ci: ccache does not work for macOS cross-compiling builds #21552

issue hebasto openend this issue on March 30, 2021
  1. hebasto commented at 4:25 am on March 30, 2021: member

     0ccache version 3.7.7
     1cache directory                     /tmp/ccache_dir
     2primary config                      /tmp/ccache_dir/ccache.conf
     3secondary config      (readonly)    /etc/ccache.conf
     4stats updated                       Tue Mar 30 01:48:58 2021
     5stats zeroed                        Tue Mar 30 01:21:25 2021
     6cache hit (direct)                     0
     7cache hit (preprocessed)               0
     8cache miss                             0
     9cache hit rate                      0.00 %
    10called for link                       10
    11multiple source files                636
    12cleanups performed                     0
    13files in cache                         0
    14cache size                           0.0 kB
    15max cache size                     200.0 MB

    UPD 2023-08-25. See

  2. hebasto added the label Bug on Mar 30, 2021
  3. hebasto added the label Tests on Mar 30, 2021
  4. hebasto added the label macOS on Mar 30, 2021
  5. hebasto commented at 10:23 am on April 2, 2021: member

    This line

    0multiple source files                636

    describes a little. According to ccache docs:

    The compiler was called to compile multiple source files in one go. This is not supported by ccache.

  6. hebasto commented at 10:39 am on April 2, 2021: member


    ccache behavior was broken in 300733921863c176535806c40afdc813b99e7459 (#19683).

  7. dongcarl commented at 8:02 pm on April 5, 2021: contributor
    Was this not the case before 300733921863c176535806c40afdc813b99e7459? I’m not entirely sure how that commit makes it so that “the compiler was called to compile multiple source files in one go”
  8. hebasto commented at 11:33 pm on April 5, 2021: member

    I’m not entirely sure how that commit makes it so that “the compiler was called to compile multiple source files in one go”

    I believe this is because ccache do not support invoking a compiler that prefixed with env command.

    FWIW, if I inject ccache between env and clang, it works fine.

  9. dongcarl commented at 0:33 am on April 9, 2021: contributor

    FWIW, if I inject ccache between env and clang, it works fine.

    What is the ccache stats output if you inject ccache between env and clang?

  10. hebasto commented at 11:07 am on April 9, 2021: member


    With the following patch

     0diff --git a/depends/hosts/ b/depends/hosts/
     1index dd71697f0..8a7c3a791 100644
     2--- a/depends/hosts/
     3+++ b/depends/hosts/
     4@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ $(foreach TOOL,$(cctools_TOOLS),$(eval darwin_$(TOOL) = $$(build_prefix)/bin/$$(
     5 darwin_CC=env -u C_INCLUDE_PATH -u CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH \
     7               -u LIBRARY_PATH \
     8+            /usr/bin/ccache \
     9             $(clang_prog) --target=$(host) -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION) \
    10               -B$(build_prefix)/bin -mlinker-version=$(LD64_VERSION) \
    11               --sysroot=$(OSX_SDK) \
    12@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ darwin_CC=env -u C_INCLUDE_PATH -u CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH \
    13 darwin_CXX=env -u C_INCLUDE_PATH -u CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH \
    14                -u OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH -u OBJCPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH -u CPATH \
    15                -u LIBRARY_PATH \
    16+            /usr/bin/ccache \
    17              $(clangxx_prog) --target=$(host) -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION) \
    18                -B$(build_prefix)/bin -mlinker-version=$(LD64_VERSION) \
    19                --sysroot=$(OSX_SDK) \
    • the first run
     0$ CONFIG_SITE=$PWD/depends/x86_64-apple-darwin18/share/ ./configure --disable-ccache
     1$ ccache --zero-stats
     2$ make
     3$ ccache --show-stats 
     4cache directory                     /home/hebasto/.ccache
     5primary config                      /home/hebasto/.ccache/ccache.conf
     6secondary config      (readonly)    /etc/ccache.conf
     7stats updated                       Fri Apr  9 14:03:35 2021
     8stats zeroed                        Fri Apr  9 13:59:19 2021
     9cache hit (direct)                   521
    10cache hit (preprocessed)               1
    11cache miss                           647
    12cache hit rate                     44.65 %
    13called for link                       12
    14cleanups performed                     2
    15files in cache                     24070
    16cache size                          13.0 GB
    17max cache size                      15.0 GB
    • the second run
     0$ make clean
     1$ ccache --zero-stats
     2$ make
     3$ ccache --show-stats 
     4cache directory                     /home/hebasto/.ccache
     5primary config                      /home/hebasto/.ccache/ccache.conf
     6secondary config      (readonly)    /etc/ccache.conf
     7stats updated                       Fri Apr  9 14:04:47 2021
     8stats zeroed                        Fri Apr  9 14:04:15 2021
     9cache hit (direct)                   644
    10cache hit (preprocessed)               2
    11cache miss                             1
    12cache hit rate                     99.85 %
    13called for link                       11
    14cleanups performed                     0
    15files in cache                     24073
    16cache size                          13.0 GB
    17max cache size                      15.0 GB
  11. dongcarl commented at 6:41 pm on May 13, 2021: contributor
    Urgh… That kinda sucks… I think the easiest solution is perhaps to wait until ccache 4.1 is available on all distros and set compiler_type/CCACHE_COMPILERTYPE?
  12. prusnak commented at 7:59 pm on March 18, 2022: contributor

    to wait until ccache 4.1 is available on all distros @dongcarl What do you mean by “all distros”?

  13. dongcarl commented at 8:04 pm on March 18, 2022: contributor
    Sorry, probably better rephrased as “available on stable versions of major distros”… Sometimes I think we might need a configure script for depends lol
  14. prusnak commented at 8:14 pm on March 18, 2022: contributor

    “available on stable versions of major distros”

    • Debian 10 (old stable) has ccache 3.6
    • Debian 11 (stable) has ccache 4.2
    • Ubuntu 20.04 (latest LTS) has ccache 3.7.7
    • Ubuntu 21.04 has ccache 4.2
    • Ubuntu 21.10 has ccache 4.2.1
    • Ubuntu 22.04 (upcoming LTS) has ccache 4.5.1


  15. hebasto commented at 12:12 pm on March 20, 2022: member


    Urgh… That kinda sucks… I think the easiest solution is perhaps to wait until ccache 4.1 is available on all distros and set compiler_type/CCACHE_COMPILERTYPE?

    I’ve tested this approach on Ubuntu 22.04 with ccache 4.5.1, and it doesn’t work.

    OTOH, another approach has been implemented in #24620.

  16. Sjors commented at 8:39 am on June 16, 2022: member

    Not just when cross-compiling. I made a separate issue #25387, because I’m not sure if it’s the same (ccache 4.6.1).

    (nvm: it does work as far as I can tell, but doesn’t use it by default)

  17. fanquake commented at 9:06 am on August 16, 2023: member

    Given it’s not in the description, can someone summarize the current state of this issue?

    • What doesn’t work?
    • What ccache options have been tried (and don’t work)? Taking into account recent ccache releases.
    • Have we opened an issue upstream to either report that ccache is broken (for us), or that we have a usecase which isn’t satified by it’s current feature/option set, to see if they are open to adding a new feature/option?
    • If there is any (related) upstream discussions/issues, can somebody link to them here?
  18. hebasto commented at 11:16 am on August 25, 2023: member

    Given it’s not in the description, can someone summarize the current state of this issue?

    • What doesn’t work?

    • Have we opened an issue upstream to either report that ccache is broken (for us), or that we have a usecase which isn’t satified by it’s current feature/option set, to see if they are open to adding a new feature/option?

    • If there is any (related) upstream discussions/issues, can somebody link to them here?


  19. hebasto commented at 12:15 pm on August 25, 2023: member

    Urgh… That kinda sucks… I think the easiest solution is perhaps to wait until ccache 4.1 is available on all distros and set compiler_type/CCACHE_COMPILERTYPE?

    Tested with ccache 4.8.2. It does not work.


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