Alright alright alright, I know: we hate refactors. We especially hate cosmetic refactors.
Nobody knows better than I that changing broad swaths of code out from under our already-abused collaborators, only to send a cascade of rebase bankruptcies, is annoying at best and sadistic at worst. And for a rename! The indignation!
But just for a second, imagine yourself. Programming bitcoin/bitcoin
, on a sandy beach beneath a lapis lazuli sky. You go to type the name of what is probably the most commonly used data structure in the codebase, and you only hit shift once.
What could you do in such a world? You could do anything. The only limit is yourself.
So maybe you like the idea of this patch but really don’t want to deal with rebasing. You’re in luck!
Here’re the commands that will bail you out of rebase bankruptcy:
0git rebase -i $(git merge-base HEAD master) \
1 -x 'sed -i "s/CChainState/Chainstate/g" $(git ls-files | grep -E ".*\.(py|cpp|h)$") && git commit --amend --no-edit'
2# <commit changed?>
3git add -u && git rebase --continue
Anyway I’m not sure how serious I am about this, but I figured it was worth proposing. I have decided I am very serious about this.
Maybe we can have nice things every once in a while?