a slight modification.

    rkrux commented at 8:23 am on July 12, 2024:
    Great, thank you!
  54. in src/policy/fees_util.cpp:11 in 5e6ff0f80e outdated
    0@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
    1+// Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin Core developers
    2+// Distributed under the MIT software license. See the accompanying
    3+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
    6+#include <policy/fees_util.h>
    7+#include <primitives/transaction.h>
    9+TxAncestorsAndDescendants GetTxAncestorsAndDescendants(const std::vector<RemovedMempoolTransactionInfo>& transactions)

    rkrux commented at 9:21 am on July 8, 2024:
    +1 on separating this function out in a file and adding focussed unit tests for it, I feel this is generic enough to be used in several places later.
  55. in src/policy/fees_util.cpp:15 in 5e6ff0f80e outdated
    11+    TxAncestorsAndDescendants visited_txs;
    12+    for (const auto& tx_info : transactions) {
    13+        const auto& txid = tx_info.info.m_tx->GetHash();
    14+        std::set<Txid> tx_set{txid};
    15+        visited_txs.emplace(txid, std::make_tuple(tx_set, tx_set));

    rkrux commented at 9:29 am on July 8, 2024:
    Interesting that tx_set is passed by value here and 2 separate copies are made at the time of calling, which is the need here for separate ancestors and descendants copies.

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 5:36 pm on July 8, 2024:
    yes, this is gone now.
  56. rkrux approved
  57. rkrux commented at 9:35 am on July 8, 2024: contributor

    tACK cb95f95

    make, test/functional are successful.

    Although, this round of review was focussed on 5e6ff0f

  58. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jul 8, 2024
  59. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jul 8, 2024
  60. in src/node/mini_miner.cpp:192 in b1b28a21e1 outdated
    188@@ -189,11 +189,7 @@ struct AncestorFeerateComparator
    189             const int64_t ancestor_size{e.GetSizeWithAncestors()};
    190             const CAmount tx_fee{e.GetModifiedFee()};
    191             const int64_t tx_size{e.GetTxSize()};
    192-            // Comparing ancestor feerate with individual feerate:
    193-            //     ancestor_fee / ancestor_size <= tx_fee / tx_size
    194-            // Avoid division and possible loss of precision by
    195-            // multiplying both sides by the sizes:
    196-            return ancestor_fee * tx_size < tx_fee * ancestor_size ?
    197+            return CFeeRate(ancestor_fee, ancestor_size) <= CFeeRate(tx_fee, tx_size) ?

    glozow commented at 3:24 pm on July 9, 2024:
    instead of b1b28a21e185dfbc0c75f92ac55401a9ba8a5b08, I’d recommend rebasing on #30412 I was able to reproduce the ub crash and verify that 6254c253e995e77196b853784cfd0f42619b324d fixes it.

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 3:30 pm on July 9, 2024:
    thanks I will rebase on it.

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 3:44 pm on July 9, 2024:
  61. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jul 9, 2024
  62. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jul 15, 2024
  63. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Jul 25, 2024
  64. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Jul 25, 2024
  65. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jul 25, 2024
  66. hebasto added the label Needs CMake port on Aug 16, 2024
  67. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Aug 31, 2024
  68. maflcko removed the label Needs CMake port on Sep 2, 2024
  69. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Sep 2, 2024
  70. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Sep 3, 2024
  71. ismaelsadeeq commented at 10:04 am on September 3, 2024: member
    Rebased and added newly introduced files to cmakelist file instead of makefile
  72. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Sep 3, 2024
  73. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Sep 3, 2024
  74. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Oct 19, 2024
  75. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Oct 23, 2024
  76. in src/test/miniminer_tests.cpp:693 in 4c84f37ad9 outdated
    689@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(manual_ctor, TestChain100Setup)
    691         node::MiniMiner miniminer_manual(miniminer_info, descendant_caches);
    692         BOOST_CHECK(miniminer_manual.IsReadyToCalculate());
    693-        const auto sequences{miniminer_manual.Linearize()};
    694+        const auto sequences{miniminer_manual.Linearize().inclusion_order};

    Bambibrown commented at 4:05 am on December 4, 2024:
    0        const auto ### _**sequences{miniminer_manual.Linearize().inclusion_order};**_
  77. Bambibrown approved
  78. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Mar 17, 2025
  79. DrahtBot commented at 7:52 pm on March 17, 2025: contributor
    Needs rebase, if still relevant.
  80. ismaelsadeeq commented at 12:44 pm on March 18, 2025: member
    @DrahtBot I’ve rebased and force-pushed 2 hours ago, but the update is yet to reflect here see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/master...ismaelsadeeq:bitcoin:05-2023-ignore-transactions-with-parents
  81. maflcko commented at 12:50 pm on March 18, 2025: member
    This is a GitHub bug, but they are not going to fix it. The only way to fix it is by doing another rebase (or for a GitHub staff to manually clean it). See https://github.com/maflcko/DrahtBot/issues/43#issuecomment-2653314333
  82. ismaelsadeeq commented at 2:09 pm on March 18, 2025: member

    This is a GitHub bug, but they are not going to fix it. The only way to fix it is by doing another rebase (or for a GitHub staff to manually clean it). See maflcko/DrahtBot#43 (comment)

    I rebase against master and force-push with newer commits, it is still not updating https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/master...ismaelsadeeq:bitcoin:05-2023-ignore-transactions-with-parents

  83. maflcko closed this on Mar 18, 2025

  84. maflcko commented at 2:51 pm on March 18, 2025: member
    Sorry, I wanted to close and re-open, but that won’t work, because of the push. Can you restore the last synced push and then re-open and re-try the rebase?
  85. ismaelsadeeq commented at 3:01 pm on March 18, 2025: member
    I restored the last synced push, but I can not access the re-open button
  86. DrahtBot reopened this on Mar 18, 2025

  87. [mini miner]: Linearize should also return packages fees and sizes
    Co-authored-by: willcl-ark <will@256k1.dev>
  88. [fees]: add function that computes ancestors and descendants of txs
    - GetTxAncestorsAndDescendants takes the vector of transactions removed from the mempool
      after a block is connected. The function assumed that the order the transactions were
      included in the block was maintained; that is, all transaction parents was be added
      into the vector first before descendants.
    - GetTxAncestorsAndDescendants computes all the ancestors and descendants of the transactions.
      The transaction is also included as a descendant and ancestor of itself.
    Co-authored-by: willcl-ark <will@256k1.dev>
  89. [fees]: add `GetMiniMinerInput` to `fees_util`
    - This method takes removed mempool transaction and generates
      an output that can be linearized by mini miner.
    Co-authored-by: willcl-ark <will@256k1.dev>
  90. [fees]: ignore all transactions that are CPFP'd 1595dc612c
  91. [test]: keep the list of confirmed utxos up to date in RBF test 3e008d3e3e
  92. [test]: test we ignore parent transactions in a CPFP
    Co-authored-by: Antoine Poinsot <darosior@protonmail.com>
  93. in src/node/mini_miner.h:172 in 4c84f37ad9 outdated
    168@@ -162,10 +169,9 @@ class MiniMiner
    169     std::optional<CAmount> CalculateTotalBumpFees(const CFeeRate& target_feerate);
    171     /** Construct a new block template with all of the transactions and calculate the order in which
    172-     * they are selected. Returns the sequence number (lower = selected earlier) with which each
    173-     * transaction was selected, indexed by txid, or an empty map if it cannot be calculated.
    174+     * they are selected and the packages fee rate and sizes.

    yancyribbens commented at 7:52 pm on March 18, 2025:
    The sentence used to end at they are selected. Now it’s a very long run on sentence. It would be better to break it into two sentences or shorten it.

    ismaelsadeeq commented at 8:02 am on March 20, 2025:
  94. ismaelsadeeq force-pushed on Mar 20, 2025
  95. ismaelsadeeq commented at 8:43 am on March 20, 2025: member
    Rebased and fix comment by @yancyribbens
  96. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Mar 20, 2025


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