Updated default presentations:
Updated default presentations:
599+std::string CopyrightInfo()
601+ return CopyrightHolders(strprintf(_("Copyright (C) %i-%i").translated, 2009, COPYRIGHT_YEAR) + " ");
604+std::string AboutMessageInfo()
43@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
44 <file alias="hd_disabled">res/icons/hd_disabled.png</file>
45 <file alias="network_disabled">res/icons/network_disabled.png</file>
46 <file alias="proxy">res/icons/proxy.png</file>
47+ <file alias="bitcoin_core">res/icons/bitcoin_core.png</file>
5@@ -6,10 +6,13 @@
6 <rect>
7 <x>0</x>
8 <y>0</y>
9- <width>780</width>
10- <height>400</height>
11+ <width>602</width>
40@@ -41,21 +41,37 @@ HelpMessageDialog::HelpMessageDialog(QWidget *parent, bool about) :
41 setWindowTitle(tr("About %1").arg(PACKAGE_NAME));
43 std::string licenseInfo = LicenseInfo();
44- /// HTML-format the license message from the core
45+ std::string copyrightInfo = CopyrightInfo();
The new implementation separates these strings.
command-line argument output layout.
I ensured that the output is uniform for -version (except for the word “version” in bitcoind -version)
I would prefer to take it out.. I believe v implies version and is redundant.
thanks for the feedback! :)
I like the new style. Though there is still a debate on whether the logo should be orange or black. #89
Concept ACK if we keep the color as is (we can always change it later to black if people want this).
Concept ACK
The updated screenshots you posted above, the text should align with the logo such as below.
I would change that logo. This is Bitcoin, Core is secondary. Only forks want to reinforce the Core over Bitcoin.
I would change that logo. This is Bitcoin, Core is secondary. Only forks want to reinforce the Core over Bitcoin.
I disagree with this view. The GUI this repo is for is a product developed by Core that uses the Bitcoin protocol. Other implementations may one day exist that work on Bitcoin that aren’t Core.
What do we want to communicate? Do we want to have more force on the name Bitcoin or Core?
We cannot be always thinking about other people concerns, the software is what it is and other implementations can exist - and they do exist - without the need to reinforce this concept on the logo and be “apologetic”.
I believe users of the Core implementation should feel they are running BITCOIN when running this “product” and not “Core”. When I see the black logo it makes me feel sad, it confuses me instead of reinforcing Bitcoin. Feels like you’re putting Bitcoin “in the closet” and we should be ashamed to be Bitcoin instead of proud of it.
Do we want to have more force on the name Bitcoin or Core?
One or the other at this stage - currently both are used and its confusing.
I believe users of the Core implementation should feel they are running BITCOIN
You can still achieve this whilst using the black logo - do people think they are running something else when using products like electrum or bluewallet? I’d say no. This is the designers job to communicate this effectively and use the black and orange logos in their appropriate locations.
Do most people see Bitcoin Core = Bitcoin?
Do most people see Bitcoin Core = Bitcoin? I believe people do and you’re exactly trying to use the design to communicate otherwise. I don’t think people have to be communicated otherwise.
Why Bitcoin so thin and Core so bold? Isn’t that trying to communicate Core over Bitcoin? This project is not Electrum or BlueWallet, it’s Bitcoin.
I’ve already explained my rationale many times above.
I’m still of the thought that:
Bitcoin Core is a group of developers who work on Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a network that everyone is apart of.
Electrum and BlueWallet are part of the Bitcoin ecosystem as is the GUI developed by the Core developers.
I agree with not emphasizing “Core”. Let’s not institutionalize that emphasis further. Please keep them equal or put more weight on “Bitcoin”.
One of my pet peeves is people writing “Core” instead of “Bitcoin Core” (“Core devs”, “running Core”, and so on).
See the Bitcoin Optech style guide:
0Forbidden abbreviations:
2Core (use Bitcoin Core)
100% agree with our Bitcoin Optech colleagues about this.
I agree with the statement
The Bitcoin Core Developers
is a group and this is why I’ve maintained that “Developers” should be capitalized in the branding.
Further more…
From a copyright perspective - THE BITCOIN CORE DEVELOPERS should be in all caps - but this isn’t mandated in any legalese that I have read…
But that is outside the scope of this PR. :)
I didn’t see the link - agree.
The logo should remain orange. This change would inadvertantly play into efforts to create a false equivalence between Bitcoin and various fraudulent clones.
We now know through leaked emails that even the renaming of Bitcoin Core to that name was dishonestly driven by malicious intent– the parties that pushed for the name change did so because they were intending to attempt to take over Bitcoin from the community and move it under their control, and they wanted to “other” the community project and disassociate it with Bitcoin. Going along with it was an error. It’s water under the bridge now but there is no reason to continue being victimized by past wrongs and compounding a past error.
Tested ACK 5210082
NACK on the current logo text, it looks really bad IMO.
Also the about page
and command-line options page
don’t need to be the same size. There’s a lot of unused space in the about page
because they’re set to be the same size.
@jarolrod - please add some context to the pic you posted. OS - Screen resolution - dark theme? etc… Thanks.
OS: Arch Linux, DE: KDE Plasma 5.19.5, Res:3440x1440
The picture is pixelated because its cropped. Below is the full photo. I was trying to point out that everything looks off. The Bitcoin logo is in a weird position in relation to the logo text and the seperator bar. The logo text appears to have weird spacing. I’m not a designer, but this looks off to me.
Removed excessive space in the aboutMessage body. These are the default dimensions when they first appear.
845@@ -846,6 +846,7 @@ void BitcoinGUI::showDebugWindowActivateConsole()
846 void BitcoinGUI::showHelpMessageClicked()
847 {
848 helpMessageDialog->show();
849+ helpMessageDialog->raise();//bring to top if obscured
32@@ -33,29 +33,46 @@ HelpMessageDialog::HelpMessageDialog(QWidget *parent, bool about) :
33 ui(new Ui::HelpMessageDialog)
34 {
35 ui->setupUi(this);
37+ this->resize(500,0);//force view height to stretch
77+ ui->versionInfo->setText(versionInfoHTML);
80+ if (about)
81+ {
82+ setWindowTitle(tr("About %1").arg(PACKAGE_NAME));
Over riding PACKAGE_NAME is outside the scope of this PR.
This PR is implementing changes based on broader community discussions and sentiment.
REF: #89 (comment)
REF: #140 (comment)
54@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ static bool AppInit(int argc, char* argv[])
56 // Process help and version before taking care about datadir
57 if (HelpRequested(args) || args.IsArgSet("-version")) {
58- std::string strUsage = PACKAGE_NAME " version " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n";
59+ std::string strUsage = PACKAGE_NAME " version " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n";//from init.cpp
61 if (args.IsArgSet("-version")) {
62- strUsage += FormatParagraph(LicenseInfo()) + "\n";
63+ strUsage += FormatParagraph(LicenseInfo()) + "\n" + CopyrightInfo() + "\n";//from init.cpp
46@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ static std::string FormatVersion(int nVersion)
47 return strprintf("%d.%d.%d", nVersion / 10000, (nVersion / 100) % 100, nVersion % 100);
48 }
50+std::string FormatVersion()
Updated default presentations:
0@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1-<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
51+ QString aboutMessageInfoHTML = QString::fromStdString(AboutMessageInfo());
52 QString licenseInfoHTML = QString::fromStdString(LicenseInfo());
53 // Make URLs clickable
54 QRegExp uri("<(.*)>", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2);
55 uri.setMinimal(true); // use non-greedy matching
56+ versionInfoHTML.replace(uri, "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>");
66+ if (!args.IsArgSet("-version")) {
67+ strUsage += FormatParagraph(LicenseInfo()) + "\n"
68+ "\nUsage: bitcoind [options] Start " PACKAGE_NAME "\n"
69+ "\n";
70+ strUsage += args.GetHelpMessage();
71 }
Whether I agree with the change or not, I don’t see how it can be appropriate to slip in a name change. Either the PR title should be changed, or a new PR created IMO. It also doesn’t make sense to me to have the name be Bitcoin Core on the loading screen, as well as Help
->About Bitcoin Core
yet then the about page say Bitcoin (without Core). It’s just more inconsistency.
We also have other issues underway on branding discussing this issue that aren’t cleared yet (#89, #100). There’s a lot of inconsistency. uses orange; uses both; bitcoin repo uses black; bitcoin-core repo uses orange. And now we’re making additional naming changes before any decisions have been made. Seems very messy.
@Rspigler - I agree it is a pretty serious issue…
There is a lot to do - and lot of decisions to be made. This emphasizes the importance of a formal specification for branding/logo usage.
And yes…the scope of this PR has changed.
More importantly is - Working on the Gui has led me to believe there is a relatively easy work around to abstracting the Gui variables (PROJECT_NAME, etc..) from the build environment variables so Gui dev can progress and the plumbing can be refactored independently…
So once I know which direction to go concerning naming/branding/logo/etc… How to proceed should be clearer…