This is similar to #15478 but with a better implementation. Both wallet loading and wallet creation are now asynchronous. The implementation also avoids inner event loops. It should be safe to quit the application or run stop RPC while the dialogs are visible.
Optionally allow AskPassphraseDialog to output the passphrasedb4edc51da
Move wallet creation out of the createwallet rpc into its own function839bc4dcba
Expose wallet creation to the GUI via WalletController71fe23b5a8
Add CreateWalletDialog to create wallets from the GUIb1205bfa4c
commented at 3:27 pm on June 14, 2019:
Only review last 2 commits.
fanquake added the label
on Jun 14, 2019
commented at 6:42 pm on June 14, 2019:
The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers.
Reviewers, this pull request conflicts with the following ones:
#16106 (gui: Sort wallets in open wallet menu by promag)
#15937 (WIP: Add loadwallet and createwallet load_on_startup options by ryanofsky)
#15450 ([GUI] Create wallet menu option by achow101)
#15202 (gui: Add Close All Wallets action by promag)
#13756 (wallet: “avoid_reuse” wallet flag for improved privacy by kallewoof)
If you consider this pull request important, please also help to review the conflicting pull requests. Ideally, start with the one that should be merged first.
commented at 11:59 pm on June 18, 2019:
DrahtBot added the label
Needs rebase
on Jun 18, 2019
commented at 1:14 am on June 21, 2019:
@promag I think you should just have this PR refactor OpenWalletActivity from current master and then I will pull in the rest of the changes into #15450
commented at 5:39 am on June 24, 2019:
@promag Given that @achow101 has pulled these changes into #15450, did you want to close this?
commented at 1:24 pm on June 24, 2019:
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