Overview of current on boarding process (old top, new bottom).
1.0 Problems
In general, the on-boarding is very limited / almost non-existent. Having an on-boarding process is one of the best ways to educate users about features (wallet / node) and other more general info (privacy / security practices). Currently the user is thrown into the deep end with the GUI without a clear explanation as to what is going on or what steps to take next.
No option to select the users language exists in the current on-boarding. Having this as the first option will significantly improve the UX for non-English users (the current default language). Currently, the only way to set language is within the GUI itself which means non-English users will likely miss the current node info welcome screen.
Details such as what is the Bitcoin core GUI, what is a node, why should you run a node, and what is a pruned node are not clearly articulated / given the importance they deserve in the current welcome screen. This is mostly due to a cluttered UI and unclear explanations. #26
2.0 Solutions
This on-boarding process is only gone through when the user launches the GUI for the first time after installation. Each design has had a cleaning up of its UI. Design specifics (padding, margins, fonts etc.) can be found in my figma design source files - feel free to leave comments on figma directly by clicking the speech bubble in the top left and clicking the part of the design you wish to comment on.
2.1 New Welcome Screen
This new welcome screen gives a simple explanation to the user what the GUI is. Although this might seem trivial I’ve seen some users who have downloaded the GUI still unclear on this point. The download page on bitcoincore.org/en/download does not explain the features of the GUI so I understand the confusion some may have.
2.2 Your Full Node Screen
3.0 Extra
Why am I doing this in versions? Breaking up designs into more manageable steps, much like using atomic commits, make things easier from an implementation perspective. V1 is primarily a content re-work and does not involve any major technical changes.
V2 (WIP) will have basic wallet creation embedded. Currently the GUI automatically creates a default wallet on launching without prompting the user it was created or giving them any details about wallets which can lead to a lot of confusion https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/15454. The create wallet flow for the on-boarding will be similar to what I have done here #77
V3 I’d like to explore having HWI and other more complex ways to load and create wallets.
Design constraints The Bitcoin Core GUI uses Qt Widgets which inherits most of its design components from the host OS, this design was done for WindowsOS but should translate nicely to MacOS and Linux. If people would prefer me to do these designs in Linux or MacOS instead please let me know.