Revisit link-time optimization (LTO)? Some results from clang LTO compilation #14277

issue practicalswift openend this issue on September 20, 2018
  1. practicalswift commented at 1:16 pm on September 20, 2018: contributor

    Is it worth revisiting LTO compilation?

    I did some experimentation with LTO compilation and the results look promising :-)

    Binary size results (non-stripped binaries):

    • bench_bitcoin shrank from 74 678 800 to 39 695 288 bytes (-47 %)
    • bitcoin-cli shrank from 4 837 744 to 2 918 544 bytes (-40 %)
    • bitcoin-tx shrank from 15 206 720 to 7 717 608 bytes (-49 %)
    • bitcoind shrank from 102 004 960 to 70 706 000 bytes (-31 %)
    • test_bitcoin shrank from 161 739 656 to 100 838 072 bytes (-38 %)
    • test_bitcoin_fuzzy shrank from 15 929 968 to 6 036 176 bytes (-62 %)

    Binary size results (stripped binaries):

    • bench_bitcoin shrank from 5 632 272 to 3 722 720 bytes (-34 %)
    • bitcoin-cli shrank from 383 216 to 260 288 bytes (-32 %)
    • bitcoin-tx shrank from 1 399 112 to 936 080 bytes (-33 %)
    • bitcoind shrank from 6 639 336 to 6 044 520 bytes (-9 %)
    • test_bitcoin shrank from 12 067 056 to 10 853 616 bytes (-10 %)
    • test_bitcoin_fuzzy shrank from 1 468 976 to 428 160 bytes (-71 %)

    Benchmark results (insignificant relative changes omitted to reduce noise):

    • Runtime of benchmark FastRandom_1bit changed -7.9 % when enabling LTO
    • Runtime of benchmark FastRandom_32bit changed -6.7 % when enabling LTO
    • Runtime of benchmark MatchGCSFilter changed -11.5 % when enabling LTO
    • Runtime of benchmark MempoolEviction changed -13.3 % when enabling LTO
    • Runtime of benchmark PrevectorDeserializeNontrivial changed -58.1 % when enabling LTO
    • Runtime of benchmark RollingBloom changed -15.0 % when enabling LTO

    Below is the log from my experimentation.

    Let me know if anything can be improved. Feedback appreciated.

      0# Build Bitcoin without LTO (baseline)
      1$ git clone bitcoin-without-lto
      2$ cd bitcoin-without-lto
      3$ export CC="clang"
      4$ export CXX="clang++"
      5$ export RANLIB="/usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin/llvm-ranlib"
      6$ ./
      7$ ./configure
      8$ make
      9$ cd ..
     11# Build Bitcoin with LTO
     12$ git clone bitcoin-with-lto
     13$ cd bitcoin-with-lto
     14$ PREFIX=${PWD}/binutils-bin/
     15$ mkdir binutils-bin
     16$ apt install texinfo bison
     17$ git clone --depth 1 git:// binutils
     18$ mkdir binutils-build
     19$ cd binutils-build
     20$ export CC="clang"
     21$ export CXX="clang++"
     22$ unset RANLIB
     23$ ../binutils/configure --enable-gold --enable-plugins --disable-werror --prefix=${PREFIX}
     24$ make all-gold
     25$ make install
     26$ cd ..
     27$ ${PREFIX}/bin/ -plugin 2>&1 | grep -q "plugin: missing argument" && echo " has plugin support" || echo "ERROR: lacks plugin support"
     28$ cp /usr/lib/llvm-6.0/lib/ ${PREFIX}/lib/
     29$ export PATH="${PREFIX}/bin:${PATH}"
     30$ export CC="clang -flto"
     31$ export CXX="clang++ -flto"
     32$ export RANLIB="/usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin/llvm-ranlib"
     33$ ./
     34$ ./configure
     35$ make
     36$ cd ..
     38# Check binary sizes
     39$ ls -Sl bitcoin-*-lto/src/bitcoind \
     40       bitcoin-*-lto/src/bitcoin-tx \
     41       bitcoin-*-lto/src/bench/bench_bitcoin \
     42       bitcoin-*-lto/src/bitcoin-cli \
     43       bitcoin-*-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin \
     44       bitcoin-*-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin_fuzzy
     45-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 161739656 Sep 20 11:57 bitcoin-without-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin
     46-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 102004960 Sep 20 11:57 bitcoin-without-lto/src/bitcoind
     47-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 100838072 Sep 20 12:12 bitcoin-with-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin
     48-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  74678800 Sep 20 11:57 bitcoin-without-lto/src/bench/bench_bitcoin
     49-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  70706000 Sep 20 12:11 bitcoin-with-lto/src/bitcoind
     50-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  39695288 Sep 20 12:10 bitcoin-with-lto/src/bench/bench_bitcoin
     51-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  15929968 Sep 20 11:57 bitcoin-without-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin_fuzzy
     52-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  15206720 Sep 20 11:57 bitcoin-without-lto/src/bitcoin-tx
     53-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   7717608 Sep 20 12:09 bitcoin-with-lto/src/bitcoin-tx
     54-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   6036176 Sep 20 12:09 bitcoin-with-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin_fuzzy
     55-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   4837744 Sep 20 11:57 bitcoin-without-lto/src/bitcoin-cli
     56-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   2918544 Sep 20 12:08 bitcoin-with-lto/src/bitcoin-cli
     57$ strip bitcoin-*-lto/src/bitcoind \
     58       bitcoin-*-lto/src/bitcoin-tx \
     59       bitcoin-*-lto/src/bench/bench_bitcoin \
     60       bitcoin-*-lto/src/bitcoin-cli \
     61       bitcoin-*-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin \
     62       bitcoin-*-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin_fuzzy
     63$ ls -Sl bitcoin-*-lto/src/bitcoind \
     64       bitcoin-*-lto/src/bitcoin-tx \
     65       bitcoin-*-lto/src/bench/bench_bitcoin \
     66       bitcoin-*-lto/src/bitcoin-cli \
     67       bitcoin-*-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin \
     68       bitcoin-*-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin_fuzzy
     69-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12067056 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-without-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin
     70-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10853616 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-with-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin
     71-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6639336 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-without-lto/src/bitcoind
     72-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6044520 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-with-lto/src/bitcoind
     73-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  5632272 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-without-lto/src/bench/bench_bitcoin
     74-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  3722720 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-with-lto/src/bench/bench_bitcoin
     75-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1468976 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-without-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin_fuzzy
     76-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1399112 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-without-lto/src/bitcoin-tx
     77-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   936080 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-with-lto/src/bitcoin-tx
     78-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   428160 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-with-lto/src/test/test_bitcoin_fuzzy
     79-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   383216 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-without-lto/src/bitcoin-cli
     80-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   260288 Sep 20 15:54 bitcoin-with-lto/src/bitcoin-cli
     82# Gather performance measurements until ^C is pressed
     83$ while true; do for SWITCH in with without; do echo "# $SWITCH"; \
     84    bitcoin-${SWITCH}-lto/src/bench/bench_bitcoin; done; done 2>&1 | \
     85    tee bench_bitcoin-lto-vs-non-lto
     87# Summarize results
     88$ ./ < bench_bitcoin-lto-vs-non-lto
     89* Runtime of benchmark FastRandom_1bit changed -7.9 % when enabling LTO. Median total time was 4.4 seconds without LTO and 4.1 seconds with LTO. Based on 14 independent runs of bench_bitcoin.
     90* Runtime of benchmark FastRandom_32bit changed -6.7 % when enabling LTO. Median total time was 5.8 seconds without LTO and 5.4 seconds with LTO. Based on 14 independent runs of bench_bitcoin.
     91* Runtime of benchmark MatchGCSFilter changed -11.5 % when enabling LTO. Median total time was 8.3 seconds without LTO and 7.3 seconds with LTO. Based on 14 independent runs of bench_bitcoin.
     92* Runtime of benchmark MempoolEviction changed -13.3 % when enabling LTO. Median total time was 4.6 seconds without LTO and 4.0 seconds with LTO. Based on 14 independent runs of bench_bitcoin.
     93* Runtime of benchmark PrevectorDeserializeNontrivial changed -58.1 % when enabling LTO. Median total time was 8.2 seconds without LTO and 3.4 seconds with LTO. Based on 14 independent runs of bench_bitcoin.
     94* Runtime of benchmark RollingBloom changed -15.0 % when enabling LTO. Median total time was 4.4 seconds without LTO and 3.7 seconds with LTO. Based on 14 independent runs of bench_bitcoin.
     96# Environment
     97$ clang++ --version | head -2
     98clang version 6.0.0-1ubuntu2 (tags/RELEASE_600/final)
     99Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
    100$ dpkg -S $(which clang++)
    101clang: /usr/bin/clang++
    102$ dpkg -S /usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin/llvm-ranlib
    103llvm-6.0: /usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin/llvm-ranlib
    104$ dpkg -S /usr/lib/llvm-6.0/lib/
    105llvm-6.0-dev: /usr/lib/llvm-6.0/lib/
    106$ cat /etc/lsb-release
    110DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS"

    This is the content of

     0#!/usr/bin/env python3
     2import collections
     3import statistics
     4import sys
     6results_lto = collections.defaultdict(list)
     7results_nonlto = collections.defaultdict(list)
     8for line in sys.stdin:
     9    line = line.rstrip("\n")
    10    if line.startswith("# Benchmark"):
    11        continue
    12    if line.startswith("#"):
    13        lto_status = line[2:]
    14        continue
    15    assert(lto_status in ["with", "without"])
    16    benchmark, _, _, total_time, _ = line.split(", ", 4)
    17    total_time = float(total_time)
    18    if lto_status == "with":
    19        results_lto[benchmark].append(total_time)
    20        continue
    21    if lto_status == "without":
    22        results_nonlto[benchmark].append(total_time)
    23        continue
    24    assert(False)
    26assert(len(results_lto) == len(results_nonlto))
    27for benchmark in sorted(results_lto):
    28    least_observations = min(len(results_lto[benchmark]), len(results_nonlto[benchmark]))
    29    results_lto[benchmark] = results_lto[benchmark][:least_observations]
    30    results_nonlto[benchmark] = results_nonlto[benchmark][:least_observations]
    31for benchmark in sorted(results_lto):
    32    assert(len(results_lto[benchmark]) == len(results_nonlto[benchmark]))
    33    median_lto = statistics.median(results_lto[benchmark])
    34    median_nonlto = statistics.median(results_nonlto[benchmark])
    35    assert(median_nonlto != 0)
    36    change = median_lto / median_nonlto - 1
    37    if abs(change) < 0.05:
    38        continue
    39    print("* Runtime of benchmark {} changed {:.1f} % when enabling LTO. Median total time was {:.1f} seconds without LTO and {:.1f} seconds with LTO. Based on {} independent runs of bench_bitcoin.".format(
    40        benchmark, 100 * change, median_nonlto, median_lto, len(results_lto[benchmark])
    41    ))
  2. fanquake added the label Build system on Sep 20, 2018
  3. MarcoFalke commented at 1:35 pm on September 20, 2018: member
    Apparently this slowed down IBD: #10616 (comment)
  4. MarcoFalke added the label Brainstorming on Sep 20, 2018
  5. practicalswift commented at 1:45 pm on September 20, 2018: contributor

    @MarcoFalke Interesting! Perhaps @sipa encountered a gcc specific issue. FWIW I used stock Clang 6.0.0 shipped with Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS.

    What would be the proper way to test for IBD slow down? @sipa, how did you test? :-)

  6. sipa commented at 4:40 pm on September 20, 2018: member

    @practicalswift Just reindex-chainstate with stopatheight, I believe.

    I was also testing with GCC, not clang. Perhaps all 4 combinations should be tested, as we don’t really have a good idea of the practical performance effect of compiler already?

    Also, when comparing binary sizes, first strip them of debug symbols etc.

  7. MarcoFalke commented at 4:54 pm on September 20, 2018: member
    If we wanted to do this, I suggest to do at least a reindex-chainstate performance benchmark on all the gitian binaries/architectures.
  8. practicalswift commented at 6:09 pm on January 10, 2019: contributor
    @MarcoFalke Is the process for performing such a benchmark documented somewhere? I’d like to do some LTO vs non-LTO benchmarking.
  9. MarcoFalke commented at 6:18 pm on January 10, 2019: member
    Hmm, maybe we could just run the tests on
  10. practicalswift commented at 11:26 am on May 19, 2020: contributor
    Closing due to lack of progress/interest :)
  11. practicalswift closed this on May 19, 2020

  12. fanquake referenced this in commit 681b25e3cd on Nov 25, 2021
  13. sidhujag referenced this in commit 67658eec7d on Nov 25, 2021
  14. DrahtBot locked this on Feb 15, 2022


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