Added updated bitcoin PNG / SVG icon #199

pull Bosch-0 wants to merge 3 commits into bitcoin-core:master from Bosch-0:bitcoin_icon changing 2 files +11 −58
  1. Bosch-0 commented at 6:22 am on January 27, 2021: none

    In reference to #147 (comment) Added the visually updated bitcoin icon (also discussed #89), both the production PNG and source SVG version. It was requested that a seperate PR be open for the artwork change so here it is.

    Images are the same dimensions as previous bitcoin.png file so should render fine in the GUI.

    Also made some significant file size improvements without effecting image quality. bitcoin.png was optimized using

    Original bitcoin.png file size: 306 KB

    New updated bitcoin.png file after optimizing: 21.4 KB

    An overall 92.81% reduction.

    The vector used is also much more simple (the blur on the original SVG added some extra complexity).

    Left is original right is updated icon.

    Group 133

  2. Added updated bitcoin core icon both PNG / SVG b8510d5e5d
  3. Added updated bitcoin icon 749363d542
  4. in src/qt/res/src/bitcoin.svg:1 in 749363d542 outdated
    0@@ -1,58 +1,11 @@
    1-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    promag commented at 10:51 am on January 27, 2021:
    Keep? And license?

  5. promag commented at 10:51 am on January 27, 2021: contributor
    Concept ACK.
  6. jarolrod commented at 2:48 pm on January 27, 2021: member

    Concept ACK

    One thing I noticed with this Icon and the previous one is that there are visually obvious rough edges (for like of a better term, not a designer). They are less obvious on the old icon because it used a shadow effect. Now that we are doing away with the shadow effect, these rough edges are more obvious. How can we fix this? Here are some screenshots showing this behavior:

    v0.21: Old Icon: rough edges on the and the outside of the circle

    PR: New Icon: same rough edges

  7. Rspigler commented at 3:58 pm on January 27, 2021: contributor
    Concept ACK
  8. RandyMcMillan commented at 5:28 pm on January 27, 2021: contributor
    Concept ACK - test on 4k/HD displays needed.
  9. jarolrod commented at 8:14 pm on January 27, 2021: member
    Shouldn’t the bitcoin.ico, bitcoin.icns, and bitcoin_testnet.ico files also be updated under /src/qt/res?
  10. RandyMcMillan commented at 9:24 pm on January 30, 2021: contributor
    @jarolrod - I believe these updates should be under their own PRs - this way any issues building for different platforms can be isolated to individual PRs.
  11. jarolrod commented at 7:00 pm on February 9, 2021: member
    @RandyMcMillan This PR should handle the transition to a new Logo. The three other files need to be updated (bitcoin.ico, bitcoin.icns and bitcoin_testnet.ico) should not need three seperate PR’s. They can be a part of this PR in the form of seperate commits.
  12. hebasto added the label Design on Mar 2, 2021
  13. Talkless commented at 3:30 pm on March 7, 2021: none
    Concept ACK. @jarolrod about rough edges: looks like there’s missing QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform render hint ( I do see slight difference if I add pixPaint.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); after line 58 (after pixPaint constructor).
  14. jarolrod commented at 4:53 pm on March 7, 2021: member
    @Talkless nice mind opening a PR, it could potentially fix #200
  15. Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into bitcoin_icon e96595172f
  16. shaavan commented at 6:02 pm on September 14, 2021: contributor

    Concept ACK

    The new Icon looks Great! And the simple 2D looks give it a modern and minimalistic touch. And the reduced size of the icon improves the efficiency of its loading.

    I tested on all the networks, and I am attaching the screenshots of their new splash screens.

    Mainnet Testnet
    mainnet testnet
    Regtest Signet
    regtest signet

    I was just curious if there was any specific reason behind changing the hex value of the color of the mainnet icon, lightening it a few shades? @Talkless

    I do see slight difference if I add pixPaint.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);

    I tried to replicate what you suggested using the RenderHint but could not see any notable difference.

    I tried two versions of the changes.

    1. With QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransformand QPainter::Antialiasing:
     0diff --git a/src/qt/splashscreen.cpp b/src/qt/splashscreen.cpp
     1index 2292c01d6..629c924c2 100644
     2--- a/src/qt/splashscreen.cpp
     3+++ b/src/qt/splashscreen.cpp
     4@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ SplashScreen::SplashScreen(const NetworkStyle* networkStyle)
     5     const QSize requiredSize(1024,1024);
     6     QPixmap icon(networkStyle->getAppIcon().pixmap(requiredSize));
     8+    pixPaint.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing,true);
     9+    pixPaint.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform,true);
    12     pixPaint.drawPixmap(rectIcon, icon);



    1. With QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransformand QPainter::Antialiasing + Using QIcon::paint instead of QPainter::drawPixmap
     0diff --git a/src/qt/splashscreen.cpp b/src/qt/splashscreen.cpp
     1index 2292c01d6..f4fd113af 100644
     2--- a/src/qt/splashscreen.cpp
     3+++ b/src/qt/splashscreen.cpp
     4@@ -71,7 +71,12 @@ SplashScreen::SplashScreen(const NetworkStyle* networkStyle)
     5     const QSize requiredSize(1024,1024);
     6     QPixmap icon(networkStyle->getAppIcon().pixmap(requiredSize));
     8-    pixPaint.drawPixmap(rectIcon, icon);
     9+    pixPaint.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing,true);
    10+    pixPaint.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform,true);
    12+    QIcon ico;
    13+    ico.addPixmap(icon);
    14+    ico.paint(&pixPaint, rectIcon);


    icon @Talkless, it would be helpful if you could share how you used the Renderhints to get the smoother version of icons. Thanks.

  17. hebasto commented at 8:41 am on January 13, 2022: member
    Is this still actual?
  18. Bosch-0 commented at 2:34 am on January 18, 2022: none
    I’d suggest moving all design related efforts to the repo
  19. hebasto commented at 8:42 pm on May 31, 2022: member

    I’d suggest moving all design related efforts to the repo

    Closing here.

  20. hebasto closed this on May 31, 2022

  21. bitcoin-core locked this on May 31, 2023


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