ci: add markdown link check job #30034

pull willcl-ark wants to merge 1 commits into bitcoin:master from willcl-ark:link-check-action changing 3 files +54 −2
  1. willcl-ark commented at 7:23 pm on May 3, 2024: member

    Potential followup to: #30025

    This should prevent us reintroducing broken markdown links.

    It does not test “online” (external) links, only those within this repo. Both relative and absolute links are parsed successfully if they resolve.

  2. DrahtBot commented at 7:23 pm on May 3, 2024: contributor

    The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers.

    Code Coverage

    For detailed information about the code coverage, see the test coverage report.


    See the guideline for information on the review process.

    Type Reviewers
    ACK maflcko, davidgumberg

    If your review is incorrectly listed, please react with 👎 to this comment and the bot will ignore it on the next update.


    Reviewers, this pull request conflicts with the following ones:

    • #29965 (Lint: support running individual rust linters and improve subtree exclusion by davidgumberg)

    If you consider this pull request important, please also help to review the conflicting pull requests. Ideally, start with the one that should be merged first.

  3. DrahtBot added the label Tests on May 3, 2024
  4. willcl-ark commented at 7:25 pm on May 3, 2024: member

    Without #30025 (or alternative fix) the new action being added here will fail. It takes ~11s to run:

  5. in .github/workflows/ci.yml:320 in 80d166b198 outdated
    315+      - name: Checkout
    316+        uses: actions/checkout@v4
    317+      - name: Markup Link Checker (mlc)
    318+        uses: becheran/mlc@v0.16.3
    319+        with:
    320+          args: --offline --ignore-path "./doc/release-notes","./doc/","./.github","./src/crc32c","./src/crypto","./src/leveldb","./src/minisketch","./src/secp256k1" --root-dir ./ ./

    maflcko commented at 9:24 am on May 4, 2024:

    Not sure. I think it would be good to instead run it in the existing lint task. Otherwise it can not be run locally. (See e.g. shellcheck)

    Also, duplicating the exclude list in yet another place isn’t ideal.

    willcl-ark commented at 3:12 pm on May 7, 2024:

    Thanks for the feedback @maflcko, I agree with it all, mostly.

    That said it was quite painful to integrate it into lint/test_runner, mainly because the mlc tool will only accept a single file/dir argument as the target but will permit multiple --exclude-path options. Therefore the only way I could concieve of not linting random directories in the root src dir was to deduplicate the output of git ls-tree -rtd --format='%(path)' HEAD ./ with all top-level directories found by fs::read_dir(), which feels like a nasty hack.

    Perhaps there is a nicer way to do create such an exclude list…

    Proposed diff here:

    The exclude list deduplication clunk could be removed, if we don’t care about user directories causing the process to fail (e.g. for me it fails on random markdown files in ./.venv). when run locally, i.e. it will pass in CI without all these helper functions:

     0diff --git a/test/lint/test_runner/src/ b/test/lint/test_runner/src/
     1index 3c00ddc798..20e03f5055 100644
     2--- a/test/lint/test_runner/src/
     3+++ b/test/lint/test_runner/src/
     4@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
     5 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
     6 // file COPYING or
     8-use std::collections::HashSet;
     9 use std::env;
    10 use std::fs;
    11 use std::io::ErrorKind;
    12@@ -285,72 +284,13 @@ fn lint_doc() -> LintResult {
    13     }
    14 }
    16-fn list_top_level_dirs(dir: PathBuf) -> std::io::Result<Vec<String>> {
    17-    let entries = fs::read_dir(&dir)?;
    19-    let directories = entries
    20-        .filter_map(|entry| match entry {
    21-            Ok(entry) => {
    22-                let path = entry.path();
    23-                if path.is_dir() {
    24-                    // Make path relative
    25-                    path.strip_prefix(&dir)
    26-                        .ok()
    27-                        .and_then(|p| p.to_str().map(String::from))
    28-                } else {
    29-                    None
    30-                }
    31-            }
    32-            Err(_) => None,
    33-        })
    34-        .collect();
    36-    Ok(directories)
    39-fn list_top_level_tracked_dirs() -> std::io::Result<Vec<String>> {
    40-    let output = Command::new("git")
    41-        .args(["ls-tree", "-rtd", "--name-only", "HEAD", "./"])
    42-        .output()?;
    44-    if !output.status.success() {
    45-        return Err(std::io::Error::new(
    46-            std::io::ErrorKind::Other,
    47-            "Git command failed",
    48-        ));
    49-    }
    51-    Ok(std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout)
    52-        .unwrap()
    53-        .lines()
    54-        .map(|s| s.to_string())
    55-        .collect())
    58-// Return top-level directories not tracked by git
    59-fn filter_untracked_directories(all_dirs: Vec<String>, tracked_dirs: Vec<String>) -> Vec<String> {
    60-    let tracked_set: HashSet<String> = tracked_dirs.into_iter().collect();
    61-    all_dirs
    62-        .into_iter()
    63-        .filter(|dir| !tracked_set.contains(dir))
    64-        .collect()
    67 fn lint_markdown() -> LintResult {
    68     let mut md_ignore_paths = get_subtrees()
    69         .into_iter()
    70         .map(|path| path.to_string())
    71         .collect::<Vec<_>>();
    73     // Malformed markdown
    74     md_ignore_paths.push("./doc/".to_string());
    76-    // Exclude any top-level directories not tracked by git
    77-    let top_level_dirs = list_top_level_dirs(get_git_root()).expect("Failed to list directories");
    78-    let tracked_dirs = list_top_level_tracked_dirs().expect("Failed to list tracked directories");
    79-    let extra_exclude_dirs = filter_untracked_directories(top_level_dirs, tracked_dirs);
    80-    md_ignore_paths.extend(extra_exclude_dirs);
    82     let md_ignore_path_str = md_ignore_paths.join(",");
    84     let mut cmd = Command::new("mlc");

    … but may or may not fail locally without them, depending on the condition of the working directory.

    Alternatively, keep this as a CI-only check, or drop the idea altogether :)

    maflcko commented at 3:28 pm on May 7, 2024:

    Therefore the only way I could concieve of not linting random directories in the root src dir

    If this is too difficult, it does not need to be implemented for now. The risk should be minimal, as mlc should only have read-only access? And if it were to fail for someone that put random other folders into the root, they can always skip the check?

    (Finally, as you’ve written the code, it should be easy to cherry-pick, in case someone really wants it)

    willcl-ark commented at 3:46 pm on May 7, 2024:
    Yes, I think this is probably the best approach too. I’ll make those changes and push here soon (tm)

    willcl-ark commented at 7:28 pm on May 7, 2024:

    OK, the much simpler change I pushed in b6be80ca8c74852d4e2c1476527c4300be2125b8 has successfully failed CI.

    I am still a bit worried there may be other (like me) who have a .venv dir in their source dir, which will always fail the check. But got both options available now anyway.

  6. willcl-ark force-pushed on May 7, 2024
  7. in test/lint/test_runner/src/ in b6be80ca8c outdated
    282@@ -284,6 +283,47 @@ fn lint_doc() -> LintResult {
    283     }
    284 }
    286+// Find a program on $PATH
    287+fn which(program: &str) -> bool {

    maflcko commented at 7:53 pm on May 7, 2024:
    Not sure about re-implementing which. Why not just call mlc --version or mlc --help, like in the shellcheck check?

    willcl-ark commented at 8:08 pm on May 7, 2024:

    My thought was to avoid running another subprocess which will then make the same syscalls (excluding checking it’s executable).

    --version is less code on our side though, and more robust, so I will switch to that.

  8. in test/lint/test_runner/src/ in b6be80ca8c outdated
    307+    }
    308+    let mut md_ignore_paths = get_subtrees()
    309+        .into_iter()
    310+        .map(|path| path.to_string())
    311+        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
    312+    md_ignore_paths.push("./doc/".to_string());

    maflcko commented at 7:57 pm on May 7, 2024:
    Is the conversion to string objects needed? According to the docs, join will make a String by itself, no?

    willcl-ark commented at 8:08 pm on May 7, 2024:
    Yes, fixed in ffc691ac70b4a652fdf62e3a28876a5feb8d97c8
  9. willcl-ark force-pushed on May 7, 2024
  10. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on May 7, 2024
  11. DrahtBot commented at 8:08 pm on May 7, 2024: contributor

    🚧 At least one of the CI tasks failed. Make sure to run all tests locally, according to the documentation.

    Possibly this is due to a silent merge conflict (the changes in this pull request being incompatible with the current code in the target branch). If so, make sure to rebase on the latest commit of the target branch.

    Leave a comment here, if you need help tracking down a confusing failure.


  12. willcl-ark force-pushed on May 8, 2024
  13. in test/lint/test_runner/src/ in 961a536708 outdated
    290@@ -292,6 +291,33 @@ fn lint_doc() -> LintResult {
    291     }
    292 }
    294+fn lint_markdown() -> LintResult {
    295+    let bin_name = "mlc";
    296+    let mut version_check = Command::new(bin_name);
    297+    version_check.arg("--version").stdout(Stdio::null());
    298+    if check_output(&mut version_check).is_err() {

    maflcko commented at 9:33 am on May 8, 2024:

    check_output is a helper that assumes the command exists, so I don’t think it will work here, no?


    0thread 'main' panicked at src/
    1command error: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }
    2stack backtrace:
    3   0: rust_begin_unwind

    I think in a previous version you had a check for NotFound directly, so you could restore that?

    willcl-ark commented at 10:04 am on May 8, 2024:
    Reverted in 9d2a8a8b1d67af14e4a5fc8276a1069b6ef9fe4a
  14. in ci/lint/ in 961a536708 outdated
    56@@ -57,3 +57,9 @@ SHELLCHECK_VERSION=v0.8.0
    57 curl -sL "${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}/shellcheck-${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}.linux.x86_64.tar.xz" | \
    58     tar --xz -xf - --directory /tmp/
    59 mv "/tmp/shellcheck-${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}/shellcheck" /usr/bin/
    61+# Markdown Link Checker:

    maflcko commented at 9:34 am on May 8, 2024:
    nit: Could remove this, as the URL is below as well.

    willcl-ark commented at 10:05 am on May 8, 2024:
    Removed in 9d2a8a8b1d67af14e4a5fc8276a1069b6ef9fe4a
  15. in test/lint/test_runner/src/ in 961a536708 outdated
    300+            "{} was not found in $PATH, skipping markdown lint check.",
    301+            bin_name
    302+        );
    303+    }
    305+    let mut md_ignore_paths = get_subtrees().into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();

    maflcko commented at 9:34 am on May 8, 2024:
    nit: It is already a Vec, so no need to iter+collect, no?
  16. in test/lint/test_runner/src/ in 961a536708 outdated
    309+    let mut cmd = Command::new(bin_name);
    310+    cmd.arg("--offline")
    311+        .arg("--ignore-path")
    312+        .arg(md_ignore_path_str)
    313+        .arg("--root-dir")
    314+        .arg(".")

    maflcko commented at 9:36 am on May 8, 2024:
    nit: Can also use .args([...]) for less code?
  17. willcl-ark force-pushed on May 8, 2024
  18. in test/lint/test_runner/src/ in 9d2a8a8b1d outdated
    305+            md_ignore_path_str.as_str(),
    306+            "--root-dir",
    307+            ".",
    308+        ])
    309+        .stdout(Stdio::null())
    310+        .stderr(Stdio::inherit());

    maflcko commented at 10:20 am on May 8, 2024:
    nit: Any reason to modify the default here, or specify the default value?

    willcl-ark commented at 10:23 am on May 8, 2024:
    Just making it clear(er) that we are piping stdout to null vs printing stderr. But not really.

    maflcko commented at 10:25 am on May 8, 2024:
    I’d say to keep stdout, unless there is a reason to suppress it?

    willcl-ark commented at 10:31 am on May 8, 2024:

    Before I force push again, here are the two outputs, are you sure we want all that info?:

    No suppressions (ignore my fail on stdout for my .venv):

     0₿ cargo run
     1    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     2     Running `target/debug/test_runner`
     3src/crc32c in HEAD currently refers to tree 454691a9b89ee8b9e1f71a48a7398edba49c3805
     4src/crc32c in HEAD was last updated in commit 5d45552fd4303f8d668ffbc50cce1053485aeead (tree 454691a9b89ee8b9e1f71a48a7398edba49c3805)
     6src/crypto/ctaes in HEAD currently refers to tree 1b6c31139a71f80245c09597c343936a8e41d021
     7src/crypto/ctaes in HEAD was last updated in commit 8501bedd7508ac514385806e191aec21ee978891 (tree 1b6c31139a71f80245c09597c343936a8e41d021)
     9src/leveldb in HEAD currently refers to tree bd49d3c60051c1a8d8f030fa4ba7a29237fe7479
    10src/leveldb in HEAD was last updated in commit 1a463c70a368fb20316e03efac273438cf47baa3 (tree bd49d3c60051c1a8d8f030fa4ba7a29237fe7479)
    12src/minisketch in HEAD currently refers to tree a584efdc3ab5184a004807db66381c5c482e5f41
    13src/minisketch in HEAD was last updated in commit 1eea10a6d25fd8225560347cda2b1cfdc267910d (tree a584efdc3ab5184a004807db66381c5c482e5f41)
    15src/secp256k1 in HEAD currently refers to tree c3c4db9c0e4636135963272b005b11a451303feb
    16src/secp256k1 in HEAD was last updated in commit 53eec53dca1cb677d11564b055d3b8581ddd6747 (tree c3c4db9c0e4636135963272b005b11a451303feb)
    18Args used        : 209
    19Args documented  : 221
    20Args undocumented: 0
    22Args unknown     : 12
    23{'-includeconf', '-zmqpubrawblock', '-zmqpubhashtx', '-zmqpubhashtxhwm', '-zmqpubsequence', '-zmqpubrawtx', '-zmqpubrawtxhwm', '-zmqpubhashblockhwm', '-testdatadir', '-zmqpubrawblockhwm', '-zmqpubsequencehwm', '-zmqpubhashblock'}
    24[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (280, 10) => docs/ - Target filename not found.
    25[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (279, 47) => scripts/ - Target not found.
    26[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (57, 1) => CMakeLists.txt - Target filename not found.
    28The following links could not be resolved:
    29mlc command failed
    30^---- ⚠️  Failure generated from markdown hyperlink check!
    31Skipping Python linting since flake8 is not installed.
    32Traceback (most recent call last):
    33  File "/home/will/src/bitcoin/test/lint/", line 52, in <module>
    34    main()
    35  File "/home/will/src/bitcoin/test/lint/", line 36, in main
    36    assert os.getenv("COMMIT_RANGE")  # E.g. COMMIT_RANGE='HEAD~n..HEAD'
    37           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    39^---- failure generated from
    41^---- ⚠️  Failure generated from lint-*.py scripts!

    Without stdout suppressed

       0 cargo run
       1   Compiling test_runner v0.1.0 (/home/will/src/bitcoin/test/lint/test_runner)
       2warning: unused import: `Stdio`
       3 --> src/
       4  |
       59 | use std::process::{Command, ExitCode, Stdio};
       6  |                                       ^^^^^
       7  |
       8  = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
      10warning: `test_runner` (bin "test_runner") generated 1 warning (run `cargo fix --bin "test_runner"` to apply 1 suggestion)
      11    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.17s
      12     Running `target/debug/test_runner`
      13src/crc32c in HEAD currently refers to tree 454691a9b89ee8b9e1f71a48a7398edba49c3805
      14src/crc32c in HEAD was last updated in commit 5d45552fd4303f8d668ffbc50cce1053485aeead (tree 454691a9b89ee8b9e1f71a48a7398edba49c3805)
      16src/crypto/ctaes in HEAD currently refers to tree 1b6c31139a71f80245c09597c343936a8e41d021
      17src/crypto/ctaes in HEAD was last updated in commit 8501bedd7508ac514385806e191aec21ee978891 (tree 1b6c31139a71f80245c09597c343936a8e41d021)
      19src/leveldb in HEAD currently refers to tree bd49d3c60051c1a8d8f030fa4ba7a29237fe7479
      20src/leveldb in HEAD was last updated in commit 1a463c70a368fb20316e03efac273438cf47baa3 (tree bd49d3c60051c1a8d8f030fa4ba7a29237fe7479)
      22src/minisketch in HEAD currently refers to tree a584efdc3ab5184a004807db66381c5c482e5f41
      23src/minisketch in HEAD was last updated in commit 1eea10a6d25fd8225560347cda2b1cfdc267910d (tree a584efdc3ab5184a004807db66381c5c482e5f41)
      25src/secp256k1 in HEAD currently refers to tree c3c4db9c0e4636135963272b005b11a451303feb
      26src/secp256k1 in HEAD was last updated in commit 53eec53dca1cb677d11564b055d3b8581ddd6747 (tree c3c4db9c0e4636135963272b005b11a451303feb)
      28Args used        : 209
      29Args documented  : 221
      30Args undocumented: 0
      32Args unknown     : 12
      33{'-zmqpubsequence', '-zmqpubrawtx', '-zmqpubrawblock', '-zmqpubhashblock', '-zmqpubhashtxhwm', '-zmqpubsequencehwm', '-testdatadir', '-zmqpubhashtx', '-includeconf', '-zmqpubrawblockhwm', '-zmqpubhashblockhwm', '-zmqpubrawtxhwm'}
      36+                                                          +
      37+            markup link checker - mlc v0.16.3             +
      38+                                                          +
      4110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("previous section")
      4210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Errno 84")
      4310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("verbose")
      4410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("verbose")
      4510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("WIP")
      4610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("nodiscard")
      4710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("fuzz")
      4810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("…")
      4910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("…")
      5010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Boxed("BIP 141 (Segregated Witness)")
      5110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("BIP 141")
      5210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("depends")
      5310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Depends")
      5410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("build-aux")
      5510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("depends")
      5610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("depends")
      5710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("gitian")
      5810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("gitian")
      5910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Qt")
      6010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("travis")
      6110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC-Tests")
      6210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
      6310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("travis")
      6410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
      6510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("travis")
      6610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("travis")
      6710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
      6810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("travis")
      6910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Bitcoin-Tx")
      7010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("init")
      7110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("updated")
      7210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Doc")
      7310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("contrib")
      7410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("multisig")
      7510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Docs")
      7610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Docs")
      7710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("verify-commits")
      7810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Tools")
      7910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet-tool")
      8010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("sizeof(array)")
      8110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("0.17")
      8210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T")
      8310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
      8410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("psbt")
      8510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("0.13 Backport [#9053](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9053/)")
      8610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("rpc")
      8710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("0.13.2")
      8810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
      8910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("mempool")
      9010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("0.13 backport [#9239](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9239/)")
      9110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("0.13 backport [#9026](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9026/)")
      9210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("0.13 backport [#9352](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9352/)")
      9310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("0.13")
      9410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("ECDSA")
      9510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("util")
      9610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("REST")
      9710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("OSX")
      9810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
      9910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("net/net processing")
     10010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("net processing")
     10110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("-Wshadow-field")
     10210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("ibd")
     10310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("rpcwallet")
     10410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qt")
     10510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     10610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("1")
     10710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("1")
     10810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Wallet")
     10910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Wallet")
     11010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Wallet")
     11110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Wallet")
     11210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     11310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Qt")
     11410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Policy")
     11510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("config")
     11610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("1")
     11710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("1")
     11810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("QT")
     11910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("thread")
     12010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("CVE-2013-5700")
     12110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("validation")
     12210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Fix")
     12310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("MSVC")
     12410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("MSVC")
     12510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("MSVC")
     12610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("alert|block|wallet")
     12710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     12810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("zmq")
     12910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("rpc")
     13010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet")
     13110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("net")
     13210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("doc")
     13310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     13410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     13510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("trivial")
     13610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     13710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("rpc")
     13810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     13910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     14010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     14110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("rpc")
     14210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     14310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet")
     14410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     14510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     14610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("p2p")
     14710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("compact")
     14810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("net")
     14910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     15010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("net")
     15110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("P2P")
     15210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("net")
     15310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("net")
     15410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("scripts")
     15510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("depends")
     15610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Qt")
     15710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Qt")
     15810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Qt")
     15910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qt")
     16010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Qt")
     16110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("GUI")
     16210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Qt")
     16310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet")
     16410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qt")
     16510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Qt")
     16610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Qt")
     16710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet")
     16810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet")
     16910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("moveonly")
     17010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Wallet")
     17110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet")
     17210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     17310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qt")
     17410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet")
     17510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet")
     17610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet")
     17710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     17810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet")
     17910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Trivial")
     18010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     18110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     18210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     18310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("trivial")
     18410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     18510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     18610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     18710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("QA")
     18810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("QA")
     18910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     19010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     19110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     19210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("trivial")
     19310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     19410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     19510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("bench")
     19610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     19710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     19810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     19910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Tests")
     20010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     20110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     20210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     20310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     20410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     20510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     20610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     20710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     20810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     20910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     21010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     21110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     21210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     21310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     21410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     21510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     21610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     21710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     21810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     21910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     22010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     22110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     22210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     22310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     22410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     22510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     22610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Tests")
     22710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     22810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     22910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     23010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     23110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     23210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     23310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     23410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     23510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     23610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("QA")
     23710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("test")
     23810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     23910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     24010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     24110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("bench")
     24210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     24310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     24410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     24510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     24610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     24710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("coverage")
     24810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("contrib")
     24910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("doc")
     25010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("trivial")
     25110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("doc")
     25210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("doc")
     25310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("doc")
     25410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("logging")
     25510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("docs")
     25610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("utils")
     25710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("doc")
     25810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("LevelDB")
     25910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Wallet")
     26010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("net")
     26110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Qt")
     26210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("1")
     26310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("1")
     26410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("QT")
     26510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("BIP 130")
     26610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("BIP 125")
     26710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("REST")
     26810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("REST")
     26910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     27010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Net")
     27110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("RPC")
     27210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Mempool")
     27310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Mempool")
     27410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("#7099 redux")
     27510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("OSX")
     27610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("depends")
     27710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Depends")
     27810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("wallet, rpc tests")
     27910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Wallet")
     28010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("walletdb")
     28110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("4")
     28210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Wallet")
     28310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qt")
     28410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qt")
     28510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("QA")
     28610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("rpc-tests")
     28710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Tests")
     28810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Test Suite")
     28910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     29010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("tests")
     29110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Tests")
     29210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Tests")
     29310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("qa")
     29410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Tests")
     29510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("rpc-tests")
     29610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("init")
     29710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("bitcoin-cli")
     29810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("macOS")
     29910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("depends")
     30010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("depends")
     30110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("build")
     30210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("build")
     30310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Docs")
     30410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("depends")
     30510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("build")
     30610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("build")
     30710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("trivial")
     30810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("contrib")
     30910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("travis-ci")
     31010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("travis-ci")
     31110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("developer-notes")
     31210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("FORCE")
     31310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("noreturn")
     31410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("0")
     31510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("trivial")
     31610:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Init")
     31710:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("build")
     31810:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("scripts")
     31910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("Util")
     32010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("build")
     32110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("init")
     32210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("verify-commits")
     32310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("!NOTE")
     32410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("!NOTE")
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     32910:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("QT only")
     33010:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("DONE")
     33110:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("DONE")
     33210:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("DONE")
     33310:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("DONE")
     33410:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("PARTIALLY DONE")
     33510:29:57 [WARN] Broken reference link: Borrowed("DONE")
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     33710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#options-1-and-2-using-the-official-shell-installer-script-or-binary-tarball' is not checked.
     33810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#options-1-and-2-using-the-official-shell-installer-script-or-binary-tarball' is not checked.
     33910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#option-3-using-fanquakes-docker-image' is not checked.
     34010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#option-4-using-a-distribution-maintained-package' is not checked.
     34110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#option-5-building-from-source' is not checked.
     34210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#add-an-etcprofiled-entry' is not checked.
     34310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#building-and-installing-guix-itself' is not checked.
     34410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#guix-pull-as-root' is not checked.
     34510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#usage' is not checked.
     34610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#choosing-your-security-model' is not checked.
     34710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#troubleshooting' is not checked.
     34810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#creating-and-starting-a-guix-daemon-original-service-with-a-fixed-argv0' is not checked.
     34910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#step-1-authorize-the-signing-keys' is not checked.
     35010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#removing-authorized-keys' is not checked.
     35110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#recognized-environment-variables' is not checked.
     35210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#choosing-your-security-model' is not checked.
     35310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#common-guix-build-invocation-patterns-and-examples' is not checked.
     35410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#recognized-environment-variables' is not checked.
     35510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#recognized-environment-variables' is not checked.
     35610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#recognized-environment-variables' is not checked.
     35710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#recognized-environment-variables' is not checked.
     35810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#controlling-the-number-of-threads-used-by-guix-build-commands' is not checked.
     35910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#option-1-building-with-substitutes' is not checked.
     36010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#step-1-authorize-the-signing-keys' is not checked.
     36110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#listing-available-tracepoints' is not checked.
     36210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#building' is not checked.
     36310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#scripted-diffs' is not checked.
     36410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#custom-testshell-parameters' is not checked.
     36510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#test-logging' is not checked.
     36610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#peer-review' is not checked.
     36710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#peer-review' is not checked.
     36810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#diff-the-diffs-with-git-range-diff' is not checked.
     36910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#dependency-options' is not checked.
     37010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#further-configuration' is not checked.
     37110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#further-configuration' is not checked.
     37210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#systemd-init-file' is not checked.
     37310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#mining' is not checked.
     37410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#fee-estimation-improvements' is not checked.
     37510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#multi-wallet-support' is not checked.
     37610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#multi-wallet-support' is not checked.
     37710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#performance-improvements' is not checked.
     37810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#fee-estimation-improvements' is not checked.
     37910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#removal-of-coin-age-priority' is not checked.
     38010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#removal-of-coin-age-priority' is not checked.
     38110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#removal-of-coin-age-priority' is not checked.
     38210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#data-directory-location' is not checked.
     38310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#data-directory-layout' is not checked.
     38410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#multi-wallet-environment' is not checked.
     38510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#berkeley-db-database-based-wallets' is not checked.
     38610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#sqlite-database-based-wallets' is not checked.
     38710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#gui-settings' is not checked.
     38810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#legacy-subdirectories-and-files' is not checked.
     38910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#notes' is not checked.
     39010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#note1' is not checked.
     39110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#note2' is not checked.
     39210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#note2' is not checked.
     39310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#note2' is not checked.
     39410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#multi-wallet-environment' is not checked.
     39510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#data-directory-location' is not checked.
     39610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#gui-settings' is not checked.
     39710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#note2' is not checked.
     39810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#note2' is not checked.
     39910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#basic-multisig-example' is not checked.
     40010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#16-restoring-the-wallet-from-a-backup' is not checked.
     40110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#general' is not checked.
     40210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#cache-compilations-with-ccache' is not checked.
     40310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#disable-features-with-configure' is not checked.
     40410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#make-use-of-your-threads-with-make--j' is not checked.
     40510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#only-build-what-you-need' is not checked.
     40610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#compile-on-multiple-machines' is not checked.
     40710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#multiple-working-directories-with-git-worktrees' is not checked.
     40810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#interactive-dummy-rebases-for-fixups-and-execs-with-git-merge-base' is not checked.
     40910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#writing-code' is not checked.
     41010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#format-cc-diffs-with-clang-format-diffpy' is not checked.
     41110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#format-python-diffs-with-yapf-diffpy' is not checked.
     41210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#rebasingmerging-code' is not checked.
     41310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#more-conflict-context-with-mergeconflictstyle-diff3' is not checked.
     41410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#reviewing-code' is not checked.
     41510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#reduce-mental-load-with-git-diff-options' is not checked.
     41610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#reference-prs-easily-with-refspecs' is not checked.
     41710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#diff-the-diffs-with-git-range-diff' is not checked.
     41810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#cache-compilations-with-ccache' is not checked.
     41910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#reference-prs-easily-with-refspecs' is not checked.
     42010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '' is not checked.
     42110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#format-cc-diffs-with-clang-format-diffpy' is not checked.
     42210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#reduce-mental-load-with-git-diff-options' is not checked.
     42310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#reference-prs-easily-with-refspecs' is not checked.
     42410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#rpc-consistency-guarantees' is not checked.
     42510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#introduction' is not checked.
     42610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#current-architecture' is not checked.
     42710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#proposed-architecture' is not checked.
     42810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#component-overview-navigating-the-ipc-framework' is not checked.
     42910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#design-considerations' is not checked.
     43010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#selection-of-capn-proto' is not checked.
     43110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#hiding-ipc' is not checked.
     43210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#interface-definition-maintenance' is not checked.
     43310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#interface-stability' is not checked.
     43410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#security-considerations' is not checked.
     43510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#example-use-cases-and-flows' is not checked.
     43610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#retrieving-a-block-hash' is not checked.
     43710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#future-enhancements' is not checked.
     43810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#conclusion' is not checked.
     43910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#appendices' is not checked.
     44010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#glossary-of-terms' is not checked.
     44110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#references' is not checked.
     44210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#acknowledgements' is not checked.
     44310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#internal-interface-guidelines' is not checked.
     44410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#internal-interface-guidelines' is not checked.
     44510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#c-client-subclasses-in-generated-code' is not checked.
     44610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#c-server-classes-in-generated-code' is not checked.
     44710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#interface-definition-maintenance' is not checked.
     44810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#interface-stability' is not checked.
     44910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#c-client-subclasses-in-generated-code' is not checked.
     45010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#c-server-classes-in-generated-code' is not checked.
     45110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#dependencies' is not checked.
     45210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#dependencies' is not checked.
     45310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#linux-distribution-specific-instructions' is not checked.
     45410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#dependencies' is not checked.
     45510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#dependencies' is not checked.
     45610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#berkeley-db' is not checked.
     45710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#disable-wallet-mode' is not checked.
     45810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#dependencies' is not checked.
     45910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#berkeley-db' is not checked.
     46010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#disable-wallet-mode' is not checked.
     46110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#disable-wallet-mode' is not checked.
     46210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#berkeley-db' is not checked.
     46310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#how-to-calculate-assumed-blockchain-and-chain-state-size' is not checked.
     46410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#deterministic-macos-app-notes' is not checked.
     46510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#building' is not checked.
     46610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#attesting-to-build-outputs' is not checked.
     46710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#verifying-build-output-attestations' is not checked.
     46810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#codesigning-build-outputs' is not checked.
     46910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#verifying-build-output-attestations' is not checked.
     47010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#developer-notes' is not checked.
     47110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#coding-style-general' is not checked.
     47210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#coding-style-c' is not checked.
     47310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#coding-style-python' is not checked.
     47410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#coding-style-doxygen-compatible-comments' is not checked.
     47510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#generating-documentation' is not checked.
     47610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#development-tips-and-tricks' is not checked.
     47710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#compiling-for-debugging' is not checked.
     47810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#show-sources-in-debugging' is not checked.
     47910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#compiling-for-gprof-profiling' is not checked.
     48010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#debuglog' is not checked.
     48110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#signet-testnet-and-regtest-modes' is not checked.
     48210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#debug_lockorder' is not checked.
     48310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#debug_lockcontention' is not checked.
     48410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#valgrind-suppressions-file' is not checked.
     48510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#compiling-for-test-coverage' is not checked.
     48610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#performance-profiling-with-perf' is not checked.
     48710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#sanitizers' is not checked.
     48810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#lockingmutex-usage-notes' is not checked.
     48910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#threads' is not checked.
     49010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#ignoring-ideeditor-files' is not checked.
     49110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#development-guidelines' is not checked.
     49210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#general-bitcoin-core' is not checked.
     49310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#wallet' is not checked.
     49410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#general-c' is not checked.
     49510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#c-data-structures' is not checked.
     49610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#strings-and-formatting' is not checked.
     49710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#shadowing' is not checked.
     49810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#lifetimebound' is not checked.
     49910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#threads-and-synchronization' is not checked.
     50010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#scripts' is not checked.
     50110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#shebang' is not checked.
     50210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#source-code-organization' is not checked.
     50310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#gui' is not checked.
     50410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#subtrees' is not checked.
     50510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#upgrading-leveldb' is not checked.
     50610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#file-descriptor-counts' is not checked.
     50710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#consensus-compatibility' is not checked.
     50810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#scripted-diffs' is not checked.
     50910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#suggestions-and-examples' is not checked.
     51010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#release-notes' is not checked.
     51110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#rpc-interface-guidelines' is not checked.
     51210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#internal-interface-guidelines' is not checked.
     51310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#clang-format-diffpy' is not checked.
     51410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#internal-interface-naming-style' is not checked.
     51510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#style-guidelines' is not checked.
     51610:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#git-subtree-checksh' is not checked.
     51710:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#upgrading-leveldb' is not checked.
     51810:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#release-notes' is not checked.
     51910:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#sdk-extraction' is not checked.
     52010:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#cross-compilation-for-ubuntu-and-windows-subsystem-for-linux' is not checked.
     52110:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#secondary-dependencies' is not checked.
     52210:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#qt' is not checked.
     52310:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#running-individual-tests' is not checked.
     52410:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#using-qt-creator-as-ide' is not checked.
     52510:29:57 [WARN] Strip everything after #. The chapter part '#writing-code-with-translations' is not checked.
     526[Skip] ./test/lint/ (21, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     527[Skip] ./doc/ (31, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     528[Skip] ./build_msvc/ (35, 109) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     529[Skip] ./doc/ (28, 392) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     530[Skip] ./ (125, 37) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     531[Skip] ./doc/policy/ (69, 16) => [#6871](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6871/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     532[Skip] ./doc/ (596, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     533[Skip] ./doc/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     534[Skip] ./doc/ (11, 37) => [#29165](/bitcoin-bitcoin/29165/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     535[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     536[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (112, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     537[Skip] ./doc/ (97, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     538[ OK ] ./doc/ (155, 51) => /test/functional/ -
     539[ OK ] ./doc/ (190, 1) => /test/functional/ -
     540[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     541[Skip] ./doc/ (50, 132) => [#19077](/bitcoin-bitcoin/19077/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     542[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (197, 34) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     543[Skip] ./doc/ (43, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     544[ OK ] ./test/ (9, 3) => /src/test/fuzz -
     545[Skip] ./ (62, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     546[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (68, 62) => ../ -
     547[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (145, 38) => ../ -
     548[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (190, 149) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     549[ OK ] ./doc/ (87, 3) => policy/ -
     550[ OK ] ./doc/ (66, 51) => ../contrib/devtools/ -
     551[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (64, 16) => /test/ -
     552[ OK ] ./doc/ (84, 3) => -
     553[Skip] ./doc/ (40, 5) => [#28591](/bitcoin-bitcoin/28591/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     554[ OK ] ./doc/policy/ (13, 3) => -
     555[ OK ] ./src/node/ (3, 5) => ./ -
     556[ OK ] ./src/node/ (7, 9) => ./ -
     557[ OK ] ./src/node/ (13, 40) => ./ -
     558[Skip] ./doc/ (26, 85) => [#5216](/bitcoin-bitcoin/5216/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     559[Skip] ./doc/ (38, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     560[ OK ] ./test/lint/ (38, 3) => /test/lint/ -
     561[Skip] ./doc/ (7, 6) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     562[ OK ] ./doc/ (38, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
     563[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (759, 119) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     564[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     565[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (109, 50) => [#10544](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10544/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     566[Skip] ./doc/ (19, 1) => [#22341](/bitcoin-bitcoin/22341/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     567[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (52, 95) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     568[Skip] ./test/functional/ (138, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     569[Skip] ./doc/ (34, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     570[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (123, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     571[Skip] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/ (5, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     572[Skip] ./doc/ (111, 92) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     573[Skip] ./doc/ (5, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     574[Skip] ./ (33, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     575[ OK ] ./contrib/ (44, 5) => /contrib/completions -
     576[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (761, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     577[Skip] ./test/functional/ (196, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     578[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (166, 20) => [#16599](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16599/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     579[ OK ] ./build_msvc/ (14, 66) => ../doc/ -
     580[Skip] ./src/qt/ (41, 82) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     581[Skip] ./doc/ (20, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     582[Skip] ./ (40, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     583[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (5, 107) => ../ -
     584[Skip] ./test/functional/ (147, 16) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     585[Skip] ./ (205, 30) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     586[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     587[Skip] ./doc/ (42, 11) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     588[Skip] ./doc/ (23, 18) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     589[Skip] ./doc/ (31, 198) => [#22364](/bitcoin-bitcoin/22364/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     590[Skip] ./doc/ (85, 58) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     591[Skip] ./doc/ (87, 37) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     592[Skip] ./doc/ (120, 115) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     593[Skip] ./doc/ (122, 117) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     594[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (126, 325) => [#10589](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10589/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     595[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (705, 31) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     596[ OK ] ./test/ (25, 5) => /doc/ -
     597[ OK ] ./doc/ (76, 3) => -
     598[ OK ] ./doc/ (10, 88) => /build_msvc/ -
     599[ OK ] ./doc/ (147, 15) => #further-configuration -
     600[ OK ] ./doc/ (161, 15) => #further-configuration -
     601[ OK ] ./doc/ (5, 3) => #data-directory-location -
     602[ OK ] ./doc/ (7, 3) => #data-directory-layout -
     603[ OK ] ./doc/ (9, 3) => #multi-wallet-environment -
     604[ OK ] ./doc/ (11, 5) => #berkeley-db-database-based-wallets -
     605[ OK ] ./doc/ (13, 5) => #sqlite-database-based-wallets -
     606[ OK ] ./doc/ (15, 3) => #gui-settings -
     607[ OK ] ./doc/ (17, 3) => #legacy-subdirectories-and-files -
     608[ OK ] ./doc/ (19, 3) => #notes -
     609[ OK ] ./doc/ (31, 38) => #note1 -
     610[ OK ] ./doc/ (50, 41) => #note2 -
     611[ OK ] ./doc/ (51, 41) => #note2 -
     612[ OK ] ./doc/ (55, 55) => #note2 -
     613[ OK ] ./doc/ (57, 46) => #multi-wallet-environment -
     614[ OK ] ./doc/ (57, 199) => #data-directory-location -
     615[ OK ] ./doc/ (64, 63) => #gui-settings -
     616[ OK ] ./doc/ (119, 120) => #note2 -
     617[ OK ] ./doc/ (120, 100) => #note2 -
     618[ OK ] ./doc/ (164, 1) => [#16](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16/)-restoring-the-wallet-from-a-backup -
     619[ OK ] ./doc/ (7, 3) => #general -
     620[ OK ] ./doc/ (8, 6) => #cache-compilations-with-ccache -
     621[ OK ] ./doc/ (9, 6) => #disable-features-with-configure -
     622[ OK ] ./doc/ (10, 6) => #make-use-of-your-threads-with-make--j -
     623[ OK ] ./doc/ (11, 6) => #only-build-what-you-need -
     624[ OK ] ./doc/ (12, 6) => #compile-on-multiple-machines -
     625[ OK ] ./doc/ (13, 6) => #multiple-working-directories-with-git-worktrees -
     626[ OK ] ./doc/ (14, 6) => #interactive-dummy-rebases-for-fixups-and-execs-with-git-merge-base -
     627[ OK ] ./doc/ (15, 3) => #writing-code -
     628[ OK ] ./doc/ (16, 6) => #format-cc-diffs-with-clang-format-diffpy -
     629[ OK ] ./doc/ (17, 6) => #format-python-diffs-with-yapf-diffpy -
     630[ OK ] ./doc/ (18, 3) => #rebasingmerging-code -
     631[ OK ] ./doc/ (19, 6) => #more-conflict-context-with-mergeconflictstyle-diff3 -
     632[ OK ] ./doc/ (20, 3) => #reviewing-code -
     633[ OK ] ./doc/ (21, 6) => #reduce-mental-load-with-git-diff-options -
     634[ OK ] ./doc/ (22, 6) => #reference-prs-easily-with-refspecs -
     635[ OK ] ./doc/ (23, 6) => #diff-the-diffs-with-git-range-diff -
     636[ OK ] ./doc/ (120, 27) => #cache-compilations-with-ccache -
     637[ OK ] ./doc/ (122, 21) => #reference-prs-easily-with-refspecs -
     638[ OK ] ./doc/ (133, 30) => #format-cc-diffs-with-clang-format-diffpy -
     639[ OK ] ./doc/ (221, 62) => #reduce-mental-load-with-git-diff-options -
     640[ OK ] ./doc/ (223, 21) => #reference-prs-easily-with-refspecs -
     641[ OK ] ./doc/ (17, 38) => #linux-distribution-specific-instructions -
     642[ OK ] ./doc/ (19, 1) => #dependencies -
     643[ OK ] ./doc/ (49, 46) => #dependencies -
     644[ OK ] ./doc/ (60, 78) => #berkeley-db -
     645[ OK ] ./doc/ (62, 43) => #disable-wallet-mode -
     646[ OK ] ./doc/ (106, 46) => #dependencies -
     647[ OK ] ./doc/ (117, 83) => #berkeley-db -
     648[ OK ] ./doc/ (119, 43) => #disable-wallet-mode -
     649[ OK ] ./doc/ (181, 74) => #disable-wallet-mode -
     650[ OK ] ./doc/ (213, 60) => #berkeley-db -
     651[ OK ] ./doc/ (35, 5) => #how-to-calculate-assumed-blockchain-and-chain-state-size -
     652[ OK ] ./doc/ (7, 3) => #developer-notes -
     653[ OK ] ./doc/ (8, 7) => #coding-style-general -
     654[ OK ] ./doc/ (9, 7) => #coding-style-c -
     655[ OK ] ./doc/ (10, 7) => #coding-style-python -
     656[ OK ] ./doc/ (11, 7) => #coding-style-doxygen-compatible-comments -
     657[ OK ] ./doc/ (12, 9) => #generating-documentation -
     658[ OK ] ./doc/ (13, 7) => #development-tips-and-tricks -
     659[ OK ] ./doc/ (14, 11) => #compiling-for-debugging -
     660[ OK ] ./doc/ (15, 11) => #show-sources-in-debugging -
     661[ OK ] ./doc/ (16, 11) => #compiling-for-gprof-profiling -
     662[ OK ] ./doc/ (17, 11) => #debuglog -
     663[ OK ] ./doc/ (18, 11) => #signet-testnet-and-regtest-modes -
     664[ OK ] ./doc/ (19, 11) => #debug_lockorder -
     665[ OK ] ./doc/ (20, 11) => #debug_lockcontention -
     666[ OK ] ./doc/ (21, 11) => #valgrind-suppressions-file -
     667[ OK ] ./doc/ (22, 11) => #compiling-for-test-coverage -
     668[ OK ] ./doc/ (23, 11) => #performance-profiling-with-perf -
     669[ OK ] ./doc/ (24, 11) => #sanitizers -
     670[ OK ] ./doc/ (25, 7) => #lockingmutex-usage-notes -
     671[ OK ] ./doc/ (26, 7) => #threads -
     672[ OK ] ./doc/ (27, 7) => #ignoring-ideeditor-files -
     673[ OK ] ./doc/ (28, 3) => #development-guidelines -
     674[ OK ] ./doc/ (29, 7) => #general-bitcoin-core -
     675[ OK ] ./doc/ (30, 7) => #wallet -
     676[ OK ] ./doc/ (31, 7) => #general-c -
     677[ OK ] ./doc/ (32, 7) => #c-data-structures -
     678[ OK ] ./doc/ (33, 7) => #strings-and-formatting -
     679[ OK ] ./doc/ (34, 7) => #shadowing -
     680[ OK ] ./doc/ (35, 7) => #lifetimebound -
     681[ OK ] ./doc/ (36, 7) => #threads-and-synchronization -
     682[ OK ] ./doc/ (37, 7) => #scripts -
     683[ OK ] ./doc/ (38, 11) => #shebang -
     684[ OK ] ./doc/ (39, 7) => #source-code-organization -
     685[ OK ] ./doc/ (40, 7) => #gui -
     686[ OK ] ./doc/ (41, 7) => #subtrees -
     687[ OK ] ./doc/ (42, 7) => #upgrading-leveldb -
     688[ OK ] ./doc/ (43, 9) => #file-descriptor-counts -
     689[ OK ] ./doc/ (44, 9) => #consensus-compatibility -
     690[ OK ] ./doc/ (45, 7) => #scripted-diffs -
     691[ OK ] ./doc/ (46, 11) => #suggestions-and-examples -
     692[ OK ] ./doc/ (47, 7) => #release-notes -
     693[ OK ] ./doc/ (48, 7) => #rpc-interface-guidelines -
     694[ OK ] ./doc/ (49, 7) => #internal-interface-guidelines -
     695[ OK ] ./doc/ (100, 59) => #internal-interface-naming-style -
     696[ OK ] ./doc/ (1205, 42) => #upgrading-leveldb -
     697[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (161, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     698[Skip] ./doc/ (106, 1) => [#23306 (comment)](/bitcoin-bitcoin/23306/#issuecomment-947516736) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     699[Skip] ./doc/ (127, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     700[Skip] ./doc/ (648, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     701[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     702[ OK ] ./contrib/ (14, 5) => /contrib/qos -
     703[Skip] ./test/lint/ (34, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     704[Skip] ./contrib/verify-binaries/ (12, 74) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     705[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (76, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     706[Skip] ./doc/ (45, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     707[ OK ] ./contrib/seeds/ (4, 6) => /src/chainparamsseeds.h -
     708[Skip] ./doc/ (33, 37) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     709[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (23, 55) => /doc/ -
     710[ OK ] ./doc/ (18, 5) => -
     711[ OK ] ./doc/ (17, 5) => -
     712[ OK ] ./doc/ (37, 5) => -
     713[ OK ] ./doc/ (46, 5) => -
     714[ OK ] ./doc/ (35, 5) => -
     715[ OK ] ./doc/ (41, 3) => -
     716[ OK ] ./doc/ (38, 30) => -
     717[ OK ] ./doc/ (156, 5) => -
     718[Skip] ./doc/ (11, 46) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     719[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (169, 71) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     720[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (158, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     721[Skip] ./doc/ (41, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     722[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (150, 15) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     723[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (157, 39) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     724[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (21, 216) => ../../src/ -
     725[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     726[ OK ] ./contrib/ (25, 5) => /contrib/debian -
     727[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (333, 65) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     728[Skip] ./doc/ (9, 171) => [#936](/bitcoin-bitcoin/936/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     729[Skip] ./doc/ (10, 61) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     730[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (129, 31) => -
     731[ OK ] ./contrib/ (35, 5) => /contrib/testgen -
     732[ OK ] ./doc/ (49, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
     733[Skip] ./doc/ (21, 105) => [#21991](/bitcoin-bitcoin/21991/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     734[ OK ] ./doc/ (46, 3) => -
     735[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (7, 181) => /doc/ -
     736[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (135, 1) => [#6566](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6566/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     737[Skip] ./doc/ (35, 161) => [#6566](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6566/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     738[ OK ] ./doc/ (63, 3) => -
     739[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (196, 121) => [#10571](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10571/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     740[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (227, 160) => [#10571](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10571/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     741[Skip] ./doc/ (122, 155) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     742[ OK ] ./doc/ (129, 5) => /contrib/devtools/ -
     743[ OK ] ./doc/ (69, 1) => /contrib/devtools/ -
     744[Skip] ./ (113, 13) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     745[Skip] ./doc/ (11, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     746[Skip] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/doc/ (149, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     747[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (83, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     748[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (85, 70) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     749[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (240, 28) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     750[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (215, 45) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     751[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (8, 50) => #options-1-and-2-using-the-official-shell-installer-script-or-binary-tarball -
     752[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (15, 42) => #options-1-and-2-using-the-official-shell-installer-script-or-binary-tarball -
     753[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (21, 38) => #option-3-using-fanquakes-docker-image -
     754[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (27, 48) => #option-4-using-a-distribution-maintained-package -
     755[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (33, 29) => #option-5-building-from-source -
     756[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (52, 60) => #add-an-etcprofiled-entry -
     757[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (169, 1) => #building-and-installing-guix-itself -
     758[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (374, 53) => #guix-pull-as-root -
     759[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (514, 1) => #troubleshooting -
     760[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (540, 38) => #creating-and-starting-a-guix-daemon-original-service-with-a-fixed-argv0 -
     761[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (18, 20) => #recognized-environment-variables -
     762[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (27, 64) => #choosing-your-security-model -
     763[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (55, 57) => #common-guix-build-invocation-patterns-and-examples -
     764[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (58, 1) => #recognized-environment-variables -
     765[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (152, 9) => #recognized-environment-variables -
     766[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (165, 9) => #recognized-environment-variables -
     767[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (215, 9) => #recognized-environment-variables -
     768[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (266, 7) => #controlling-the-number-of-threads-used-by-guix-build-commands -
     769[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (291, 69) => #option-1-building-with-substitutes -
     770[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (384, 70) => #step-1-authorize-the-signing-keys -
     771[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (106, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     772[Skip] ./doc/ (53, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     773[Skip] ./doc/ (4, 127) => [#669](/bitcoin-bitcoin/669/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     774[Skip] ./doc/ (5, 156) => [#669](/bitcoin-bitcoin/669/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     775[Skip] ./doc/ (6, 147) => [#669](/bitcoin-bitcoin/669/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     776[Skip] ./doc/ (66, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     777[Skip] ./doc/ (19, 58) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     778[Skip] ./doc/ (62, 38) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     779[ OK ] ./src/node/ (8, 1) => ../wallet/ -
     780[ OK ] ./src/node/ (14, 1) => ../wallet/ -
     781[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     782[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (7, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     783[Skip] ./doc/ (112, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     784[Skip] ./doc/ (112, 188) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     785[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (63, 10) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     786[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (129, 10) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     787[Skip] ./doc/ (62, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     788[Skip] ./doc/design/ (215, 100) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     789[Skip] ./doc/ (25, 149) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     790[Skip] ./doc/ (39, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     791[ OK ] ./doc/ (1458, 11) => ../src/interfaces/chain.h -
     792[ OK ] ./doc/ (1464, 1) => ../src/interfaces/chain.h -
     793[ OK ] ./build_msvc/ (19, 61) => #qt -
     794[Skip] ./doc/ (49, 168) => [#11167](/bitcoin-bitcoin/11167/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     795[Skip] ./doc/ (37, 11) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     796[Skip] ./doc/ (286, 12) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     797[Skip] ./doc/ (352, 17) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     798[Skip] ./doc/ (34, 89) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     799[Skip] ./doc/ (27, 71) => [#14451](/bitcoin-bitcoin/14451/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     800[Skip] ./doc/policy/ (44, 29) => [#15681](/bitcoin-bitcoin/15681/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     801[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (76, 32) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     802[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (233, 67) => [#8952](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8952/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     803[Skip] ./contrib/ (6, 80) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     804[Skip] ./doc/ (53, 73) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     805[Skip] ./doc/ (84, 85) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     806[ OK ] ./doc/ (59, 3) => -
     807[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (66, 269) => ../../src/qt/ -
     808[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (187, 124) => ../../src/interfaces/chain.h -
     809[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (85, 481) => ../../src/interfaces/chain.h -
     810[Skip] ./doc/ (1314, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     811[Skip] ./ (180, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     812[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (168, 71) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     813[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (157, 59) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     814[Skip] ./doc/ (40, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     815[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     816[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (70, 23) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     817[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (106, 17) => [#10192](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10192/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     818[Skip] ./doc/ (11, 278) => [#915](/bitcoin-bitcoin/915/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     819[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (43, 59) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     820[Skip] ./doc/ (16, 273) => [#1795](/bitcoin-bitcoin/1795/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     821[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (158, 28) => [#6917](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6917/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     822[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (110, 28) => [#6917](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6917/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     823[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     824[Skip] ./doc/ (38, 169) => [#7542](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7542/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     825[Skip] ./doc/ (39, 86) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     826[Skip] ./doc/ (33, 1) => [#19460](/bitcoin-bitcoin/19460/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     827[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (3, 54) => /depends/packages/ -
     828[Skip] ./doc/ (32, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     829[Skip] ./doc/ (59, 46) => [#19953](/bitcoin-bitcoin/19953/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     830[Skip] ./doc/ (96, 45) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     831[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (152, 6) => test_framework/ -
     832[Skip] ./ (186, 36) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     833[Skip] ./doc/ (116, 12) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     834[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     835[Skip] ./doc/ (116, 134) => [#20966](/bitcoin-bitcoin/20966/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     836[Skip] ./doc/ (50, 175) => [#13557](/bitcoin-bitcoin/13557/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     837[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (752, 31) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     838[Skip] ./doc/ (51, 140) => [#12035](/bitcoin-bitcoin/12035/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     839[Skip] ./doc/ (21, 49) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     840[Skip] ./doc/ (79, 26) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     841[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (24, 72) => /.python-version -
     842[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (93, 207) => ../../src/interfaces/init.h -
     843[Skip] ./doc/ (20, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     844[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (93, 1) => [#18325](/bitcoin-bitcoin/18325/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     845[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (93, 1) => [#18325](/bitcoin-bitcoin/18325/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     846[Skip] ./ (133, 21) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     847[ OK ] ./doc/ (73, 3) => -
     848[ OK ] ./doc/ (60, 59) => -
     849[ OK ] ./doc/ (70, 133) => -
     850[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (174, 7) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     851[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (214, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     852[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (323, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     853[Skip] ./doc/ (53, 45) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     854[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (137, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     855[Skip] ./doc/policy/ (76, 4) => [#9380](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9380/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     856[ OK ] ./contrib/ (29, 5) => /contrib/macdeploy -
     857[Skip] ./doc/ (667, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     858[Skip] ./doc/ (53, 132) => [#18267](/bitcoin-bitcoin/18267/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     859[Skip] ./doc/ (189, 10) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     860[ OK ] ./test/ (3, 41) => /src/wallet/test -
     861[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (99, 44) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     862[Skip] ./doc/ (1561, 13) => [#14635](/bitcoin-bitcoin/14635/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     863[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (25, 40) => [#7681 (comment)](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7681/#issuecomment-217439891) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     864[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (25, 40) => [#7681 (comment)](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7681/#issuecomment-217439891) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     865[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (26, 40) => [#7681 (comment)](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7681/#issuecomment-217439891) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     866[Skip] ./contrib/macdeploy/ (98, 83) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     867[Skip] ./doc/ (207, 53) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     868[Skip] ./doc/ (3, 188) => [#7575](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7575/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     869[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (1163, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     870[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (217, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     871[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (165, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     872[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (158, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     873[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (105, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     874[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (109, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     875[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (203, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     876[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (373, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     877[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (340, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     878[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (357, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     879[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (115, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     880[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (1336, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     881[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (72, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     882[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (128, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     883[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (391, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     884[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (90, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     885[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (74, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     886[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (987, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     887[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (1089, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     888[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (76, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     889[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (108, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     890[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (99, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     891[Skip] ./doc/ (11, 9) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     892[Skip] ./doc/ (44, 49) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     893[Skip] ./doc/ (99, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     894[Skip] ./ (72, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     895[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     896[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (66, 197) => ../../src/node/ -
     897[ OK ] ./doc/ (32, 20) => /contrib/seeds/ -
     898[Skip] ./doc/ (48, 262) => [#10387](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10387/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     899[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (118, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     900[ OK ] ./ (245, 44) => /doc/ -
     901[ OK ] ./doc/ (55, 3) => -
     902[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (95, 1) => /doc/ -
     903[ OK ] ./doc/ (85, 3) => -
     904[ OK ] ./doc/policy/ (12, 3) => -
     905[Skip] ./doc/ (9, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     906[Skip] ./doc/ (28, 319) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     907[Skip] ./doc/ (10, 189) => [#1816](/bitcoin-bitcoin/1816/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     908[Skip] ./contrib/verify-binaries/ (6, 8) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     909[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (49, 37) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     910[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     911[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (130, 1) => -
     912[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (60, 60) => #systemd-init-file -
     913[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (302, 11) => #mining -
     914[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (197, 134) => #fee-estimation-improvements -
     915[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (201, 48) => #multi-wallet-support -
     916[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (208, 45) => #multi-wallet-support -
     917[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (211, 36) => #performance-improvements -
     918[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (219, 139) => #fee-estimation-improvements -
     919[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (231, 73) => #removal-of-coin-age-priority -
     920[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (240, 161) => #removal-of-coin-age-priority -
     921[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (249, 271) => #removal-of-coin-age-priority -
     922[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (43, 16) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     923[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (108, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     924[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (120, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     925[Skip] ./doc/ (35, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     926[Skip] ./doc/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     927[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (165, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     928[Skip] ./doc/ (7, 20) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     929[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     930[Skip] ./doc/ (8, 23) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     931[Skip] ./doc/ (21, 441) => [#15437](/bitcoin-bitcoin/15437/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     932[Skip] ./doc/ (163, 71) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     933[ OK ] ./src/node/ (16, 26) => ../interfaces/ -
     934[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (130, 1) => /test/functional/test_framework/ -
     935[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (101, 1) => test_framework/ -
     936[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (233, 42) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     937[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (280, 10) => docs/ - Target filename not found.
     938[Skip] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/ (81, 13) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     939[Skip] ./contrib/tracing/ (22, 44) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     940[Skip] ./contrib/tracing/ (269, 23) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     941[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (48, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     942[Skip] ./doc/ (4, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     943[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (78, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     944[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (89, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     945[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (229, 18) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     946[Skip] ./doc/ (28, 132) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     947[Skip] ./doc/ (148, 25) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     948[Skip] ./doc/ (630, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     949[Skip] ./doc/ (28, 66) => [#15584](/bitcoin-bitcoin/15584/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     950[Skip] ./doc/ (36, 71) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     951[Skip] ./doc/ (175, 243) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     952[Skip] ./doc/design/ (215, 35) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     953[ OK ] ./doc/ (65, 3) => design/ -
     954[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (9, 3) => #introduction -
     955[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (10, 3) => #current-architecture -
     956[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (11, 3) => #proposed-architecture -
     957[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (12, 3) => #component-overview-navigating-the-ipc-framework -
     958[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (13, 3) => #design-considerations -
     959[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (14, 5) => #selection-of-capn-proto -
     960[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (15, 5) => #hiding-ipc -
     961[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (16, 5) => #interface-definition-maintenance -
     962[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (17, 5) => #interface-stability -
     963[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (18, 3) => #security-considerations -
     964[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (19, 3) => #example-use-cases-and-flows -
     965[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (20, 5) => #retrieving-a-block-hash -
     966[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (21, 3) => #future-enhancements -
     967[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (22, 3) => #conclusion -
     968[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (23, 3) => #appendices -
     969[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (24, 5) => #glossary-of-terms -
     970[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (25, 5) => #references -
     971[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (26, 3) => #acknowledgements -
     972[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (190, 76) => #c-client-subclasses-in-generated-code -
     973[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (197, 144) => #c-server-classes-in-generated-code -
     974[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (212, 79) => #interface-definition-maintenance -
     975[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (213, 47) => #interface-stability -
     976[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (235, 231) => #c-client-subclasses-in-generated-code -
     977[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (251, 303) => #c-server-classes-in-generated-code -
     978[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (6, 159) => #dependencies -
     979[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (12, 160) => #dependencies -
     980[ OK ] ./src/interfaces/ (9, 3) => node.h -
     981[Skip] ./doc/ (12, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     982[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     983[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (106, 13) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     984[ OK ] ./doc/ (60, 3) => -
     985[ OK ] ./doc/ (12, 5) => /doc/ -
     986[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (199, 21) => [#9733](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9733/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     987[Skip] ./doc/design/ (49, 3) => [#15605](/bitcoin-bitcoin/15605/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     988[Skip] ./doc/ (22, 276) => [#6124](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6124/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     989[Skip] ./doc/ (328, 5) => [#22472](/bitcoin-bitcoin/22472/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     990[Skip] ./contrib/tracing/ (21, 55) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     991[Skip] ./doc/ (398, 43) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     992[Skip] ./doc/ (159, 45) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     993[Skip] ./doc/ (224, 39) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     994[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (190, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     995[Skip] ./doc/ (5, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     996[Skip] ./doc/ (50, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     997[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (142, 47) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     998[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (404, 16) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
     999[ OK ] ./doc/ (1460, 1) => ../src/interfaces/node.h -
    1000[Skip] ./doc/ (402, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1001[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (97, 44) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1002[ OK ] ./depends/ (56, 27) => ../contrib/macdeploy/ -
    1003[ OK ] ./doc/ (1481, 3) => ../src/wallet/ -
    1004[Skip] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (59, 27) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1005[Skip] ./doc/ (597, 4) => [#12691](/bitcoin-bitcoin/12691/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1006[Skip] ./doc/ (68, 73) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1007[Skip] ./doc/design/ (103, 55) => [#15732](/bitcoin-bitcoin/15732/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1008[Skip] ./doc/ (623, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1009[Skip] ./doc/ (15, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1010[Skip] ./doc/ (49, 63) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1011[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (107, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1012[Skip] ./doc/ (55, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1013[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (202, 89) => [#10400](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10400/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1014[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1015[Skip] ./doc/ (8, 154) => [#176](/bitcoin-bitcoin/176/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1016[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (519, 65) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1017[Skip] ./doc/ (664, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1018[ OK ] ./doc/ (46, 13) => ../contrib/tracing/ -
    1019[ OK ] ./doc/ (317, 42) => ../contrib/tracing/ -
    1020[Skip] ./doc/ (29, 42) => [#17165](/bitcoin-bitcoin/17165/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1021[Skip] ./doc/ (35, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1022[Skip] ./test/functional/ (20, 36) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1023[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1024[Skip] ./doc/ (520, 15) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1025[Skip] ./doc/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1026[Skip] ./test/functional/ (29, 7) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1027[Skip] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/doc/ (435, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1028[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (58, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1029[ OK ] ./contrib/ (38, 5) => /contrib/verify-binaries -
    1030[Skip] ./doc/ (619, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1031[ OK ] ./test/lint/ (60, 17) => /doc/ -
    1032[ OK ] ./ (108, 39) => doc/ -
    1033[ OK ] ./ (310, 35) => doc/ -
    1034[ OK ] ./ (399, 5) => doc/ -
    1035[ OK ] ./doc/ (54, 3) => -
    1036[ OK ] ./doc/ (2, 1) => /doc/ -
    1037[ OK ] ./ (37, 49) => doc/ -
    1038[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1039[Skip] ./doc/ (98, 94) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1040[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (161, 69) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1041[Skip] ./doc/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1042[Skip] ./doc/ (60, 46) => [#21377](/bitcoin-bitcoin/21377/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1043[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (43, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1044[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (76, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1045[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (331, 59) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1046[Skip] ./doc/ (34, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1047[Skip] ./build_msvc/ (20, 36) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1048[Skip] ./doc/ (117, 237) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1049[Skip] ./doc/ (118, 150) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1050[Skip] ./doc/ (47, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1051[Skip] ./doc/policy/ (71, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1052[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (71, 17) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1053[Skip] ./doc/ (36, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1054[Skip] ./doc/ (1085, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1055[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (164, 6) => test_framework/ -
    1056[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (119, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1057[Skip] ./doc/ (67, 33) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1058[Skip] ./doc/policy/ (41, 66) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1059[Skip] ./src/interfaces/ (5, 204) => [#15288](/bitcoin-bitcoin/15288/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1060[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1061[Skip] ./doc/ (12, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1062[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (71, 1) => [#7184](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7184/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1063[Skip] ./doc/ (24, 136) => [#7184](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7184/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1064[Skip] ./contrib/tracing/ (21, 29) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1065[Skip] ./doc/ (19, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1066[Skip] ./doc/design/ (48, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1067[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (169, 78) => [#9592](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9592/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1068[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (245, 44) => [#8753](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8753/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1069[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (145, 124) => [#10849](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10849/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1070[Skip] ./doc/ (8, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1071[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (243, 52) => [#9740](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9740/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1072[Skip] ./ (60, 22) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1073[Skip] ./doc/ (69, 122) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1074[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (195, 98) => [#10208](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10208/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1075[ OK ] ./src/interfaces/ (15, 3) => init.h -
    1076[Skip] ./doc/ (52, 313) => [#29347](/bitcoin-bitcoin/29347/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1077[Skip] ./doc/ (345, 24) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1078[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (144, 1) => test_framework -
    1079[ OK ] ./doc/ (75, 3) => -
    1080[Skip] ./test/lint/ (35, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1081[ OK ] ./src/interfaces/ (17, 3) => ipc.h -
    1082[Skip] ./src/qt/ (41, 236) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1083[Skip] ./doc/ (5, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1084[Skip] ./doc/ (30, 183) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1085[Skip] ./doc/ (140, 10) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1086[Skip] ./doc/ (30, 117) => [#23495](/bitcoin-bitcoin/23495/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1087[Skip] ./doc/ (61, 70) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1088[Skip] ./doc/ (33, 92) => [#29732](/bitcoin-bitcoin/29732/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1089[ OK ] ./doc/ (45, 3) => -
    1090[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (7, 115) => /doc/ -
    1091[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (57, 1) => CMakeLists.txt - Target filename not found.
    1092[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (51, 31) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1093[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (79, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1094[Skip] ./doc/ (122, 256) => [#19954](/bitcoin-bitcoin/19954/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1095[Skip] ./doc/ (45, 212) => [#19954](/bitcoin-bitcoin/19954/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1096[Skip] ./doc/ (48, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1097[Skip] ./doc/policy/ (81, 81) => [#25353](/bitcoin-bitcoin/25353/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1098[Skip] ./build_msvc/ (22, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1099[Skip] ./doc/ (59, 188) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1100[Skip] ./doc/ (23, 173) => [#5713](/bitcoin-bitcoin/5713/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1101[Skip] ./doc/ (44, 97) => [#23956](/bitcoin-bitcoin/23956/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1102[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (114, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1103[Skip] ./doc/ (39, 136) => [#8149](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8149/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1104[Skip] ./doc/ (40, 164) => [#8149](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8149/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1105[Skip] ./doc/ (41, 117) => [#8149](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8149/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1106[Skip] ./doc/ (42, 147) => [#8149](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8149/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1107[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1108[Skip] ./doc/ (3, 20) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1109[Skip] ./doc/ (43, 118) => [#8636](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8636/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1110[Skip] ./doc/ (24, 309) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1111[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (82, 1) => [#7524](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7524/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1112[Skip] ./doc/ (34, 151) => [#7524](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7524/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1113[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1114[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (120, 222) => [#10199](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10199/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1115[Skip] ./doc/ (7, 20) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1116[ OK ] ./src/interfaces/ (11, 3) => wallet.h -
    1117[Skip] ./doc/ (50, 74) => [#25378](/bitcoin-bitcoin/25378/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1118[Skip] ./doc/ (38, 280) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1119[ OK ] ./doc/ (32, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
    1120[Skip] ./doc/ (70, 96) => [#13697](/bitcoin-bitcoin/13697/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1121[Skip] ./doc/ (24, 70) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1122[Skip] ./doc/ (119, 154) => [#1677](/bitcoin-bitcoin/1677/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1123[Skip] ./doc/ (120, 133) => [#1677](/bitcoin-bitcoin/1677/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1124[Skip] ./test/lint/ (37, 71) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1125[Skip] ./doc/ (10, 21) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1126[ OK ] ./doc/policy/ (14, 3) => -
    1127[ OK ] ./doc/ (60, 36) => /.tx/config -
    1128[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (86, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1129[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (42, 57) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1130[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (65, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1131[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (78, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1132[Skip] ./doc/ (24, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1133[ OK ] ./doc/ (48, 3) => -
    1134[ OK ] ./doc/ (80, 3) => -
    1135[Skip] ./doc/ (71, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1136[ OK ] ./doc/ (83, 3) => -
    1137[ OK ] ./doc/ (56, 28) => -
    1138[ OK ] ./doc/ (75, 41) => -
    1139[Skip] ./doc/ (275, 25) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1140[Skip] ./doc/ (133, 114) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1141[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (122, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1142[ OK ] ./doc/ (78, 3) => -
    1143[Skip] ./doc/ (13, 55) => [#28211](/bitcoin-bitcoin/28211/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1144[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1145[ OK ] ./doc/ (23, 38) => ../ -
    1146[ OK ] ./doc/ (24, 32) => ../ -
    1147[Skip] ./doc/ (63, 121) => [#22558](/bitcoin-bitcoin/22558/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1148[Skip] ./doc/ (173, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1149[ OK ] ./doc/ (1196, 54) => ../test/lint#git-subtree-checksh -
    1150[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (251, 108) => [#10995](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10995/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1151[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (124, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1152[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (114, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1153[Skip] ./doc/ (54, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1154[Skip] ./doc/ (24, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1155[Skip] ./doc/ (282, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1156[Skip] ./doc/ (112, 110) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1157[Skip] ./doc/ (49, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1158[Skip] ./doc/ (652, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1159[Skip] ./doc/design/ (249, 171) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1160[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1161[Skip] ./doc/design/ (149, 403) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1162[Skip] ./doc/ (28, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1163[Skip] ./doc/ (59, 53) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1164[Skip] ./doc/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1165[Skip] ./doc/ (22, 62) => [#27029](/bitcoin-bitcoin/27029/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1166[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1167[Skip] ./test/ (309, 11) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1168[Skip] ./test/functional/ (174, 11) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1169[Skip] ./test/functional/ (198, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1170[Skip] ./doc/ (539, 32) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1171[Skip] ./doc/ (31, 80) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1172[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (71, 1) => [#6351](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6351/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1173[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (71, 1) => [#6351](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6351/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1174[Skip] ./doc/ (22, 139) => [#6351](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6351/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1175[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (146, 39) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1176[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (347, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1177[Skip] ./doc/ (161, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1178[Skip] ./src/qt/ (83, 128) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1179[Skip] ./doc/ (25, 78) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1180[Skip] ./doc/design/ (125, 283) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1181[ OK ] ./contrib/init/ (12, 5) => ../../doc/ -
    1182[ OK ] ./src/interfaces/ (19, 144) => ../../doc/ -
    1183[Skip] ./doc/ (7, 196) => [#748](/bitcoin-bitcoin/748/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1184[Skip] ./doc/ (639, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1185[ OK ] ./doc/ (337, 44) => /doc/ -
    1186[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1187[Skip] ./doc/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1188[Skip] ./doc/ (270, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1189[Skip] ./doc/ (330, 10) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1190[ OK ] ./doc/ (1463, 12) => ../src/interfaces/handler.h -
    1191[Skip] ./doc/ (25, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1192[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (167, 74) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1193[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (157, 44) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1194[Skip] ./doc/ (39, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1195[Skip] ./doc/ (63, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1196[ OK ] ./doc/ (1457, 1) => ../src/interfaces/ -
    1197[ OK ] ./doc/ (1482, 3) => ../src/interfaces/ -
    1198[ OK ] ./doc/ (1560, 3) => ../src/interfaces/ -
    1199[Skip] ./src/qt/ (1, 106) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1200[Skip] ./doc/ (77, 32) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1201[Skip] ./src/qt/ (50, 53) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1202[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (209, 17) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1203[Skip] ./doc/ (114, 18) => [#7714](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7714/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1204[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (110, 55) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1205[Skip] ./doc/ (159, 33) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1206[Skip] ./doc/ (226, 33) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1207[ OK ] ./doc/ (81, 3) => -
    1208[Skip] ./doc/ (22, 11) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1209[Skip] ./doc/ (251, 19) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1210[Skip] ./ (405, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1211[ OK ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/ (92, 14) => doc/ -
    1212[Skip] ./doc/ (21, 170) => [#24681](/bitcoin-bitcoin/24681/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1213[Skip] ./doc/ (35, 23) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1214[Skip] ./doc/ (68, 18) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1215[Skip] ./doc/ (636, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1216[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (63, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1217[Skip] ./doc/design/ (50, 3) => [#15606](/bitcoin-bitcoin/15606/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1218[Skip] ./doc/ (633, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1219[ OK ] ./doc/ (72, 3) => -
    1220[ OK ] ./doc/ (82, 3) => -
    1221[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (34, 20) => ../macdeploy/ -
    1222[Skip] ./doc/ (1311, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1223[Skip] ./doc/ (10, 3) =>*version*/ - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1224[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1225[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1226[ OK ] ./doc/ (86, 3) => -
    1227[ OK ] ./test/ (329, 19) => /test/lint -
    1228[ OK ] ./doc/ (44, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
    1229[ OK ] ./doc/ (50, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
    1230[Skip] ./doc/ (12, 32) => [#29091](/bitcoin-bitcoin/29091/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1231[Skip] ./doc/ (121, 232) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1232[Skip] ./doc/ (24, 162) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1233[ OK ] ./doc/ (896, 25) => /src/util/strencodings.h -
    1234[Skip] ./doc/ (1472, 66) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1235[Skip] ./src/interfaces/ (5, 90) => [#14437](/bitcoin-bitcoin/14437/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1236[Skip] ./src/interfaces/ (7, 87) => [#14437](/bitcoin-bitcoin/14437/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1237[ OK ] ./doc/ (14, 51) => -
    1238[ OK ] ./contrib/ (11, 5) => /contrib/linearize -
    1239[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (109, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1240[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (120, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1241[Skip] ./doc/ (57, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1242[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (117, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1243[Skip] ./doc/ (62, 179) => [#20861](/bitcoin-bitcoin/20861/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1244[Skip] ./doc/ (592, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1245[Skip] ./doc/design/ (143, 40) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1246[Skip] ./contrib/tracing/ (11, 44) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1247[Skip] ./doc/ (43, 56) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1248[ OK ] ./doc/ (61, 3) => -
    1249[Skip] ./ (84, 23) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1250[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1251[Skip] ./doc/ (16, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1252[Skip] ./doc/ (509, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1253[ OK ] ./build_msvc/ (19, 10) => ../doc/ -
    1254[ OK ] ./ (49, 45) => src/test/ -
    1255[ OK ] ./ (52, 42) => /src/test/ -
    1256[Skip] ./doc/ (594, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1257[Skip] ./doc/ (590, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1258[ OK ] ./doc/ (62, 3) => -
    1259[ OK ] ./doc/ (14, 10) => -
    1260[Skip] ./doc/ (47, 150) => [#14121](/bitcoin-bitcoin/14121/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1261[Skip] ./doc/ (54, 143) => [#18044](/bitcoin-bitcoin/18044/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1262[Skip] ./doc/ (1317, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1263[Skip] ./doc/ (121, 75) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1264[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (361, 6) => [#7762](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7762/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1265[Skip] ./doc/ (10, 56) => [#18290](/bitcoin-bitcoin/18290/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1266[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (135, 62) => [#10707](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10707/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1267[Skip] ./doc/ (20, 149) => [#29066](/bitcoin-bitcoin/29066/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1268[ OK ] ./doc/ (30, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
    1269[Skip] ./doc/ (103, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1270[Skip] ./contrib/ (27, 55) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1271[Skip] ./doc/ (103, 14) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1272[Skip] ./doc/design/ (84, 72) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1273[Skip] ./depends/ (159, 10) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1274[Skip] ./doc/ (48, 151) => [#11740](/bitcoin-bitcoin/11740/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1275[Skip] ./doc/ (23, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1276[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1277[Skip] ./doc/ (400, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1278[Skip] ./doc/ (85, 324) => [#21199 (comment)](/bitcoin-bitcoin/21199/#issuecomment-780772418) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1279[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1280[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1281[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1282[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1283[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (18, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1284[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1285[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1286[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1287[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1288[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1289[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1290[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1291[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (18, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1292[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1293[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1294[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1295[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1296[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1297[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1298[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (15, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1299[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1300[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1301[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1302[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1303[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1304[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1305[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (20, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1306[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1307[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1308[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1309[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1310[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1311[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1312[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1313[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1314[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1315[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1316[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1317[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1318[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1319[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1320[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1321[Skip] ./doc/ (21, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1322[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (47, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1323[Skip] ./doc/ (52, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1324[Skip] ./doc/ (335, 39) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1325[ OK ] ./depends/ (60, 7) => ../doc/ -
    1326[Skip] ./doc/ (116, 194) => [#22570](/bitcoin-bitcoin/22570/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1327[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1328[ OK ] ./contrib/tracing/ (6, 38) => ../../doc/ -
    1329[ OK ] ./contrib/tracing/ (37, 1) => ../../doc/ -
    1330[Skip] ./doc/ (40, 10) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1331[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1332[Skip] ./doc/ (470, 2) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1333[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (727, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1334[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1335[Skip] ./doc/ (658, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1336[Skip] ./doc/ (37, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1337[Skip] ./doc/ (284, 21) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1338[Skip] ./src/interfaces/ (5, 265) => [#10973](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10973/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1339[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (382, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1340[Skip] ./doc/ (117, 179) => [#2231](/bitcoin-bitcoin/2231/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1341[Skip] ./doc/ (118, 92) => [#2231](/bitcoin-bitcoin/2231/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1342[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (101, 69) => [#10148](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10148/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1343[Skip] ./doc/ (67, 65) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1344[Skip] ./doc/ (121, 174) => [#1198](/bitcoin-bitcoin/1198/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1345[Skip] ./ (72, 26) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1346[ OK ] ./test/lint/ (39, 3) => /test/lint/ -
    1347[ OK ] ./test/lint/ (37, 3) => /test/lint/ -
    1348[Skip] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/doc/ (66, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1349[Skip] ./doc/ (33, 227) => [#6641](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6641/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1350[ OK ] ./doc/ (68, 1) => /src/.clang-format -
    1351[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1352[ OK ] ./src/test/ (115, 1) => #running-individual-tests -
    1353[Skip] ./doc/ (189, 416) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1354[Skip] ./doc/ (13, 154) => [#8035](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8035/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1355[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (279, 47) => scripts/ - Target not found.
    1356[Skip] ./doc/design/ (89, 80) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1357[Skip] ./contrib/tracing/ (23, 30) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1358[Skip] ./doc/ (12, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1359[Skip] ./doc/ (116, 23) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1360[ OK ] ./contrib/devtools/ (8, 51) => ../../src/.clang-format -
    1361[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (53, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1362[ OK ] ./doc/ (163, 35) => -
    1363[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (257, 12) => /doc/ -
    1364[ OK ] ./doc/ (88, 3) => -
    1365[Skip] ./doc/design/ (74, 30) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1366[Skip] ./ (35, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1367[Skip] ./doc/ (47, 268) => [#16442](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16442/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1368[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (74, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1369[Skip] ./test/lint/ (40, 25) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1370[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (126, 1) => /test/functional/ -
    1371[ OK ] ./ (310, 66) => test/functional/ -
    1372[ OK ] ./doc/ (245, 10) => /test/functional/ -
    1373[Skip] ./test/functional/ (18, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1374[Skip] ./doc/ (14, 69) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1375[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (113, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1376[Skip] ./doc/ (104, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1377[ OK ] ./doc/ (33, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
    1378[ OK ] ./doc/ (33, 37) => /src/kernel/chainparams.cpp -
    1379[ OK ] ./doc/ (1461, 11) => ../src/interfaces/wallet.h -
    1380[Skip] ./doc/ (7, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1381[Skip] ./test/lint/ (33, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1382[ OK ] ./doc/ (20, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
    1383[Skip] ./doc/ (157, 157) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1384[Skip] ./doc/ (967, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1385[Skip] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/doc/ (152, 78) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1386[Skip] ./doc/ (61, 3) => [#21686](/bitcoin-bitcoin/21686/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1387[Skip] ./doc/ (979, 20) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1388[Skip] ./doc/ (39, 233) => [#8937](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8937/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1389[Skip] ./doc/ (40, 261) => [#8937](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8937/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1390[Skip] ./doc/ (43, 178) => [#8937](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8937/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1391[Skip] ./doc/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1392[ OK ] ./doc/ (77, 3) => -
    1393[Skip] ./doc/ (38, 107) => [#29708](/bitcoin-bitcoin/29708/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1394[ OK ] ./src/interfaces/ (5, 3) => chain.h -
    1395[ OK ] ./src/interfaces/ (7, 3) => chain.h -
    1396[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (80, 53) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1397[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (80, 53) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1398[Skip] ./doc/ (44, 157) => [#8068](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8068/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1399[Skip] ./doc/ (61, 111) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1400[Skip] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/doc/ (152, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1401[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (9, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1402[ OK ] ./doc/ (136, 39) => /contrib/macdeploy/ -
    1403[Skip] ./doc/ (122, 12) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1404[Skip] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (216, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1405[Skip] ./build_msvc/ (10, 83) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1406[ OK ] ./doc/ (49, 39) => /contrib/devtools/ -
    1407[ OK ] ./doc/ (1480, 42) => ../src/node/ -
    1408[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1409[Skip] ./doc/ (21, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1410[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (225, 35) => [#10426](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10426/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1411[Skip] ./doc/ (32, 95) => [#27312](/bitcoin-bitcoin/27312/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1412[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1413[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1414[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1415[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1416[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1417[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1418[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1419[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1420[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1421[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1422[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (9, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1423[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1424[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1425[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (14, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1426[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1427[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1428[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1429[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1430[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1431[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1432[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (11, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1433[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1434[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1435[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1436[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1437[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (343, 55) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1438[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1439[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1440[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1441[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (16, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1442[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1443[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (11, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1444[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1445[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1446[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1447[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1448[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1449[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1450[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (9, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1451[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1452[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1453[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1454[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1455[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1456[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1457[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (11, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1458[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1459[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1460[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (9, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1461[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1462[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (10, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1463[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (13, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1464[Skip] ./doc/ (17, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1465[Skip] ./doc/ (4, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1466[Skip] ./doc/ (57, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1467[Skip] ./doc/ (87, 194) => [#17190](/bitcoin-bitcoin/17190/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1468[Skip] ./build_msvc/ (74, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1469[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1470[Skip] ./contrib/macdeploy/ (18, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1471[Skip] ./doc/ (108, 110) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1472[Skip] ./src/interfaces/ (5, 147) => [#14711](/bitcoin-bitcoin/14711/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1473[ OK ] ./doc/ (47, 3) => -
    1474[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (7, 149) => /doc/ -
    1475[Skip] ./src/qt/ (21, 29) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1476[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (111, 77) => [#10821](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10821/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1477[Skip] ./doc/ (31, 49) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1478[Skip] ./doc/ (18, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1479[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (245, 297) => [#10478](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10478/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1480[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (752, 65) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1481[Skip] ./test/functional/ (26, 43) => [#14884 (review)](/bitcoin-bitcoin/14884/#discussion_r239585126) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1482[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (19, 43) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1483[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (19, 43) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1484[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (22, 43) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1485[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (20, 43) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1486[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (22, 43) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1487[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (22, 43) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1488[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (22, 43) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1489[Skip] ./doc/ (14, 409) => [#1526](/bitcoin-bitcoin/1526/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1490[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (229, 376) => [#10784](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10784/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1491[Skip] ./doc/ (50, 45) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1492[Skip] ./doc/ (39, 72) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1493[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (195, 36) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1494[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (55, 1) => [#7543](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7543/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1495[Skip] ./doc/design/ (214, 85) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1496[Skip] ./doc/ (5, 73) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1497[Skip] ./doc/ (69, 69) => [#27621](/bitcoin-bitcoin/27621/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1498[Skip] ./doc/ (53, 42) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1499[Skip] ./doc/ (117, 67) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1500[Skip] ./doc/ (146, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1501[Skip] ./doc/ (167, 10) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1502[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (75, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1503[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (759, 63) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1504[Skip] ./doc/ (33, 166) => [#6579](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6579/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1505[Skip] ./doc/ (44, 45) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1506[Skip] ./doc/ (37, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1507[Skip] ./ (432, 16) => [#16189](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16189/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1508[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (69, 27) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1509[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (108, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1510[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (135, 17) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1511[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (119, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1512[Skip] ./doc/ (56, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1513[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (170, 75) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1514[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (158, 20) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1515[Skip] ./doc/ (42, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1516[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (156, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1517[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (754, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1518[Skip] ./contrib/macdeploy/ (21, 16) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1519[ OK ] ./doc/ (39, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
    1520[ OK ] ./contrib/ (4, 5) => /contrib/devtools -
    1521[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (192, 22) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1522[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1523[Skip] ./doc/ (3, 21) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1524[Skip] ./doc/ (28, 301) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1525[Skip] ./doc/ (627, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1526[Skip] ./doc/ (593, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1527[Skip] ./doc/design/ (215, 245) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1528[ OK ] ./doc/ (3, 93) => design/ -
    1529[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (10, 136) => -
    1530[ OK ] ./doc/ (58, 3) => -
    1531[ OK ] ./ (75, 1) => doc/ -
    1532[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (25, 177) => /doc/ -
    1533[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (75, 62) => /doc/ -
    1534[Skip] ./doc/ (140, 101) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1535[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (125, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1536[Skip] ./doc/ (44, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1537[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (128, 1) => /test/functional/test_framework/ -
    1538[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (161, 6) => test_framework/ -
    1539[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (7, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1540[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (101, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1541[Skip] ./doc/ (46, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1542[Skip] ./doc/ (49, 289) => [#16884](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16884/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1543[Skip] ./ (69, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1544[Skip] ./doc/ (47, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1545[ OK ] ./doc/ (34, 34) => -
    1546[ OK ] ./doc/ (32, 34) => -
    1547[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (272, 55) => /doc/ -
    1548[ OK ] ./doc/ (95, 23) => ./ -
    1549[ OK ] ./doc/ (74, 3) => -
    1550[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1551[Skip] ./doc/ (595, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1552[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (6, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1553[Skip] ./doc/ (774, 50) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1554[ OK ] ./depends/ (143, 3) => -
    1555[Skip] ./doc/ (3, 23) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1556[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (64, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1557[Skip] ./doc/ (15, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1558[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (100, 1) => test_framework/ -
    1559[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (155, 6) => test_framework/ -
    1560[ OK ] ./doc/ (81, 53) => ../depends/ -
    1561[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1562[Skip] ./doc/ (32, 233) => [#10102](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10102/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1563[ OK ] ./doc/ (28, 545) => -
    1564[ OK ] ./doc/ (43, 3) => -
    1565[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (7, 25) => /doc/ -
    1566[Skip] ./doc/design/ (191, 82) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1567[Skip] ./doc/design/ (198, 79) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1568[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (120, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1569[ OK ] ./doc/ (132, 22) => /contrib/zmq/ -
    1570[Skip] ./doc/ (24, 237) => [#16060](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16060/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1571[Skip] ./doc/ (34, 251) => [#16060](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16060/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1572[Skip] ./doc/ (35, 261) => [#16060](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16060/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1573[Skip] ./doc/ (39, 323) => [#16060](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16060/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1574[Skip] ./doc/ (40, 351) => [#16060](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16060/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1575[Skip] ./doc/ (43, 264) => [#16060](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16060/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1576[Skip] ./doc/ (58, 14) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1577[Skip] ./test/functional/ (197, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1578[Skip] ./doc/ (504, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1579[Skip] ./src/test/ (67, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1580[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (197, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1581[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (868, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1582[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (277, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1583[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (1224, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1584[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (60, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1585[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (168, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1586[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (95, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1587[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (101, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1588[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (1105, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1589[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (178, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1590[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (101, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1591[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (410, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1592[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (504, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1593[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (873, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1594[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (142, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1595[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (116, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1596[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (761, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1597[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (217, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1598[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (145, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1599[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (171, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1600[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (86, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1601[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (878, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1602[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (143, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1603[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (172, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1604[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (165, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1605[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (136, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1606[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (894, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1607[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (87, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1608[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (720, 48) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1609[Skip] ./doc/ (45, 63) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1610[ OK ] ./doc/ (52, 20) => / -
    1611[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (258, 88) => [#9853](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9853/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1612[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (173, 210) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1613[Skip] ./doc/ (37, 170) => [#6494](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6494/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1614[ OK ] ./doc/ (64, 3) => -
    1615[Skip] ./doc/ (336, 40) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1616[Skip] ./src/interfaces/ (9, 75) => [#10244](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10244/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1617[Skip] ./src/interfaces/ (11, 68) => [#10244](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10244/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1618[Skip] ./doc/ (54, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1619[Skip] ./doc/ (71, 144) => [#22051](/bitcoin-bitcoin/22051/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1620[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1621[Skip] ./ (435, 14) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1622[Skip] ./doc/ (108, 1) => [#23542](/bitcoin-bitcoin/23542/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1623[ OK ] ./contrib/macdeploy/ (47, 37) => ./gen-sdk -
    1624[ OK ] ./src/node/ (21, 1) => ../txmempool.cpp -
    1625[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (88, 59) => [#10195](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10195/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1626[ OK ] ./doc/ (74, 3) => -
    1627[ OK ] ./doc/ (1, 89) => ../contrib/debian/copyright -
    1628[Skip] ./doc/design/ (264, 110) => [#28722](/bitcoin-bitcoin/28722/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1629[ OK ] ./src/node/ (20, 1) => ../validation.cpp -
    1630[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1631[Skip] ./doc/ (123, 12) => [#6658](/bitcoin-bitcoin/6658/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1632[Skip] ./doc/ (20, 91) => [#26557](/bitcoin-bitcoin/26557/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1633[Skip] ./doc/ (32, 49) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1634[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (15, 30) => ../ -
    1635[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (174, 485) => [#9602](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9602/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1636[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (345, 11) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1637[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1638[Skip] ./doc/ (32, 197) => [#8391](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8391/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1639[Skip] ./doc/ (84, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1640[Skip] ./doc/ (131, 90) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1641[Skip] ./doc/ (9, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1642[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (70, 49) => /doc/ -
    1643[ OK ] ./ (14, 28) => /doc/ -
    1644[ OK ] ./doc/release-notes/ (132, 7) => /doc/ -
    1645[ OK ] ./doc/ (56, 3) => -
    1646[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (23, 1) => ./ -
    1647[ OK ] ./doc/ (95, 1) => /contrib/guix/ -
    1648[Skip] ./doc/ (69, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1649[ OK ] ./src/node/ (8, 33) => ../qt/ -
    1650[ OK ] ./src/node/ (14, 33) => ../qt/ -
    1651[Skip] ./doc/ (87, 66) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1652[ OK ] ./test/ (21, 71) => /doc#building -
    1653[ OK ] ./ (1, 5) => /doc -
    1654[ OK ] ./ (16, 60) => /doc -
    1655[Skip] ./doc/ (23, 58) => [#27699](/bitcoin-bitcoin/27699/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1656[Skip] ./doc/ (33, 151) => [#24132](/bitcoin-bitcoin/24132/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1657[Skip] ./doc/ (64, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1658[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (62, 37) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1659[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (43, 37) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1660[Skip] ./doc/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1661[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (87, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1662[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (72, 28) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1663[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (73, 77) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1664[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (96, 19) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1665[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (97, 35) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1666[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (101, 70) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1667[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (133, 245) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1668[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (139, 93) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1669[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (141, 182) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1670[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (191, 182) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1671[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (198, 179) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1672[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (247, 178) => ../../src/ipc/capnp/ -
    1673[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (4, 43) => ./ -
    1674[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (410, 34) => ./ -
    1675[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (495, 53) => ./ -
    1676[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (692, 1) => ./ -
    1677[ OK ] ./contrib/guix/ (699, 5) => ./ -
    1678[ OK ] ./doc/ (143, 3) => /contrib/guix/ -
    1679[ OK ] ./doc/ (144, 3) => /contrib/guix/ -
    1680[ OK ] ./doc/ (148, 3) => /contrib/guix/ -
    1681[ OK ] ./doc/ (211, 3) => /contrib/guix/ -
    1682[ OK ] ./doc/ (215, 3) => /contrib/guix/ -
    1683[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (99, 28) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1684[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (159, 26) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1685[Skip] ./doc/ (8, 33) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1686[ OK ] ./test/ (3, 17) => /src/test -
    1687[Skip] ./doc/ (18, 226) => [#16528](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16528/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1688[Skip] ./doc/ (19, 226) => [#16528](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16528/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1689[Skip] ./doc/ (20, 226) => [#16528](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16528/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1690[Skip] ./doc/ (30, 226) => [#16528](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16528/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1691[Skip] ./doc/ (21, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1692[ OK ] ./doc/ (901, 3) => /test/lint/ -
    1693[Skip] ./doc/ (72, 45) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1694[Skip] ./doc/ (20, 43) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1695[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (146, 6) => test_framework/ -
    1696[ OK ] ./doc/ (15, 260) => ../depends -
    1697[ OK ] ./doc/ (15, 315) => ../depends#dependency-options -
    1698[Skip] ./doc/ (294, 14) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1699[Skip] ./doc/ (108, 19) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1700[ OK ] ./doc/ (44, 48) => /depends -
    1701[ OK ] ./doc/ (42, 52) => /depends -
    1702[Skip] ./doc/ (33, 19) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1703[Skip] ./doc/ (661, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1704[ OK ] ./test/ (10, 3) => /test/functional -
    1705[ OK ] ./test/ (320, 1) => /test/functional -
    1706[ OK ] ./test/ (335, 19) => /test/functional -
    1707[ OK ] ./doc/ (414, 5) => /test/functional -
    1708[ OK ] ./test/ (14, 3) => /test/lint/ -
    1709[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1710[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (155, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1711[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (154, 10) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1712[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (247, 196) => [#10143](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10143/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1713[Skip] ./doc/ (11, 53) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1714[Skip] ./doc/ (30, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1715[Skip] ./doc/ (30, 53) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1716[ OK ] ./doc/ (21, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
    1717[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (52, 1) => [#7648](/bitcoin-bitcoin/7648/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1718[Skip] ./src/qt/ (79, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1719[Skip] ./contrib/tracing/ (12, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1720[Skip] ./doc/ (44, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1721[Skip] ./doc/ (34, 5) => [#19461](/bitcoin-bitcoin/19461/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1722[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (280, 12) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1723[Skip] ./doc/ (38, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1724[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (161, 9) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1725[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1726[ OK ] ./depends/ (11, 3) => #secondary-dependencies -
    1727[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1728[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1729[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1730[Skip] ./doc/ (11, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1731[ OK ] ./src/interfaces/ (13, 3) => handler.h -
    1732[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (77, 26) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1733[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (77, 26) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1734[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (145, 67) => [#8694](/bitcoin-bitcoin/8694/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1735[ OK ] ./doc/ (79, 3) => -
    1736[ OK ] ./doc/ (54, 103) => /src/headerssync.cpp -
    1737[Skip] ./doc/ (15, 190) => [#1641](/bitcoin-bitcoin/1641/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1738[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (240, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1739[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (167, 3) => [#16702](/bitcoin-bitcoin/16702/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1740[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (149, 6) => test_framework/ -
    1741[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (195, 27) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1742[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (380, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1743[Skip] ./doc/ (17, 187) => [#3842](/bitcoin-bitcoin/3842/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1744[Skip] ./doc/ (51, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1745[Skip] ./doc/ (9, 21) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1746[Skip] ./doc/ (15, 99) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1747[Skip] ./doc/ (66, 102) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1748[Skip] ./doc/ (65, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1749[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (134, 5) => -
    1750[Skip] ./doc/ (67, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1751[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1752[Skip] ./doc/ (68, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1753[Skip] ./doc/ (35, 78) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1754[Skip] ./doc/ (341, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1755[ OK ] ./doc/ (44, 3) => -
    1756[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (7, 81) => /doc/ -
    1757[ OK ] ./doc/ (3, 5) => ../contrib/guix/ -
    1758[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (274, 33) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1759[Skip] ./doc/ (3, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1760[Skip] ./doc/ (31, 27) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1761[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1762[Skip] ./src/test/ (134, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1763[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (129, 1) => /test/functional/test_framework/ -
    1764[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (158, 6) => test_framework/ -
    1765[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (7, 10) => -
    1766[Skip] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/doc/ (154, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1767[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (339, 59) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1768[Skip] ./doc/ (33, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1769[Skip] ./doc/ (31, 32) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1770[Skip] ./doc/design/ (102, 86) => [#24303](/bitcoin-bitcoin/24303/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1771[Skip] ./doc/ (15, 175) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1772[Skip] ./doc/ (66, 178) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1773[Skip] ./doc/ (110, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1774[Skip] ./contrib/macdeploy/ (70, 52) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1775[Skip] ./doc/ (32, 59) => [#27488](/bitcoin-bitcoin/27488/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1776[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (65, 29) => ../../src/interfaces/ -
    1777[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (66, 88) => ../../src/interfaces/ -
    1778[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (81, 98) => ../../src/interfaces/ -
    1779[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (87, 202) => ../../src/interfaces/ -
    1780[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (141, 112) => ../../src/interfaces/ -
    1781[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (85, 719) => ../../src/interfaces/ -
    1782[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (98, 255) => ../../src/interfaces/ -
    1783[Skip] ./ (28, 20) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1784[ OK ] ./test/lint/ (33, 3) => /test/lint/ -
    1785[ OK ] ./test/lint/ (34, 3) => /test/lint/ -
    1786[ OK ] ./test/lint/ (35, 3) => /test/lint/ -
    1787[ OK ] ./test/lint/ (36, 3) => /test/lint/ -
    1788[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (27, 7) => /test/lint/ -
    1789[ OK ] ./test/ (13, 3) => /test/util -
    1790[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (758, 45) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1791[ OK ] ./depends/ (144, 3) => -
    1792[ OK ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (139, 10) => include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h -
    1793[Skip] ./doc/ (779, 42) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1794[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (21, 202) => #using-qt-creator-as-ide -
    1795[Skip] ./test/lint/ (36, 51) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1796[Skip] ./doc/ (43, 34) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1797[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1798[ OK ] ./doc/ (850, 53) => ../src/span.h -
    1799[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1800[ OK ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/ (133, 1) => doc/ -
    1801[Skip] ./doc/ (3, 23) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1802[Skip] ./doc/ (114, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1803[Skip] ./test/lint/ (39, 55) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1804[Skip] ./doc/ (12, 187) => [#1081](/bitcoin-bitcoin/1081/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1805[Skip] ./doc/policy/ (78, 63) => [#11605](/bitcoin-bitcoin/11605/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1806[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (100, 35) => ../../src/ipc/ -
    1807[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (101, 128) => ../../src/ipc/ -
    1808[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (247, 51) => ../../src/ipc/ -
    1809[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (115, 240) => [#10831](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10831/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1810[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (194, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1811[Skip] ./doc/ (17, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1812[Skip] ./doc/ (21, 175) => [#3185](/bitcoin-bitcoin/3185/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1813[Skip] ./doc/ (591, 4) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1814[ OK ] ./test/ (8, 3) => /test/fuzz -
    1815[Skip] ./doc/ (9, 56) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1816[Skip] ./doc/ (9, 62) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1817[Skip] ./build_msvc/ (49, 34) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1818[ OK ] ./contrib/seeds/ (4, 79) => /contrib/seeds -
    1819[ OK ] ./contrib/ (18, 5) => /contrib/seeds -
    1820[Skip] ./src/interfaces/ (15, 98) => [#19160](/bitcoin-bitcoin/19160/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1821[Skip] ./src/interfaces/ (17, 102) => [#19160](/bitcoin-bitcoin/19160/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1822[Skip] ./doc/ (15, 77) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1823[Skip] ./doc/ (28, 72) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1824[Skip] ./doc/design/ (77, 82) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1825[Skip] ./doc/design/ (153, 64) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1826[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (3, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1827[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (205, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1828[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (188, 312) => [#9966](/bitcoin-bitcoin/9966/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1829[Skip] ./doc/ (9, 56) => [#17769](/bitcoin-bitcoin/17769/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1830[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (253, 209) => [#10191](/bitcoin-bitcoin/10191/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1831[Skip] ./doc/ (643, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1832[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (157, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1833[Skip] ./contrib/tracing/ (23, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1834[Skip] ./doc/ (19, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1835[ OK ] ./doc/ (31, 3) => ../depends/packages/ -
    1836[ OK ] ./share/rpcauth/ (4, 5) => /share/rpcauth -
    1837[ OK ] ./doc/ (28, 580) => -
    1838[ OK ] ./doc/ (42, 3) => -
    1839[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (7, 53) => /doc/ -
    1840[Skip] ./contrib/verify-commits/ (44, 93) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1841[Skip] ./doc/ (833, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1842[Skip] ./doc/ (52, 222) => [#28331](/bitcoin-bitcoin/28331/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1843[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (75, 57) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1844[Skip] ./test/functional/ (24, 18) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1845[Skip] ./doc/design/ (210, 96) => [#24230](/bitcoin-bitcoin/24230/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1846[ OK ] ./ (36, 43) => -
    1847[ OK ] ./src/qt/ (73, 5) => / -
    1848[Skip] ./doc/ (39, 93) => [#29707](/bitcoin-bitcoin/29707/) - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1849[ OK ] ./doc/ (46, 10) => /depends/ -
    1850[ OK ] ./doc/ (157, 1) => /depends/ -
    1851[Skip] ./doc/policy/ (17, 21) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1852[ OK ] ./ (54, 16) => /test -
    1853[ OK ] ./ (56, 32) => /test -
    1854[ OK ] ./ (24, 57) => #peer-review -
    1855[ OK ] ./ (200, 21) => #peer-review -
    1856[ OK ] ./test/ (218, 15) => /ci/ -
    1857[Skip] ./doc/ (61, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1858[Skip] ./doc/ (14, 106) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1859[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (328, 59) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1860[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (54, 54) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1861[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (54, 54) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1862[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (372, 57) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1863[Skip] ./doc/ (22, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1864[Skip] ./doc/ (15, 35) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1865[Skip] ./doc/ (28, 30) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1866[Skip] ./doc/design/ (125, 19) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1867[Skip] ./doc/design/ (153, 20) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1868[Skip] ./doc/ (6, 3) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1869[ OK ] ./test/functional/ (59, 52) => #custom-testshell-parameters -
    1870[Skip] ./test/lint/ (38, 49) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1871[Skip] ./contrib/guix/ (369, 1) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1872[ OK ] ./doc/ (92, 23) => /COPYING -
    1873[ OK ] ./ (21, 66) => COPYING -
    1874[Skip] ./ (63, 5) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1875[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (195, 101) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1876[Skip] ./doc/release-notes/ (218, 19) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1877[Skip] ./doc/ (7, 39) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1878[Skip] ./doc/ (19, 233) => - Ignore web link because of the offline flag.
    1879[ OK ] ./doc/design/ (66, 229) => ../../src/wallet/ -
    1880[ OK ] ./contrib/ (8, 5) => /contrib/verify-commits -
    1881[ OK ] ./ (242, 1) => /contrib/verify-commits -
    1882[ OK ] ./depends/ (45, 89) => ../doc/ -
    1883[ OK ] ./test/lint/ (42, 63) => ../../ci/lint/ -
    1885Result (1358 links):
    1887OK       448
    1888Skipped  907
    1889Warnings 0
    1890Errors   3
    1893The following links could not be resolved:
    1895./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (280, 10) => docs/
    1896./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (57, 1) => CMakeLists.txt
    1897./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (279, 47) => scripts/
    1899mlc command failed
    1900^---- ⚠️  Failure generated from markdown hyperlink check!
    1901Skipping Python linting since flake8 is not installed.
    1902Traceback (most recent call last):
    1903  File "/home/will/src/bitcoin/test/lint/", line 52, in <module>
    1904    main()
    1905  File "/home/will/src/bitcoin/test/lint/", line 36, in main
    1906    assert os.getenv("COMMIT_RANGE")  # E.g. COMMIT_RANGE='HEAD~n..HEAD'
    1907           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    1909^---- failure generated from
    1911^---- ⚠️  Failure generated from lint-*.py scripts!

    maflcko commented at 10:41 am on May 8, 2024:

    Thanks for providing the context. (I didn’t run the check locally, so I wasn’t aware). I presume the reason for the suppression is that the output is too verbose.

    The reason could be put in the code:

    0        .stdout(Stdio::null()) // suppress verbose output
    1         ;

    (up to you if you want to keep stderr as explicit inherit, or use the default inherit)

  19. maflcko approved
  20. maflcko commented at 10:22 am on May 8, 2024: member
  21. in test/lint/test_runner/src/ in 9d2a8a8b1d outdated
    297+    let mut md_ignore_paths = get_subtrees();
    298+    md_ignore_paths.push("./doc/");
    299+    let md_ignore_path_str = md_ignore_paths.join(",");
    301+    let mut cmd = Command::new(bin_name);
    302+    cmd.arg("--offline")

    maflcko commented at 10:23 am on May 8, 2024:
    nit: forgot to put this in args()? (feel free to ignore)
  22. willcl-ark marked this as ready for review on May 8, 2024
  23. maflcko commented at 10:41 am on May 8, 2024: member

    utACK 9d2a8a8b1d67af14e4a5fc8276a1069b6ef9fe4a

    with or without the nits

  24. willcl-ark force-pushed on May 8, 2024
  25. willcl-ark commented at 10:44 am on May 8, 2024: member

    Thanks @maflcko , did a final force-push for that silly nit: git range-diff 9d2a8a8...82c5f95

    Sorry to invalidate the ACK

  26. maflcko commented at 10:47 am on May 8, 2024: member

    utACK 82c5f9531021c76180fa34fa9cbd243ad1c994f3


  27. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on May 8, 2024
  28. in test/lint/test_runner/src/ in 82c5f95310 outdated
    308+    ])
    309+    .stdout(Stdio::null()); // Suppress overly-verbose output
    311+    match cmd.status() {
    312+        Ok(status) if status.success() => Ok(()),
    313+        Ok(_) => Err("mlc command failed".to_string()), // Ran but did not succeed

    davidgumberg commented at 7:13 pm on May 23, 2024:

    Nit: It might be nice to have a message that briefly describes and motivates the lint check as elsewhere

    e.g. from lint_std_filesystem

    0    if found {
    1        Err(r#"
    3Direct use of std::filesystem may be dangerous and buggy. Please include <util/fs.h> and use the
    4fs:: namespace, which has unsafe filesystem functions marked as deleted.
    5            "#
    6        .to_string())

    willcl-ark commented at 9:20 am on May 24, 2024:

    OK I updated the error message.


    0[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (57, 1) => CMakeLists.txt - Target filename not found.
    1[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (280, 10) => docs/ - Target filename not found.
    2[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (279, 47) => scripts/ - Target not found.
    4The following links could not be resolved:
    5mlc command failed
    6^---- ⚠️  Failure generated from markdown hyperlink check!

    On 838eacec6a5e31c4a7fd6f9c95510e275f27121a:

     0One or more markdown links are broken.
     2Currently, relative links are preferred (but not required) as jumping to file works natively within
     5Markdown link errors found:
     6[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (57, 1) => CMakeLists.txt - Target filename not found.
     7[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (279, 47) => scripts/ - Target not found.
     8[Err ] ./.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mypyc/external/googletest/ (280, 10) => docs/ - Target filename not found.
    11^---- ⚠️  Failure generated from markdown hyperlink check!
  29. davidgumberg commented at 7:48 pm on May 23, 2024: contributor


    I tested by manually breaking relative and absolute offline links and verifying that the lint runner catches them.

    Some notes:

    • At present, mlc does not check for anchor link validity, but likely will in the future. (

      For example:

      0-Verification of [scripted diffs](/doc/
      1+Verification of [scripted diffs](/doc/

      mlc will not complain if you apply this diff

    • I have opened a PR ( to remove the extraneous stderr output mlc produces when we suppress stdout:

      The following links could not be resolved:

    • I have some reservations about the growth of software that is encouraged or required to set up a development environment. mlc seems well maintained, and I don’t think it would be better to shift the maintenance burden of markdown link checking to this repo, but it gives me some pause that mlc’s entire dependency tree becomes a common attack surface for bitcoin developers.

      That being said, this holds for all of the existing linter dependencies, and this dependency is optional and I am not an expert in security.

      I am not sure if this PR is an appropriate or productive venue for this discussion, but I just wanted to give mention to this.

  30. maflcko commented at 8:35 pm on May 23, 2024: member
    • That being said, this holds for all of the existing linter dependencies, and this dependency is optional and I am not an expert in security.

    Right, the pull here does not change that. I’d say, it is best to only run the linters locally in a sandbox, or at least skip the optional dependencies.

  31. in test/lint/ in 82c5f95310 outdated
    36@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Then you can use:
    37 | [``](/test/lint/ | [vulture](
    38 | [``](/test/lint/ | [ShellCheck](
    39 | [``](/test/lint/ | [codespell](
    40+| markdown link check | [mlc](

    jonatack commented at 9:25 pm on May 23, 2024:

    Concept ACK on additional checks.

    Could this have been an individual python lint script like the other ones in /test/lint/? I appreciated being able to run individual python scripts locally to check my work or when reviewing. It seems we have been losing that recently.

    willcl-ark commented at 8:59 am on May 24, 2024:

    Sure it could be, but as I see it would need us to write our own markdown parser and link checker.

    I don’t have the appetite for that myself, hence this approach.

    Also see #29965 which may (I didn’t fully check yet) permit you to run this lint individually in the future :)

  32. willcl-ark force-pushed on May 24, 2024
  33. in test/lint/test_runner/src/ in 838eacec6a outdated
    304+        "--ignore-path",
    305+        md_ignore_path_str.as_str(),
    306+        "--root-dir",
    307+        ".",
    308+    ])
    309+    .stderr(Stdio::piped()) // Capture stderr

    maflcko commented at 9:49 am on May 24, 2024:

    nit: Is this needed? The stdlib should pick the correct value, based on your code.

    willcl-ark commented at 9:56 am on May 24, 2024:
    You’re correct. It works fine without. Worth removing now, or should I just do it if I need to retouch again? I’m happy to do either

    maflcko commented at 10:18 am on May 24, 2024:
    up to you, because this is just a style nit. I’ll re-ACK, if you do.

    willcl-ark commented at 11:12 am on May 24, 2024:
    Removed in 4b7d9842691046b01f0c08d69f924ddb62ccc4c6
  34. maflcko commented at 9:54 am on May 24, 2024: member
    re-ACK 838eacec6a5e31c4a7fd6f9c95510e275f27121a
  35. DrahtBot requested review from davidgumberg on May 24, 2024
  36. lint: add markdown hyperlink checker
    This adds a markdown hyperlink check task to the lint test_runner. It
    relies on having the [`mlc`]( binary found
    on $PATH, but will fail with `success` if the binary is not found.
    `mlc` is also added to the ci/ script run by the
    Note that broken markdown hyperlinks will be detected in untracked
    markdown files found in a dirty working directory (including e.g.
  37. willcl-ark force-pushed on May 24, 2024
  38. maflcko commented at 11:18 am on May 24, 2024: member
    re-utACK 4b7d9842691046b01f0c08d69f924ddb62ccc4c6
  39. davidgumberg commented at 2:11 am on May 29, 2024: contributor


    Looks great!

    Tested with the following diff:

    0diff --git a/test/lint/ b/test/lint/
    1index 49ed8356c3..47ac472aa6 100644
    2--- a/test/lint/
    3+++ b/test/lint/
    4@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Then you can use:
    5 | [``](/test/lint/ | [ShellCheck](
    6-| [``](/test/lint/ | [codespell](
    7+| [``](/test/lint/ | [codespell](
    8 | markdown link check | [mlc](
     0$ cargo run
     1# [...]
     2One or more markdown links are broken.
     4Relative links are preferred (but not required) as jumping to file works natively within Emacs.
     6Markdown link errors found:
     7[Err ] ./test/lint/ (39, 3) => /test/lint/ - Target filename not found.
    10^---- ⚠️  Failure generated from markdown hyperlink check!
  40. fanquake merged this on May 30, 2024
  41. fanquake closed this on May 30, 2024

  42. hebasto commented at 2:29 pm on June 4, 2024: member
    After conducting Guix builds, lint_markdown starts complaining about docs in guix-build-* subdirectories.
  43. willcl-ark commented at 2:33 pm on June 4, 2024: member

    After conducting Guix builds, lint_markdown starts complaining about docs in guix-build-* subdirectories.

    Oh I didn’t consider this directory! I think it should be possible to add /guix-build-* to the ignored files.

  44. hebasto commented at 2:36 pm on June 4, 2024: member

    After conducting Guix builds, lint_markdown starts complaining about docs in guix-build-* subdirectories.

    Oh I didn’t consider this directory! I think it should be possible to add /guix-build-* to the ignored files.

    This was what I tried before writing my comment :)

    It doesn’t work, unfortunately.

  45. willcl-ark commented at 2:37 pm on June 4, 2024: member
    Ah, that is unfortunate. I will try and find another option…
  46. willcl-ark commented at 8:11 pm on June 4, 2024: member
    I think an upstream PR may be the best approach here, So I opened
  47. maflcko commented at 8:20 pm on June 4, 2024: member

    Not sure if globbing is the right fix. Conceptually, no folder or file should be scanned that is not tracked in git.

    Though, I wonder if there is an easy way to ask git to print all files/folders that are “dirty”, ignoring the gitignore. An alternative may be to teach mlc to read understand the gitignore files. However, that will also be incomplete, because devs may add random other folders themselves.

    So for now the only solution would be to call mlc in a loop over git ls-files -- '*.md'. Maybe a better upsteam fix would be to teach mlc to iterate over all given files, instead of only over one?

  48. willcl-ark commented at 9:54 pm on June 4, 2024: member

    Not sure if globbing is the right fix. Conceptually, no folder or file should be scanned that is not tracked in git.

    Though, I wonder if there is an easy way to ask git to print all files/folders that are “dirty”, ignoring the gitignore. An alternative may be to teach mlc to read understand the gitignore files. However, that will also be incomplete, because devs may add random other folders themselves.

    So for now the only solution would be to call mlc in a loop over git ls-files -- '*.md'. Maybe a better upsteam fix would be to teach mlc to iterate over all given files, instead of only over one?

    This was a. bit of a pain (and prob not worth it!) but seems to work:

    Passing the glob symbols to the subcommand in Rust was … tricky, or a skill issue. So I went for a script which matches md (and html, which is the other thing this tool seems to do) against git check-ignore. Feels a bit hacky, but should result in the same as git ls-files -- **/* I think? @maflcko do you think this hits the correct files? I think check-ignore will nicely include dirty files etc.

  49. maflcko commented at 10:25 pm on June 4, 2024: member

    @maflcko do you think this hits the correct files? I think check-ignore will nicely include dirty files etc.

    Ah sorry. I guess I was using the wrong words. With “dirty” I meant folders/files that should be ignored, but are not according to the gitignore. Maybe “untracked” is a better word, which is also used by git status. For example, a python venv or a generated untracked markdown file should not be included in the check.

  50. maflcko commented at 7:44 am on June 7, 2024: member
    git ls-files is also used in ./test/lint/, for reference. So using git ls-files -- '*.md' and passing the full array to mlc may be the best approach for us?
  51. willcl-ark commented at 12:34 pm on June 7, 2024: member

    git ls-files is also used in ./test/lint/, for reference. So using git ls-files -- '*.md' and passing the full array to mlc may be the best approach for us?

    Thanks, I changed the approach in to use git status --ignored *.md and append to the ignored paths, as adding to that felt like the path of least resistance.

    I will investigate if I can have a --git flag only check the result of git ls-files -- '*.md', as I feel this makes even more sense than having a --gitignore flag exclude (all) git-ignored files… Most folks using the tool are going to want to check:

    i) a single file or ii) all files tracked by git

    …I think


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