Check PoW in AcceptBlockHeader and not LoadBlockIndex. #5269

pull domob1812 wants to merge 0 commits into bitcoin:master from domob1812:btc-checkpow changing 0 files +0 −0
  1. domob1812 commented at 7:35 am on November 13, 2014: contributor

    Add a check for the PoW’s validity to AcceptBlockHeader, and disable the check during LoadBlockIndex. Previously, if a peer sends headers with invalid PoW, they would be accepted to the on-disk block index, but then loading it on the next start would fail.

    Not sure if the proposed patch is the perfect solution. Maybe the check in LoadBlockIndex should stay and just the one in AcceptBlockHeader be added?

  2. Check PoW in AcceptBlockHeader and not LoadBlockIndex.
    Add a check for the PoW's validity to AcceptBlockHeader, and disable the
    check during LoadBlockIndex.  Previously, if a peer sends headers with
    invalid PoW, they would be accepted to the on-disk block index, but then
    loading it on the next start would fail.
  3. domob1812 commented at 8:36 am on November 13, 2014: contributor
    Actually, the check is there in CheckBlockHeader. So please ignore. I’ll investigate further where the mentioned failures I observed actually came from.
  4. domob1812 closed this on Nov 13, 2014

  5. domob1812 deleted the branch on Nov 13, 2014
  6. MarcoFalke locked this on Sep 8, 2021



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