[WIP] Cluster mempool implementation #28676

pull sdaftuar wants to merge 107 commits into bitcoin:master from sdaftuar:2023-10-cluster-mempool changing 71 files +5979 −3337
  1. sdaftuar commented at 6:59 pm on October 18, 2023: member

    This is a draft implementation of the cluster mempool design described in #27677. I’m opening this as a draft PR now to share the branch I’m working on with others, so that we can start to think about in-progress projects (like package relay, package validation, and package rbf) in the context of this design. Also, I can use some help from others for parts of this work, including the interaction between the mempool and the wallet, and also reworking some of our existing test cases to fit a cluster-mempool world.

    Note that the design of this implementation is subject to change as I continue to iterate on the code (to make the code more hygienic and robust, in particular). At this point though I think the performance is pretty reasonable and I’m not currently aware of any bugs. There are some microbenchmarks added here, and some improved fuzz tests; it would be great if others ran both of those on their own hardware as well and reported back on any findings.

    This branch implements the following observable behavior changes:

    • Maintains a partitioning of the mempool into connected clusters
    • Each cluster is sorted (“linearized”) either using an optimal sort, or an ancestor-feerate-based one, depending on the size of the cluster (thanks to @sipa for this logic)
    • Transaction selection for mining is updated to use the cluster linearizations
    • Mempool eviction is updated to use the cluster linearizations
    • The RBF rules are updated to drop the requirement that no new inputs are introduced, and to change the feerate requirement to instead check that the mining score of a replacement transaction exceed the mining score of the conflicted transactions
    • The CPFP carveout rule is eliminated (it doesn’t make sense in a cluster-limited mempool)
    • The ancestor and descendant limits are no longer enforced.
    • New cluster count/cluster vsize limits are now enforced instead.

    Some less observable behavior changes:

    • The cached ancestor and descendant data are dropped from the mempool, along with the multi_index indices that were maintained to sort the mempool by ancestor and descendant feerates. For compatibility (eg with wallet behavior or RPCs exposing this), this information is now calculated dynamically instead.
    • The ancestor and descendant walking algorithms are now implemented using epochs (resulting in a significant performance improvement, according to the benchmarks I’ve looked at)

    Still to do:

    • More comparisons between this branch and master on historical data to compare validation speed (accepting loose transactions, processing RBF transactions, validating a block/postprocessing, updating the mempool for a reorg).
    • More historical data analysis to try to evaluate the likely impact of setting the cluster size limits to varying values (to motivate what values we should ultimately pick). [DONE, see this post]
    • Updating wallet code to be cluster-aware (including mini_miner and coin selection)
    • Rework many of our functional tests to be cluster-aware
    • Figure out what package validation and package RBF rules should be in this design
    • Rework the partially_downloaded_block fuzz target to not add duplicate transactions to the mempool (#29990).
    • Update RBF logic to ensure that replacements always strictly improve the mempool.
    • Figure out how we want to document our RBF policy (preserve historical references to BIP 125 or previous Bitcoin Core behaviors vs clean slate documentation?)

    For discussion/feedback:

    • How significant is it to be dropping the CPFP carveout rule? Does that affect how we will ultimately want to stage new mempool deployment?
    • How well do the proposed RBF rules meet everyone’s use cases?
    • What design improvements can we make to the cluster tracking implementation?
    • The ZMQ callbacks that occur when a block is found will happen in a slightly different order, because we now will fully remove all transactions occurring in a block from the mempool before removing any conflicts. Is this a problem?
  2. DrahtBot commented at 6:59 pm on October 18, 2023: contributor

    The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers.

    Code Coverage & Benchmarks

    For details see: https://corecheck.dev/bitcoin/bitcoin/pulls/28676.


    See the guideline for information on the review process. A summary of reviews will appear here.


    Reviewers, this pull request conflicts with the following ones:

    • #31803 (fuzz: Extend mini_miner fuzz coverage to max block weight by fjahr)
    • #31775 (rpc: collect transaction fees on generateblock by tiagosh)
    • #31682 (RFC: optimize CheckBlock input checks (duplicate detection & nulls) by l0rinc)
    • #31650 (refactor: Enforce readability-avoid-const-params-in-decls by maflcko)
    • #31553 (cluster mempool: add TxGraph reorg functionality by sipa)
    • #31519 (refactor: Use std::span over Span by maflcko)
    • #31444 (cluster mempool: add txgraph diagrams/mining/eviction by sipa)
    • #31384 (mining: bugfix: Fix duplicate coinbase tx weight reservation by ismaelsadeeq)
    • #31382 (kernel: Flush in ChainstateManager destructor by TheCharlatan)
    • #31363 (cluster mempool: introduce TxGraph by sipa)
    • #31283 (Add waitNext() to BlockTemplate interface by Sjors)
    • #30605 (Cluster linearization: separate tests from tests-of-tests by sipa)
    • #29680 (wallet: fix unrelated parent conflict doesn’t cause child tx to be marked as conflict by Eunovo)
    • #29641 (scripted-diff: Use LogInfo over LogPrintf [WIP, NOMERGE, DRAFT] by maflcko)

    If you consider this pull request important, please also help to review the conflicting pull requests. Ideally, start with the one that should be merged first.

  3. in doc/policy/mempool-replacements.md:22 in b0f771bb55 outdated
    23-   currently-unconfirmed transaction.
    25-   *Rationale*: When RBF was originally implemented, the mempool did not keep track of
    26-   ancestor feerates yet. This rule was suggested as a temporary restriction.
    28-3. The replacement transaction pays an absolute fee of at least the sum paid by the original

    instagibbs commented at 7:11 pm on October 18, 2023:
    might be easier to just “strike out” this rule and mark it deprecated instead of changing numbers since that’s become engineer lingo

    sdaftuar commented at 4:52 pm on December 7, 2023:
    I’m not sure the best way to document things, but I added a to-do item to the OP so that we don’t lose track of figuring out how we want the docs to look. (Will have to conform all the code comments as well.)
  4. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Oct 18, 2023
  5. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 18, 2023
  6. in src/rpc/mempool.cpp:844 in 3a42ba255a outdated
    829@@ -684,6 +830,19 @@ UniValue MempoolInfoToJSON(const CTxMemPool& pool)
    830     ret.pushKV("incrementalrelayfee", ValueFromAmount(pool.m_incremental_relay_feerate.GetFeePerK()));
    831     ret.pushKV("unbroadcastcount", uint64_t{pool.GetUnbroadcastTxs().size()});
    832     ret.pushKV("fullrbf", pool.m_full_rbf);
    833+    ret.pushKV("numberofclusters", pool.m_cluster_map.size());
    834+    int64_t max_cluster_count = 1;

    instagibbs commented at 3:13 pm on October 19, 2023:
    shouldn’t this be 0?
  7. in src/policy/rbf.cpp:65 in 3a42ba255a outdated
    88-    std::set<uint256> parents_of_conflicts;
    89-    for (const auto& mi : iters_conflicting) {
    90-        for (const CTxIn& txin : mi->GetTx().vin) {
    91-            parents_of_conflicts.insert(txin.prevout.hash);
    92+        // Exit early if we're going to fail (see below)
    93+        if (all_conflicts.size() > MAX_REPLACEMENT_CANDIDATES) {

    instagibbs commented at 3:40 pm on October 19, 2023:
    Note: this is sticking with the same rule#5 instead of number of effected clusters. It would be more ideal if it were number of clusters to allow for better usage of adversarial-ish batched CPFPs

    sdaftuar commented at 12:48 pm on October 25, 2023:

    There is room to relax this rule some, so if this is important we can do so. I think the requirement is a bound on the number of clusters that would have to be re-sorted in order to accept the new transaction. We can approximate that as the number of clusters that would be non-empty as a result of removing all the conflicting transactions from the mempool, and only process replacements for which that is below some target.

    That would be a more complex logic though, so before implementing it I wanted to have some sense of whether we need to. Has the historical 100-transaction-conflict limit been problematic for use cases in the past? Note also that in the new code, we are calculating the number of conflicts exactly (the old code used an approximation, which could be gamed by an adversary).

    instagibbs commented at 1:52 pm on October 25, 2023:

    Ah! I wrote a huge response to this, then looked up our previous discussions, and realized I didn’t actually read the code: #27677 (comment)

    IIUC now, this is only counting direct conflicts, and not the descendants that are booted.

    I think that’s fine.

    Actually no, the existing code comments were just misleading, looks like the issue still exists, see: #27677 (comment)

    sdaftuar commented at 1:59 pm on October 25, 2023:
    Ah yes, in the new code I’m only counting direct conflicts right now, because every descendant of a direct conflict must be in the same cluster as that conflict. So this is already a relaxation of the existing rule.

    instagibbs commented at 2:01 pm on October 25, 2023:

    I think the requirement is a bound on the number of clusters that would have to be re-sorted in order to accept the new transaction.

    As an alternative, we drop the replacement limit to like, 10 or something, and then only count the direct conflicts, not the direct conflicts and all the descendants?

    sdaftuar commented at 5:00 pm on December 7, 2023:
    I believe I (finally) actually fixed this behavior to count the number of direct conflicts.

    sdaftuar commented at 5:15 pm on September 5, 2024:
    Will comment elsewhere as well, but I just updated this limit to be a limit on the number of distinct clusters that are conflicted.
  8. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 19, 2023
  9. in src/validation.cpp:896 in c5d3c42da4 outdated
    947-        ancestors = m_pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(*entry, cpfp_carve_out_limits);
    948-        if (!ancestors) return state.Invalid(TxValidationResult::TX_MEMPOOL_POLICY, "too-long-mempool-chain", error_message);
    949-    }
    951-    ws.m_ancestors = *ancestors;
    952+    // Calculate in-mempool ancestors

    instagibbs commented at 8:48 pm on October 19, 2023:

    the check two conditionals above:

    0if (!bypass_limits && ws.m_modified_fees < m_pool.m_min_relay_feerate.GetFee(ws.m_vsize))

    This is still needed for the same reason as before: transaction that is above minrelay, but would be in a chunk below minrelay. We could immediately evict below minrelay chunks post-re-linearization f.e. which would allow 0-fee parents then relax this maybe.

  10. in src/bench/mempool_stress.cpp:107 in c5d3c42da4 outdated
     95+    }
     96+    const auto testing_setup = MakeNoLogFileContext<const TestingSetup>(ChainType::MAIN);
     97+    CTxMemPool& pool = *testing_setup.get()->m_node.mempool;
     99+    std::vector<CTransactionRef> transactions;
    100+    // Create 1000 clusters of 100 transactions each

    instagibbs commented at 9:01 pm on October 19, 2023:

    numbers in comments are off

    shower thought: Should we/can we bound the number of clusters in addition to total memory in TrimToSize? I can’t think of a good way to do that that doesn’t complicate things quite a bit, and perhaps practical mempool sizes make this moot. Just something to consider in case I missed something obvious.

    sdaftuar commented at 7:24 pm on October 24, 2023:

    The immediate downside to a cap on number of clusters is that singleton, high-feerate transactions would not be accepted. And I don’t think we need to – the only places where having more clusters makes us slower is in eviction and mining, and for both of those use cases we could improve performance (if we need to) by maintaining the relevant heap data structures (or something equivalent) as chunks are modified, rather than all at once.

    For now in this branch I’ve created these from scratch each time, but if it turns out that performance is meaningfully impacted when the mempool is busy, then I can optimize this further by just using a bit more memory.

  11. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 19, 2023
  12. glozow added the label Mempool on Oct 20, 2023
  13. in src/txmempool.cpp:1481 in 26e831d5f2 outdated
    1477+            // TODO: branch on size of fee to do this as 32-bit calculation
    1478+            // instead? etc
    1479+            return a.first->fee*b.first->size > b.first->fee*a.first->size;
    1480+        };
    1482+        std::make_heap(heap_chunks.begin(), heap_chunks.end(), cmp);

    instagibbs commented at 7:39 pm on October 20, 2023:

    You probably didn’t mean to call make_heap in the loop for 3N work each time. fwiw I don’t see any performance difference between push_heaping all the elements on vs one make_heap.

    once this is changed, add+trimming seems to be faster than in master regardless of topology tested

    sdaftuar commented at 5:03 pm on December 7, 2023:
    Should be fixed now.
  14. in src/node/miner.cpp:248 in 26e831d5f2 outdated
    381+        // TODO: branch on size of fee to do this as 32-bit calculation
    382+        // instead? etc
    383+        return a.first->fee*b.first->size < b.first->fee*a.first->size;
    384+    };
    385+    // TODO: replace the heap with a priority queue
    386+    std::make_heap(heap_chunks.begin(), heap_chunks.end(), cmp);

    instagibbs commented at 7:46 pm on October 20, 2023:
    don’t ask why but I’m getting significant performance improvement(>10%) just push_heaping everything from scratch, and similarly with priority_queue
  15. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Oct 30, 2023
  16. in src/bench/mempool_stress.cpp:269 in dd6684ab66 outdated
    253+        pool.CalculateMiningScoreOfReplacementTx(entry, det_rand.randrange(30000)+1000, all_conflicts, limits);
    254+    });
    257+BENCHMARK(MemPoolAncestorsDescendants, benchmark::PriorityLevel::HIGH);
    258+BENCHMARK(MemPoolAddTransactions, benchmark::PriorityLevel::HIGH);

    Sjors commented at 10:05 am on November 14, 2023:

    dd6684ab665bc8ae76b76fdd2e578fc77d562a52: While you’re touching this, can you rename MempoolCheck to MemPoolCheck, MempoolEviction to MemPoolEviction and ComplexMemPool to MempoolComplex? That makes -filter=MemPool.* work

    As a workaround, -filter=.*Mem.* does work.

  17. Sjors commented at 10:29 am on November 14, 2023: member

    It would be useful to add a mempool_backwards_compatibility.py test to illustrate how the new rules interact with older nodes. It could have two modern nodes and one v25 (or v26) node. Some of the tests you deleted in this branch could be moved there. E.g. the test could demonstrate how RBF rule 2 is not enforced when relaying to the new node, but it is when relaying to the v25 node.

    Benchmarks on a 2019 MacBook Pro (2,3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9), plugged in:

    0% src/bench/bench_bitcoin -filter=.*Mem.* -min-time=10000
    2|      330,557,188.67 |                3.03 |    1.5% |     10.77 | `ComplexMemPool`
    3|      451,529,273.50 |                2.21 |    2.8% |     10.01 | `MemPoolAddTransactions`
    4|            2,847.13 |          351,231.06 |    2.7% |     10.93 | `MemPoolAncestorsDescendants`
    5|           11,047.90 |           90,514.97 |    2.5% |     10.69 | `MemPoolMiningScoreCheck`
    6|        4,328,796.04 |              231.01 |    1.1% |     10.99 | `MempoolCheck`
    7|           36,268.80 |           27,571.91 |    2.9% |     11.17 | `MempoolEviction`
    8|        9,123,684.25 |              109.60 |    1.4% |     10.74 | `RpcMempool`

    Update: added bench for master@c2d4e40e454ba0c7c836a849b6d15db4850079f2:

    0|               ns/op |                op/s |    err% |     total | benchmark
    2|      302,677,055.25 |                3.30 |    3.5% |     10.76 | `ComplexMemPool`
    3|      100,167,478.00 |                9.98 |    2.5% |     11.08 | `MempoolCheck`
    4|           43,759.84 |           22,852.00 |    4.1% |     11.42 | `MempoolEviction`
    5|       10,235,913.25 |               97.70 |    3.5% |     10.66 | `RpcMempool`
  18. in src/init.cpp:621 in 7fdcccd133 outdated
    573@@ -574,6 +574,8 @@ void SetupServerArgs(ArgsManager& argsman)
    574     argsman.AddArg("-limitancestorsize=<n>", strprintf("Do not accept transactions whose size with all in-mempool ancestors exceeds <n> kilobytes (default: %u)", DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_SIZE_LIMIT_KVB), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
    575     argsman.AddArg("-limitdescendantcount=<n>", strprintf("Do not accept transactions if any ancestor would have <n> or more in-mempool descendants (default: %u)", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
    576     argsman.AddArg("-limitdescendantsize=<n>", strprintf("Do not accept transactions if any ancestor would have more than <n> kilobytes of in-mempool descendants (default: %u).", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_SIZE_LIMIT_KVB), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
    577+    argsman.AddArg("-limitclustercount=<n>", strprintf("Do not accept transactions connected to <n> or more existing in-mempool transactions (default: %u)", DEFAULT_CLUSTER_LIMIT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);

    Sjors commented at 10:34 am on November 14, 2023:

    I made an attempt at dropping -limitdescendantsize and friends: https://github.com/Sjors/bitcoin/commits/2022/11/cluster-mempool

    I (naively) replaced ancestor and descendent limits in coin selection with the new cluster limit. At least the tests pass *.

    When we drop these settings anyone who uses them will get an error when starting the node. That’s probably a good thing, since they should read about this change.

    * = well, wallet_basic.py fails with:

    0Internal bug detected: Shared UTXOs among selection results
    1wallet/coinselection.h:340 (InsertInputs)
  19. in src/txmempool.cpp:1857 in 54f39ca8f1 outdated
    1550+void Cluster::RemoveTransaction(const CTxMemPoolEntry& entry)
    1552+    m_chunks[entry.m_loc.first].txs.erase(entry.m_loc.second);
    1554+    // Chunk (or cluster) may now be empty, but this will get cleaned up

    Sjors commented at 1:15 pm on November 14, 2023:
    54f39ca8f101483f5f82707689ca49431d4091e5: what if the deleted transaction makes it so there are now two clusters? This is also safe to ignore?

    sdaftuar commented at 1:33 am on December 10, 2023:

    I wouldn’t say it’s safe to ignore, but the idea is that we often want to be able to batch deletions, and then clean things up in one pass. So the call sites should all be dealing with this issue and ensuring that we always clean up at some point.

    (This is definitely an area where I expect that we’ll be re-engineering all this logic and trying to come up with a better abstraction layer so that this is more robust and easier to think about!)

  20. in src/txmempool.cpp:1875 in 54f39ca8f1 outdated
    1566+    m_chunks.clear();
    1568+    for (auto txentry : txs) {
    1569+        m_chunks.emplace_back(txentry.get().GetModifiedFee(), txentry.get().GetTxSize());
    1570+        m_chunks.back().txs.emplace_back(txentry);

    Sjors commented at 2:09 pm on November 14, 2023:
    54f39ca8f101483f5f82707689ca49431d4091e5: So you’re creating a chunk for each new transaction and then erasing it if the fee rate goes down. Why not the other way around?
  21. in src/txmempool.cpp:1877 in 54f39ca8f1 outdated
    1569+        m_chunks.emplace_back(txentry.get().GetModifiedFee(), txentry.get().GetTxSize());
    1570+        m_chunks.back().txs.emplace_back(txentry);
    1571+        while (m_chunks.size() >= 2) {
    1572+            auto cur_iter = std::prev(m_chunks.end());
    1573+            auto prev_iter = std::prev(cur_iter);
    1574+            double feerate_prev = prev_iter->fee*cur_iter->size;

    Sjors commented at 2:13 pm on November 14, 2023:
    54f39ca8f101483f5f82707689ca49431d4091e5: shouldn’t this be fee / size? Or do you mean to use an inverse fee rate for performance (inv_fee_rate)?

    sipa commented at 12:53 pm on November 20, 2023:
    To check a/b > c/d you can instead check a*d > c*b, which avoids divisions (which are an order of magnitude slower than multiplication).

    Sjors commented at 5:22 pm on November 20, 2023:
    The math school memories are coming back :-)
  22. Sjors commented at 2:27 pm on November 14, 2023: member
    Couple more comments / questions. To be continued…
  23. in src/txmempool.h:427 in 065e18fff3 outdated
    633@@ -632,6 +634,22 @@ class CTxMemPool
    634      */
    635     void UpdateTransactionsFromBlock(const std::vector<uint256>& vHashesToUpdate) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs, cs_main) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(m_epoch);
    637+    /**
    638+     * Calculate whether cluster size limits would be exceeded if a new tx were
    639+     * added to the mempool (assuming no conflicts).

    Sjors commented at 11:22 am on November 20, 2023:

    065e18fff30a91c94c47d5c2fc65b13ddc38aa47: do you plan to relax this assumption so that a transaction in (a) full cluster(s) can be replaced?

    Update: AcceptSingleTransaction skips ClusterSizeChecks if there’s a replacement, in which case ReplacementChecks checks the new cluster size. So this is not an issue.

    sipa commented at 12:54 pm on November 20, 2023:
    I believe that’s an idea we’ve toyed with (calling it “sibling eviction”), but so far it isn’t clear how to align that with DoS prevention.
  24. in src/rpc/mempool.cpp:659 in 0b284b5fd2 outdated
    659@@ -553,6 +660,39 @@ static RPCHelpMan getmempooldescendants()
    660     };
    661 }
    663+static RPCHelpMan getmempoolcluster()
    665+    return RPCHelpMan{"getmempoolcluster",
    666+        "\nReturns mempool data for given cluster\n",
    667+        {
    668+            {"id", RPCArg::Type::NUM, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The cluster id (must be in mempool)"},

    Sjors commented at 12:32 pm on November 20, 2023:
    0b284b5fd29c06d46c1ec60ea7e1bcd07f36feb1: it would be more practical to (also) have a lookup by transaction hash
  25. in src/rpc/mempool.cpp:315 in 0b284b5fd2 outdated
    326+    AssertLockHeld(pool.cs);
    327+    info.pushKV("vsize", (int)c.m_tx_size);
    328+    info.pushKV("txcount", (int)c.m_tx_count);
    329+    info.pushKV("clusterid", (int)c.m_id);
    330+    UniValue chunks(UniValue::VARR);
    331+    for (auto &chunk : c.m_chunks) {

    Sjors commented at 1:42 pm on November 20, 2023:
    0b284b5fd29c06d46c1ec60ea7e1bcd07f36feb1: can you order chunks by mining score?

    sdaftuar commented at 4:55 pm on December 7, 2023:
    Chunks for a given cluster are already sorted in descending feerate (ie mining score) order, is that what you’re asking about or is there another issue I’m overlooking?
  26. in src/txmempool.cpp:1157 in 7fdcccd133 outdated
    994+    int64_t a_size = a->m_cluster->m_chunks[a->m_loc.first].size;
    995+    CAmount b_fee = b->m_cluster->m_chunks[b->m_loc.first].fee;
    996+    int64_t b_size = b->m_cluster->m_chunks[b->m_loc.first].size;
    998+    int64_t a_score = a_fee * b_size;
    999+    int64_t b_score = b_fee * a_size;

    Sjors commented at 1:48 pm on November 20, 2023:

    It would be good to explain the rationale for the miner score somewhere.

    Why a * b and b * a?

    And why is not the fee rate a_fee / a_size? (inverse score?)

  27. sipa commented at 1:53 pm on November 20, 2023: member
    @Sjors I believe most if not all of this PR will be rewritten, and split up into several components. The goal here is just to give an idea of the high-level interactions with other changes (wallet behavior, package validation/relay/RBF, …). I don’t think a detailed line-by-line code review at this stage is a good use of your time.
  28. in src/rpc/mempool.cpp:464 in 0b284b5fd2 outdated
    466+                heap_chunks.pop_back();
    468+                accum_size += best_chunk.first->size;
    469+                accum_fee += best_chunk.first->fee;
    471+                UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ);

    Sjors commented at 1:58 pm on November 20, 2023:

    0b284b5fd29c06d46c1ec60ea7e1bcd07f36feb1: this should also list the cluster id, and maybe also the chunk number.

    Could also add an argument limit the total number of vbytes.

    getmempoolfeesize can be introduced in its own commit

  29. in src/rpc/mempool.cpp:474 in 0b284b5fd2 outdated
    452+                    heap_chunks.emplace_back(cluster->m_chunks.begin(), cluster.get());
    453+                }
    454+            }
    455+            // Define comparison operator on our heap entries (using feerate of chunks).
    456+            auto cmp = [](const Cluster::HeapEntry& a, const Cluster::HeapEntry& b) {
    457+                return a.first->fee*b.first->size < b.first->fee*a.first->size;

    Sjors commented at 2:00 pm on November 20, 2023:
    0b284b5fd29c06d46c1ec60ea7e1bcd07f36feb1 : Could this use CompareMiningScore or does it have a different goal?
  30. in doc/policy/mempool-replacements.md:49 in bf467f8286 outdated
    45@@ -53,12 +46,10 @@ other consensus and policy rules, each of the following conditions are met:
    46    significant portions of the node's mempool using replacements with multiple directly conflicting
    47    transactions, each with large descendant sets.
    49-6. The replacement transaction's feerate is greater than the feerates of all directly conflicting
    50+5. The replacement transaction's mining score is greater than the mining score of all directly conflicting

    Sjors commented at 2:06 pm on November 20, 2023:
    bf467f8286425b692a1736ab6d417d0ba6074658 Maybe make this rule 7. That seems a bit more clear than saying “previously this rule referred to fee rate”
  31. in doc/policy/mempool-replacements.md:20 in bf467f8286 outdated
    28-3. The replacement transaction pays an absolute fee of at least the sum paid by the original
    29+2. The replacement transaction pays an absolute fee of at least the sum paid by the original
    30    transactions.
    32    *Rationale*: Only requiring the replacement transaction to have a higher feerate could allow an

    Sjors commented at 2:09 pm on November 20, 2023:

    bf467f8286425b692a1736ab6d417d0ba6074658: “a higher feerate or (using clusters) mining score”

    Is the “Additionally” reasoning still valid?

  32. in doc/policy/mempool-replacements.md:46 in bf467f8286 outdated
    54-   preferable for block-inclusion, compared to what would be removed from the mempool. This rule
    55-   predates ancestor feerate-based transaction selection.
    56+   *Rationale*: Ensure that the new transaction is more appealing to mine than those being evicted.
    58 This set of rules is similar but distinct from BIP125.

    Sjors commented at 2:24 pm on November 20, 2023:

    bf467f8286425b692a1736ab6d417d0ba6074658: history can be expanded:

    0  * Cluster mempool introduced, dropping rule 2 and introducing rule 7.
    1    As of **v27.0** ([PR 28676](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28676)).
  33. in src/policy/rbf.cpp:116 in bf467f8286 outdated
    116+        // directly replaced, because descendant transactions which pay for the
    117+        // parent will be reflected in the parent's chunk feerate.
    118+        Cluster::Chunk &chunk = mi->m_cluster->m_chunks[mi->m_loc.first];
    119+        CFeeRate original_feerate(chunk.fee, chunk.size);
    120         if (replacement_feerate <= original_feerate) {
    121             return strprintf("rejecting replacement %s; new feerate %s <= old feerate %s",

    Sjors commented at 2:27 pm on November 20, 2023:
    bf467f8286425b692a1736ab6d417d0ba6074658: ; new chunk feerate %s <= old chunk feerate
  34. Sjors commented at 3:00 pm on November 20, 2023: member

    I was wondering if we can drop RBF rule 5 (in a followup), but I’m guessing not really. My initial thinking was the cluster limit could be used instead. But CalculateMiningScoreOfReplacementTx only checks that the new cluster doesn’t get too big.

    But does the new cluster system make it less of a burden to have large numbers of transactions appear and disappear from the mempool?

    I’m also trying to understand if dropping the CPFP carveout is fine. The original scenario described on the mailistlist:

    1  * output Alice <- child_a_1 <- child_a_2 <- … -< child_a_25
    2                   (^ intentionally low fees so it doesn't confirm before timeout)
    3  * output Bob: child_b_1
    4                ^ high fee

    The carveout rule allows Bob’s child_b_1, despite Alice having used up the 25 ancestor limit for TX_important. And alice can’t use the carveout to just add child_a_26, because child_26 has more than one unconfirmed ancestor.

    So what happens in the cluster world?

    For simplicity, let’s set -limitclustercount to 26 (the default is 100 in this PR). Without the CPFP carveout, can Bob still insert child_b_1?

    My understanding is that he can’t, because ClusterSizeChecks will fail.

    Instead of failing, can we check if it’s possible to evict the lowest value chunk? Though it introduces an implicit RBF-like mechanism… If it were possible, then child_a_25 would be evicted from the cluster as long as it has a longer fee rate than child_b_1.

    Alice might make sure that the fee rates of child_a_1child_a_25 increase such that there’s only one chunk. That just requires Bob to use a higher fee rate.

  35. in src/txmempool.cpp:1910 in 7fdcccd133 outdated
    1727+namespace {
    1729+template <typename SetType>
    1730+std::vector<CTxMemPoolEntry::CTxMemPoolEntryRef> InvokeSort(size_t tx_count, const std::vector<Cluster::Chunk>& chunks)
    1732+    std::vector<CTxMemPoolEntry::CTxMemPoolEntryRef> txs;

    Sjors commented at 4:04 pm on November 20, 2023:
    Can you clarify what txs, orig_txs and cluster are for, and what the general strategy is here?
  36. Sjors commented at 5:16 pm on November 20, 2023: member

    I don’t think a detailed line-by-line code review at this stage is a good use of your time.

    That’s not what I’m trying to do. I strategically / haphazardly picked a dozen lines to ask questions about to get a better understanding of the whole thing. Based on IRC chat today, I’ll wait now for the upcoming update.

    Relevant IRC log: https://bitcoin-irc.chaincode.com/bitcoin-core-dev/2023-11-20#984780;

  37. sdaftuar force-pushed on Dec 6, 2023
  38. sdaftuar force-pushed on Dec 7, 2023
  39. sdaftuar force-pushed on Dec 7, 2023
  40. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Dec 7, 2023
  41. sdaftuar force-pushed on Dec 8, 2023
  42. sdaftuar force-pushed on Dec 10, 2023
  43. sdaftuar force-pushed on Dec 10, 2023
  44. sdaftuar force-pushed on Dec 10, 2023
  45. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Dec 10, 2023
  46. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Dec 18, 2023
  47. achow101 referenced this in commit 7143d43884 on Feb 10, 2024
  48. ariard commented at 3:45 am on February 19, 2024: contributor
    do you have a simulation environment or script like you’ve done for #25717 to observe the computational complexity diff compared to today’s mempool against different chain of transaction performance payload ? interesting what is the lowest performance linux host assumed for decentralization of the tx-relay network. assume always 24/7 internet and on a vpcu instance, not baremetal.
  49. Sjors commented at 3:05 pm on February 19, 2024: member

    In the context of Stratum v2 #29432 I’m looking for a more efficient way to decide when to generate a new block template.

    The current implementation looks at the mempool’s GetTransactionsUpdated() every -sv2interval seconds. If there was any update, it calls CreateNewBlock() on BlockAssembler. It then checks if fees increased by at least -sv2feedelta since the last template and if so, pushes it to connected clients.

    GetTransactionsUpdated() changes all the time, especially with a big mempool, so not that useful of a filter. I’d like something like GetFeeEstimateAtTop(size vbytes=4000000). Would it be easy to keep track of that (approximate) number every time something is added or removed from the mempool?

    Ideally I’d like to change the meaning of -sv2interval from “check every n seconds and push update if needed” to “push better templates immediately, but wait least n seconds between them”.

  50. sipa commented at 3:10 pm on February 19, 2024: member

    Would it be easy to keep track of that (approximate) number every time something is added or removed from the mempool?

    After clustermempool, yes. Today doing that inherently requires running the mining algorithm to figure out what transactions to put there.

  51. Sjors commented at 3:12 pm on February 19, 2024: member
    Indeed, I meant on top of this PR (or a later incarnation).
  52. ariard commented at 5:56 pm on February 22, 2024: contributor

    interesting what is the lowest performance linux host assumed for decentralization of the tx-relay network. assume always 24/7 internet and on a vpcu instance, not baremetal.

    Running this branch mainet on a 2 vcpu instance, with the following performance characteristics:

    0processor       : 0
    1vendor_id       : AuthenticAMD
    2cpu family      : 25
    3model           : 1
    4model name      : AMD EPYC 7543 32-Core Processor
    5stepping        : 1
    6microcode       : 0xa0011d1
    7cpu MHz         : 2794.750
    8cache size      : 512 KB

    It would be very interesting to feed cluster-support testing node with all kinds of chain of transactions, and check substantial performance diff compared to non-cluster-support testing node. Check there is no substantial performance regression.

  53. sdaftuar force-pushed on Mar 7, 2024
  54. sdaftuar force-pushed on Mar 7, 2024
  55. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Mar 7, 2024
  56. in src/txmempool.h:839 in 96df5acec3 outdated
    833@@ -764,6 +834,9 @@ class CTxMemPool
    834      */
    835     void UpdateForDescendants(txiter updateIt, cacheMap& cachedDescendants,
    836                               const std::set<uint256>& setExclude, std::set<uint256>& descendants_to_remove) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs);
    837+    // During reorg we add transactions back to mempool, must reconnect
    838+    // clusters with in-mempool descendants.
    839+    void UpdateClusterForDescendants(txiter updateIt) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs);

    ariard commented at 1:47 am on March 8, 2024:
    I think the introduction of Cluster alters the worst-case computational during re-org, when we reconnect disconnectpool to the current mempool. Before the limit we were strictly bounded with DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT / DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT. Now we have a DEFAULT_CLUST_LIMIT, where the worst-case graph traversal algorithm might have to visit more element than at max 25.
  57. in src/txmempool.cpp:122 in 96df5acec3 outdated
    117+    }
    118+    if (clusters_to_merge.size() > 1) {
    119+        // Merge the other clusters into this one, but keep this cluster as
    120+        // first so that it's topologically sound.
    121+        clusters_to_merge[0]->Merge(clusters_to_merge.begin()+1, clusters_to_merge.end(), true);
    122+        // TODO: limit the size of the cluster, in case it got too big.

    ariard commented at 2:05 am on March 8, 2024:
    I think this introduces a transaction censorship vector for time-sensitive second-layers. If you can re-org one block and construct a cluster such a a target descendant is not reconnected with other clusters, the non-cluster connected target descendant might have a stale feerate. This descendant could be pinnned in the bottom of the local mempool.
  58. in src/txmempool.cpp:559 in 96df5acec3 outdated
    554+        // Only one parent cluster: add to it.
    555+        clusters_to_merge[0]->AddTransaction(*newit, true);
    556+        cachedInnerUsage += clusters_to_merge[0]->GetMemoryUsage();
    557+    } else {
    558+        cachedInnerUsage -= clusters_to_merge[0]->GetMemoryUsage();
    559+        clusters_to_merge[0]->Merge(clusters_to_merge.begin()+1, clusters_to_merge.end(), false);

    ariard commented at 2:13 am on March 8, 2024:
    This can bind max number of clusts’s Merge(). addUnchecked() internal logic differs on tip commit.
  59. in src/txmempool.cpp:732 in 96df5acec3 outdated
    727+                for (auto entry : children) {
    728+                    work_queue.push_back(entry);
    729+                    visited(entry.get());
    730+                }
    732+                while (!work_queue.empty()) {

    ariard commented at 2:27 am on March 8, 2024:
    I think here a counter should be introduced to avoid iterating on more than DEFAULT_CLUSTER_LIMIT on this work_queue. It’s in RemoveStaged itself call in Finalize, I think you might have temporarily unbounded numbers with conflicting descendants transactions.
  60. in src/txmempool.cpp:1545 in 96df5acec3 outdated
    1540+void Cluster::RemoveTransaction(const CTxMemPoolEntry& entry)
    1542+    m_chunks[entry.m_loc.first].txs.erase(entry.m_loc.second);
    1544+    // Chunk (or cluster) may now be empty, but this will get cleaned up
    1545+    // when the cluster is re-sorted (or when the cluster is deleted) Note:

    ariard commented at 2:34 am on March 8, 2024:
    I think you will have computational threshold effect with whatever limits you’re picking up for max cluster size and chunk ordering parameters. Namely, what is the minimal chunk modification that can provoke the maximum of re-ordering of all in-cluster chunks.
  61. in src/txmempool.cpp:1569 in 96df5acec3 outdated
    1564+            double feerate_prev = prev_iter->fee*cur_iter->size;
    1565+            double feerate_cur = cur_iter->fee*prev_iter->size;
    1566+            // We only combine chunks if the feerate would go up; if two
    1567+            // chunks have equal feerate, we prefer to keep the smaller
    1568+            // chunksize (which is generally better for both mining and
    1569+            // eviction).

    ariard commented at 2:41 am on March 8, 2024:
    I think this is a broken assumption. You’re using virtual bytes (GetTxSize()), however an equivalent feerate cluster can have a smaller total witness unit as such a higher feerate w.r.t consensus rules (MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT) and it should be selected in a mining block template.
  62. in src/txmempool.cpp:1605 in 96df5acec3 outdated
    1600+            txs.push_back(chunk_tx.get());
    1601+        }
    1602+    }
    1603+    // Sorting by ancestor count is equivalent to topological sort.
    1604+    std::sort(txs.begin(), txs.end(), [](const CTxMemPoolEntry::CTxMemPoolEntryRef& a, const CTxMemPoolEntry::CTxMemPoolEntryRef& b) {
    1605+        return a.get().GetCountWithAncestors() < b.get().GetCountWithAncestors();

    ariard commented at 2:56 am on March 8, 2024:
    Note topological sort is not defined. At the very least you can have a and b both being the first child of a single ancestor and still being the 2rd and 3rd child of a common ancestor. Strictly inferior here cannot be say to be equivalent.
  63. in src/rpc/mempool.cpp:262 in ce41413592 outdated
    246@@ -247,34 +247,81 @@ static RPCHelpMan testmempoolaccept()
    247     };
    248 }
    250+static std::vector<RPCResult> ClusterDescription()
    252+    return {
    253+        RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::NUM, "vsize", "virtual transaction size as defined in BIP 141. This is different from actual serialized size for witness transactions as witness data is discounted."},
    254+        RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::NUM, "txcount", "number of transactions (including this one)"},
    255+        RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::NUM, "clusterid", "id of the cluster containing this tx"},

    ariard commented at 3:11 am on March 8, 2024:
    About the clusterid (m_next_cluster_id), I don’t think it’s a good idea to use it as a tie-breaker in CompareMiningScore as it’s just a monotonic counter, it’s not information perfomative for a mining score. You could use weight at least or reception timestamp e.g oldest the tx-relay reception more well-propagated on the network, already in every miner mempool.
  64. in src/rpc/mempool.cpp:426 in ce41413592 outdated
    419@@ -370,6 +420,76 @@ UniValue MempoolToJSON(const CTxMemPool& pool, bool verbose, bool include_mempoo
    420     }
    421 }
    423+static RPCHelpMan getmempoolfeesize()
    425+    return RPCHelpMan{"getmempoolfeesize",
    426+        "Returns fee/size data for the whole mempool.",

    ariard commented at 3:12 am on March 8, 2024:
    Obviously you can add fee/weight units here.
  65. in src/util/feefrac.h:19 in bb1bc54a7c outdated
    11+/** Data structure storing a fee and size, ordered by increasing fee/size.
    12+ *
    13+ * The size of a FeeFrac cannot be zero unless the fee is also zero.
    14+ *
    15+ * FeeFracs have a total ordering, first by increasing feerate (ratio of fee over size), and then
    16+ * by decreasing size. The empty FeeFrac (fee and size both 0) sorts last. So for example, the

    ariard commented at 3:31 am on March 8, 2024:
    This is not perfect as you could use weight units and even have to consider what is the minimal satisfying witness under given consensus rules for a given transaction, especially if you have multiple candidate for a spend given a witnessScript. You have already such types of transaction like second-stage LN transactions (either revocation path or preimage/timeout path).
  66. in src/util/feefrac.h:36 in bb1bc54a7c outdated
    31+ * The >> and << operators only compare feerate and treat equal feerate but different size as
    32+ * equivalent. The empty FeeFrac is neither lower or higher in feerate than any other.
    33+ *
    34+ * These comparisons are only guaranteed to be correct when the product of the highest fee and
    35+ * highest size does not exceed 2^64-1. If the fee is a number in sats, and size in bytes, then
    36+ * this allows up to 46116.86 BTC at size 4M, and 1844674.4 BTC at size 100k).

    ariard commented at 3:44 am on March 8, 2024:
    I think this should be MAX_MONEY as ReplacementChecks() in PreChecks() are done before PolicyScriptChecks() and ConsensusScriptChecks() so an adversary does not have to own the solution of the scriptpubkey to fake 46116.86 or 1844674.4 of value in your local mempool, exceeds 2^64-1 and mess up with linearization.
  67. ariard commented at 3:55 am on March 8, 2024: contributor
    I’ll spend time reviewing current CTxMemPool’s code path w.r.t DoS resistance before to pursue review further. This is very unsure the introduction of TxGraph improves on this front as the design is focus on mining incentive-compatibility improvement first.
  68. ariard commented at 4:01 am on March 8, 2024: contributor

    Running this branch mainet on a 2 vcpu instance, with the following performance characteristics:

    Got a disk space issue at block 501691 by syncing from genesis.

    02024-02-23T10:53:41Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000000753b6b9821750d271e1730d7403a0658c507c88092bdf0 height=501691 version=0x20000000 log2_work=87.760876 tx=287312998 date='2017-12-30T07:48:59Z' progress=0.295839 cache=16.3MiB(151170txo)
    12024-02-23T10:53:41Z New outbound-full-relay v1 peer connected: version: 70016, blocks=831673, peer=196
    22024-02-23T10:53:47Z *** Disk space is too low!
    32024-02-23T10:53:47Z Error: Disk space is too low!

    Was configured as a prune node with default pruning settings.

    02024-02-22T17:49:33Z Prune configured to target 550 MiB on disk for block and undo files.

    With following /proc/meminfo dump

     0MemTotal:        4020688 kB
     1MemFree:          359104 kB
     2MemAvailable:    3650432 kB
     3Buffers:           44424 kB
     4Cached:          3385624 kB
     5SwapCached:            0 kB
     6Active:          1312988 kB
     7Inactive:        2156904 kB
     8Active(anon):        352 kB
     9Inactive(anon):    40004 kB
    10Active(file):    1312636 kB
    11Inactive(file):  2116900 kB
  69. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Mar 9, 2024
  70. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Apr 3, 2024
  71. DrahtBot commented at 7:04 pm on April 3, 2024: contributor

    🚧 At least one of the CI tasks failed. Make sure to run all tests locally, according to the documentation.

    Possibly this is due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest commit of the target branch.

    Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.

    Debug: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/runs/22392307037

  72. sdaftuar force-pushed on Apr 25, 2024
  73. sdaftuar force-pushed on Apr 26, 2024
  74. sdaftuar force-pushed on Apr 26, 2024
  75. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Apr 26, 2024
  76. sdaftuar force-pushed on Apr 26, 2024
  77. sdaftuar force-pushed on Apr 26, 2024
  78. sdaftuar force-pushed on Apr 26, 2024
  79. sdaftuar force-pushed on Apr 26, 2024
  80. sdaftuar force-pushed on Apr 26, 2024
  81. sdaftuar force-pushed on Apr 27, 2024
  82. Dianagram009 approved
  83. sdaftuar force-pushed on Apr 28, 2024
  84. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Apr 28, 2024
  85. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Apr 30, 2024
  86. in src/kernel/txgraph.cpp:522 in c49e0444e5 outdated
    502+    cluster->Clear();
    504+    // The first transaction gets to stay in the existing cluster.
    505+    bool first = true;
    506+    for (auto& txentry : txs) {
    507+        if (txentry.get().m_cluster == nullptr) {

    sdaftuar commented at 3:50 pm on May 8, 2024:

    See line 528 below: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/c49e0444e5c474d5e1ac0af89e9bc27958f3ed31/src/kernel/txgraph.cpp#L528

    Note also that I expect this implementation of txgraph to be rewritten entirely, so the most relevant thing to review right now relating to this code is the header file, as the interface is the most important part (and the rest of the PR and the mempool code builds on top of that interface).

  87. in src/rpc/mempool.cpp:659 in c49e0444e5 outdated
    644@@ -547,6 +645,40 @@ static RPCHelpMan getmempooldescendants()
    645     };
    646 }
    648+static RPCHelpMan getmempoolcluster()
    650+    return RPCHelpMan{"getmempoolcluster",
    651+        "\nReturns mempool data for given cluster\n",
    652+        {
    653+            {"id", RPCArg::Type::NUM, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The cluster id (must be in mempool)"},

    Christewart commented at 2:50 pm on May 7, 2024:

    How are users of the RPC expected to obtain the set of cluster_id’s?

    IIUC, the way to do this currently is to query

    0./bin/bitcoin-cli getrawmempool true

    and then aggregate the cluster_id’s yourself?

    sdaftuar commented at 3:45 pm on May 8, 2024:
    Sjors suggested here #28676 (review) that I add a way to do it by transaction hash, which would be easy. Let me know if you have other suggestions…
  88. sdaftuar force-pushed on May 8, 2024
  89. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 5, 2024
  90. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jun 5, 2024
  91. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 5, 2024
  92. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Jun 5, 2024
  93. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 5, 2024
  94. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Jun 5, 2024
  95. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 5, 2024
  96. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Jun 7, 2024
  97. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 10, 2024
  98. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jun 10, 2024
  99. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Jun 10, 2024
  100. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Jun 11, 2024
  101. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 12, 2024
  102. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 12, 2024
  103. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 14, 2024
  104. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jun 14, 2024
  105. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Jun 14, 2024
  106. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Jun 17, 2024
  107. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 18, 2024
  108. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jun 18, 2024
  109. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Jun 18, 2024
  110. DrahtBot commented at 8:03 pm on June 18, 2024: contributor

    🚧 At least one of the CI tasks failed. Make sure to run all tests locally, according to the documentation.

    Possibly this is due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest commit of the target branch.

    Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.

    Debug: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/runs/26377000968

  111. bitcoin deleted a comment on Jun 18, 2024
  112. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Jun 19, 2024
  113. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 26, 2024
  114. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jun 26, 2024
  115. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jun 28, 2024
  116. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Jun 28, 2024
  117. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jul 1, 2024
  118. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Jul 3, 2024
  119. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jul 11, 2024
  120. DrahtBot commented at 3:38 am on July 11, 2024: contributor

    🚧 At least one of the CI tasks failed. Make sure to run all tests locally, according to the documentation.

    Possibly this is due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest commit of the target branch.

    Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.

    Debug: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/runs/27300763520

  121. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Jul 11, 2024
  122. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jul 11, 2024
  123. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jul 11, 2024
  124. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Jul 11, 2024
  125. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Jul 15, 2024
  126. in src/kernel/txgraph.cpp:174 in 7e97af364e outdated
    169+    orig_linearization.reserve(tx_count);
    170+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<cluster.size(); ++i) {
    171+        orig_linearization.push_back(i);
    172+    }
    173+    cluster_linearize::DepGraph dep_graph(cluster);
    174+    auto result = cluster_linearize::Linearize(dep_graph, iterations, 0, orig_linearization);

    instagibbs commented at 8:44 pm on July 22, 2024:

    iterations is not modified here, so you’re just reporting 0 iters used everywhere, and always PostLinearizing

    Do we want to change the Linearize signature to report iters left, which can infer optimal or not as well?

    sdaftuar commented at 1:09 pm on July 26, 2024:

    Fixed this to use result.second, which indicates whether the linearization is optimal.

    Also added a wip commit to track iterations done, so that the benchmark logging is more useful for now.

  127. instagibbs commented at 3:24 pm on July 23, 2024: member

    (after fixing the reported iterations done) Seeing a lot of linerarizations being done that are kind of odd looking repeats with same number of iterations?

    02024-07-22T21:01:29.226080Z [bench] InvokeSort linearize cluster: 15 txs, 0.0184ms, 120 iter, 153.1ns/iter
    12024-07-22T21:01:29.226348Z [bench] InvokeSort linearize cluster: 15 txs, 0.0187ms, 120 iter, 155.7ns/iter
    22024-07-22T21:01:29.226633Z [bench] InvokeSort linearize cluster: 15 txs, 0.0180ms, 120 iter, 149.8ns/iter
    32024-07-22T21:01:29.226926Z [bench] InvokeSort linearize cluster: 15 txs, 0.0188ms, 120 iter, 156.8ns/iter

    what’s happening here?

  128. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jul 26, 2024
  129. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Jul 26, 2024
  130. DrahtBot commented at 3:06 pm on July 26, 2024: contributor

    🚧 At least one of the CI tasks failed. Debug: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/runs/27964484768

    Make sure to run all tests locally, according to the documentation.

    The failure may happen due to a number of reasons, for example:

    • Possibly due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest commit of the target branch.

    • A sanitizer issue, which can only be found by compiling with the sanitizer and running the affected test.

    • An intermittent issue.

    Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.

  131. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jul 26, 2024
  132. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jul 26, 2024
  133. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Jul 27, 2024
  134. sdaftuar commented at 6:14 pm on July 29, 2024: member

    (after fixing the reported iterations done) Seeing a lot of linerarizations being done that are kind of odd looking repeats with same number of iterations?

    02024-07-22T21:01:29.226080Z [bench] InvokeSort linearize cluster: 15 txs, 0.0184ms, 120 iter, 153.1ns/iter
    12024-07-22T21:01:29.226348Z [bench] InvokeSort linearize cluster: 15 txs, 0.0187ms, 120 iter, 155.7ns/iter
    22024-07-22T21:01:29.226633Z [bench] InvokeSort linearize cluster: 15 txs, 0.0180ms, 120 iter, 149.8ns/iter
    32024-07-22T21:01:29.226926Z [bench] InvokeSort linearize cluster: 15 txs, 0.0188ms, 120 iter, 156.8ns/iter

    what’s happening here?

    I observed some similar behavior on my node as well. Without knowing exactly what was happening here: in the current draft of the PR, the number of iterations in an optimal sort is related to the number of topologically valid orderings of the cluster (since we look at all topologically valid subsets each time we try to find the best candidate), so if there are clusters with similar topologies, you might expect to see the same number of iterations needed.

    Additionally, in the current draft, successful RBF candidates cause us to relinearize things twice: once to construct the feerate diagram, and once again when the new transaction is added to the mempool. The intention is to eliminate the linearizations upon acceptance to the mempool from taking place if they were already done as part of the RBF calculation (the design of the TxGraph was done with this in mind), but that is not yet implemented. (In the example you pasted, I noticed there are 4 linearizations happening at the same millisecond, so I wonder if RBF may also be involved.)

  135. glozow referenced this in commit bba01ba18d on Aug 5, 2024
  136. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Aug 5, 2024
  137. sdaftuar force-pushed on Aug 29, 2024
  138. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Aug 29, 2024
  139. sdaftuar force-pushed on Aug 29, 2024
  140. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Aug 30, 2024
  141. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Sep 2, 2024
  142. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 3, 2024
  143. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Sep 3, 2024
  144. in test/functional/mining_prioritisetransaction.py:119 in 76b4f7ded7 outdated
    108@@ -109,6 +109,14 @@ def test_diamond(self):
    109         raw_before[txid_c]["fees"]["descendant"] += fee_delta_c_1 + fee_delta_c_2
    110         raw_before[txid_d]["fees"]["ancestor"] += fee_delta_b + fee_delta_c_1 + fee_delta_c_2
    111         raw_after = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(verbose=True)
    112+        for txid in [txid_a, txid_b, txid_c, txid_d]:

    glozow commented at 4:16 pm on September 3, 2024:

    9047d620b81 Suggestion for adding the deltas to chunk feerates instead of deleting the fields:

     0diff --git a/test/functional/mining_prioritisetransaction.py b/test/functional/mining_prioritisetransaction.py
     1index a8183dc8e14..6c3e02b8862 100755
     2--- a/test/functional/mining_prioritisetransaction.py
     3+++ b/test/functional/mining_prioritisetransaction.py
     4@@ -101,21 +101,19 @@ class PrioritiseTransactionTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
     5         self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(txid=txid_c, fee_delta=int(fee_delta_c_1 * COIN))
     6         self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(txid=txid_c, fee_delta=int(fee_delta_c_2 * COIN))
     7         raw_before[txid_a]["fees"]["descendant"] += fee_delta_b + fee_delta_c_1 + fee_delta_c_2
     8+        raw_before[txid_a]["fees"]["chunk"] += fee_delta_b + fee_delta_c_1 + fee_delta_c_2
     9         raw_before[txid_b]["fees"]["modified"] += fee_delta_b
    10         raw_before[txid_b]["fees"]["ancestor"] += fee_delta_b
    11         raw_before[txid_b]["fees"]["descendant"] += fee_delta_b
    12+        raw_before[txid_b]["fees"]["chunk"] += fee_delta_b + fee_delta_c_1 + fee_delta_c_2
    13         raw_before[txid_c]["fees"]["modified"] += fee_delta_c_1 + fee_delta_c_2
    14         raw_before[txid_c]["fees"]["ancestor"] += fee_delta_c_1 + fee_delta_c_2
    15         raw_before[txid_c]["fees"]["descendant"] += fee_delta_c_1 + fee_delta_c_2
    16+        raw_before[txid_c]["fees"]["chunk"] += fee_delta_b + fee_delta_c_1 + fee_delta_c_2
    17         raw_before[txid_d]["fees"]["ancestor"] += fee_delta_b + fee_delta_c_1 + fee_delta_c_2
    18         raw_after = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(verbose=True)
    19         for txid in [txid_a, txid_b, txid_c, txid_d]:
    20-            del raw_before[txid]["fees"]["chunk"]
    21-            del raw_before[txid]["chunksize"]
    22             del raw_before[txid]["clusterid"]
    23-        for txid in [txid_a, txid_b, txid_c, txid_d]:
    24-            del raw_after[txid]["fees"]["chunk"]
    25-            del raw_after[txid]["chunksize"]
    26             del raw_after[txid]["clusterid"]
    27         assert_equal(raw_before[txid_a], raw_after[txid_a])
    28         assert_equal(raw_before, raw_after)
    29@@ -137,8 +135,6 @@ class PrioritiseTransactionTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
    30             self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(t)
    31         raw_after = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(verbose=True)
    32         for txid in [txid_a, txid_b, txid_c, txid_d]:
    33-            del raw_after[txid]["fees"]["chunk"]
    34-            del raw_after[txid]["chunksize"]
    35             del raw_after[txid]["clusterid"]
    36         assert_equal(raw_before[txid_a], raw_after[txid_a])
    37         assert_equal(raw_before, raw_after)

    sdaftuar commented at 5:09 pm on September 5, 2024:
    Taken, thanks.
  145. in test/functional/mempool_persist.py:102 in 76b4f7ded7 outdated
     96@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ def run_test(self):
     97         assert_equal(total_fee_old, sum(v['fees']['base'] for k, v in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(verbose=True).items()))
     99         last_entry = self.nodes[0].getmempoolentry(txid=last_txid)
    100+        del last_entry["fees"]["chunk"]
    101+        del last_entry["clusterid"]
    102+        del last_entry["chunksize"]

    glozow commented at 4:20 pm on September 3, 2024:

    9047d620b81 Just deleting the clusterid is sufficient

    0        del last_entry["clusterid"]

    sdaftuar commented at 5:17 pm on September 5, 2024:
  146. in test/functional/mempool_persist.py:140 in 76b4f7ded7 outdated
    133@@ -131,7 +134,11 @@ def run_test(self):
    134         assert_equal(fees['base'] + Decimal('0.00001000'), fees['modified'])
    136         self.log.debug('Verify all fields are loaded correctly')
    137-        assert_equal(last_entry, self.nodes[0].getmempoolentry(txid=last_txid))
    138+        new_entry = self.nodes[0].getmempoolentry(txid=last_txid)
    139+        del new_entry["fees"]["chunk"]
    140+        del new_entry["clusterid"]
    141+        del new_entry["chunksize"]

    glozow commented at 4:20 pm on September 3, 2024:

    9047d620b81 similarly

    0        del new_entry["clusterid"]

    sdaftuar commented at 5:17 pm on September 5, 2024:
  147. in test/functional/mempool_sigoplimit.py:175 in 76b4f7ded7 outdated
    173         # When we actually try to submit, the parent makes it into the mempool, but the child would exceed ancestor vsize limits
    174         res = self.nodes[0].submitpackage([tx_parent.serialize().hex(), tx_child.serialize().hex()])
    175-        assert "too-long-mempool-chain" in res["tx-results"][tx_child.getwtxid()]["error"]
    176+        assert "too-large-cluster" in res["tx-results"][tx_child.getwtxid()]["error"]
    177+        # When we actually try to submit, the parent makes it into the mempool, but the child would exceed cluster vsize limits
    178+        #assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "too-large-cluster", self.nodes[0].submitpackage, [tx_parent.serialize().hex(), tx_child.serialize().hex()])

    glozow commented at 4:21 pm on September 3, 2024:
    line should be deleted

    sdaftuar commented at 5:18 pm on September 5, 2024:
  148. in test/functional/mempool_truc.py:548 in 76b4f7ded7 outdated
    544@@ -557,10 +545,11 @@ def test_truc_sibling_eviction(self):
    545         # Override maxfeerate - it costs a lot to replace these 100 transactions.
    546         assert node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v3_replacement_only["hex"]], maxfeerate=0)[0]["allowed"]
    547         # Adding another one exceeds the limit.
    548-        utxos_for_conflict.append(tx_v3_parent["new_utxos"][1])
    549-        tx_v3_child_2_rule5 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(utxos_to_spend=utxos_for_conflict, fee_per_output=4000000, version=3)
    550-        rule5_str = f"too many potential replacements (including sibling eviction), rejecting replacement {tx_v3_child_2_rule5['txid']}; too many potential replacements (101 > 100)"
    551-        assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, rule5_str, node.sendrawtransaction, tx_v3_child_2_rule5["hex"])
    552+        # TODO: rewrite this test given the new RBF rules

    glozow commented at 4:43 pm on September 3, 2024:

    d0576c134a5 I don’t think it’s possible to adapt this test so that the tx has 100 direct conflicts, given that it needs to be within 1000vB (the only transactions allowed to have sibling eviction are TRUC children). Having 100 inputs makes it at least 3000-something vB. This would be the case for any new rule that requires 100 inputs.

    So this test could just be deleted until we allow sibling eviction for transactions that don’t have this size restriction.

    sdaftuar commented at 5:19 pm on September 5, 2024:
  149. in test/functional/feature_rbf.py:69 in 76b4f7ded7 outdated
    71-        self.test_too_many_replacements()
    73-        self.log.info("Running test too many replacements using default mempool params...")
    74-        self.test_too_many_replacements_with_default_mempool_params()
    75+        #self.log.info("Running test too many replacements using default mempool params...")
    76+        #self.test_too_many_replacements_with_default_mempool_params()

    glozow commented at 5:21 pm on September 3, 2024:

    d0576c134a5 I think we only need to adapt 1 of these 2 tests and it should be quite easy to do. Currently, test_too_many_replacements requires a high descendant limit because it’s 1 parent with 100 children, but we can just add a self.generate(node, 1) in between and it can use node 1 (the default one). Then, we can just delete test_too_many_replacements_with_default_mempool_params

      0diff --git a/test/functional/feature_rbf.py b/test/functional/feature_rbf.py
      1index f1de04008c4..57817380c50 100755
      2--- a/test/functional/feature_rbf.py
      3+++ b/test/functional/feature_rbf.py
      4@@ -61,12 +61,8 @@ class ReplaceByFeeTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
      5         self.log.info("Running test spends of conflicting outputs...")
      6         self.test_spends_of_conflicting_outputs()
      8-        # TODO: rework too many replacements test to use direct conflicts only
      9-        #self.log.info("Running test too many replacements...")
     10-        #self.test_too_many_replacements()
     12-        #self.log.info("Running test too many replacements using default mempool params...")
     13-        #self.test_too_many_replacements_with_default_mempool_params()
     14+        self.log.info("Running test too many replacements...")
     15+        self.test_too_many_replacements()
     17         self.log.info("Running test opt-in...")
     18         self.test_opt_in()
     19@@ -331,17 +327,20 @@ class ReplaceByFeeTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
     20         split_value = int((initial_nValue - fee) / (MAX_REPLACEMENT_LIMIT + 1))
     22         splitting_tx_utxos = self.wallet.send_self_transfer_multi(
     23-            from_node=self.nodes[0],
     24+            from_node=self.nodes[1],
     25             utxos_to_spend=[utxo],
     26             sequence=0,
     27             num_outputs=MAX_REPLACEMENT_LIMIT + 1,
     28             amount_per_output=split_value,
     29         )["new_utxos"]
     31+        # Let this tx confirm so that its children are not connected
     32+        self.generate(self.nodes[1], 1)
     34         # Now spend each of those outputs individually
     35         for utxo in splitting_tx_utxos:
     36             self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
     37-                from_node=self.nodes[0],
     38+                from_node=self.nodes[1],
     39                 utxo_to_spend=utxo,
     40                 sequence=0,
     41                 fee=Decimal(fee) / COIN,
     42@@ -359,98 +358,13 @@ class ReplaceByFeeTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
     43         double_tx_hex = double_tx.serialize().hex()
     45         # This will raise an exception
     46-        assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "too many potential replacements", self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction, double_tx_hex, 0)
     47+        assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "too many potential replacements", self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction, double_tx_hex, 0)
     49         # If we remove an input, it should pass
     50         double_tx.vin.pop()
     51         double_tx_hex = double_tx.serialize().hex()
     52         self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(double_tx_hex, 0)
     54-    def test_too_many_replacements_with_default_mempool_params(self):
     55-        """
     56-        Test rule 5 (do not allow replacements that cause more than 100
     57-        evictions) without having to rely on non-default mempool parameters.
     59-        In order to do this, create a number of "root" UTXOs, and then hang
     60-        enough transactions off of each root UTXO to exceed the MAX_REPLACEMENT_LIMIT.
     61-        Then create a conflicting RBF replacement transaction.
     62-        """
     63-        # Clear mempools to avoid cross-node sync failure.
     64-        for node in self.nodes:
     65-            self.generate(node, 1)
     66-        normal_node = self.nodes[1]
     67-        wallet = MiniWallet(normal_node)
     69-        # This has to be chosen so that the total number of transactions can exceed
     70-        # MAX_REPLACEMENT_LIMIT without having any one tx graph run into the descendant
     71-        # limit; 10 works.
     72-        num_tx_graphs = 10
     74-        # (Number of transactions per graph, rule 5 failure expected)
     75-        cases = [
     76-            # Test the base case of evicting fewer than MAX_REPLACEMENT_LIMIT
     77-            # transactions.
     78-            ((MAX_REPLACEMENT_LIMIT // num_tx_graphs) - 1, False),
     80-            # Test hitting the rule 5 eviction limit.
     81-            (MAX_REPLACEMENT_LIMIT // num_tx_graphs, True),
     82-        ]
     84-        for (txs_per_graph, failure_expected) in cases:
     85-            self.log.debug(f"txs_per_graph: {txs_per_graph}, failure: {failure_expected}")
     86-            # "Root" utxos of each txn graph that we will attempt to double-spend with
     87-            # an RBF replacement.
     88-            root_utxos = []
     90-            # For each root UTXO, create a package that contains the spend of that
     91-            # UTXO and `txs_per_graph` children tx.
     92-            for graph_num in range(num_tx_graphs):
     93-                root_utxos.append(wallet.get_utxo())
     95-                optin_parent_tx = wallet.send_self_transfer_multi(
     96-                    from_node=normal_node,
     97-                    sequence=MAX_BIP125_RBF_SEQUENCE,
     98-                    utxos_to_spend=[root_utxos[graph_num]],
     99-                    num_outputs=txs_per_graph,
    100-                )
    101-                assert_equal(True, normal_node.getmempoolentry(optin_parent_tx['txid'])['bip125-replaceable'])
    102-                new_utxos = optin_parent_tx['new_utxos']
    104-                for utxo in new_utxos:
    105-                    # Create spends for each output from the "root" of this graph.
    106-                    child_tx = wallet.send_self_transfer(
    107-                        from_node=normal_node,
    108-                        utxo_to_spend=utxo,
    109-                    )
    111-                    assert normal_node.getmempoolentry(child_tx['txid'])
    113-            num_txs_invalidated = len(root_utxos) + (num_tx_graphs * txs_per_graph)
    115-            if failure_expected:
    116-                assert num_txs_invalidated > MAX_REPLACEMENT_LIMIT
    117-            else:
    118-                assert num_txs_invalidated <= MAX_REPLACEMENT_LIMIT
    120-            # Now attempt to submit a tx that double-spends all the root tx inputs, which
    121-            # would invalidate `num_txs_invalidated` transactions.
    122-            tx_hex = wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(
    123-                utxos_to_spend=root_utxos,
    124-                fee_per_output=10_000_000,  # absurdly high feerate
    125-            )["hex"]
    127-            if failure_expected:
    128-                assert_raises_rpc_error(
    129-                    -26, "too many potential replacements", normal_node.sendrawtransaction, tx_hex, 0)
    130-            else:
    131-                txid = normal_node.sendrawtransaction(tx_hex, 0)
    132-                assert normal_node.getmempoolentry(txid)
    134-        # Clear the mempool once finished, and rescan the other nodes' wallet
    135-        # to account for the spends we've made on `normal_node`.
    136-        self.generate(normal_node, 1)
    137-        self.wallet.rescan_utxos()
    139     def test_opt_in(self):
    140         """Replacing should only work if orig tx opted in"""
    141         tx0_outpoint = self.make_utxo(self.nodes[0], int(1.1 * COIN))

    sdaftuar commented at 5:23 pm on September 5, 2024:
    Thanks, took this.
  150. glozow commented at 5:33 pm on September 3, 2024: member
    had a look at some tests that are disabled or have TODOs
  151. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Sep 3, 2024
  152. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 4, 2024
  153. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Sep 4, 2024
  154. DrahtBot commented at 6:29 pm on September 4, 2024: contributor

    🚧 At least one of the CI tasks failed. Debug: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/runs/29684404375

    Make sure to run all tests locally, according to the documentation.

    The failure may happen due to a number of reasons, for example:

    • Possibly due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest commit of the target branch.

    • A sanitizer issue, which can only be found by compiling with the sanitizer and running the affected test.

    • An intermittent issue.

    Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.

  155. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 4, 2024
  156. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Sep 4, 2024
  157. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 5, 2024
  158. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 5, 2024
  159. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Sep 5, 2024
  160. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 5, 2024
  161. sdaftuar commented at 5:28 pm on September 5, 2024: member

    Thanks @glozow for the test improvements. I’ve also made a change to an RBF limit that I think is worth mentioning. Rather than limit the number of direct conflicts that a transaction can have, I’ve now implemented the limit to be on the number of distinct clusters that the conflicts of a transaction belong to.

    The idea is still to create some bound on the amount of CPU we might spend linearizing clusters and doing feerate diagram checks when processing a single transaction. Limiting the number of conflicting clusters (at 100 for now) should be sufficient to achieve that. I want to point out that we might linearize more than 100 clusters as a result of a replacement (because removing conflicts might cause clusters to split), but since linearizing small clusters is generally much less work than linearizing big clusters, I don’t think this distinction materially affects the way we understand the implied CPU bound.

  162. in test/functional/feature_rbf.py:33 in ab35bca097 outdated
    29@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ def set_test_params(self):
    30         self.extra_args = [
    31             [
    32                 "-mempoolfullrbf=0",
    33+                "-limitclustercount=200",

    instagibbs commented at 6:23 pm on September 5, 2024:
    nothing fails when I remove this

    sdaftuar commented at 2:13 pm on September 17, 2024:
    Removed (it was needed in an intermediate commit).
  163. in test/functional/feature_rbf.py:333 in ab35bca097 outdated
    314@@ -317,27 +315,6 @@ def test_spends_of_conflicting_outputs(self):
    315         # This will raise an exception
    316         assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "bad-txns-spends-conflicting-tx", self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction, tx2_hex, 0)
    318-    def test_new_unconfirmed_inputs(self):

    instagibbs commented at 6:25 pm on September 5, 2024:
    do we have functional test coverage that it is allowed elsewhere? Just check that it doesn’t fail rather than rip out?

    sdaftuar commented at 9:40 pm on September 16, 2024:
  164. in test/functional/feature_rbf.py:286 in ab35bca097 outdated
    273@@ -276,7 +274,7 @@ def test_replacement_feeperkb(self):
    274         )["hex"]
    276         # This will raise an exception due to insufficient fee
    277-        assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "insufficient fee", self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction, tx1b_hex, 0)
    278+        assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "does not improve feerate diagram", self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction, tx1b_hex, 0)

    instagibbs commented at 6:33 pm on September 5, 2024:
    I wonder if we want to change this string to “insufficient fee, does not improve feerate diagram” to give a hint at what to do to user

    sdaftuar commented at 9:40 pm on September 16, 2024:
    good point. i wonder if we should just drop the feerate diagram language altogether and leave it at “insufficient fee”?
  165. in test/functional/mempool_limit.py:48 in ab35bca097 outdated
    44@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def test_rbf_carveout_disallowed(self):
    45         # B: First transaction in package, RBFs A by itself under individual evaluation, which would give it +1 descendant limit
    46         # C: Second transaction in package, spends B. If the +1 descendant limit persisted, would make it into mempool
    48-        self.restart_node(0, extra_args=self.extra_args[0] + ["-limitancestorcount=2", "-limitdescendantcount=1"])
    49+        self.restart_node(0, extra_args=self.extra_args[0] + ["-limitclustercount=1"])

    instagibbs commented at 6:36 pm on September 5, 2024:
    I think test_rbf_carveout_disallowed is meaningless post-cluster mempool, we should be relying on other tests to ensure we never go above cluster count limit

    sdaftuar commented at 3:24 pm on September 17, 2024:
    Dropped this test for now, and left a todo to add more tests to exercise different methods of mempool submission and ensure we never violate the cluster limits.
  166. in test/functional/mempool_package_rbf.py:192 in ab35bca097 outdated
    197@@ -201,12 +198,12 @@ def test_package_rbf_additional_fees(self):
    199     def test_package_rbf_max_conflicts(self):

    instagibbs commented at 7:13 pm on September 5, 2024:

    Here’s a diff to clean up some of the test language and double-checking the right number of clusters

      0diff --git a/test/functional/mempool_package_rbf.py b/test/functional/mempool_package_rbf.py
      1index f75b13a571..201f303525 100755
      2--- a/test/functional/mempool_package_rbf.py
      3+++ b/test/functional/mempool_package_rbf.py
      4@@ -176,95 +176,103 @@ class PackageRBFTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
      5         assert_equal(f"package RBF failed: insufficient anti-DoS fees, rejecting replacement {failure_package_txns3[1].rehash()}, not enough additional fees to relay; {incremental_sats_short} < {incremental_sats_required}", pkg_results3["package_msg"])
      6         self.assert_mempool_contents(expected=package_txns1)
      8         success_package_hex3, success_package_txns3 = self.create_simple_package(coin, parent_fee=DEFAULT_FEE, child_fee=DEFAULT_CHILD_FEE + incremental_sats_required)
      9         node.submitpackage(success_package_hex3)
     10         self.assert_mempool_contents(expected=success_package_txns3)
     11         self.generate(node, 1)
     13         self.log.info("Check Package RBF must have strict cpfp structure")
     14         coin = self.coins.pop()
     15         package_hex4, package_txns4 = self.create_simple_package(coin, parent_fee=DEFAULT_FEE, child_fee=DEFAULT_CHILD_FEE)
     16         node.submitpackage(package_hex4)
     17         self.assert_mempool_contents(expected=package_txns4)
     18         package_hex5, _package_txns5 = self.create_simple_package(coin, parent_fee=DEFAULT_CHILD_FEE, child_fee=DEFAULT_CHILD_FEE)
     19         pkg_results5 = node.submitpackage(package_hex5)
     20         assert 'package RBF failed: package feerate is less than or equal to parent feerate' in pkg_results5["package_msg"]
     21         self.assert_mempool_contents(expected=package_txns4)
     23         package_hex5_1, package_txns5_1 = self.create_simple_package(coin, parent_fee=DEFAULT_CHILD_FEE, child_fee=DEFAULT_CHILD_FEE + Decimal("0.00000001"))
     24         node.submitpackage(package_hex5_1)
     25         self.assert_mempool_contents(expected=package_txns5_1)
     26         self.generate(node, 1)
     28     def test_package_rbf_max_conflicts(self):
     29         node = self.nodes[0]
     30-        self.log.info("Check Package RBF cannot replace more than MAX_REPLACEMENT_CANDIDATES direct conflicts")
     31+        self.log.info("Check Package RBF cannot conflict with  more than MAX_REPLACEMENT_CANDIDATES clusters")
     32         num_coins = 101
     33         parent_coins = self.coins[:num_coins]
     34         del self.coins[:num_coins]
     36-        # Original transactions: 101 transactions with 1 descendants each -> 202 total transactions
     37+        # Original transactions: 101 transactions with 1 descendants each -> 202 total transactions, 101 clusters
     38         size_two_clusters = []
     39         for coin in parent_coins:
     40             size_two_clusters.append(self.wallet.send_self_transfer_chain(from_node=node, chain_length=2, utxo_to_spend=coin))
     41         expected_txns = [txn["tx"] for parent_child_txns in size_two_clusters for txn in parent_child_txns]
     42         assert_equal(len(expected_txns), num_coins * 2)
     43         self.assert_mempool_contents(expected=expected_txns)
     45+        # 101 clusters
     46+        clusters = set([])
     47+        for txn in expected_txns:
     48+            clusters.add(node.getmempoolentry(txn.rehash())["clusterid"])
     49+        assert_equal(len(clusters), num_coins)
     51         # parent feeerate needs to be high enough for minrelay
     52         # child feerate needs to be large enough to trigger package rbf with a very large parent and
     53         # pay for all evicted fees. maxfeerate turned off for all submissions since child feerate
     54         # is extremely high
     55         parent_fee_per_conflict = 10000
     56         child_feerate = 10000 * DEFAULT_FEE
     58-        # Conflict against all transactions by double-spending each parent, causing 202 evictions
     59+        # Conflict against all transactions by double-spending each parent, causing 101 cluster conflicts
     60         package_parent = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(utxos_to_spend=parent_coins, fee_per_output=parent_fee_per_conflict)
     61         package_child = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(fee_rate=child_feerate, utxo_to_spend=package_parent["new_utxos"][0])
     63         pkg_results = node.submitpackage([package_parent["hex"], package_child["hex"]], maxfeerate=0)
     64         print(pkg_results["package_msg"])
     65         assert_equal(f"transaction failed", pkg_results["package_msg"])
     66+        assert_equal(f"too many potential replacements, rejecting replacement {package_parent['txid']}; too many conflicting clusters (101 > 100)\n", pkg_results["tx-results"][package_parent["wtxid"]]["error"])
     67         self.assert_mempool_contents(expected=expected_txns)
     69         # Make singleton tx to conflict with in next batch
     70         singleton_coin = self.coins.pop()
     71         singleton_tx = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=singleton_coin)
     72         node.sendrawtransaction(singleton_tx["hex"])
     73         expected_txns.append(singleton_tx["tx"])
     75-        # Double-spend same set minus last, and double-spend singleton. This is still too many direct conflicts.
     76+        # Double-spend same set minus last, and double-spend singleton. This is still too many conflicted clusters.
     77         # N.B. we can't RBF just a child tx in the clusters, as that would make resulting cluster of size 3.
     78         double_spending_coins = parent_coins[:-1] + [singleton_coin]
     79         package_parent = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(utxos_to_spend=double_spending_coins, fee_per_output=parent_fee_per_conflict)
     80         package_child = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(fee_rate=child_feerate, utxo_to_spend=package_parent["new_utxos"][0])
     81         pkg_results = node.submitpackage([package_parent["hex"], package_child["hex"]], maxfeerate=0)
     82         assert_equal(f"transaction failed", pkg_results["package_msg"])
     83+        assert_equal(f"too many potential replacements, rejecting replacement {package_parent['txid']}; too many conflicting clusters (101 > 100)\n", pkg_results["tx-results"][package_parent["wtxid"]]["error"])
     84         self.assert_mempool_contents(expected=expected_txns)
     86-        # Finally, evict MAX_REPLACEMENT_CANDIDATES direct conflicts
     87+        # Finally, conflict with MAX_REPLACEMENT_CANDIDATES clusters
     88         package_parent = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(utxos_to_spend=parent_coins[:-1], fee_per_output=parent_fee_per_conflict)
     89         package_child = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(fee_rate=child_feerate, utxo_to_spend=package_parent["new_utxos"][0])
     90         pkg_results = node.submitpackage([package_parent["hex"], package_child["hex"]], maxfeerate=0)
     91         assert_equal(pkg_results["package_msg"], "success")
     92         self.assert_mempool_contents(expected=[singleton_tx["tx"], size_two_clusters[-1][0]["tx"], size_two_clusters[-1][1]["tx"], package_parent["tx"], package_child["tx"]] )
     94         self.generate(node, 1)
     96     def test_too_numerous_ancestors(self):
     97         self.log.info("Test that package RBF doesn't work with packages larger than 2 due to ancestors")
     98         node = self.nodes[0]
     99         coin = self.coins.pop()
    101         package_hex1, package_txns1 = self.create_simple_package(coin, DEFAULT_FEE, DEFAULT_CHILD_FEE)
    102         node.submitpackage(package_hex1)
    103         self.assert_mempool_contents(expected=package_txns1)
    105         # Double-spends the original package
    106         self.ctr += 1
    107         parent_result1 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(
    108             fee=DEFAULT_FEE,
    109             utxo_to_spend=coin,
    110             sequence=MAX_BIP125_RBF_SEQUENCE - self.ctr,
    111         )

    sdaftuar commented at 3:27 pm on September 17, 2024:
    Thanks! Taken.
  167. in test/functional/mempool_packages.py:33 in ab35bca097 outdated
    28@@ -33,8 +29,8 @@ def set_test_params(self):
    29             [
    30             ],
    31             [
    32-                "-limitancestorcount={}".format(CUSTOM_ANCESTOR_LIMIT),
    33                 "-limitdescendantcount={}".format(CUSTOM_DESCENDANT_LIMIT),
    34+                "-limitclustercount={}".format(CUSTOM_DESCENDANT_LIMIT),

    instagibbs commented at 8:00 pm on September 5, 2024:

    this test is pretty ancient and tbh not sure worth holding around. But in case we want to hold onto it, modifications to make things more sensible in cluster mempool world

      0diff --git a/test/functional/mempool_packages.py b/test/functional/mempool_packages.py
      1index f7fe381f43..9cf1aa01f5 100755
      2--- a/test/functional/mempool_packages.py
      3+++ b/test/functional/mempool_packages.py
      4@@ -1,92 +1,91 @@
      5 #!/usr/bin/env python3
      6 # Copyright (c) 2014-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
      7 # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
      8 # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
      9 """Test descendant package tracking code."""
     11 from decimal import Decimal
     13 from test_framework.messages import (
     17 )
     18 from test_framework.p2p import P2PTxInvStore
     19 from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
     20 from test_framework.util import (
     21     assert_equal,
     22 )
     23 from test_framework.wallet import MiniWallet
     25 # custom limits for node1
     30 class MempoolPackagesTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
     31     def set_test_params(self):
     32         self.num_nodes = 2
     33         # whitelist peers to speed up tx relay / mempool sync
     34         self.noban_tx_relay = True
     35         self.extra_args = [
     36             [
     37             ],
     38             [
     39-                "-limitdescendantcount={}".format(CUSTOM_DESCENDANT_LIMIT),
     40-                "-limitclustercount={}".format(CUSTOM_DESCENDANT_LIMIT),
     41+                "-limitclustercount={}".format(CUSTOM_CLUSTER_LIMIT),
     42             ],
     43         ]
     45     def run_test(self):
     46         self.wallet = MiniWallet(self.nodes[0])
     47         self.wallet.rescan_utxos()
     49         peer_inv_store = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(P2PTxInvStore()) # keep track of invs
     51-        # DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT transactions off a confirmed tx should be fine
     52-        chain = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_chain(chain_length=DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT)
     53+        # DEFAULT_CLUSTER_LIMIT transactions off a confirmed tx should be fine for default node
     54+        chain = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_chain(chain_length=DEFAULT_CLUSTER_LIMIT)
     55         witness_chain = [t["wtxid"] for t in chain]
     56         ancestor_vsize = 0
     57         ancestor_fees = Decimal(0)
     59         for i, t in enumerate(chain):
     60             ancestor_vsize += t["tx"].get_vsize()
     61             ancestor_fees += t["fee"]
     62             self.wallet.sendrawtransaction(from_node=self.nodes[0], tx_hex=t["hex"])
     64         # Wait until mempool transactions have passed initial broadcast (sent inv and received getdata)
     65         # Otherwise, getrawmempool may be inconsistent with getmempoolentry if unbroadcast changes in between
     66         peer_inv_store.wait_for_broadcast(witness_chain)
     68-        # Check mempool has DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT transactions in it, and descendant and ancestor
     69+        # Check mempool has DEFAULT_CLUSTER_LIMIT transactions in it, and descendant and ancestor
     70         # count and fees should look correct
     71         mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True)
     72-        assert_equal(len(mempool), DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT)
     73+        assert_equal(len(mempool), DEFAULT_CLUSTER_LIMIT)
     74         descendant_count = 1
     75         descendant_fees = 0
     76         descendant_vsize = 0
     78         assert_equal(ancestor_vsize, sum([mempool[tx]['vsize'] for tx in mempool]))
     79-        ancestor_count = DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT
     80+        ancestor_count = DEFAULT_CLUSTER_LIMIT
     81         assert_equal(ancestor_fees, sum([mempool[tx]['fees']['base'] for tx in mempool]))
     83         descendants = []
     84         ancestors = [t["txid"] for t in chain]
     85         chain = [t["txid"] for t in chain]
     86         for x in reversed(chain):
     87             # Check that getmempoolentry is consistent with getrawmempool
     88             entry = self.nodes[0].getmempoolentry(x)
     89             assert_equal(entry, mempool[x])
     91             # Check that gettxspendingprevout is consistent with getrawmempool
     92             witnesstx = self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(txid=x, verbose=True)
     93             for tx_in in witnesstx["vin"]:
     94                 spending_result = self.nodes[0].gettxspendingprevout([ {'txid' : tx_in["txid"], 'vout' : tx_in["vout"]} ])
     95                 assert_equal(spending_result, [ {'txid' : tx_in["txid"], 'vout' : tx_in["vout"], 'spendingtxid' : x} ])
     97             # Check that the descendant calculations are correct
     98             assert_equal(entry['descendantcount'], descendant_count)
     99             descendant_fees += entry['fees']['base']
    100             assert_equal(entry['fees']['modified'], entry['fees']['base'])
    101             assert_equal(entry['fees']['descendant'], descendant_fees)
    102             descendant_vsize += entry['vsize']
    103             assert_equal(entry['descendantsize'], descendant_vsize)
    104             descendant_count += 1
    106@@ -169,81 +168,81 @@ class MempoolPackagesTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
    107         # Prioritise a transaction that has been mined, then add it back to the
    108         # mempool by using invalidateblock.
    109         self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(txid=chain[-1], fee_delta=2000)
    110         self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())
    111         # Keep node1's tip synced with node0
    112         self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())
    114         # Now check that the transaction is in the mempool, with the right modified fee
    115         descendant_fees = 0
    116         for x in reversed(chain):
    117             entry = self.nodes[0].getmempoolentry(x)
    118             descendant_fees += entry['fees']['base']
    119             if (x == chain[-1]):
    120                 assert_equal(entry['fees']['modified'], entry['fees']['base'] + Decimal("0.00002"))
    121             assert_equal(entry['fees']['descendant'], descendant_fees + Decimal("0.00002"))
    123         # Now test descendant chain limits
    124         tx_children = []
    125         # First create one parent tx with 10 children
    126         tx_with_children = self.wallet.send_self_transfer_multi(from_node=self.nodes[0], num_outputs=10)
    127         parent_transaction = tx_with_children["txid"]
    128         transaction_package = tx_with_children["new_utxos"]
    130         # Sign and send up to MAX_DESCENDANT transactions chained off the parent tx
    131         chain = [] # save sent txs for the purpose of checking node1's mempool later (see below)
    132-        for _ in range(DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT - 1):
    133+        for _ in range(DEFAULT_CLUSTER_LIMIT - 1):
    134             utxo = transaction_package.pop(0)
    135             new_tx = self.wallet.send_self_transfer_multi(from_node=self.nodes[0], num_outputs=10, utxos_to_spend=[utxo])
    136             txid = new_tx["txid"]
    137             chain.append(txid)
    138             if utxo['txid'] is parent_transaction:
    139                 tx_children.append(txid)
    140             transaction_package.extend(new_tx["new_utxos"])
    142         mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True)
    143-        assert_equal(mempool[parent_transaction]['descendantcount'], DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT)
    144+        assert_equal(mempool[parent_transaction]['descendantcount'], DEFAULT_CLUSTER_LIMIT)
    145         assert_equal(sorted(mempool[parent_transaction]['spentby']), sorted(tx_children))
    147         for child in tx_children:
    148             assert_equal(mempool[child]['depends'], [parent_transaction])
    150         # Check that node1's mempool is as expected, containing:
    151         # - parent tx for descendant test
    152         # - txs chained off parent tx (-> custom descendant limit)
    153-        self.wait_until(lambda: len(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool()) == 2*CUSTOM_DESCENDANT_LIMIT, timeout=10)
    154+        self.wait_until(lambda: len(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool()) == 2*CUSTOM_CLUSTER_LIMIT, timeout=10)
    155         mempool0 = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(False)
    156         mempool1 = self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(False)
    157         assert set(mempool1).issubset(set(mempool0))
    158         assert parent_transaction in mempool1
    159         for tx in chain:
    160             if tx in mempool1:
    161                 entry0 = self.nodes[0].getmempoolentry(tx)
    162                 entry1 = self.nodes[1].getmempoolentry(tx)
    163                 assert not entry0['unbroadcast']
    164                 assert not entry1['unbroadcast']
    165-                assert entry1["descendantcount"] <= CUSTOM_DESCENDANT_LIMIT
    166+                assert entry1["descendantcount"] <= CUSTOM_CLUSTER_LIMIT
    167                 assert_equal(entry1['fees']['base'], entry0['fees']['base'])
    168                 assert_equal(entry1['vsize'], entry0['vsize'])
    169                 assert_equal(entry1['depends'], entry0['depends'])
    171         # Test reorg handling
    172         # First, the basics:
    173         self.generate(self.nodes[0], 1)
    174         self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())
    175         self.nodes[1].reconsiderblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())
    177         # Now test the case where node1 has a transaction T in its mempool that
    178         # depends on transactions A and B which are in a mined block, and the
    179         # block containing A and B is disconnected, AND B is not accepted back
    180         # into node1's mempool because its ancestor count is too high.
    182         # Create 8 transactions, like so:
    183         # Tx0 -> Tx1 (vout0)
    184         #   \--> Tx2 (vout1) -> Tx3 -> Tx4 -> Tx5 -> Tx6 -> Tx7
    185         #
    186         # Mine them in the next block, then generate a new tx8 that spends
    187         # Tx1 and Tx7, and add to node1's mempool, then disconnect the
    188         # last block.
    190         # Create tx0 with 2 outputs
    191         tx0 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer_multi(from_node=self.nodes[0], num_outputs=2)

    sdaftuar commented at 4:20 pm on September 17, 2024:
    Thanks! Taken.
  168. in test/functional/mempool_persist.py:137 in ab35bca097 outdated
    131@@ -131,7 +132,9 @@ def run_test(self):
    132         assert_equal(fees['base'] + Decimal('0.00001000'), fees['modified'])
    134         self.log.debug('Verify all fields are loaded correctly')
    135-        assert_equal(last_entry, self.nodes[0].getmempoolentry(txid=last_txid))
    136+        new_entry = self.nodes[0].getmempoolentry(txid=last_txid)
    137+        del new_entry["clusterid"]
    138+        assert_equal(last_entry, new_entry)

    instagibbs commented at 8:06 pm on September 5, 2024:
    can obviously ignore this but instead of deleting keys in two spots, could just do: assert_equal({**last_entry, "clusterid": None}, {**new_entry, "clusterid": None})

    sdaftuar commented at 4:23 pm on September 17, 2024:
  169. in test/functional/mempool_truc.py:532 in ab35bca097 outdated
    543@@ -556,11 +544,6 @@ def test_truc_sibling_eviction(self):
    544         tx_v3_replacement_only = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(utxos_to_spend=utxos_for_conflict, fee_per_output=4000000)
    545         # Override maxfeerate - it costs a lot to replace these 100 transactions.
    546         assert node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v3_replacement_only["hex"]], maxfeerate=0)[0]["allowed"]
    547-        # Adding another one exceeds the limit.

    instagibbs commented at 9:58 pm on September 5, 2024:

    heh, if you try 99 cluster conflicts + sibling eviction, that implies the new transaction has a vsize cap of 1kvB since it’s a child, and since it will be north of 5kvB it will be rejected. I don’t think we can have sibling eviction count meaningfully towards exceeding max cluster conflicts. Worth the coverage anyways?

      0diff --git a/test/functional/mempool_truc.py b/test/functional/mempool_truc.py
      1index e3fcc45059..4e8e5943fc 100755
      2--- a/test/functional/mempool_truc.py
      3+++ b/test/functional/mempool_truc.py
      4@@ -480,92 +480,101 @@ class MempoolTRUC(BitcoinTestFramework):
      6         child_1 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, version=3, utxo_to_spend=ancestor_tx["new_utxos"][0])
      7         child_2 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, version=3, utxo_to_spend=ancestor_tx["new_utxos"][1])
      8         self.check_mempool([child_1["txid"], child_2["txid"]])
     10         self.generate(node, 1)
     11         self.check_mempool([])
     13         # Create a reorg, causing ancestor_tx to exceed the 1-child limit
     14         node.invalidateblock(block)
     15         self.check_mempool([ancestor_tx["txid"], child_1["txid"], child_2["txid"]])
     16         assert_equal(node.getmempoolentry(ancestor_tx["txid"])["descendantcount"], 3)
     18         # Create a replacement of child_1. It does not conflict with child_2.
     19         child_1_conflict = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, version=3, utxo_to_spend=ancestor_tx["new_utxos"][0], fee_rate=Decimal("0.01"))
     21         # Ensure child_1 and child_1_conflict are different transactions
     22         assert (child_1_conflict["txid"] != child_1["txid"])
     23         self.check_mempool([ancestor_tx["txid"], child_1_conflict["txid"], child_2["txid"]])
     24         assert_equal(node.getmempoolentry(ancestor_tx["txid"])["descendantcount"], 3) [@cleanup](/bitcoin-bitcoin/contributor/cleanup/)(extra_args=None)
     25     def test_truc_sibling_eviction(self):
     26         self.log.info("Test sibling eviction for TRUC")
     27         node = self.nodes[0]
     29+        # Seed sufficient utxos for the test
     30+        self.generate(node, 100)
     31+        self.wallet.rescan_utxos()
     33         tx_v3_parent = self.wallet.send_self_transfer_multi(from_node=node, num_outputs=2, version=3)
     34         # This is the sibling to replace
     35         tx_v3_child_1 = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(
     36             from_node=node, utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent["new_utxos"][0], fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE * 2, version=3
     37         )
     38         assert tx_v3_child_1["txid"] in node.getrawmempool()
     40         self.log.info("Test tx must be higher feerate than sibling to evict it")
     41         tx_v3_child_2_rule6 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(
     42             utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent["new_utxos"][1], fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE, version=3
     43         )
     44         rule6_str = f"insufficient fee (including sibling eviction), rejecting replacement {tx_v3_child_2_rule6['txid']}"
     45         assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, rule6_str, node.sendrawtransaction, tx_v3_child_2_rule6["hex"])
     46         self.check_mempool([tx_v3_parent['txid'], tx_v3_child_1['txid']])
     48         self.log.info("Test tx must meet absolute fee rules to evict sibling")
     49         tx_v3_child_2_rule4 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(
     50             utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent["new_utxos"][1], fee_rate=2 * DEFAULT_FEE + Decimal("0.00000001"), version=3
     51         )
     52         rule4_str = f"insufficient fee (including sibling eviction), rejecting replacement {tx_v3_child_2_rule4['txid']}, not enough additional fees to relay"
     53         assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, rule4_str, node.sendrawtransaction, tx_v3_child_2_rule4["hex"])
     54         self.check_mempool([tx_v3_parent['txid'], tx_v3_child_1['txid']])
     56-        self.log.info("Test tx cannot cause more than 100 evictions including RBF and sibling eviction")
     57-        # First add 4 groups of 25 transactions.
     58+        self.log.info("Test tx cannot cause more than 100 cluster conflicts including both explicit conflicts and sibling eviction")
     60+        # First make 100 clusters, so sibling eviction counts as 101st conflicted cluster
     61         utxos_for_conflict = []
     62         txids_v2_100 = []
     63-        for _ in range(4):
     64+        for _ in range(100):
     65             confirmed_utxo = self.wallet.get_utxo(confirmed_only=True)
     66             utxos_for_conflict.append(confirmed_utxo)
     67-            # 25 is within descendant limits
     68-            chain_length = int(MAX_REPLACEMENT_CANDIDATES / 4)
     69-            chain = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_chain(chain_length=chain_length, utxo_to_spend=confirmed_utxo)
     70-            for item in chain:
     71-                txids_v2_100.append(item["txid"])
     72-                node.sendrawtransaction(item["hex"])
     73+            tx = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=confirmed_utxo)
     74+            txids_v2_100.append(tx["txid"])
     75+            node.sendrawtransaction(tx["hex"])
     76         self.check_mempool(txids_v2_100 + [tx_v3_parent["txid"], tx_v3_child_1["txid"]])
     78         # Replacing 100 transactions is fine
     79         tx_v3_replacement_only = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(utxos_to_spend=utxos_for_conflict, fee_per_output=4000000)
     80         # Override maxfeerate - it costs a lot to replace these 100 transactions.
     81         assert node.testmempoolaccept([tx_v3_replacement_only["hex"]], maxfeerate=0)[0]["allowed"]
     83+        # Adding the sibling eviction exceeds the child TRUC vsize limit which is reported, not max clusters conflicted which is checked later.
     84+        utxos_for_conflict.append(tx_v3_parent["new_utxos"][1])
     85+        tx_v3_child_2_rule5 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(utxos_to_spend=utxos_for_conflict, fee_per_output=4000000, version=3)
     86+        tx_v3_violation_str = f"TRUC-violation, version=3 child tx {tx_v3_child_2_rule5['txid']} (wtxid={tx_v3_child_2_rule5['wtxid']}) is too big: {tx_v3_child_2_rule5['tx'].get_vsize()} > 1000 virtual bytes"
     87+        assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, tx_v3_violation_str, node.sendrawtransaction, tx_v3_child_2_rule5["hex"])
     88         self.check_mempool(txids_v2_100 + [tx_v3_parent["txid"], tx_v3_child_1["txid"]])
     90         self.log.info("Test sibling eviction is successful if it meets all RBF rules")
     91         tx_v3_child_2 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(
     92             utxo_to_spend=tx_v3_parent["new_utxos"][1], fee_rate=DEFAULT_FEE*10, version=3
     93         )
     94         node.sendrawtransaction(tx_v3_child_2["hex"])
     95         self.check_mempool(txids_v2_100 + [tx_v3_parent["txid"], tx_v3_child_2["txid"]])
     97         self.log.info("Test that it's possible to do a sibling eviction and RBF at the same time")
     98         utxo_unrelated_conflict = self.wallet.get_utxo(confirmed_only=True)
     99         tx_unrelated_replacee = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, utxo_to_spend=utxo_unrelated_conflict)
    100         assert tx_unrelated_replacee["txid"] in node.getrawmempool()
    102         fee_to_beat = max(int(tx_v3_child_2["fee"] * COIN), int(tx_unrelated_replacee["fee"]*COIN))
    104         tx_v3_child_3 = self.wallet.create_self_transfer_multi(
    105             utxos_to_spend=[tx_v3_parent["new_utxos"][0], utxo_unrelated_conflict], fee_per_output=fee_to_beat*4, version=3
    106         )
    107         node.sendrawtransaction(tx_v3_child_3["hex"])
    108         self.check_mempool(txids_v2_100 + [tx_v3_parent["txid"], tx_v3_child_3["txid"]]) [@cleanup](/bitcoin-bitcoin/contributor/cleanup/)(extra_args=None)
    109     def test_reorg_sibling_eviction_1p2c(self):
    110         node = self.nodes[0]

    sdaftuar commented at 4:30 pm on September 17, 2024:
    Ah, right. Given that this falls back to the vsize limit being exercised, I think this isn’t really worth including? Will leave this for now.
  170. in test/functional/mempool_updatefromblock.py:21 in ab35bca097 outdated
    17@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
    18 class MempoolUpdateFromBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
    19     def set_test_params(self):
    20         self.num_nodes = 1
    21-        self.extra_args = [['-limitdescendantsize=1000', '-limitancestorsize=1000', '-limitancestorcount=100']]
    22+        self.extra_args = [['-limitdescendantsize=1000', '-limitancestorsize=1000', '-limitancestorcount=100', "-limitclustersize=1000"]]

    instagibbs commented at 10:00 pm on September 5, 2024:
    the rest of these args can be deleted and the test passes

    sdaftuar commented at 4:37 pm on September 17, 2024:
    Thanks, removed.
  171. instagibbs commented at 10:05 pm on September 5, 2024: member
    poked at the function tests a bit
  172. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 16, 2024
  173. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 16, 2024
  174. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 17, 2024
  175. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 17, 2024
  176. sdaftuar force-pushed on Sep 17, 2024
  177. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Sep 17, 2024
  178. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Sep 30, 2024
  179. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 2, 2024
  180. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Oct 2, 2024
  181. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 2, 2024
  182. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 19, 2024
  183. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Oct 19, 2024
  184. DrahtBot commented at 10:55 am on October 19, 2024: contributor

    🚧 At least one of the CI tasks failed. Debug: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/runs/31768588577

    Try to run the tests locally, according to the documentation. However, a CI failure may still happen due to a number of reasons, for example:

    • Possibly due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest commit of the target branch.

    • A sanitizer issue, which can only be found by compiling with the sanitizer and running the affected test.

    • An intermittent issue.

    Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.

  185. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 19, 2024
  186. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 19, 2024
  187. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 20, 2024
  188. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 20, 2024
  189. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Oct 20, 2024
  190. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 21, 2024
  191. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 21, 2024
  192. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 22, 2024
  193. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 25, 2024
  194. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Oct 26, 2024
  195. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 26, 2024
  196. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Oct 26, 2024
  197. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Oct 26, 2024
  198. sdaftuar force-pushed on Oct 27, 2024
  199. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Oct 27, 2024
  200. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Oct 29, 2024
  201. sdaftuar force-pushed on Nov 1, 2024
  202. sdaftuar force-pushed on Nov 14, 2024
  203. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Nov 14, 2024
  204. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Nov 14, 2024
  205. glozow referenced this in commit f34fe0806a on Nov 20, 2024
  206. sdaftuar force-pushed on Nov 20, 2024
  207. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Nov 20, 2024
  208. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Dec 6, 2024
  209. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jan 25, 2025
  210. sdaftuar commented at 10:03 pm on January 25, 2025: member
    Rebased on #31553 (old version is here: https://github.com/sdaftuar/bitcoin/tree/28676.1)
  211. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Jan 25, 2025
  212. DrahtBot commented at 10:39 pm on January 25, 2025: contributor

    🚧 At least one of the CI tasks failed. Debug: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/runs/36172122987

    Try to run the tests locally, according to the documentation. However, a CI failure may still happen due to a number of reasons, for example:

    • Possibly due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest commit of the target branch.

    • A sanitizer issue, which can only be found by compiling with the sanitizer and running the affected test.

    • An intermittent issue.

    Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.

  213. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jan 25, 2025
  214. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jan 26, 2025
  215. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jan 26, 2025
  216. sdaftuar force-pushed on Jan 30, 2025
  217. sdaftuar force-pushed on Feb 4, 2025
  218. sdaftuar force-pushed on Feb 4, 2025
  219. DrahtBot commented at 8:02 am on February 12, 2025: contributor

    🐙 This pull request conflicts with the target branch and needs rebase.

  220. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Feb 12, 2025
  221. clusterlin: Add FixLinearization function + fuzz test
    This function takes an existing ordering for transactions in a DepGraph, and
    makes it a valid linearization for it (i.e., topological). Any topological
    prefix of the input remains untouched.
  222. clusterlin: Make IsAcyclic() a DepGraph member function
    ... instead of being a separate test-only function.
    Also add a fuzz test for it returning false.
  223. scripted-diff: (refactor) ClusterIndex -> DepGraphIndex
    Since cluster_linearize.h does not actually have a Cluster type anymore, it is more
    appropriate to rename the index type to DepGraphIndex.
    sed -i 's/Data type to represent transaction indices in clusters./Data type to represent transaction indices in DepGraphs and the clusters they represent./' $(git grep -l 'using ClusterIndex')
    sed -i 's|\<ClusterIndex\>|DepGraphIndex|g' $(git grep -l 'ClusterIndex')
  224. feefrac: Introduce tagged wrappers to distinguish vsize/WU rates 6eab3b2d73
  225. txgraph: Add initial version (feature)
    This adds an initial version of the txgraph module, with the TxGraph class.
    It encapsulates knowledge about the fees, sizes, and dependencies between all
    mempool transactions, but nothing else.
    In particular, it lacks knowledge about txids, inputs, outputs, CTransactions,
    ... and so forth. Instead, it exposes a generic TxGraph::Ref type to reference
    nodes in the TxGraph, which can be passed around and stored by layers on top.
  226. txgraph: Add simulation fuzz test (tests)
    This adds a simulation fuzz test for txgraph, by comparing with a naive
    reimplementation that models the entire graph as a single DepGraph, and
    clusters in TxGraph as connected components within that DepGraph.
  227. txgraph: Add internal sanity check function (tests)
    To make testing more powerful, expose a function to perform an internal sanity
    check on the state of a TxGraph. This is especially important as TxGraphImpl
    contains many redundantly represented pieces of information:
    * graph contains clusters, which refer to entries, but the entries refer back
    * graph maintains pointers to Ref objects, which point back to the graph.
    This lets us make sure they are always in sync.
  228. txgraph: Avoid per-group vectors for clusters & dependencies (optimization)
    Instead construct a single vector with the list of all clusters in all groups,
    and then store per-group offset/range in that list.
    For dependencies, reuse m_deps_to_add, and store offset/range into that.
  229. txgraph: Add GetChunkFeerate function (feature)
    This adds a function to query the chunk feerate of a transaction, by caching it
    inside the Entry objects.
  230. txgraph: Make max cluster count configurable and "oversize" state (feature)
    Instead of leaving the responsibility on higher layers to guarantee that
    no connected component within TxGraph (a barely exposed concept, except through
    GetCluster()) exceeds the cluster count limit, move this responsibility to
    TxGraph itself:
    * TxGraph retains a cluster count limit, but it becomes configurable at construction
      time (this primarily helps with testing that it is properly enforced).
    * It is always allowed to perform mutators on TxGraph, even if they would cause the
      cluster count limit to be exceeded. Instead, TxGraph exposes an IsOversized()
      function, which queries whether it is in a special "oversize" state.
    * During oversize state, many inspectors are unavailable, but mutators remain valid,
      so the higher layer can "fix" the oversize state before continuing.
  231. txgraph: Avoid representative lookup for each dependency (optimization)
    The m_deps_to_add vector is sorted by child Cluster*, which matches the
    order of an_clusters. This means we can walk through m_deps_to_add while
    doing the representative lookups for an_clusters, and reuse them.
  232. txgraph: Avoid looking up the same child cluster repeatedly (optimization)
    Since m_deps_to_add has been sorted by child Cluster* already, all dependencies
    with the same child will be processed consecutively. Take advantage of this by
    remember the last partition merged with, and reusing that if applicable.
  233. txgraph: Delay chunking while sub-acceptable (optimization)
    Chunk-based information (primarily, chunk feerates) are never accessed without
    first bringing the relevant Clusters to an "acceptable" quality level. Thus,
    while operations are ongoing and Clusters are not acceptable, we can omit
    computing the chunkings and chunk feerates for Clusters.
  234. txgraph: Special-case removal of tail of cluster (Optimization)
    When transactions are removed from the tail of a cluster, we know the existing
    linearization remains acceptable (if it already was), but may just need splitting
    and postlinearization, so special case these into separate quality levels.
  235. txgraph: Group per-graph data in ClusterSet (refactor)
    This is a preparation for a next commit where a TxGraph will start representing
    potentially two distinct graphs (a main one, and a staging one with proposed
  236. txgraph: Abstract out ClearLocator (refactor)
    Move a number of related modifications to TxGraphImpl into a separate
    function for removal of transactions. This is preparation for a later
    commit where this will be useful in more than one place.
  237. txgraph: Add staging support (feature)
    In order to make it easy to evaluate proposed changes to a TxGraph, introduce a
    "staging" mode, where mutators (AddTransaction, AddDependency, RemoveTransaction)
    do not modify the actual graph, but just a staging version of it. That staging
    graph can then be commited (replacing the main one with it), or aborted (discarding
    the staging).
  238. txgraph: Cache oversizedness of graphs (optimization) 6b037ceddf
  239. txgraph: Destroying Ref means removing transaction (feature)
    Before this commit, if a TxGraph::Ref object is destroyed, it becomes impossible
    to refer to, but the actual corresponding transaction node in the TxGraph remains,
    and remains indefinitely as there is no way to remove it.
    Fix this by making the destruction of TxGraph::Ref trigger immediate removal of
    the corresponding transaction in TxGraph, both in main and staging if it exists.
  240. txgraph: Allow Refs to outlive the TxGraph (feature) 22c68cd153
  241. txgraph: Expose ability to compare transactions (feature)
    In order to make it possible for higher layers to compare transaction quality
    (ordering within the implicit total ordering on the mempool), expose a comparison
    function and test it.
  242. txgraph: Add DoWork function (feature)
    This can be called when the caller has time to spend now, and wants future operations
    to be fast.
  243. txgraph: Add CountDistinctClusters function (feature) aded047019
  244. txgraph: Multiple inputs to Get{Ancestors,Descendant}Refs (preparation)
    This is a preparation for the next commit, which adds a feature to request
    the Refs to multiple ancestors/descendants at once.
  245. txgraph: Add Get{Ancestors,Descendants}Union functions (feature)
    Like GetAncestors and GetDescendants, but for the union of multiple inputs.
  246. txgraph: Add GetMainStagingDiagrams function (feature)
    This allows determining whether the changes in a staging diagram unambiguously improve
    the graph, through CompareChunks().
  247. txgraph: Maintain chunk index (preparation)
    This is preparation for exposing mining and eviction functionality in
  248. txgraph: Introduce BlockBuilder interface (feature)
    This interface lets one iterate efficiently over the chunks of the main
    graph in a TxGraph, in the same order as CompareMainOrder. Each chunk
    can be marked as "included" or "skipped" (and in the latter case,
    dependent chunks will be skipped).
  249. txgraph: Introduce TxGraph::GetWorstMainChunk (feature)
    It returns the last chunk that would be suggested for mining by BlockBuilder
    objects. This is intended for eviction.
  250. txgraph: Reuse discarded chunkindex entries (optimization) 35beed7245
  251. txgraph: Skipping end of cluster has no impact (optimization) 4093c4dfa8
  252. txgraph: Special-case singletons in chunk index (optimization) 6ffb8b475d
  253. txgraph: Add ability to configure maximum cluster size/weight (feature)
    This is integrated with the oversized property: the graph is oversized when
    any connected component within it contains more than the cluster count limit
    many transactions, or when their combined size/weight exceeds the cluster size
    It becomes disallowed to call AddTransaction with a size larger than this limit.
    In addition, SetTransactionFeeRate becomes SetTransactionFee, so that we do not
    need to deal with the case that a call to this function might affect the
  254. txgraph: Permit transactions that exceed cluster size limit (feature) 03ada770ec
  255. txgraph: Add ability to trim oversized clusters (feature)
    During reorganisations, it is possible that dependencies get add which
    result in clusters that violate limits (count, size), when linking the
    new from-block transactions to the old from-mempool transactions.
    Unlike RBF scenarios, we cannot simply reject these policy violations
    when they are due to received blocks. To accomodate this, add a Trim()
    function to TxGraph, which removes transactions (including descendants)
    in order to make all resulting clusters satisfy the limits.
  256. txgraph: Track multiple potential would-be clusters in Trim (improvement)
    In a Trim function, for any given would-be group of clusters, a (rudimentary)
    linearization for the would-be cluster is constructed on the fly by adding
    eligible transactions to a heap. This continues until the total count or
    size of the transaction exists a configured limit. Any transactions which
    appear later in this linearization are discarded.
    However, given that transactions at the end are discarded, it is possible that
    the would-be cluster splits apart into multiple clusters. And those clusters
    may well permit far more transactions before their limits are reached.
    Take this into account by using a union-find structure inside TrimTxData to
    keep track of the count/size of all would-be clusters that would be formed
    at any point.
    This is not an optimization in terms of CPU usage or memory; it just
    improves the quality of the transactions removed by Trim().
  257. Allow moving an Epoch::Marker 6bf80e4975
  258. mempool: Store iterators into mapTx in mapNextTx
    This takes the same amount of space as CTransaction pointers, and saves a map
    lookup in many common uses.
  259. Allow moving CTxMemPoolEntry objects, disallow copying 55d04a0a37
  260. Make CTxMemPoolEntry derive from TxGraph::Ref 52849492be
  261. Create a txgraph inside CTxMemPool fdb33d0d41
  262. Add sigops adjusted weight calculator f7c6007f42
  263. Add accessor for sigops-adjusted weight 275ca1db69
  264. Add transactions to txgraph, but without cluster dependencies
    Effectively this is treating all transactions in txgraph as being in a cluster
    of size 1.
  265. Add new (unused) limits for cluster size/count e28ee360ac
  266. fix feature_rbf before cluster limits go in 53b7b842d6
  267. Do not allow mempool clusters to exceed configured limits
    feature_rbf.py still broken in this commit
  268. Check cluster limits when using -walletrejectlongchains 63b6ffb2cb
  269. Rework miner_tests to not require large cluster limit 6db2c5d903
  270. Limit mempool size based on chunk feerate
    Rather than evicting the transactions with the lowest descendant feerate,
    instead evict transactions that have the lowest chunk feerate.
    Once mining is implemented based on choosing transactions with highest chunk
    feerate (see next commit), mining and eviction will be opposites, so that we
    will evict the transactions that would be mined last.
  271. Select transactions for blocks based on chunk feerate
    FIXME: feature_rbf.py is still failing in this commit
  272. policy: Remove CPFP carveout rule
    The addition of a cluster size limit makes the CPFP carveout rule useless,
    because carveout cannot be used to bypass the cluster size limit. Remove this
    policy rule and update tests to no longer rely on the behavior.
  273. Implement new RBF logic for cluster mempool
    With a total ordering on mempool transactions, we are now able to calculate a
    transaction's mining score at all times. Use this to improve the RBF logic:
    - we no longer enforce a "no new unconfirmed parents" rule
    - we now require that the mempool's feerate diagram must improve in order
      to accept a replacement
    TODO: update functional test feature_rbf.py to cover all our new scenarios.
    Co-authored-by: Gregory Sanders <gsanders87@gmail.com>, glozow <gloriajzhao@gmail.com>
  274. fix MempoolCheck benchmark 657bb9d1ae
  275. ==== END CLUSTER IMPLEMENTATION ==== eb099a4dc6
  276. ==== BEGIN MEMPOOL CLEANUP ==== d624a7bf44
  277. Remove the ancestor and descendant indices from the mempool 8ec414bdb5
  278. Use cluster linearization for transaction relay sort order
    Previously, transaction batches were first sorted by ancestor count and then
    feerate, to ensure transactions are announced in a topologically valid order,
    while prioritizing higher feerate transactions. Ancestor count is a crude
    topological sort criteria, so replace this with linearization order so that the
    highest feerate transactions (as would be observed by the mining algorithm) are
    relayed before lower feerate ones, in a topologically valid way.
    This also fixes a test that only worked due to the ancestor-count-based sort
  279. Remove CTxMemPool::GetSortedDepthAndScore
    The mempool clusters and linearization permit sorting the mempool topologically
    without making use of ancestor counts (as long as the graph is not oversized).
  280. Reimplement GetTransactionAncestry() to not rely on cached data
    In preparation for removing ancestor data from CTxMemPoolEntry, recalculate the
    ancestor statistics on demand wherever needed.
  281. rpc: Calculate ancestor data from scratch for mempool rpc calls 786af45952
  282. Remove dependency on cached ancestor data in mini-miner 892458b946
  283. Stop enforcing ancestor size/count limits
    The cluster limits should be sufficient.
    Co-Authored-By: Gregory Sanders <gsanders87@gmail.com>
  284. Add test case for cluster size limits to v3 logic cec6e0df7e
  285. Use mempool/txgraph to determine if a tx has descendants
    Remove a reference to GetCountWithDescendants() in preparation for removing
    this function and the associated cached state from the mempool.
  286. Calculate descendant information for mempool RPC output on-the-fly
    This is in preparation for removing the cached descendant state from the
  287. test: remove rbf carveout test from mempool_limit.py 8b3b8f4f9e
  288. Stop enforcing descendant size/count limits
    Cluster size limits should be enough.
  289. Eliminate RBF workaround for CPFP carveout transactions
    The new cluster mempool RBF rules take into account clusters sizes exactly, so
    with the removal of descendant count enforcement this idea is obsolete.
  290. wallet: Replace max descendantsize with clustersize
    With the descendant size limits removed, replace the concept of "max number of
    descendants of any ancestor of a given tx" with the cluster count of the cluster
    that the transaction belongs to.
  291. mempool: Remove unused function CalculateDescendantMaximum 324d74edf5
  292. Eliminate use of cached ancestor data in miniminer_tests and v3_policy 1c5132b15e
  293. mempool: eliminate accessors to mempool entry ancestor/descendant cached state d4591a8c2f
  294. Remove unused members from CTxMemPoolEntry e8100260ff
  295. Remove mempool logic designed to maintain ancestor/descendant state 449fc02da4
  296. mempool: addUnchecked no longer needs ancestors 2c0d6a6bdb
  297. Remove unused limits from CalculateMemPoolAncestors 3f2002901e
  298. Make removeConflicts private aeaa4cad1b
  299. ==== END MEMPOOL CLEANUP ==== 697d4eed8d
  300. ==== BEGIN OPTIMIZATIONS ==== 8757fed00d
  301. Simplify ancestor calculation functions
    Now that ancestor calculation never fails (due to ancestor/descendant limits
    being eliminated), we can eliminate the error handling from
  302. Use txgraph to calculate ancestors ca5b26552f
  303. Use txgraph to calculate descendants e97476dc71
  304. Rework truc_policy to use descendants, not children df69fa9e28
  305. Make getting parents/children a function of the mempool, not a mempool entry 4d87e030fc
  306. Eliminate CheckPackageLimits, which no longer does anything a8296100c7
  307. Fix miniminer_tests to work with cluster limits 8e457e602f
  308. Rewrite GatherClusters to use the txgraph implementation 44eba68622
  309. Stop tracking parents/children outside of txgraph a8021797d4
  310. Remove unused variable (cacheMap) in mempool 74f3d5d3ca
  311. Remove unused argument to RemoveStaged c8e4e9c1ba
  312. Simplify removeRecursive f0e24c2f76
  313. Simplify removeConflicts 77a498662c
  314. Rewrite removeForReorg to avoid using sets 2c8b45bec0
  315. Rewrite GetChildren without sets b5f4bc42cc
  316. Invoke removeUnchecked() directly in removeForBlock() 264ae35f8a
  317. ==== END OPTIMIZATIONS ==== 0f5ae2b9f9
  318. ==== BEGIN DOCS/TESTING ==== a49ad5534b
  319. Avoid violating mempool policy limits in tests
    Changes AddToMempool() helper to only apply changes if the mempool limits are
    Fix package_rbf fuzz target to handle mempool policy violations
  320. bench: add more mempool benchmarks
    Add benchmarks for:
      - mempool update time when blocks are found
      - adding a transaction
      - performing the mempool's RBF calculation
      - calculating mempool ancestors/descendants
  321. fuzz: try to add more code coverage for mempool fuzzing
    Including test coverage for mempool eviction and expiry
  322. Run txgraph sanity check in CTxMemPool::check() 0400422a32
  323. Expose cluster information via rpc
    Co-authored-by: glozow <gloriajzhao@gmail.com>
  324. doc: Update mempool_replacements.md to reflect feerate diagram checks 2002c264e3
  325. test: add functional test for new cluster mempool RPCs b7e35e3e61
  326. fuzz: remove comparison between mini_miner block construction and miner
    This is in preparation for eliminating the block template building happening in
    mini_miner, in favor of directly using the linearizations done in the mempool.
  327. scripted-diff: rename AddToMempool -> TryAddToMempool
    find src/test -type f -exec sed -i 's/AddToMempool/TryAddToMempool/g' {} +
    find src/bench -type f -exec sed -i 's/AddToMempool/TryAddToMempool/g' {} +
  328. in src/validation.cpp:991 in a013138747 outdated
    1001-        return state.Invalid(TxValidationResult::TX_RECONSIDERABLE,
    1002-                             strprintf("insufficient fee%s", ws.m_sibling_eviction ? " (including sibling eviction)" : ""), *err_string);
    1003-    }
    1005     CTxMemPool::setEntries all_conflicts;

    instagibbs commented at 4:06 pm on February 13, 2025:

    Up to this point you have not applied dependencies, so the new transaction is being considered its own singleton cluster, which is in-congruent with the actual goal. If you apply dependencies via CheckMemPoolPolicyLimits, then the resulting cluster is porentially oversized and violates the requirements set forth in the TxGraph interface.


     0diff --git a/src/validation.cpp b/src/validation.cpp
     1index 61576851cd..affababd10 100644
     2--- a/src/validation.cpp
     3+++ b/src/validation.cpp
     4@@ -987,10 +987,18 @@ bool MemPoolAccept::ReplacementChecks(Workspace& ws)
     6     CFeeRate newFeeRate(ws.m_modified_fees, ws.m_vsize);
     8     CTxMemPool::setEntries all_conflicts;
    10+    // This triggers dependency addition, but if this returns false,
    11+    // this means we're not allowed to call CountDistinctClusters
    12+    // I think we have to stage removals first, then process deps
    13+    // and only then call GetEntriesForConflicts
    14+    // Note: Dependencies *still* haven't been processed either,
    15+    // so each new tx is still considered its own cluster
    16+    Assume(m_subpackage.m_changeset->CheckMemPoolPolicyLimits());
    18     // Calculate all conflicting entries and enforce Rule [#5](/bitcoin-bitcoin/5/).
    19     if (const auto err_string{GetEntriesForConflicts(tx, m_pool, ws.m_iters_conflicting, all_conflicts)}) {
    20         return state.Invalid(TxValidationResult::TX_MEMPOOL_POLICY,
    21                              strprintf("too many potential replacements%s", ws.m_sibling_eviction ? " (including sibling eviction)" : ""), *err_string);
    22     }
    23diff --git a/test/functional/mempool_cluster.py b/test/functional/mempool_cluster.py
    24index 3da8b477a2..ec7bd62e1a 100755
    25--- a/test/functional/mempool_cluster.py
    26+++ b/test/functional/mempool_cluster.py
    27@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
    28 # Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin Core developers
    29 # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
    30 # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
    31 """Test cluster mempool accessors and limits"""
    33+from decimal import Decimal
    35 from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
    36 from test_framework.wallet import (
    37     MiniWallet,
    38 )
    39 from test_framework.util import (
    40@@ -23,10 +25,11 @@ class MempoolClusterTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
    41         self.wallet = MiniWallet(node)
    43         node = self.nodes[0]
    44         parent_tx = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node)
    45         utxo_to_spend = parent_tx["new_utxo"]
    46+        last_utxo_to_spend = utxo_to_spend
    47         ancestors = [parent_tx["txid"]]
    48         while len(node.getrawmempool()) < MAX_CLUSTER_COUNT:
    49             next_tx = self.wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, utxo_to_spend=utxo_to_spend)
    50             # Confirm that each transaction is in the same cluster as the first.
    51             assert node.getmempoolcluster(next_tx['txid']) == node.getmempoolcluster(parent_tx['txid'])
    52@@ -38,10 +41,11 @@ class MempoolClusterTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
    53             # Confirm that each successive transaction is added as a descendant.
    54             assert all([ next_tx["txid"] in node.getmempooldescendants(x) for x in ancestors ])
    56             # Update for next iteration
    57             ancestors.append(next_tx["txid"])
    58+            last_utxo_to_spend = utxo_to_spend
    59             utxo_to_spend = next_tx["new_utxo"]
    61         assert node.getmempoolcluster(parent_tx['txid'])['txcount'] == MAX_CLUSTER_COUNT
    62         feeratediagram = node.getmempoolfeeratediagram()
    63         last_val = [0, 0]
    64@@ -52,10 +56,16 @@ class MempoolClusterTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
    66         # Test that adding one more transaction to the cluster will fail.
    67         bad_tx = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=utxo_to_spend)
    68         assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "too-large-cluster", node.sendrawtransaction, bad_tx["hex"])
    70+        from pdb import set_trace
    71+        set_trace()
    72+        # Test that replacing the last tx with RBF works
    73+        rbf = self.wallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=last_utxo_to_spend, fee_rate=Decimal('0.006'))
    74+        txid = node.sendrawtransaction(rbf["hex"])
    76         # TODO: verify that the size limits are also enforced.
    77         # TODO: add tests that exercise rbf, package submission, and package
    78         # rbf and verify that cluster limits are enforced.
    80 if __name__ == '__main__':

    sdaftuar commented at 4:20 pm on February 13, 2025:

    I think the mistake here is that in my call to CountDistinctClusters(), I should be setting main_only to true, and it looks like I omitted that so it’ll call it on the staging graph instead. The same issue may apply with the invocation of GetDescendants(); the intent is to just call it on the main graph.

    Would that resolve the concern you’re bringing up, or is there something else I’m overlooking?

    instagibbs commented at 4:27 pm on February 13, 2025:

    I should be setting main_only to true,

    I think that works? Will think more on it from a UX/API perspective (it’s Safe to do regardless)

    edit: difference being using main graph means “affect up to 100 existing clusters”, which maybe is what we agreed to previously already? i.e. if your txn(package) has <= 100 inputs, it will pass this check


    Missed that one!

  329. sdaftuar force-pushed on Mar 26, 2025


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