I have Ubuntu under Virtual Box and I try keep 100 giga block on shared folder to save space.
- Install Virtual Box on Windows host
- Install Ubuntu, for example 16.04
- Let Windows directory G:\vbshare be shared folder
- In Ubuntu : sudo mount -t vboxsf vbshare ~/host
- In this dir can be (but not necessary) blocks
- Install bitcoin-qt
- Choose /home/andrzej/host/.bitcoin as data dir
Expected behaviour
Loading blocks
Actual behaviour
When bitcoin-qt start tell me in Polish: “Błąd otwierania bazy bloków” (error opening blocks database)
If the issue is related to the GUI, screenshots can be added to this issue via drag & drop.
What version of bitcoin-core are you using?
Machine specs:
- OS: Ubuntu
- CPU: i3
- RAM:8 GiB
- Disk size: 1TB
- Disk Type (HD/SDD):HD