Consider upgrading LevelDB to 1.16 or 1.17 #4137

issue sipa openend this issue on May 6, 2014
  1. sipa commented at 1:18 pm on May 6, 2014: member
    1.16 had some changes for dealing better with crashes during writes.
  2. Diapolo commented at 1:51 pm on May 6, 2014: none
    Can you add a link to the changelog?
  3. laanwj added the label UTXO Db and Indexes on May 6, 2014
  4. laanwj added the label Improvement on May 6, 2014
  5. gmaxwell commented at 4:17 pm on May 6, 2014: contributor
    Ah, thats the issue phantomcircuit was complaining about.
  6. laanwj commented at 3:22 pm on May 7, 2014: member

    Full diff between 1.15 and 1.17:

    Not much changed. The significant changes seem to be in

    So, updating to this even for 0.9.2 is fine with me. I screw up every time with subtree merges, though, so I’d appreciate if someone can either provide me the steps or do a pull req :)

  7. laanwj added this to the milestone 0.9.2 on May 7, 2014
  8. gmaxwell commented at 4:01 pm on May 7, 2014: contributor
    ACK for 0.9.2 update. I’ll perform some crash testing before release.
  9. laanwj commented at 7:20 am on May 10, 2014: member
    Implemented in #4161.
  10. laanwj closed this on May 12, 2014

  11. MarcoFalke locked this on Sep 8, 2021


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