Logging controls #30486

issue ajtowns openend this issue on July 19, 2024
  1. ajtowns commented at 2:31 pm on July 19, 2024: contributor

    Categories in the logging system currently work as follows:

    • You can set a global log level (defaulting to debug), to trace to enable trace logs in all (enabled) categories (-loglevel=trace), or to info to disable debug logs even enabled categories (-debug=all -loglevel=info will still leave debugging disabled)
    • You can override the global log level on a per-category basis, either making it more verbose (override info to debug or trace, or override debug to trace), or to make it less verbose (override a global default of debug or trace to a category specific level of info or debug), eg -loglevel=walletdb:trace -loglevel=net:info
    • The log levels are only relevant for “enabled” categories (eg, you have to specify -debug=walletdb -loglevel=walletdb:trace to enable wallet db tracing)
    • Enabling/disabling categories can be done at startup via the -debug option, or at runtime via the logging RPC
    • Setting the log level is currently only possible at startup via the (currently hidden) -loglevel option

    Is this behaviour worth preserving, or can we simplify it? I think it would be simpler and almost as powerful if we set things up as:

    • Every category has a log level, that can be either info (default), debug, or trace (trace gives you everything, debug gives you everything but LogTrace(), and info skips both LogDebug() and LogTrace())
    • We add a new -trace config option that sets a category’s log level to trace, analogously to -debug (so you would just specify -trace=walletdb for wallet db tracing.
    • We add an optional third argument to the logging rpc that accepts a list of categories to enable trace logging
    • We support -debug=all or -trace=all to do all categories at once, and -debug=all -debugexclude=leveldb as usual to set all categories to debug but one left at info, or -trace=all -debug=walletdb to trace all categories but one left at debug (which offer similar behaviour to -debug=all -loglevel=debug -loglevel=leveldb:info or -debug=all -loglevel=trace -loglevel=walletdb:debug)

    (Looking for concept acks/feedback)

  2. ajtowns added the label Brainstorming on Jul 19, 2024
  3. maflcko added the label Utils/log/libs on Jul 19, 2024


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