At the expense of more complexity, this target generates a valid
Miniscript node at every iteration.
This target will at first run populate a list of recipe (a map from
desired type to possible ways of creating such type) and curate it
(remove the unavailable or redundant recipes).
Then, at each iteration it will pick a type, choose a manner to create a
node of such type from the available recipes, and then
pseudo-recursively do the same for the type constraints of the picked
For instance, if it is instructed based on the fuzzer output to create a
Miniscript node of type 'Bd', it could choose to create an 'or_i(subA, subB)'
nodes with type constraints 'B' for subA and 'Bd' for subB. It then
consults the recipes for creating subA and subB, etc...
Here is the list of all the existing recipes, by type constraint:
B: 0()
B: 1()
B: older()
B: after()
B: sha256()
B: hash256()
B: ripemd160()
B: hash160()
B: c:(K)
B: d:(Vz)
B: j:(Bn)
B: n:(B)
B: and_v(V,B)
B: and_b(B,W)
B: or_b(Bd,Wd)
B: or_d(Bdu,B)
B: or_i(B,B)
B: andor(Bdu,B,B)
B: thresh(Bdu)
B: thresh(Bdu,Wdu)
B: thresh(Bdu,Wdu,Wdu)
B: multi()
V: v:(B)
V: and_v(V,V)
V: or_c(Bdu,V)
V: or_i(V,V)
V: andor(Bdu,V,V)
K: pk_k()
K: pk_h()
K: and_v(V,K)
K: or_i(K,K)
K: andor(Bdu,K,K)
W: a:(B)
W: s:(Bo)
Bz: 0()
Bz: 1()
Bz: older()
Bz: after()
Bz: n:(Bz)
Bz: and_v(Vz,Bz)
Bz: or_d(Bzdu,Bz)
Bz: andor(Bzdu,Bz,Bz)
Bz: thresh(Bzdu)
Vz: v:(Bz)
Vz: and_v(Vz,Vz)
Vz: or_c(Bzdu,Vz)
Vz: andor(Bzdu,Vz,Vz)
Bo: sha256()
Bo: hash256()
Bo: ripemd160()
Bo: hash160()
Bo: c:(Ko)
Bo: d:(Vz)
Bo: j:(Bon)
Bo: n:(Bo)
Bo: and_v(Vz,Bo)
Bo: and_v(Vo,Bz)
Bo: or_d(Bodu,Bz)
Bo: or_i(Bz,Bz)
Bo: andor(Bzdu,Bo,Bo)
Bo: andor(Bodu,Bz,Bz)
Bo: thresh(Bodu)
Vo: v:(Bo)
Vo: and_v(Vz,Vo)
Vo: and_v(Vo,Vz)
Vo: or_c(Bodu,Vz)
Vo: or_i(Vz,Vz)
Vo: andor(Bzdu,Vo,Vo)
Vo: andor(Bodu,Vz,Vz)
Ko: pk_k()
Ko: and_v(Vz,Ko)
Ko: andor(Bzdu,Ko,Ko)
Bn: sha256()
Bn: hash256()
Bn: ripemd160()
Bn: hash160()
Bn: c:(Kn)
Bn: d:(Vz)
Bn: j:(Bn)
Bn: n:(Bn)
Bn: and_v(Vz,Bn)
Bn: and_v(Vn,B)
Bn: and_b(Bn,W)
Bn: multi()
Vn: v:(Bn)
Vn: and_v(Vz,Vn)
Vn: and_v(Vn,V)
Kn: pk_k()
Kn: pk_h()
Kn: and_v(Vz,Kn)
Kn: and_v(Vn,K)
Bon: sha256()
Bon: hash256()
Bon: ripemd160()
Bon: hash160()
Bon: c:(Kon)
Bon: d:(Vz)
Bon: j:(Bon)
Bon: n:(Bon)
Bon: and_v(Vz,Bon)
Bon: and_v(Von,Bz)
Von: v:(Bon)
Von: and_v(Vz,Von)
Von: and_v(Von,Vz)
Kon: pk_k()
Kon: and_v(Vz,Kon)
Bd: 0()
Bd: sha256()
Bd: hash256()
Bd: ripemd160()
Bd: hash160()
Bd: c:(Kd)
Bd: d:(Vz)
Bd: j:(Bn)
Bd: n:(Bd)
Bd: and_b(Bd,Wd)
Bd: or_b(Bd,Wd)
Bd: or_d(Bdu,Bd)
Bd: or_i(B,Bd)
Bd: or_i(Bd,B)
Bd: andor(Bdu,B,Bd)
Bd: thresh(Bdu)
Bd: thresh(Bdu,Wdu)
Bd: thresh(Bdu,Wdu,Wdu)
Bd: multi()
Kd: pk_k()
Kd: pk_h()
Kd: or_i(K,Kd)
Kd: or_i(Kd,K)
Kd: andor(Bdu,K,Kd)
Wd: a:(Bd)
Wd: s:(Bod)
Bzd: 0()
Bzd: n:(Bzd)
Bzd: or_d(Bzdu,Bzd)
Bzd: andor(Bzdu,Bz,Bzd)
Bzd: thresh(Bzdu)
Bod: sha256()
Bod: hash256()
Bod: ripemd160()
Bod: hash160()
Bod: c:(Kod)
Bod: d:(Vz)
Bod: j:(Bon)
Bod: n:(Bod)
Bod: or_d(Bodu,Bzd)
Bod: or_i(Bz,Bzd)
Bod: or_i(Bzd,Bz)
Bod: andor(Bzdu,Bo,Bod)
Bod: andor(Bodu,Bz,Bzd)
Bod: thresh(Bodu)
Kod: pk_k()
Kod: andor(Bzdu,Ko,Kod)
Bu: 0()
Bu: 1()
Bu: sha256()
Bu: hash256()
Bu: ripemd160()
Bu: hash160()
Bu: c:(K)
Bu: d:(Vz)
Bu: j:(Bnu)
Bu: n:(B)
Bu: and_v(V,Bu)
Bu: and_b(B,W)
Bu: or_b(Bd,Wd)
Bu: or_d(Bdu,Bu)
Bu: or_i(Bu,Bu)
Bu: andor(Bdu,Bu,Bu)
Bu: thresh(Bdu)
Bu: thresh(Bdu,Wdu)
Bu: thresh(Bdu,Wdu,Wdu)
Bu: multi()
Bzu: 0()
Bzu: 1()
Bzu: n:(Bz)
Bzu: and_v(Vz,Bzu)
Bzu: or_d(Bzdu,Bzu)
Bzu: andor(Bzdu,Bzu,Bzu)
Bzu: thresh(Bzdu)
Bou: sha256()
Bou: hash256()
Bou: ripemd160()
Bou: hash160()
Bou: c:(Ko)
Bou: d:(Vz)
Bou: j:(Bonu)
Bou: n:(Bo)
Bou: and_v(Vz,Bou)
Bou: and_v(Vo,Bzu)
Bou: or_d(Bodu,Bzu)
Bou: or_i(Bzu,Bzu)
Bou: andor(Bzdu,Bou,Bou)
Bou: andor(Bodu,Bzu,Bzu)
Bou: thresh(Bodu)
Bnu: sha256()
Bnu: hash256()
Bnu: ripemd160()
Bnu: hash160()
Bnu: c:(Kn)
Bnu: d:(Vz)
Bnu: j:(Bnu)
Bnu: n:(Bn)
Bnu: and_v(Vz,Bnu)
Bnu: and_v(Vn,Bu)
Bnu: and_b(Bn,W)
Bnu: multi()
Bonu: sha256()
Bonu: hash256()
Bonu: ripemd160()
Bonu: hash160()
Bonu: c:(Kon)
Bonu: d:(Vz)
Bonu: j:(Bonu)
Bonu: n:(Bon)
Bonu: and_v(Vz,Bonu)
Bonu: and_v(Von,Bzu)
Bdu: 0()
Bdu: sha256()
Bdu: hash256()
Bdu: ripemd160()
Bdu: hash160()
Bdu: c:(Kd)
Bdu: d:(Vz)
Bdu: j:(Bnu)
Bdu: n:(Bd)
Bdu: and_b(Bd,Wd)
Bdu: or_b(Bd,Wd)
Bdu: or_d(Bdu,Bdu)
Bdu: or_i(Bu,Bdu)
Bdu: or_i(Bdu,Bu)
Bdu: andor(Bdu,Bu,Bdu)
Bdu: thresh(Bdu)
Bdu: thresh(Bdu,Wdu)
Bdu: thresh(Bdu,Wdu,Wdu)
Bdu: multi()
Wdu: a:(Bdu)
Wdu: s:(Bodu)
Bzdu: 0()
Bzdu: n:(Bzd)
Bzdu: or_d(Bzdu,Bzdu)
Bzdu: andor(Bzdu,Bzu,Bzdu)
Bzdu: thresh(Bzdu)
Bodu: sha256()
Bodu: hash256()
Bodu: ripemd160()
Bodu: hash160()
Bodu: c:(Kod)
Bodu: d:(Vz)
Bodu: j:(Bonu)
Bodu: n:(Bod)
Bodu: or_d(Bodu,Bzdu)
Bodu: or_i(Bzu,Bzdu)
Bodu: or_i(Bzdu,Bzu)
Bodu: andor(Bzdu,Bou,Bodu)
Bodu: andor(Bodu,Bzu,Bzdu)
Bodu: thresh(Bodu)
Co-authored-by: Pieter Wuille <>