This is a duplicate of my mis-appropriated fork of bitcoin/bitcoin
Mac OS Minor icon change
This is a fix to an outdated format of app icon. I am not trying to change re-invent the wheel with this, I am simply fixing a minor perceived issue. This should not be seen as a subjective design change as it does not change anything substantially.
Apple’s design guidelines have changed since the previous iteration of the Bitcoin-Core app icon. As it stands, the current icon is too large, and juts out when viewed alongside other program’s icons- especially when viewed in the dock where is sits semi permanently as the node is running on the system. My solution was to decrease the overall size to more closely fit Apple’s current design documentation, keeping the main body of the icon in the body section of MacOS’s icon template, while maintaining the same shape, color, and design. My motives for this method were caused by Spotify’s app icon. Fundamentally, it is very similar to Bitcoin-Core (Circle, plain color, iconography inside circe) yet Spotify’s icon is sightly smaller and in-bound. This allows their icon to live amongst the other squircles without seeming too out of place. Another option i considered was making the icon into a squircle. This, i would personally prefer but I didn’t opt for that for familiarity. I consider my small change positive to everyone including people who generally dislike change. The .icns file was compiled using Apple’s own “iconutil” cli program.
I have successfully built this fork and i am using it without issue.