RPC tests are failing to start bitcoind #9086

issue instagibbs openend this issue on November 4, 2016
  1. instagibbs commented at 3:50 pm on November 4, 2016: member

    On master I’m getting this:

    keypool.py | False | 0 s
    p2p-fullblocktest.py | True | 180 s
    prioritise_transaction.py | False | 0 s

    every time I run rpc tests batched with multiple threads(and sometimes with 1), certain tests basically fail to start: Unexpected exception caught during testing: Exception('bitcoind exited with status 1 during initialization',)

    Running them individually allows them to pass. This is making it annoying to test changes locally. I have not been able to reproduce this on another machine since I don’t have access to another one at the moment.

    This is on a fairly beefy Intel NUC.

  2. fanquake added the label Tests on Nov 4, 2016
  3. MarcoFalke commented at 4:33 pm on November 4, 2016: member

    Thanks for reporting the issue! Lately I have the feeling no one is running the rpc tests anymore and travis is our only tester, which is suboptimal, as a segfault slipped through and existed for several weeks.

    I think we should work to get any false positives out of the rpc test suite sooner rather than later.

    Just a few points, some of which seem to have caused this Exception in the past:

    • Are there any “zombie” regtest nodes running?
    • Are there leftover folders/files in the tempdir you are using?
    • Is there enough space in the tempdir and RAM for the fullblocktest?
  4. instagibbs commented at 4:48 pm on November 4, 2016: member

    Are there any “zombie” regtest nodes running?

    running ps -aux | grep "bitcoind" leads me to believe not

    Are there leftover folders/files in the tempdir you are using?

    (assuming we’re talking about /tmp) A bunch. I deleted them and nothing changed.

    Is there enough space in the tempdir and RAM for the fullblocktest?

    I have 32GB of RAM, and cleaning out tempdir didn’t help.

  5. instagibbs commented at 5:36 pm on November 4, 2016: member
    Ok this is also occurring with 0.13.0, which I know used to work fine. Most likely a local-to-me regression.
  6. jnewbery commented at 5:38 pm on November 4, 2016: member

    There might be some hints in debug.log to indicate why bitcoind has failed to initialize. rpc-tests.py should output something like this for a failed test:

    1Initializing test directory /tmp/<test_directory>
    2INFO messages ...
    3Unexpected exception caught during testing: Exception('bitcoind exited with status 1 during initialization',)
    4Stopping nodes

    and the temporary test directory shouldn’t be cleared up.

    Is there anything in <test_directory>/node<n>/regtest/debug.log?

  7. instagibbs commented at 5:40 pm on November 4, 2016: member

    2016-11-04 17:34:53.106184 Binding RPC on address ::1 port 16080 2016-11-04 17:34:53.106314 Binding RPC on address ::1 port 16080 failed. 2016-11-04 17:34:53.106327 Binding RPC on address port 16080 2016-11-04 17:34:53.106352 Binding RPC on address port 16080 failed. 2016-11-04 17:34:53.106361 Unable to bind any endpoint for RPC serve

    Good call. For node0, no other nodes managed to start

    And I see that port is taken up by another process…. let me investigate.

  8. instagibbs commented at 6:03 pm on November 4, 2016: member
    Yep, zombie daemons not named bitcoind. Closing.
  9. instagibbs closed this on Nov 4, 2016

  10. MarcoFalke locked this on Sep 8, 2021


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