No longer consider coins which aren’t in our mempool as adding to our spendable but unconfirmed balance. Add testing of this in Fixes #7690 (sort of)
This PR only changes the result of GetUnconfirmedBalance
and AvailableCoins
. Balances returned via GetAccountBalance
such as the rpc call getbalance "" 0
were already unreliable in 0.11 and suffered a further regression in 0.12. It is recommended to use rpc call getunconfirmedbalance
to get the unconfirmed portion of the balance.
Summary of effect on balances for various transaction types: :white_check_mark: - Reduces balance for coins spent and increases balance for coins received. :ballot_box_with_check: - Reduces balance for coins spent and increases unconfirmed balance for coins received :arrow_down: - Reduces balance for coins spent, does not affect balance for any coins received :fearful: - Increases unconfirmed balance for coins received, but does not reduce balance for coins spent :heavy_minus_sign: - no effect on balance
tx status | 0.11 | 0.12 | #7715 |
Confirmed | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
Unconfirmed, in mempool | :ballot_box_with_check: | :ballot_box_with_check: | :ballot_box_with_check: |
Unconfirmed, not in mempool | :heavy_minus_sign: | :ballot_box_with_check: | :arrow_down: |
Unconfirmed, not in mempool, abandoned | :heavy_minus_sign: | :fearful: | :heavy_minus_sign: |
Unconfirmed, not in mempool, known to conflict | :heavy_minus_sign: | :heavy_minus_sign: | :heavy_minus_sign: |
Unconfirmed, not in mempool, non-final | :fearful: | :ballot_box_with_check: | :arrow_down: |
Unconfirmed, not in mempool, non-final, abandoned | :fearful: | :fearful: | :heavy_minus_sign: |
Unconfirmed, not in mempool, non-final, known to conflict | :fearful: | :fearful: | :heavy_minus_sign: |