BIP-360: QuBit - Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash #1670

pull cryptoquick wants to merge 39 commits into bitcoin:master from cryptoquick:p2qrh changing 3 files +620 −0
  1. cryptoquick commented at 4:08 pm on September 27, 2024: none

    This spent several months gathering feedback from the mailing list and from other advisors. This is hopefully polished enough to submit upstream.

    Let me know if you have any questions or feedback, and of course feel free to submit suggestions.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. QuBit - P2QRH spending rules - Final draft before submitting upstream to bitcoin/bips 1fa248506e
  3. Add pqNTRUsign to .typos.toml. 6f67a3d686
  4. cryptoquick marked this as a draft on Sep 27, 2024
  5. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:46 in 6f67a3d686 outdated
    42+! Address type !! Vulnerable !! Prefix !! Example
    44+| P2PK || Yes || 04 || 0496b538e853519c726a2c91e61ec11600ae1390813a627c66fb8be7947be63c52da7589379515d4e0a604f8141781e62294721166bf621e73a82cbf2342c858ee
    46+| P2PKH || No || 1 || 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa

    EthanHeilman commented at 8:55 pm on September 27, 2024:

    It might be worth discussing the conditions under which P2PKH is vulnerable in more detail. While the Deloitte report covers this, this table leaves the impression that P2PKH is safe.

    0| P2PKH || No (trusted miner) || 1 || 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa
    1| P2PKH (reused) || No || 1 || 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa

    cryptoquick commented at 3:11 pm on September 28, 2024:
    I think I’d like to structure that information differently, similar to how I did so on this slide: Screenshot from 2024-09-28 09-10-37 I’ll also need to add a 5th case: Unhardened BIP-32 HD wallet keys

    cryptoquick commented at 6:02 pm on September 28, 2024:
    This should be resolved now. Let me know if it’s not.
  6. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:33 in 6f67a3d686 outdated
    29+Mining may one day be vulnerable to disruption by very advanced quantum computers making use of Grover's algorithm. However, Grover's [ scales very poorly] compared to Shor's, requiring 10^40 quantum operations in comparison to 10^8 for running Shor's over ECC. It's for this reason that the primary threat to Bitcoin by quantum computers is to its signature algorithm and not Proof of Work, hence the focus on a new address format.
    31+The vulnerability of existing bitcoin addresses is investigated in [ this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to quantum attack.
    33+Ordinarily, when a transaction is signed, the public key can be recovered from the signature. This makes a transaction submitted to the mempool vulnerable to quantum attack until it's mined. One way to mitigate this is to submit the transaction directly to a mining pool, which bypasses the mempool. This process is known as an out-of-band transaction. The mining pool must be trusted not to reveal the key to attackers.

    EthanHeilman commented at 8:59 pm on September 27, 2024:
    What about public keys that are derived via BIP-32 non-hardened child keys? While the public key is not reused, one might be able to guess and check child keys from revealed public keys and learn the public key for a p2pkh address prior to seeing a signature for that public key. Is there a reason this is not a concern?

    cryptoquick commented at 3:09 pm on September 28, 2024:
    That is a concern I haven’t considered. I’ll be sure to add that.

    EthanHeilman commented at 1:19 am on December 18, 2024:
    Looks good to me

    vostrnad commented at 10:02 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Derivation of child keys (whether hardened or not) requires the chain code, so this is only a concern if the attacker has access to the extended public key (in which case they can just directly convert it to an extended private key).
  7. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:29 in 6f67a3d686 outdated
    25+=== Motivation ===
    27+This proposal aims to improve the quantum resistance of bitcoin's signature security should the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) which secures Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) no longer prove to be computationally hard, likely through quantum advantage by Cryptographically-Relevant Quantum Computers (CRQCs). [ A variant of Shor's algorithm] is believed to be capable of deriving the private key from a public key exponentially faster than classical means. The application of this variant of Shor's algorithm is herein referred to as quantum key decryption. Note that doubling the public key length, such as with a hypothetical secp512k1 curve, would only make deriving the private key twice as hard. The computational complexity of this is investigated further in the paper, [ ''The impact of hardware specifications on reaching quantum advantage in the fault tolerant regime''].
    29+Mining may one day be vulnerable to disruption by very advanced quantum computers making use of Grover's algorithm. However, Grover's [ scales very poorly] compared to Shor's, requiring 10^40 quantum operations in comparison to 10^8 for running Shor's over ECC. It's for this reason that the primary threat to Bitcoin by quantum computers is to its signature algorithm and not Proof of Work, hence the focus on a new address format.

    EthanHeilman commented at 9:41 pm on September 27, 2024:
    Reading “Benchmarking the quantum cryptanalysis of symmetric, public-key and hash-based cryptographic schemes” it is unclear to me how the number 10^40 for applying Grover to Bitcoin’s POW was arrived at in this BIP. It might be worth creating a footnote that details the derivation of this result from that paper.

    cryptoquick commented at 6:10 pm on September 28, 2024:
    Those figures were provided by Pierre-Luc, along with the relevant paper. I’ve included a footnote with his comments.

    EthanHeilman commented at 10:09 pm on September 28, 2024:

    I completely agree with your claim that:

    It’s for this reason that the primary threat to Bitcoin by quantum computers is to its signature algorithm and not Proof of Work, hence the focus on a new address format.

    The math in the footnote is for finding SHA256 preimages, but the text and cited article discusses Bitcoin mining/POW which is only a partial preimage, e.g. find SHA256 output with 75 zeros in front. These partial preimages should be not as hard as finding a full SHA256 preimage.

    The quantum safety of Bitcoin POW is a an open question. Is a quantum computer than can do the POW significantly faster than a classic miner an attack or simply better mining technology? Are there other quantum attacks on Bitcoin mining?

    I would frame this as symmetric cryptography in Bitcoin, such as preimages in the transactions Merkle tree, rather than mining.

    cryptoquick commented at 6:15 am on September 29, 2024:
    Very interesting. I’ll be sure to include that nuance.

    cryptoquick commented at 7:23 am on September 29, 2024:
    I’ve reworked the paragraph. Let me know if that works. The 95 zeros figure came from the log2_work message from Bitcoin Core in the latest block… Let me know if that’s not right.

    EthanHeilman commented at 8:56 pm on September 29, 2024:

    Log2 work is the total work from the genesis block all the way to that current block not a measure of work of that block alone.

    Bitcoin PoW per hash is ~700 Exahash/second. That roughly $log2(700 * 10^{18} )=2^{68.2}$ per second and $2^{74.5}$ per block. 75 zero bits would more the accurate current number.

    There is a big difference between the cost of preimages on SHA256 and HASH160 with a quadratic reduction: SHA256 as you point out is $2^{128} \approx 10^{40}$ but HASH160 used in P2PKH is $2^{80} \approx 10^{24}$. Still much larger than ECC, but I wanted to call this out because it is unlikely we will ever build a computer classical or quantum that can do $2^{128}$ within the next 100 years whereas Bitcoin currently does $2^{80}$ every 30 minutes.

    If I didn’t misunderstand “Applying Grover’s Algorithm to Hash Functions” the cost of a groover preimage attack on a n-bit hash function where you are trying to want to find 1 preimage out of a set of k preimages is $\sqrt{2^{n-\log2{(k)}}}$. Let’s say we are looking for any preimage of a P2PKH output. As of Sept 29 2024 there are 53,102,992 P2PKH in Bitcoin’s UTXO set. This gets us an attack cost of $\sqrt{2^{160-25.66}}=2^{67.17} \approx 10^{20}$.

    All of this still supports your argument that the current pressing need in Bitcoin is ECC. It worth having tighter bounds, so we know when we are in danger for the symmetric side of Bitcoin.

    cryptoquick commented at 10:31 pm on September 29, 2024:
    All very good points. I’ll make sure those are reflected in the BIP.

    cryptoquick commented at 11:38 am on September 30, 2024:

    I’ve published some more updates you can see here:

    Also, is P2WPKH not also as vulnerable as P2PKH? I think they both use HASH160, do they not?

    EthanHeilman commented at 1:01 pm on September 30, 2024:

    Yes P2WPKH, P2PKH, P2SH all use HASH160 (20 Byte) whereas P2WSH uses SHA256 (32 Byte).

    Thanks for the updates and making the changes. My main concern is that if precise numbers are going to be used for Bitcoin and Groovers I want to avoid a situation where the numbers are not representative of the threat. I suspect many people in Bitcoin will use this BIP to educate themselves on quantum attacks. I’ll write up a longer comment during my lunch break today.

    EthanHeilman commented at 5:24 pm on September 30, 2024:

    I realize by pointing out the nuances I’ve accidentally caused this section to grow into two large paragraphs, when really all you are trying to do make is the reasonable point that quantum attacks on ECC signatures should be the most immediate concern.

    Here is my attempt to get the same point across but without having to get into the details:

    The primary threat to Bitcoin by CRQCs is [ generally considered to be to its uses of ECC (Ecliptic Curve Cryptography) used in Bitcoin’s signatures and Taproot commitments]. This is because Shor’s algorithm enables a CRQC to break the cryptographic assumptions of ECC in roughly 10^8 ≈ 2^26) quantum operations. While a QRQC could use Grover’s algorithm to gain a quadratic speed up on brute force attacks on the hash functions used in Bitcoin, a significantly more power quantum computer is needed for these attacks to meaningfully impact Bitcoin. For instance a preimage attack on HASH160 using Grover’s algorithm would require at least 10^24 ≈ 2^80 quantum operations.

    It does make sense to discuss Grover’s algorithm w.r.t. multi-target preimage attacks against P2SH and P2PKH when discussing the security of address types against a QRQC.

    cryptoquick commented at 1:04 am on October 1, 2024:
    Thank you for that. I’ve made some edits and replaced the other sections with that. Here’s the diff:
  8. jonatack added the label New BIP on Sep 27, 2024
  9. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:235 in 6f67a3d686 outdated
    230+To help implementors understand updates to this BIP, we keep a list of substantial changes.
    232+* 2024-06: High level rough draft
    233+* 2024-07: Additional algorithms in PQC table
    234+* 2024-08: Add FALCON signatures, update to use NIST standard terminology, add public key sizes.
    235+* 2024-09: Additional detail on P2QS. Deprecate P2QR. Postpone SQIsign. Add details on quitness.

    jonatack commented at 10:54 pm on September 27, 2024:

    A few non-urgent nits regarding the changelog:

    • latest version first
    • use semvar; for the final draft, maybe these should be collapsed to one initial version entry
    • YYYY-MM-DD date format

    (See and

    cryptoquick commented at 6:03 pm on September 28, 2024:
    Sounds good. Let me know if my latest changes have resolved this.

    jonatack commented at 0:29 am on October 1, 2024:
    Looks good for now, thank you.
  10. jonatack commented at 10:56 pm on September 27, 2024: member
    Interesting (the question of resistance to quantum computing may have resurged lately with the publication of, see also
  11. cryptoquick force-pushed on Sep 28, 2024
  12. cryptoquick force-pushed on Sep 28, 2024
  13. kingcathy23 approved
  14. cryptoquick force-pushed on Sep 28, 2024
  15. cryptoquick force-pushed on Sep 28, 2024
  16. cryptoquick requested review from jonatack on Sep 28, 2024
  17. cryptoquick requested review from EthanHeilman on Sep 28, 2024
  18. cryptoquick force-pushed on Sep 29, 2024
  19. cryptoquick force-pushed on Sep 30, 2024
  20. cryptoquick force-pushed on Sep 30, 2024
  21. QuBit - P2QRH d83c29d59b
  22. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:34 in 7f4456de30 outdated
    29+Mining may one day be vulnerable to disruption by very advanced quantum computers making use of ['s_algorithm Grover's algorithm]. However, Grover's [ scales very poorly] compared to Shor's. Grover's potentially requires roughly 10^40 quantum operations in comparison to 10^8 for running Shor's over ECC, should no optimization for partial preimages be needed. Partial preimage optimization may lower the difficulty to find a block than the full 256-bit preimage (say, for a number with 75 zero bits in front).<ref>See [ Sam Jaques on Bitcoin mining].</ref> Regardless of such optimizations, the primary threat to Bitcoin by CRQCs is [ generally considered to be to its signature algorithm] and not necessarily Proof of Work, hence the focus on a new address format. Additionally, should quantum mining demonstrate quantum advantage over ASIC miners, miners will transition to operating CRQCs instead.<ref>Grover's algorithm is a quadratic speedup, so instead of 2^256 tries it takes about 2^128 calls to the oracle (which is about 10^38 operations) to get a 256 bit preimage. The number of gates would be some multiple of that number. That's roughly how we get the correct order of magnitude, Mosca did a more finegrained calculation and land ballpark in similar large numbers. The number is so large, it's unclear the exact calculation with all the prefactors so far, contrary to ECC, which is roughly 10^8 operations, including the constant factors. A talk by [ Sam Jaques] gave some estimate of the size of the machine that would be necessary for Grover to attack hashes and it was a small astronomical body.</ref>
    31+It is worth mentioning that any addresses using RIPEMD160 / HASH160 could also be vulnerable to Grover's algorithm.<ref>There is a big difference between the cost of preimages on SHA256 and HASH160 with a quadratic reduction:
    32+SHA256 is 2^128 ≈ 10^40 but HASH160 used in P2PKH and P2WPKH is 2^80 ≈ 10^24 quantum operations. This is much larger than ECC, and while it is unlikely a classical or quantum computer that can perform 2^128 within the next 100 years, Bitcoin currently does 2^80 classical operations every 30 minutes. Additionally, with Grover's, [ a black box function could sidestep Shor's entirely, and SHA-256, providing the private key itself to a P2PKH or P2SH address.]</ref>
    34+The vulnerability of existing bitcoin addresses is investigated in [ this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to quantum attack. As of the time of writing, that number is now closer to 20%.

    jonatack commented at 11:02 pm on September 30, 2024:

    Another vulnerability estimation in early 2019: 5M-10M bitcoin

    cryptoquick commented at 1:05 am on October 1, 2024:
    Thank you for that, I’ve added that link as a reference.
  23. cryptoquick force-pushed on Oct 1, 2024
  24. jonatack commented at 6:09 pm on October 1, 2024: member
    @cryptoquick Can you begin to write up the sections currently marked as TBD, along with a backwards compatibility section (to describe incompatibilities, severity, and suggest mitigations, where applicable/relevant)? We’ve begun to reserve a range of BIP numbers for this topic, pending continued progress here.
  25. typo fix ae0936ae6f
  26. Merge pull request #13 from jlopp/patch-3
    typo fix
  27. jonatack added the label PR Author action required on Oct 9, 2024
  28. jonatack commented at 3:27 pm on October 21, 2024: member
    @cryptoquick ping for an update here. Have you seen / It may be interesting to review each other and possibly collaborate.
  29. QuBit - P2QRH spending rules b4c329b55b
  30. cryptoquick force-pushed on Oct 21, 2024
  31. Adds clarity and brevity 53d497e376
  32. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:17 in 53d497e376 outdated
    13+== Introduction ==
    15+=== Abstract ===
    17+This document proposes a new SegWit output type, with spending rules based initially-- but not solely-- upon FALCON signatures. (For more on why, see the Rationale and Security sections.) A constraint is that no hard fork or increase in block size is necessary. This document is inspired by [ BIP-341], which introduced the design of the P2TR (Taproot) address type using Schnorr signatures.

    murchandamus commented at 9:32 pm on November 12, 2024:

    Some of this might fit better in later parts of this document.

    How about something like this:

    0This document proposes the introduction of a new output type based on FALCON signatures. This approach for adding a post-quantum secure output type does not require a hard fork or block size increase.

    The inspiration by BIP 341 could be mentioned in the acknowledgments, and Rationale and Security being the relevant sections to understand the “Why” seem natural.

  33. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:29 in 53d497e376 outdated
    25+=== Motivation ===
    27+This proposal aims to improve the quantum resistance of bitcoin's signature security should the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) which secures Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) no longer prove to be computationally hard, likely through quantum advantage by Cryptographically-Relevant Quantum Computers (CRQCs). [ A variant of Shor's algorithm] is believed to be capable of deriving the private key from a public key exponentially faster than classical means. The application of this variant of Shor's algorithm is herein referred to as quantum key decryption. Note that doubling the public key length, such as with a hypothetical secp512k1 curve, would only make deriving the private key twice as hard. The computational complexity of this is investigated further in the paper, [ ''The impact of hardware specifications on reaching quantum advantage in the fault tolerant regime''].
    29+The primary threat to Bitcoin by CRQCs is [ generally considered to be to its breaking of ECC used in signatures and Taproot commitments], hence the focus on a new address format. This is because Shor's algorithm enables a CRQC to break the cryptographic assumptions of ECC in roughly 10^8 quantum operations. While a CRQC could use ['s_algorithm Grover's algorithm] to gain a quadratic speed up on brute force attacks on the hash functions used in Bitcoin, a significantly more powerful CRQC is needed for these attacks to meaningfully impact Bitcoin. For instance, a preimage attack on HASH160<ref>used by P2PKH, P2SH, and P2WPKH addresses, though not P2WSH because it uses 256-bit hashes</ref> using Grover's algorithm would require at least 10^24 quantum operations. As for Grover's application to mining, see [ Sam Jaques post on this].

    murchandamus commented at 9:36 pm on November 12, 2024:
    0The primary threat to Bitcoin by CRQCs is [ generally considered to be to its breaking of ECC used in signatures and Taproot commitments], hence the focus on a new address format. This is because Shor's algorithm enables a CRQC to break the cryptographic assumptions of ECC in roughly 10^8 quantum operations. While a CRQC could use ['s_algorithm Grover's algorithm] to gain a quadratic speed up on brute force attacks on the hash functions used in Bitcoin, a significantly more powerful CRQC is needed for these attacks to meaningfully impact Bitcoin. For instance, a preimage attack on HASH160<ref>used by P2PKH, P2SH, and P2WPKH addresses, though not P2WSH because it uses 256-bit hashes</ref> using Grover's algorithm would require at least 10^24 quantum operations. As for Grover's application to mining, see [ Sam Jaques’ post on this].
  34. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:31 in 53d497e376 outdated
    27+This proposal aims to improve the quantum resistance of bitcoin's signature security should the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) which secures Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) no longer prove to be computationally hard, likely through quantum advantage by Cryptographically-Relevant Quantum Computers (CRQCs). [ A variant of Shor's algorithm] is believed to be capable of deriving the private key from a public key exponentially faster than classical means. The application of this variant of Shor's algorithm is herein referred to as quantum key decryption. Note that doubling the public key length, such as with a hypothetical secp512k1 curve, would only make deriving the private key twice as hard. The computational complexity of this is investigated further in the paper, [ ''The impact of hardware specifications on reaching quantum advantage in the fault tolerant regime''].
    29+The primary threat to Bitcoin by CRQCs is [ generally considered to be to its breaking of ECC used in signatures and Taproot commitments], hence the focus on a new address format. This is because Shor's algorithm enables a CRQC to break the cryptographic assumptions of ECC in roughly 10^8 quantum operations. While a CRQC could use ['s_algorithm Grover's algorithm] to gain a quadratic speed up on brute force attacks on the hash functions used in Bitcoin, a significantly more powerful CRQC is needed for these attacks to meaningfully impact Bitcoin. For instance, a preimage attack on HASH160<ref>used by P2PKH, P2SH, and P2WPKH addresses, though not P2WSH because it uses 256-bit hashes</ref> using Grover's algorithm would require at least 10^24 quantum operations. As for Grover's application to mining, see [ Sam Jaques post on this].
    31+The vulnerability of existing bitcoin addresses is investigated in [ this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to quantum attack. As of the time of writing, that number is now closer to 20%. Additionally, cryptographer Peter Wuille estimates even more might be vulnerable, for the reasons provided [ here].

    murchandamus commented at 9:37 pm on November 12, 2024:
    0The vulnerability of existing bitcoin addresses is investigated in [ this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to quantum attack. As of the time of writing, that number is now closer to 20%. Additionally, cryptographer Pieter Wuille [ reasons] even more might be vulnerable.
  35. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:35 in 53d497e376 outdated
    31+The vulnerability of existing bitcoin addresses is investigated in [ this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to quantum attack. As of the time of writing, that number is now closer to 20%. Additionally, cryptographer Peter Wuille estimates even more might be vulnerable, for the reasons provided [ here].
    33+Ordinarily, when a transaction is signed, the public key can be recovered from the signature. This makes a transaction submitted to the mempool vulnerable to quantum attack until it's mined. One way to mitigate this is to submit the transaction directly to a mining pool, which bypasses the mempool. This process is known as an out-of-band transaction. The mining pool must be trusted not to reveal the transaction public key to attackers.
    35+Not having public keys exposed on-chain is an important step for quantum security. Otherwise funds would need to be spent to new addresses on a regular basis in order to prevent the possibility of a "long-range CRQC attack" recovering the key behind high value addresses. A long-range quantum attack can be considered one performed with chain data, such as that from a used address or one encoded in a spend script. A "short-range quantum attack" would be one performed on keys in the mempool, which is seen as impractical given transaction throughput and block time. As the value being sent increases, so too should the fee in order to commit the transaction to the chain as soon as possible.  This makes useless the public key revealed by spending a UTXO, so long as it is never reused.

    murchandamus commented at 9:39 pm on November 12, 2024:
    Is this not just a question of time? If the security of the DLP is broken, eventually it could be broken in the time between submission of a transaction and its confirmation. Anyway, an attacker could simply outspend the victim’s transaction to buy more time.
  36. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:33 in 53d497e376 outdated
    29+The primary threat to Bitcoin by CRQCs is [ generally considered to be to its breaking of ECC used in signatures and Taproot commitments], hence the focus on a new address format. This is because Shor's algorithm enables a CRQC to break the cryptographic assumptions of ECC in roughly 10^8 quantum operations. While a CRQC could use ['s_algorithm Grover's algorithm] to gain a quadratic speed up on brute force attacks on the hash functions used in Bitcoin, a significantly more powerful CRQC is needed for these attacks to meaningfully impact Bitcoin. For instance, a preimage attack on HASH160<ref>used by P2PKH, P2SH, and P2WPKH addresses, though not P2WSH because it uses 256-bit hashes</ref> using Grover's algorithm would require at least 10^24 quantum operations. As for Grover's application to mining, see [ Sam Jaques post on this].
    31+The vulnerability of existing bitcoin addresses is investigated in [ this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to quantum attack. As of the time of writing, that number is now closer to 20%. Additionally, cryptographer Peter Wuille estimates even more might be vulnerable, for the reasons provided [ here].
    33+Ordinarily, when a transaction is signed, the public key can be recovered from the signature. This makes a transaction submitted to the mempool vulnerable to quantum attack until it's mined. One way to mitigate this is to submit the transaction directly to a mining pool, which bypasses the mempool. This process is known as an out-of-band transaction. The mining pool must be trusted not to reveal the transaction public key to attackers.

    murchandamus commented at 9:41 pm on November 12, 2024:
    Relying on mining pools to keep transactions private does not feel like a viable security assumption.

    cryptoquick commented at 1:05 am on November 21, 2024:
    Agreed, which is why P2QRH is preferable. It’s still worth mentioning, but I’ll be sure to explain this is the entire purpose of P2QRH, to essentially keep the mempool trustless.
  37. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:37 in 53d497e376 outdated
    33+Ordinarily, when a transaction is signed, the public key can be recovered from the signature. This makes a transaction submitted to the mempool vulnerable to quantum attack until it's mined. One way to mitigate this is to submit the transaction directly to a mining pool, which bypasses the mempool. This process is known as an out-of-band transaction. The mining pool must be trusted not to reveal the transaction public key to attackers.
    35+Not having public keys exposed on-chain is an important step for quantum security. Otherwise funds would need to be spent to new addresses on a regular basis in order to prevent the possibility of a "long-range CRQC attack" recovering the key behind high value addresses. A long-range quantum attack can be considered one performed with chain data, such as that from a used address or one encoded in a spend script. A "short-range quantum attack" would be one performed on keys in the mempool, which is seen as impractical given transaction throughput and block time. As the value being sent increases, so too should the fee in order to commit the transaction to the chain as soon as possible.  This makes useless the public key revealed by spending a UTXO, so long as it is never reused.
    37+It is proposed to implement a Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash (P2QRH) address type that relies on a Post-Quantum Cryptographic (PQC) signature algorithm. This new address type protects transactions submitted to the mempool and helps preserve the free market by reducing the need for private, out-of-band mempool transactions.

    murchandamus commented at 9:42 pm on November 12, 2024:
    Rather, this new output type would be expected not be vulnerable at all?
  38. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:39 in 53d497e376 outdated
    35+Not having public keys exposed on-chain is an important step for quantum security. Otherwise funds would need to be spent to new addresses on a regular basis in order to prevent the possibility of a "long-range CRQC attack" recovering the key behind high value addresses. A long-range quantum attack can be considered one performed with chain data, such as that from a used address or one encoded in a spend script. A "short-range quantum attack" would be one performed on keys in the mempool, which is seen as impractical given transaction throughput and block time. As the value being sent increases, so too should the fee in order to commit the transaction to the chain as soon as possible.  This makes useless the public key revealed by spending a UTXO, so long as it is never reused.
    37+It is proposed to implement a Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash (P2QRH) address type that relies on a Post-Quantum Cryptographic (PQC) signature algorithm. This new address type protects transactions submitted to the mempool and helps preserve the free market by reducing the need for private, out-of-band mempool transactions.
    39+The following table is non-exhaustive but intended to inform the average bitcoin user whether their bitcoin is vulnerable to quantum attack.

    murchandamus commented at 9:45 pm on November 12, 2024:

    This feels like it is oversimplifying a bit. This seems to show output types that are generally vulnerable to long-range attacks. Additionally, any reused hash-based addresses are also vulnerable to long-range attacks, and all of the output types below are vulnerable to short-range attacks.

    Edit: I see, it is clarified briefly later. Perhaps it would make sense to reorder a bit here.

    0The following table is non-exhaustive but intended to inform the average bitcoin user whether their bitcoin is vulnerable to a long-range quantum attack.
  39. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:68 in 53d497e376 outdated
    64+! Scenario !! Type of attack
    66+| Early addresses (Satoshi's coins, CPU miners, starts with 04) || Long-range
    68+| Reused addresses (any type, except bc1r) || Long-range

    murchandamus commented at 9:47 pm on November 12, 2024:
    What is “bc1r”? It has not been introduced at this point.
  40. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:81 in 53d497e376 outdated
    77+The only time a short-range attack can occur is when the transaction is in the mempool, whereas a long-range attack occurs when the public key is known well in advance. Short-range attacks require much larger, more expensive CRQCs.
    79+Should quantum advantage manifest, a convention is proposed in spending the full 65-byte P2PK key used by the coinbase output in Block 1 back to itself. It is proposed to call the address in Block 1 the [ Canary address] since it can only be spent from by others (assuming Satoshi's continued absence) if secp256k1 is broken. Should the Canary coins move, that will signal that reliance on secp256k1 is presently vulnerable. Without the Canary, or an address like it, there may be some doubt as to whether the coins were moved with keys belonging to the original owner.
    81+As an interesting aside, coinbase outputs to P2PK keys go as far as block 200,000, so it's possible there are between 1-2 million coins that are vulnerable from the first epoch. These coins can be considered "Satoshi's Shield." Any addresses with a balance of less than the original block subsidy of 50 coins can be considered incentive incompatible to capture until all of these are mined.

    murchandamus commented at 9:51 pm on November 12, 2024:
    As of earlier this month, ₿1,723,848 were held in P2PK outputs.
  41. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:87 in 53d497e376 outdated
    83+It's for the above reason that, for those who wish to be prepared for quantum emergency, it is recommended that no more than 50 bitcoin are kept under a single distinct, unused Native SegWit (P2WPKH, "bc1q") address at a time. This is assuming that the attacker is financially-motivated instead of, for example, a nation state looking to break confidence in Bitcoin. Additionally, this assumes that other vulnerable targets such as central banks have upgraded their cryptography already.
    85+The Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite (CNSA) 2.0 has a timeline for software and networking equipment to be upgraded by 2030, with browsers and operating systems fully upgraded by 2033.
    87+Lastly, it is worth noting by way of comparison that [ Vitalik Buterin's proposed solution] in an Ethereum quantum emergency is quite different from the approach in this BIP. His plan involves a hard fork of the chain, reverting all blocks after a sufficient amount of theft, and using STARKs based on BIP-32 seeds to act as the authoritative secret when signing. These measures are deemed far too heavy-handed for bitcoin.

    murchandamus commented at 9:55 pm on November 12, 2024:
    Some of this Motivation section could appear in “Related Work” or “backward compatibility”.
  42. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:98 in 53d497e376 outdated
    94+It is proposed to use SegWit version 3. This results in addresses that start with bc1r, which could be a useful way to remember that these are quantum [r]esistant addresses (similar to how bc1q corresponds to Se[q]Wit and bc1p corresponds to Ta[p]root). This is referencing the lookup table under [ BIP-173].
    96+The proposal above also leaves a gap in case it makes sense to use version 2, or bc1z, for implementation of other address formats such as those that employ Cross Input Signature Aggregation (CISA).
    98+P2QRH is meant to be implemented on top of P2TR, combining the security of classical Schnorr signatures along with post-quantum cryptography. This is a form of "hybrid cryptography" such that no regression in security is presented should a vulnerability exist in one of the signature algorithms used. One key distinction between P2QRH and P2TR however is that P2QRH will encode a hash of the public key. This is a significant deviation from how Taproot works by itself, but it is necessary to avoid exposing public keys on-chain where they are vulnerable to attack.

    murchandamus commented at 9:57 pm on November 12, 2024:
    Does it then even make sense to base the new output type on Taproot rather than e.g. P2WPKH?

    cryptoquick commented at 0:47 am on November 21, 2024:
    There’s already things that use taptrees where this kind of cryptographic commitment scheme would be adequate, such as for RGB. It would be nice to also be able to rely on Schnorr signature aggregation even in cases where its security has to be augmented by PQC. Do you know of anything that could be broken if the public key isn’t known in advance? Like MuSig2 or FROST?
  43. murchandamus commented at 10:09 pm on November 12, 2024: contributor

    This is a quick first skim. Seems fine so far, I left some comments. The Motivation and Rationale seem a bit long, perhaps some of that could be split out into other sections like Related Work, Backward Compatibility, or just tightened a bit.

    I’m wondering whether introducing four different signature schemes at once may be a bit too ambitious.

  44. Apply suggestions from review
    Co-authored-by: Mark "Murch" Erhardt <>
  45. cryptoquick force-pushed on Nov 21, 2024
  46. cryptoquick requested review from murchandamus on Nov 21, 2024
  47. cryptoquick commented at 1:27 am on November 21, 2024: none

    I’m wondering whether introducing four different signature schemes at once may be a bit too ambitious.

    SPHINCS and Crystals-DILITHIUM are approved by NIST. Antoine Riard specifically requested the inclusion of SPHINCS on the mailing list, and the alternative proposal implements Crystals-DILITHIUM. FALCON is likely to be approved as as a FIPS standard as well, but it’s not yet official. SQIsign is very attractive for its small public key and signature sizes, but it is only just recently under review.

  48. QuBit - P2QRH spending rules c92a9b0e4d
  49. cryptoquick force-pushed on Nov 21, 2024
  50. jonatack removed the label PR Author action required on Nov 23, 2024
  51. Add details on attestation structure and parsing. (#14)
    * Add details on attestation structure and parsing.
    * bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:  Separating discussion about Grovers algorithm into
    its own section.
    * Update phrasing and formatting.
    * Kyle fixes
    * Add Jeff Bride to acknowledgments
    * Apply suggestions from code review
    Co-authored-by: Kyle Crews <>
    * Updates to clarity.
    Co-authored-by: jbride <>
    Co-authored-by: Kyle Crews <>
  52. cryptoquick commented at 10:40 pm on December 3, 2024: none
    Just a note: The content of the BIP should be nearing its final state. Feel free to leave feedback while I work on the test vectors, it’ll take me a while since I’m also making changes to rust-bitcoin in order to support P2QRH and transaction attestation, but I don’t expect any major changes from my side at this point.
  53. MediaWiki formatting fixes 60d72942aa
  54. cryptoquick force-pushed on Dec 5, 2024
  55. MediaWiki formatting fixes 2d098d9adf
  56. cryptoquick force-pushed on Dec 5, 2024
  57. MediaWiki fixes, remove redundant sections. (#16)
    * MediaWiki fixes, remove redundant sections.
    * Fix link format check
  58. murchandamus commented at 4:57 pm on December 6, 2024: contributor

    Hey @cryptoquick, just wanted to mention a few quick things:

    1. While I would consider test vectors and reference implementation necessary for a proposal to move to the “Proposed” status, their lack would not necessarily prevent something to be considered for getting a number and be merged as draft.
    2. I have a formatting request: Having lines with over 1000 characters makes it really hard to see what changed between pushes and to give review suggestions. May I suggest that you break the lines in text blocks at e.g. 120 characters? As an example from my own draft, it’s just much easier to see what exactly was changed when the lines are shorter: image
    3. This PR is currently marked as “draft”, please click “ready for review” if/when you want editors to take a look. :)
  59. Update title and formatting. f2426c6656
  60. cryptoquick marked this as ready for review on Dec 6, 2024
  61. cryptoquick commented at 5:09 pm on December 6, 2024: none
  62. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:2 in f2426c6656 outdated
    0@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
    2+  BIP: TBD

    murchandamus commented at 5:19 pm on December 6, 2024:


    0  BIP: ?
  63. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:3 in f2426c6656 outdated
    0@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
    2+  BIP: TBD
    3+  Title: QuBit: SegWit version 3 spending rules (P2QRH)

    murchandamus commented at 5:19 pm on December 6, 2024:

    Should mention that it’s a soft fork:

    0  Layer: <Consensus (soft fork)
    1  Title: QuBit: SegWit version 3 spending rules (P2QRH)
  64. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:10 in f2426c6656 outdated
     5+  Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
     6+  Comments-URI:
     7+  Status: Draft
     8+  Type: Standards Track
     9+  License: BSD-3-Clause
    10+  Created: 2024-06-08

    murchandamus commented at 5:20 pm on December 6, 2024:

    The preamble is order sensitive:

    0  Created: 2024-06-08
    1  License: BSD-3-Clause
  65. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:38 in f2426c6656 outdated
    33+this is investigated further in the paper,
    34+[ ''The impact
    35+of hardware specifications on reaching quantum advantage in the fault tolerant regime''].
    37+The primary threat to Bitcoin by CRQCs is [
    38+generally considered to be their potential to break ECC, which is used in signatures and Taproot commitments], hence

    murchandamus commented at 5:24 pm on December 6, 2024:
    This feels like a partial repetition of lines 29–31. Perhaps the prior lines should be folded into this introduction of the issue.
  66. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:49 in f2426c6656 outdated
    44+and-the-bitcoin-blockchain.html this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the
    45+Bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to quantum attack. As of the time of writing, that number is now
    46+closer to 20%. Additionally, cryptographer Pieter Wuille [ reasons]
    47+even more might be vulnerable.
    49+Ordinarily, when a transaction is signed, the public key can be recovered from the signature. This makes a transaction

    murchandamus commented at 5:26 pm on December 6, 2024:
    Most output types require the public key is explicitly stated in the input script and it doesn’t even have to be recovered from the signature.
  67. cryptoquick force-pushed on Dec 6, 2024
  68. More wrestling with MediaWiki formatting... 2e4ad811cf
  69. cryptoquick force-pushed on Dec 6, 2024
  70. I give up. Removing code and pre blocks. 9935005efb
  71. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:13 in 2e4ad811cf outdated
     8+  Type: Standards Track
     9+  License: BSD-3-Clause
    10+  Created: 2024-06-08

    murchandamus commented at 6:06 pm on December 6, 2024:

    The TOC is generated automatically in the richtext view:


  72. murchandamus commented at 6:12 pm on December 6, 2024: contributor

    I started taking a look, but two additional commits have been made since. I’ll try to take a look next week.

    The line break suggestion was meant mostly as a way to make diffs more readable and make it easier to make suggestions in the review. It’s not a fixed rule, so if it breaks stuff, feel free to e.g. leave table rows or links in a single line even if it’s longer than other stuff.

  73. More formatting fixes. cc47f9e370
  74. Apply suggestions from code review
    Co-authored-by: Mark "Murch" Erhardt <>
  75. Address Murch feedback. f206b9745a
  76. Merge branch 'p2qrh' of into p2qrh 70649eaece
  77. MediaWiki formatting. feff8477c0
  78. cryptoquick force-pushed on Dec 6, 2024
  79. cryptoquick requested review from murchandamus on Dec 6, 2024
  80. cryptoquick requested review from jonatack on Dec 6, 2024
  81. cryptoquick renamed this:
    Draft: QuBit - P2QRH spending rules
    QuBit - P2QRH spending rules
    on Dec 9, 2024
  82. Swap layer and title. e186b52cff
  83. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:4 in e186b52cff outdated
    0@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
    2+  BIP: ?
    3+  Title: QuBit: SegWit version 3 spending rules (P2QRH)
    4+  Layer: <Consensus (soft fork)

    murchandamus commented at 8:50 pm on December 9, 2024:

    Sorry, my suggestion had an errant “<” here.

    0  Layer: Consensus (soft fork)
  84. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:55 in e186b52cff outdated
    50+Ordinarily, when a transaction is signed, the public key is explicitly stated in the input script. This means that the
    51+public key is exposed on the blockchain when the transaction is spent, making it vulnerable to quantum attack until
    52+it's mined. One way to mitigate this is to submit the transaction directly to a mining pool, bypassing the mempool.
    53+This process is known as an out-of-band transaction or a private mempool. In this case, the mining pool must be trusted
    54+not to reveal the transaction public key to attackers. The problem with this approach is that it requires a trusted
    55+third party, which the P2QRH proposal aims to avoid.

    EthanHeilman commented at 2:05 am on December 11, 2024:
    0not to reveal the transaction public key to attackers.

    Suggest removing unnecessary sentence. If you disagree, resolve this comment.

    cryptoquick commented at 5:02 pm on December 12, 2024:
    Actually, I think it provides important context and insight as to what P2QRH specifically addresses given the alternative (private miner mempools), but that’s just my opinion.
  85. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:68 in e186b52cff outdated
    63+requires more sophisticated CRQCs. As the value being sent increases, so too should the fee in order to commit the
    64+transaction to the chain as soon as possible. Once the transaction is mined, it makes useless the public key revealed
    65+by spending a UTXO, so long as it is never reused.
    67+It is proposed to implement a Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash (P2QRH) address type that relies on a PQC signature
    68+algorithm. This new address type protects transactions submitted to the mempool and helps preserve the free market by

    EthanHeilman commented at 2:49 am on December 11, 2024:
    Did you mean fee market rather than free market?

    cryptoquick commented at 5:18 pm on December 12, 2024:
    Not really, but maybe that might make more sense? The fee market is supposed to be a free market.
  86. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:72 in e186b52cff outdated
    67+It is proposed to implement a Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash (P2QRH) address type that relies on a PQC signature
    68+algorithm. This new address type protects transactions submitted to the mempool and helps preserve the free market by
    69+preventing the need for private, out-of-band mempool transactions.
    71+The following table is non-exhaustive but intended to inform the average Bitcoin user whether their bitcoin is
    72+vulnerable to a long-range quantum attack.

    EthanHeilman commented at 2:54 am on December 11, 2024:
    0vulnerable to a long-range quantum attack:
  87. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:115 in e186b52cff outdated
    110+| Any transaction in the mempool (except for P2QRH) || Short-range
    112+| Unhardened BIP-32 HD wallet keys || Both Long-range or Short-range
    115+The only time a short-range attack can occur is when the transaction is in the mempool, whereas a long-range attack

    EthanHeilman commented at 3:00 am on December 11, 2024:

    I’d suggest that readability would be improved by having a subsection titled something like “Long Range and Short Range Quantum Attacks” that defines this terminology and consequences are introduced upfront.

    Something like:

    Long Range and Short Range Quantum Attacks

    • Long Range Quantum Attack is an attack in which …
    • Short Range Quantum Attack is an attack in which …

    If you disagree with this suggestion, just mark this comment as resolved.

    cryptoquick commented at 4:35 pm on December 13, 2024:
  88. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:319 in e186b52cff outdated
    314+For each input, a separate attestation field is used. To know how many attestation fields are present, implementations
    315+must count the number of inputs present in the transaction.
    317+=== Signature Algorithm Identification ===
    319+The specific quantum-resistant signature algorithm used is inferred from the length of the public key and signature.

    EthanHeilman commented at 11:09 pm on December 11, 2024:
    0The specific quantum-resistant signature algorithm used is inferred from the length of the public key.

    If we infer the signature algorithm from the public key alone, then we will reject a signature which has the wrong length for that algorithm. This makes error handling easier and the output commits to the signature algorithm.

    Whereas if we infer the signature algorithm from the public key and the signature then if one of them is wrong, we don’t know the intended signature algorithm.

    cryptoquick commented at 3:29 pm on December 13, 2024:
    That’s a good point.
  89. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:322 in e186b52cff outdated
    317+=== Signature Algorithm Identification ===
    319+The specific quantum-resistant signature algorithm used is inferred from the length of the public key and signature.
    320+Implementations must recognize the supported algorithms and validate accordingly.
    322+Supported algorithms and their NIST Level V parameters:

    EthanHeilman commented at 11:10 pm on December 11, 2024:
    Below you discuss supporting secp256k1 as an algorithm for this output. It should probably be included in this list.

    cryptoquick commented at 3:30 pm on December 13, 2024:
    I think I’ll just clarify this section is for PQC algorithms.
  90. EthanHeilman commented at 11:37 pm on December 11, 2024: contributor

    I want to propose an alternative design. Instead of supporting multiple different signature algorithms in the same output and then inferring algorithm based on public key length. Flag signature algorithm based on address prefix, e.g. addresses that start with bc1f only accept FALCON-1024 public keys and signatures.

    • This makes it straightforward to add new post-quantum signature algorithms and lets you streamline this design by only needing to support one post-quantum signature algorithm.
    • This avoids using length as a signaling mechanism. Currently length works, but what if two algorithms have the same length public key? Do we lengthen one?
    • Supporting multiple signature algorithms in the same output is likely to increase complexity for other protocols. Say a payment channel where the two parties are using different signature algorithms. I don’t see this as a strong reason not to do this, but I think the BIP needs a justification for this additional complexity.

    Is the reason you are doing multisig outside of script, because of the stack element limitations of some these bigger signatures? Are there any issues with the values on the attestation stack being larger than 520?

  91. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:524 in e186b52cff outdated
    519+One consideration for choosing an algorithm is its maturity. secp256k1 was already 8 years old by the time it was
    520+chosen as Bitcoin's curve. Isogeny cryptography when it was first introduced was broken over a weekend.
    522+Ideally SQIsign also proves to be flexible enough to support
    523+[ Isogeny Diffie-Hellman] to
    524+replace ECDH applications, and also provide methods for the key tweaking necessary to support TapScript for P2QR

    EthanHeilman commented at 0:44 am on December 12, 2024:

    What about just using a merklized structure for tapscript so we don’t need to depend on signature specifies? The output could be HASH256(HASH256(pubkey),scriptroot) where scriptroot = HASH256(merkletree of scripts). You’d get the taproot privacy benefits of not revealing that a script spend path exists when doing a key spend. If no script spend path exists simply choosing scriptroot to be a random number, if a script spend path exists, include a random number as one of the branches of your merkle tree.

    The main downside of this merklized approach is that each spend has to push an additional 32 bytes. However given the size of post-quantum signatures and public keys, this additional 32 bytes shouldn’t matter much.

    cryptoquick commented at 3:33 pm on December 13, 2024:
    That’s a great point. You’re right, we should use a merkle tree to allow branch exclusions. We can distinguish between hashes and x-only public keys because x-only public keys will be accompanied by a signature, whereas a hash would not, and so it would be considered and excluded branch.

  92. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:447 in e186b52cff outdated
    442+For example, for CRYSTALS-Dilithium Level V, a single signature is 4,595 bytes, a substantial increase over current
    443+ECDSA or Schnorr signatures.
    445+==== Performance Impact ====
    447+Verification of quantum-resistant signatures will be computationally more intensive, and any attestation discount will

    EthanHeilman commented at 0:47 am on December 12, 2024:
    What about using a STARK over all the post-quantum signatures included in a block by the miner to accelerate verification? Is there anything about this design that would prevent adding such a feature?

    cryptoquick commented at 3:34 pm on December 13, 2024:
    As we discussed privately, a STARKS-based approach would be out of scope for this BIP, but alternative approaches specified in separate BIPs are certainly welcome.
  93. QbitsCode commented at 11:11 am on December 13, 2024: none

    Sorry for coming late with this important PR, we have just shared 3 proposed pqc algorithms that guarantee elimination of quantum computer risk.

  94. cryptoquick commented at 3:26 pm on December 13, 2024: none

    Sorry for coming late with this important PR, we have just shared 3 proposed pqc algorithms that guarantee elimination of quantum computer risk.

    That’s a great start! I see from your documentation here you’re intending to use the same PQC signature algorithms we’ve selected, which is validating of the approach recommended for this BIP.

  95. Apply suggestions from code review
    Co-authored-by: Ethan Heilman <>
  96. cryptoquick commented at 3:46 pm on December 13, 2024: none

    I want to propose an alternative design. Instead of supporting multiple different signature algorithms in the same output and then inferring algorithm based on public key length. Flag signature algorithm based on address prefix, e.g. addresses that start with bc1f only accept FALCON-1024 public keys and signatures.

    The problem with that approach is that there’s only so many OP_NUMs to prefix the address type with for each signature type. If new signature algorithms were added, I would imagine they would be added in batches, so that bc1f would indicate a superset of multiple algorithms.

    • This makes it straightforward to add new post-quantum signature algorithms and lets you streamline this design by only needing to support one post-quantum signature algorithm.
    • This avoids using length as a signaling mechanism. Currently length works, but what if two algorithms have the same length public key? Do we lengthen one?

    Yes, we would lengthen one.

    • Supporting multiple signature algorithms in the same output is likely to increase complexity for other protocols. Say a payment channel where the two parties are using different signature algorithms. I don’t see this as a strong reason not to do this, but I think the BIP needs a justification for this additional complexity.

    In the case of a payment channel, it’s a 2-of-2 multisig agreed to by both parties. If either party finds the signature algorithms proposed unacceptable, the channel simply won’t be funded.

    Is the reason you are doing multisig outside of script, because of the stack element limitations of some these bigger signatures? Are there any issues with the values on the attestation stack being larger than 520?

    Partly for that reason, and also, because I want this to use stricter validation rules than all that script expresses.

  97. Update to use merkle tree for attestation commitment. Update LR & SR quantum attack scenarios. 85a347b5a2
  98. cryptoquick requested review from EthanHeilman on Dec 13, 2024
  99. junaga commented at 7:50 am on December 16, 2024: none
    Hi, Sorry for the ping, This is too complicated for me. Is there no way to simplify or generalize this?
  100. QbitsCode commented at 7:03 pm on December 16, 2024: none
    Yesterday, we pushed it with a simplified and holistic version.
  101. cryptoquick commented at 7:34 pm on December 16, 2024: none

    Hi, Sorry for the ping, This is too complicated for me. Is there no way to simplify or generalize this?

    Perhaps a good summary is this:

    In this BIP we suggest a new address format beginning with bc1r that introduces the capability for users to generate addresses that can receive payments signed using quantum-resistant keys and signatures.

    It really is that simple, but there are the details for why this needs to happen and how it should happen and this tries to cover those in a comprehensive enough manner, or at least, as comprehensive as we can be without test vectors.

  102. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:34 in 85a347b5a2 outdated
    29+the cryptographic assumptions of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), which secures Bitcoin's signatures and Taproot
    30+commitments. Specifically, [ Shor's algorithm] enables a CRQC to solve the
    31+Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) exponentially faster than classical methods<ref name="shor">Shor's algorithm is
    32+believed to need 10^8 operations to break a 256-bit elliptic curve public key.</ref>, allowing the derivation of private
    33+keys from public keys—a process referred to as quantum key decryption. Importantly, simply increasing the public key
    34+length (e.g., using a hypothetical secp512k1 curve) would only make deriving the private key twice as hard, offering

    murchandamus commented at 8:57 pm on December 17, 2024:

    I assume that the doubling from the example here is meant to be relevant for the duplication of the effort:

    0keys from public keys—a process referred to as quantum key decryption. Importantly, simply doubling the public key
    1length (e.g., using a hypothetical secp512k1 curve) would only make deriving the private key twice as hard, offering
  103. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:47 in 85a347b5a2 outdated
    43+The vulnerability of existing Bitcoin addresses is investigated in
    45+and-the-bitcoin-blockchain.html this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the
    46+Bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to quantum attack. As of the time of writing, that number is now
    47+closer to 20%. Additionally, cryptographer Pieter Wuille [ reasons]

    murchandamus commented at 8:59 pm on December 17, 2024:

    “Additionally” could be read as being related:

    0closer to 20%. Independently, cryptographer Pieter Wuille [ reasons]
  104. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:81 in 85a347b5a2 outdated
    77+! Address type !! Vulnerable !! Prefix !! Example
    79+| P2PK || Yes || 04 ||

    murchandamus commented at 9:04 pm on December 17, 2024:

    Sorry for being imprecise when I suggested line breaks. I meant that it would be preferable for lines of flowing text to be limited in length as it can be hard to see what exactly changed for extremely long lines

    It is fine for tables and code samples to be longer, as line breaks can add confusion or introduce errors in those cases.

  105. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:161 in 85a347b5a2 outdated
    156+the capital B refers to Bitcoin. The name QuBit also rhymes to some extent with SegWit.
    158+It is proposed to use SegWit version 3. This results in addresses that start with bc1r, which could be a useful way to
    159+remember that these are quantum (r)esistant addresses (similar to how bc1q corresponds to Se(q)Wit and bc1p corresponds
    160+to Ta(p)root). This is referencing the lookup table under
    161+[ BIP-173].

    murchandamus commented at 9:14 pm on December 17, 2024:
    Some schemes already assume that higher native segwit versions follow lower segwit versions. It seems that skipping a version should have a stronger motivation as a similar mnemonic could be crafted as easily for version 2: bc1(z), corresponds to “(z)ecure addresses” or to addresses that “let the user rest e(z)”.

    cryptoquick commented at 9:47 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I’ve removed this as per @vostrnad’s suggestion.
  106. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:164 in 85a347b5a2 outdated
    159+remember that these are quantum (r)esistant addresses (similar to how bc1q corresponds to Se(q)Wit and bc1p corresponds
    160+to Ta(p)root). This is referencing the lookup table under
    161+[ BIP-173].
    163+The proposal above also leaves a gap in case it makes sense to use version 2, or bc1z, for implementation of other
    164+address formats such as those that employ Cross Input Signature Aggregation (CISA).

    murchandamus commented at 9:16 pm on December 17, 2024:
    I’m not sure that is a pressing concern.

    cryptoquick commented at 9:47 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Removed. Nobody cares about CISA anymore :joy_cat:

    murchandamus commented at 9:51 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Oh, I don’t mean that people don’t care about CISA anymore. I just don’t think we would need to skip a version to keep space for it, when there isn’t even a concrete proposal yet.
  107. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:138 in 85a347b5a2 outdated
    134+It's for the above reason that, for those who wish to be prepared for quantum emergency, it is recommended that no more
    135+than 50 bitcoin are kept under a single, distinct, unused Native SegWit (P2WPKH, "bc1q") address at a time. This is
    136+assuming that the attacker is financially motivated instead of, for example, a nation state looking to break confidence
    137+in Bitcoin. Additionally, this assumes that other vulnerable targets such as central banks have upgraded their
    138+cryptography by this time.

    murchandamus commented at 9:26 pm on December 17, 2024:
    While maybe a sensible recommendation, this feels a bit digressive.

    cryptoquick commented at 9:49 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Maybe, but BIPs are read by many kinds of people with different backgrounds and motivations, and I think it’s important to provide background on Satoshi’s Shield in order to not be fearmongering. It’s important that readers have a proper perspective of the threat this addresses, you know?
  108. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:567 in 85a347b5a2 outdated
    563+* [ Mailing list discussion]
    564+* [ Delving
    565+Bitcoin discussion]
    566+* [ Bitcoin OpTech newsletter]
    567+* [ Bitcoin OpTech discussion

    murchandamus commented at 9:27 pm on December 17, 2024:


    0* [ Bitcoin Optech newsletter]
    1* [ Bitcoin Optech discussion
  109. jonatack renamed this:
    QuBit - P2QRH spending rules
    BIP draft: QuBit - P2QRH spending rules
    on Dec 17, 2024
  110. cryptoquick commented at 4:00 pm on December 18, 2024: none
    @jonatack Why did you re-add the draft designation? From what I understand, @murchandamus recommended that be changed: #1670 (comment)
  111. jonatack commented at 4:07 pm on December 18, 2024: member

    @jonatack Why did you re-add the draft designation? From what I understand, @murchandamus recommended that be changed: #1670 (comment)

    I see. The PR title doesn’t refer to the GitHub status of “draft, not ready for review”, only that it is a BIP draft as yet without a number – once there is a number, then the title becomes “BIP <number>: …” instead. I unified a few titles yesterday to make it easier for me to follow the various PRs.

  112. cryptoquick commented at 4:10 pm on December 18, 2024: none
    Are there any remaining obstacles keeping this from getting a BIP number?
  113. jonatack commented at 4:14 pm on December 18, 2024: member
    I have a range of numbers in mind for QC resistance BIPs to run by the other editors and am re-reviewing here.
  114. in bip-p2qrh.mediawiki:10 in 85a347b5a2 outdated
     5+  Author: Hunter Beast <>
     6+  Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
     7+  Comments-URI:
     8+  Status: Draft
     9+  Type: Standards Track
    10+  Created: 2024-06-08

    jonatack commented at 7:14 pm on December 18, 2024:
    Please update the BIP number (on line 2), filename, and the created date to 2024-12-18 (date of BIP number assignment) and add a corresponding BIP draft entry to the repo root README file.

    cryptoquick commented at 9:49 pm on December 18, 2024:
  115. jonatack commented at 7:27 pm on December 18, 2024: member
    Assigned BIP number 360.
  116. jonatack renamed this:
    BIP draft: QuBit - P2QRH spending rules
    BIP-360: QuBit - P2QRH spending rules
    on Dec 18, 2024
  117. cryptoquick force-pushed on Dec 18, 2024
  118. cryptoquick force-pushed on Dec 18, 2024
  119. P2QRH assigned BIP number 360. 85348c01ff
  120. cryptoquick force-pushed on Dec 18, 2024
  121. cryptoquick requested review from jonatack on Dec 18, 2024
  122. kayabaNerve commented at 7:41 am on December 19, 2024: none

    Sorry for being late, but was any thought been given to the feasibility of cryptographic multisig for the algorithms named?

    Raccoon has a few threshold signature protocols which can drop in with the originally defined Raccoon (so long as parameters are mutual).

    This would avoid the on-chain cost of several signatures and provide indistinguishability.

  123. cryptoquick commented at 1:32 pm on December 19, 2024: none
    @kayabaNerve This BIP supports multisig. Maybe threshold signatures can be added once they’re more mature.
  124. kayabaNerve commented at 2:37 pm on December 19, 2024: none

    I’m aware of the on-chain multisig possible with this proposal, which would have non-trivial scalability limits.

    Raccoon was one of the PQ signature algorithms submitted to the NIST competition for additional schemes, alongside SQIsign. It isn’t explicitly/inherently a threshold signature and just has threshold signature schemes available. I’d question if it is too immature given the (currently rather) unique benefits provided.

  125. in bip-0360.mediawiki:39 in 85348c01ff outdated
    34+length (e.g., using a hypothetical secp512k1 curve) would only make deriving the private key twice as hard, offering
    35+insufficient protection. The computational complexity of this attack is further explored in
    36+[ ''The impact
    37+of hardware specifications on reaching quantum advantage in the fault-tolerant regime''].
    39+This proposal aims to mitigate these risks by introducing a Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash (P2QRH) address type that

    vostrnad commented at 11:13 pm on December 19, 2024:

    This proposal defines a new output type, not address type. An address is merely an encoding of an output script, and in this case an existing address type (Bech32m) is used.

    0This proposal aims to mitigate these risks by introducing a Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash (P2QRH) output type that
  126. in bip-0360.mediawiki:63 in 85348c01ff outdated
    58+spent to new addresses on a regular basis in order to prevent the possibility of a "long-range CRQC attack" recovering
    59+the key behind high-value addresses. A long-range quantum attack can be considered one performed with chain data, such
    60+as that from a used address or one encoded in a spend script. This is likely to be more common early on, as early
    61+quantum computers must be run for longer in order to overcome errors caused by noise. A "short-range quantum attack"
    62+would be one performed on keys in the mempool, which is seen as much more difficult given the block time, and so it
    63+requires more sophisticated CRQCs. As the value being sent increases, so too should the fee in order to commit the

    vostrnad commented at 11:13 pm on December 19, 2024:
    It seems intuitive that a short range attack would require a more powerful QC than a long range attack, but is this just intuition or is it rooted in actual science? In the former case this text needs more “may"s and “it is believed"s, and in the latter case a link to relevant research.

    cryptoquick commented at 5:28 pm on December 20, 2024:

    Yes, I will add this section:

    0<ref name="short-range">
    1In the paper
    2[ How to compute a 256-bit elliptic curve private key with only 50 million Toffoli gates]
    3the authors estimate that CRQC with 28 million superconducting physical qubits would take 8.3 seconds to calculate a
    4256-bit key, while a CRQC with 6.9 million physical qubits would take 58 seconds. This implies that a CRQC with 4x as
    5many qubits would be roughly 7 times faster.
  127. in bip-0360.mediawiki:71 in 85348c01ff outdated
    67+It is proposed to implement a Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash (P2QRH) address type that relies on a PQC signature
    68+algorithm. This new address type protects transactions submitted to the mempool and helps preserve the free market by
    69+preventing the need for private, out-of-band mempool transactions.
    71+The following table is non-exhaustive but intended to inform the average Bitcoin user whether their bitcoin is

    vostrnad commented at 11:13 pm on December 19, 2024:

    Since there are only 7 standard output types relevant to this discussion, does the table really need to be non-exhaustive?

    (P2PK, P2PKH, P2MS, P2SH, P2WPKH, P2WSH, P2TR)

  128. in bip-0360.mediawiki:77 in 85348c01ff outdated
    72+vulnerable to a long-range quantum attack:
    74+{| class="wikitable"
    75+|+ Vulnerable address types
    77+! Address type !! Vulnerable !! Prefix !! Example

    vostrnad commented at 11:13 pm on December 19, 2024:
    0|+ Vulnerable output types
    2! Type !! Vulnerable !! Prefix !! Example
  129. in bip-0360.mediawiki:80 in 85348c01ff outdated
    75+|+ Vulnerable address types
    77+! Address type !! Vulnerable !! Prefix !! Example
    79+| P2PK || Yes || 04 ||

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    To prevent formatting breaks, I’d recommend using a 33-byte (compressed) key instead.
  130. in bip-0360.mediawiki:90 in 85348c01ff outdated
    85+| P2WPKH || No || bc1q || bc1qsnh5ktku9ztqeqfr89yrqjd05eh58nah884mku
    87+| P2TR || Yes || bc1p || bc1p92aslsnseq786wxfk3ekra90ds9ku47qttupfjsqmmj4z82xdq4q3rr58u
    90+It should be noted that Taproot addresses are vulnerable in that they encode a 32-byte x-only public key, from which a

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    0It should be noted that Taproot outputs are vulnerable in that they encode a 32-byte x-only public key, from which a
  131. in bip-0360.mediawiki:94 in 85348c01ff outdated
    90+It should be noted that Taproot addresses are vulnerable in that they encode a 32-byte x-only public key, from which a
    91+full public key can be reconstructed.
    93+If a key is recovered by a CRQC it can also be trivially checked to see if any child keys were produced using an
    94+unhardened [ BIP-32] derivation path.

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    Can you elaborate? Child keys depend not only on the parent key but also on the chain code.

    cryptoquick commented at 6:32 pm on December 20, 2024:
    This is in reference to this comment: #1670 (review)

    murchandamus commented at 8:07 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I think @vostrnad’s point stands

    cryptoquick commented at 9:55 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I think I’ll just leave that point out, then.

    vostrnad commented at 10:03 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Yes, I believe so, too: #1670 (review)
  132. in bip-0360.mediawiki:101 in 85348c01ff outdated
     96+==== Long Range and Short Range Quantum Attacks ====
     98+Long Range Quantum Attack is an attack in which the public key has been exposed on the blockchain for an extended
     99+period of time, giving an attacker ample opportunity to break the cryptography. This affects:
    101+* Early addresses (Satoshi's coins, CPU miners, starts with 04)

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    0* P2PK outputs (Satoshi's coins, CPU miners, starts with 04)
  133. in bip-0360.mediawiki:104 in 85348c01ff outdated
     99+period of time, giving an attacker ample opportunity to break the cryptography. This affects:
    101+* Early addresses (Satoshi's coins, CPU miners, starts with 04)
    102+* Reused addresses (any type, except P2QRH)
    103+* Taproot addresses (starts with bc1p)
    104+* Unhardened BIP-32 HD wallet keys

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    Shouldn’t this say “BIP-32 extended public keys” instead?

    cryptoquick commented at 6:32 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I don’t think so, if I understand @EthanHeilman ’s feedback, but I could be wrong.

    murchandamus commented at 8:08 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I’m not sure, but I could see that you would need the entire xpub, not just the parent public key.
  134. in bip-0360.mediawiki:117 in 85348c01ff outdated
    112+Short-range attacks require much larger, more expensive CRQCs since they must be executed within the short window
    113+before a transaction is mined. Long-range attacks can be executed over a longer timeframe since the public key remains
    114+exposed on the blockchain indefinitely.
    116+Should quantum advantage manifest, a convention is proposed in spending the full 65-byte P2PK key used by the coinbase
    117+output in Block 1 back to itself. It is proposed to call the address in Block 1 the

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    1. You can’t “spend” a key, only an output.
    2. What do you mean by “full key”?
    3. Why do we require sending back to the same key?
  135. in bip-0360.mediawiki:118 in 85348c01ff outdated
    113+before a transaction is mined. Long-range attacks can be executed over a longer timeframe since the public key remains
    114+exposed on the blockchain indefinitely.
    116+Should quantum advantage manifest, a convention is proposed in spending the full 65-byte P2PK key used by the coinbase
    117+output in Block 1 back to itself. It is proposed to call the address in Block 1 the

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    Link doesn’t work, please fix.
  136. in bip-0360.mediawiki:123 in 85348c01ff outdated
    120+Canary address] since it can only be spent from by others (assuming Satoshi's continued absence) if secp256k1 is
    121+broken. Should the Canary coins move, that will signal that reliance on secp256k1 is presently vulnerable. Without the
    122+Canary, or an address like it, there may be some doubt as to whether the coins were moved with keys belonging to the
    123+original owner.

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    This still leaves in the possibility that Satoshi comes back and spends the coins. Why don’t we choose coins that we know nobody knows the private key for, i.e. coins locked to a NUMS point?

    cryptoquick commented at 6:37 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Is there an example of that? If so, a link would be very helpful.

    vostrnad commented at 8:12 pm on December 23, 2024:

    I only managed to find two non-empty addresses that use an obvious NUMS point containing around 0.02 BTC in total:

    Given this lack of funds locked in NUMS addresses and Murch’s other criticisms (which I agree with) I’d recommend completely removing the concept of canary coins from the BIP.

  137. in bip-0360.mediawiki:127 in 85348c01ff outdated
    122+Canary, or an address like it, there may be some doubt as to whether the coins were moved with keys belonging to the
    123+original owner.
    125+Coinbase outputs to P2PK keys go as far as block 200,000, so there are, at the time of writing, 1,723,848 coins that
    126+are vulnerable from the first epoch at the time of writing in P2PK outputs alone. The majority of these have a
    127+block reward of 50 coins each, and there are roughly 34,000 distinct P2PK addresses that are vulnerable. These coins

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:

    There’s no such thing as a “P2PK address”; P2PK scripts don’t have a standardized address format. (What shows is just the raw public key, not an address, not least because you can’t send to it using any commonly used wallet software.)

    0block reward of 50 coins each, and there are roughly 34,000 distinct P2PK scripts that are vulnerable. These coins
  138. in bip-0360.mediawiki:142 in 85348c01ff outdated
    137+in Bitcoin. Additionally, this assumes that other vulnerable targets such as central banks have upgraded their
    138+cryptography by this time.
    140+The Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite (CNSA) 2.0 has a timeline for software and networking equipment to be
    141+upgraded by 2030, with browsers and operating systems fully upgraded by 2033. According to NIST IR 8547, Elliptic Curve
    142+Cryptography is planned to be disallowed within the US Federal government after 2035. An exception is made for hybrid

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    0Cryptography is planned to be disallowed within the US federal government after 2035. An exception is made for hybrid
  139. in bip-0360.mediawiki:160 in 85348c01ff outdated
    155+This is the first in a series of BIPs under a QuBit soft fork. A qubit is a fundamental unit of quantum computing, and
    156+the capital B refers to Bitcoin. The name QuBit also rhymes to some extent with SegWit.
    158+It is proposed to use SegWit version 3. This results in addresses that start with bc1r, which could be a useful way to
    159+remember that these are quantum (r)esistant addresses (similar to how bc1q corresponds to Se(q)Wit and bc1p corresponds
    160+to Ta(p)root). This is referencing the lookup table under

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    In the case of SegWit and Taproot these are just coincidences. I would leave this out.
  140. in bip-0360.mediawiki:173 in 85348c01ff outdated
    168+should a vulnerability exist in one of the signature algorithms used. One key distinction between P2QRH and P2TR
    169+however is that P2QRH will encode a hash of the public key. This is a significant deviation from how Taproot works by
    170+itself, but it is necessary to avoid exposing public keys on-chain where they are vulnerable to attack.
    172+P2QRH uses a 32-byte HASH256 (specifically SHA-256 twice-over, which is similar to that used in
    173+[ BIP-16]) of the public key to reduce the

    vostrnad commented at 11:14 pm on December 19, 2024:
    BIP16 doesn’t use double SHA-256 though?
  141. in bip-0360.mediawiki:175 in 85348c01ff outdated
    170+itself, but it is necessary to avoid exposing public keys on-chain where they are vulnerable to attack.
    172+P2QRH uses a 32-byte HASH256 (specifically SHA-256 twice-over, which is similar to that used in
    173+[ BIP-16]) of the public key to reduce the
    174+size of new outputs and also to increase security by not having the public key available on-chain. This hash serves as
    175+a minimal cryptographic commitment to a public key. It goes into the output spend script, which does not receive the

    vostrnad commented at 11:15 pm on December 19, 2024:
    What’s an “output spend script”?

    cryptoquick commented at 5:06 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Also known as the scriptpubkey. Is that the preferred terminology?

    murchandamus commented at 7:29 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I prefer either “input script” and “output script” or “scriptSig” and “scriptPubKey”. I don’t think I’ve seen “output spend script” before.
  142. in bip-0360.mediawiki:197 in 85348c01ff outdated
    192+increase in economic activity. An increase in the witness discount would not only impact node runners but those with
    193+inscriptions would also have the scarcity of their non-monetary assets affected. The only way to prevent these effects
    194+while also increasing the discount is to have a completely separate witness—a "quantum witness." Because it is meant
    195+only for public keys and signatures, we call this section of the transaction the attestation.
    197+To address the risk of arbitrary data being stored using P2QRH (QuBit) addresses, very specific rules will be applied

    vostrnad commented at 11:15 pm on December 19, 2024:
    0To address the risk of arbitrary data being stored using P2QRH (QuBit) outputs, very specific rules will be applied
  143. in bip-0360.mediawiki:227 in 85348c01ff outdated
    222+time-tested, and well-reviewed. Lattice cryptography is relatively new and introduces novel security assumptions to
    223+Bitcoin, but their signatures are smaller and might be considered by some to be an adequate alternative to hash-based
    224+signatures. SQIsign is much smaller; however, it is based on a very novel form of cryptography known as supersingular
    225+elliptic curve quaternion isogeny, and at the time of writing, is not yet approved by NIST or the broader PQC community.
    227+In the distant future, following the implementation of the P2QRH address format in a QuBit soft fork, there will likely

    vostrnad commented at 11:15 pm on December 19, 2024:
    0In the distant future, following the implementation of the P2QRH output type in a QuBit soft fork, there will likely
  144. in bip-0360.mediawiki:305 in 85348c01ff outdated
    300+This allows for inclusion of a Taproot MAST merkle root in the attestation, which makes P2QRH a quantum-resistant
    301+version of Taproot.
    303+=== Transaction Serialization ===
    305+Following BIP-141, the transaction serialization is modified to include a new attestation field after the witness field:

    vostrnad commented at 11:15 pm on December 19, 2024:

    This is a bit inaccurate: you can’t just modify the existing serialization format because existing nodes still need to receive transactions in that format. Instead you’re creating a new format and keeping both (actually 3 now).

    By the way, will you not also need to introduce e.g. a qtxid, similar to wtxid?

    0Following BIP-141, a new transaction serialization format is introduced to include an attestation field after the witness field:
  145. in bip-0360.mediawiki:319 in 85348c01ff outdated
    315+=== Attestation Structure ===
    317+The attestation field consists of:
    319+* <code>num_pubkeys</code>: The number of public keys (VarInt encoded).

    vostrnad commented at 11:15 pm on December 19, 2024:
    You probably mean compact size, not VarInt. See
  146. in bip-0360.mediawiki:535 in 85348c01ff outdated
    530+chosen as Bitcoin's curve. Isogeny cryptography when it was first introduced was broken over a weekend.
    532+Ideally SQIsign also proves to be flexible enough to support
    533+[ Isogeny Diffie-Hellman] to
    534+replace ECDH applications, and also provide methods for the key tweaking necessary to support TapScript for P2QR
    535+addresses. Additionally, isogeny-based post-quantum cryptography is based on higher-order elliptic curves, and so it

    vostrnad commented at 11:15 pm on December 19, 2024:
    0outputs. Additionally, isogeny-based post-quantum cryptography is based on higher-order elliptic curves, and so it
  147. in bip-0360.mediawiki:591 in 85348c01ff outdated
    586+* 2024-09-27 - Initial draft proposal
    588+== Acknowledgements ==
    590+This document is inspired by [ BIP-341], which introduced
    591+the design of the P2TR (Taproot) address type using Schnorr signatures.

    vostrnad commented at 11:15 pm on December 19, 2024:
    0the design of the P2TR (Taproot) output type using Schnorr signatures.
  148. Apply suggestions from code review
    Co-authored-by: Vojtěch Strnad <>
  149. Address feedback from vostrnad. 2b641b899e
  150. Update typos list. 4b8b6470e6
  151. cryptoquick requested review from vostrnad on Dec 20, 2024
  152. Fixes, typos, formatting. 990d8a87b5
  153. in bip-0360.mediawiki:34 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    29+the cryptographic assumptions of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), which secures Bitcoin's signatures and Taproot
    30+commitments. Specifically, [ Shor's algorithm] enables a CRQC to solve the
    31+Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) exponentially faster than classical methods<ref name="shor">Shor's algorithm is
    32+believed to need 10^8 operations to break a 256-bit elliptic curve public key.</ref>, allowing the derivation of private
    33+keys from public keys—a process referred to as quantum key decryption. Importantly, simply increasing the public key
    34+length (e.g., using a hypothetical secp512k1 curve) would only make deriving the private key twice as hard, offering

    murchandamus commented at 7:55 pm on December 20, 2024:

    I assume that “twice” specifically corresponds to doubling the length rather than “increasing it”.

    0keys from public keys—a process referred to as quantum key decryption. Importantly, simply doubling the public key
    1length (e.g., using a hypothetical secp512k1 curve) would only make deriving the private key twice as hard, offering
  154. in bip-0360.mediawiki:47 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    43+The vulnerability of existing Bitcoin addresses is investigated in
    45+and-the-bitcoin-blockchain.html this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the
    46+Bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to quantum attack. As of the time of writing, that number is now
    47+closer to 20%. Additionally, cryptographer Pieter Wuille [ reasons]

    murchandamus commented at 7:57 pm on December 20, 2024:

    It sounds like the two are related, but rather you are citing two independent resources. Also, Pieter has previously espoused the opinion that he is not a cryptographer.

    0closer to 20%. Independently, cryptographer Pieter Wuille [ reasons]

    murchandamus commented at 8:01 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Also I think Pieter has previously mentioned that he wouldn’t consider himself a cryptographer, so maybe just go with “Bitcoin developer”
  155. in bip-0360.mediawiki:75 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    71+As the value being sent increases, so too should the fee in order to commit the transaction to the chain as soon as
    72+possible. Once the transaction is mined, it makes useless the public key revealed by spending a UTXO, so long as it is
    73+never reused.
    75+It is proposed to implement a Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash (P2QRH) address type that relies on a PQC signature

    murchandamus commented at 8:03 pm on December 20, 2024:
    0It is proposed to implement a Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash (P2QRH) output type that relies on a PQC signature
  156. in bip-0360.mediawiki:76 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    71+As the value being sent increases, so too should the fee in order to commit the transaction to the chain as soon as
    72+possible. Once the transaction is mined, it makes useless the public key revealed by spending a UTXO, so long as it is
    73+never reused.
    75+It is proposed to implement a Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash (P2QRH) address type that relies on a PQC signature
    76+algorithm. This new address type protects transactions submitted to the mempool and helps preserve the free market by

    murchandamus commented at 8:03 pm on December 20, 2024:
    0algorithm. This new output type protects transactions submitted to the mempool and helps preserve the free market by
  157. in bip-0360.mediawiki:102 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
     97+| P2WSH || No || bc1q || bc1qvhu3557twysq2ldn6dut6rmaj3qk04p60h9l79wk4lzgy0ca8mfsnffz65
     99+| P2TR || Yes || bc1p || bc1p92aslsnseq786wxfk3ekra90ds9ku47qttupfjsqmmj4z82xdq4q3rr58u
    101+| P2QRH || No || bc1r || bc1r8rt68aze8tek87cnz4ndnvfzk6tk93jv39n4lmpu5a4yw453rcpszsft3z

    murchandamus commented at 8:05 pm on December 20, 2024:
    It should perhaps be reiterated in the context of this table that their funds are only safe in P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, and P2WSH outputs if they haven’t used the address before.
  158. in bip-0360.mediawiki:124 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    120+Short Range Quantum Attack is an attack that must be executed quickly while a transaction is still in the mempool,
    121+before it gets mined into a block. This affects:
    123+* Any transaction in the mempool (except for P2QRH)
    124+* Unhardened BIP-32 HD wallet keys

    murchandamus commented at 8:10 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Same point as raised above by @vostrnad
  159. in bip-0360.mediawiki:151 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    147+It's for the above reason that, for those who wish to be prepared for quantum emergency, it is recommended that no more
    148+than 50 bitcoin are kept under a single, distinct, unused Native SegWit (P2WPKH, "bc1q") address at a time. This is
    149+assuming that the attacker is financially motivated instead of, for example, a nation state looking to break confidence
    150+in Bitcoin. Additionally, this assumes that other vulnerable targets such as central banks have upgraded their
    151+cryptography by this time.

    murchandamus commented at 8:32 pm on December 20, 2024:
    This whole part about the Canary and Satoshi’s Shield feels a bit like an excursion from the main topic. Anyway, if I were to attack anything, I wouldn’t go after Satoshi’s coins. First because it would raise suspicion immediately, and secondly, because e.g., the Binance Cold Wallet 34xp4vRoCGJym3xR7yCVPFHoCNxv4Twseo currently holds ₿248,597.53479136 and is a reused address.

    cryptoquick commented at 9:58 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I understand that perspective, but as the first BIP related to quantum computing, I wanted to appropriately set the stage even for skeptics. The Canary address is meant to be a flag in the sand that people can hopefully agree that if Satoshi is expected never to return, then this is a logical place to check to agree that Bitcoin is unequivocally compromised.

    murchandamus commented at 7:41 pm on December 23, 2024:
    I don’t get it. If you could compromise an output script worth 50 ₿ or an output script worth 250 k₿, how does the former serve as a canary, i.e., an early warning?!

    vostrnad commented at 8:13 pm on December 23, 2024:
    I agree, attempting to create a convention for canary coins seems inherently flawed and out of scope for this BIP.

    cryptoquick commented at 10:46 pm on December 23, 2024:
    Okay, I’ll remove it.
  160. in bip-0360.mediawiki:173 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    168+This is the first in a series of BIPs under a QuBit soft fork. A qubit is a fundamental unit of quantum computing, and
    169+the capital B refers to Bitcoin. The name QuBit also rhymes to some extent with SegWit.
    171+It is proposed to use SegWit version 3. This results in addresses that start with bc1r, which could be a useful way to
    172+remember that these are quantum (r)esistant addresses. This is referencing the lookup table under
    173+[ BIP-173].

    murchandamus commented at 8:35 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I’m not convinced by this rationale for skipping ahead in the versions. A similar mnemonic could be made up for bc1z e.g., “(z)ecure against quantum”.

    cryptoquick commented at 10:00 pm on December 20, 2024:

    I think a better use for bc1z would be P2TRH, which is a follow-up BIP I want to introduce as an alternative should this BIP fail to gather consensus.

    As for bc1r, I think to some degree aesthetics matter. “Resistant” should be the word that comes to mind.

  161. in bip-0360.mediawiki:176 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    171+It is proposed to use SegWit version 3. This results in addresses that start with bc1r, which could be a useful way to
    172+remember that these are quantum (r)esistant addresses. This is referencing the lookup table under
    173+[ BIP-173].
    175+The proposal above also leaves a gap in case it makes sense to use version 2, or bc1z, for implementation of other
    176+address formats such as those that employ Cross Input Signature Aggregation (CISA).

    murchandamus commented at 8:37 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I would prefer using native segwit versions as proposals come up rather than leaving space for things with an uncertain timeline.
  162. in bip-0360.mediawiki:186 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    181+however is that P2QRH will encode a hash of the public key. This is a significant deviation from how Taproot works by
    182+itself, but it is necessary to avoid exposing public keys on-chain where they are vulnerable to attack.
    184+P2QRH uses a 32-byte HASH256 (specifically SHA-256 twice-over) of the public key to reduce the size of new outputs and
    185+also to increase security by not having the public key available on-chain. This hash serves as a minimal cryptographic
    186+commitment to a public key. It goes into the scriptPubKey, which does not receive the witness discount.

    murchandamus commented at 8:40 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Would this perhaps better be described as a Witness Program?
  163. in bip-0360.mediawiki:213 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    208+to spending from the witness stack in SegWit v3 outputs. A fixed signature size will be necessary for spending the
    209+output, and the output must be spendable to be considered valid within node consensus. A fixed signature size will also
    210+be helpful to disambiguate between signature types without an additional version byte, as SQIsign signatures are
    211+substantially smaller than FALCON signatures. Consequently, the correct signature algorithm can be inferred through
    212+byte length. The public key and signature will be pushed separately to the attestation stack. Multiple signatures can
    213+be included in order to support multisig applications, and also for spending multiple inputs.

    murchandamus commented at 8:43 pm on December 20, 2024:
    It might generally make sense to separate the description of the output type mechanics from the serialization format into different sections.

    cryptoquick commented at 10:07 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Good suggestion. I’ve moved this section and the next to a section after the ScriptPubKey section called Output Mechanics.
  164. in bip-0360.mediawiki:235 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    230+The inclusion of these four cryptosystems: SPHINCS+, CRYSTALS-Dilithium, FALCON, and SQIsign have various advocates
    231+within the community due to their varying security assumptions. Hash-based cryptosystems are more conservative,
    232+time-tested, and well-reviewed. Lattice cryptography is relatively new and introduces novel security assumptions to
    233+Bitcoin, but their signatures are smaller and might be considered by some to be an adequate alternative to hash-based
    234+signatures. SQIsign is much smaller; however, it is based on a very novel form of cryptography known as supersingular
    235+elliptic curve quaternion isogeny, and at the time of writing, is not yet approved by NIST or the broader PQC community.

    murchandamus commented at 8:51 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I have no clue about the trade-offs here, but wouldn’t it make the proposal much more viable if it picked only one and added hooks to introduce another later in case we change our mind as we learn more?

    cryptoquick commented at 10:16 pm on December 20, 2024:

    It’s in the interest of supporting hybrid cryptography, especially for high value outputs, such as cold wallets used by exchanges. I’ll be sure to add that explanation, if it helps.

    As for viability, I can explain that a separate libbitcoinpqc library could be developed as a drop-in analogue to libsecp256k1.

  165. in bip-0360.mediawiki:241 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    237+In the distant future, following the implementation of the P2QRH output type in a QuBit soft fork, there will likely
    238+be a need for Pay to Quantum Secure (P2QS) addresses. These will require specialized quantum hardware for signing,
    239+while still [ using public keys that are verifiable via classical
    240+means]. Additional follow-on BIPs will be needed to implement P2QS. However, until specialized quantum cryptography
    241+hardware is widespread, quantum resistant addresses should be an adequate intermediate solution.

    murchandamus commented at 8:54 pm on December 20, 2024:
    This begs the question how Quantum Resistant and Quantum Secure are distinguished.

    cryptoquick commented at 11:23 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Good question. I’ve added more details on that.
  166. in bip-0360.mediawiki:254 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    249+To integrate P2QRH into existing wallet software and scripts, we introduce a new output descriptor function
    250+<code>qrh()</code>. This function represents a P2QRH output, similar to how <code>wpkh()</code> and <code>tr()</code>
    251+are used for P2WPKH and P2TR outputs, respectively.
    253+The <code>qrh()</code> function takes the HASH256 of the concatenated HASH256 of the quantum-resistant public keys as
    254+its argument. For example:

    murchandamus commented at 8:57 pm on December 20, 2024:
    It’s not clear to me why we are suddenly talking about multiple public keys here.

    cryptoquick commented at 11:22 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I’ve added some more details, let me know if that helps.
  167. in bip-0360.mediawiki:311 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    307+This merkle tree construction creates an efficient cryptographic commitment to multiple public keys while enabling
    308+selective disclosure.
    310+This allows for inclusion of a Taproot MAST merkle root in the attestation, which makes P2QRH a quantum-resistant
    311+version of Taproot.

    murchandamus commented at 9:08 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I’m fairly lost here. The multiple public keys and tree construction seems to be mentioned for the first time here. If there was rationale for this tree construction, I missed it. It’s not clear to me what this tree construction achieves. How many of the public keys can be provided directly in the form of their hashes? When you mention MAST, I assume you mean “Merklized Alternative Script Trees”, so one would spend by revealing only a single key from the tree and satisfy its spending conditions? Altogether, this section is hard to follow for me.

    cryptoquick commented at 11:21 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I’ve tried to add more supporting information. Let me know if that’s better.

    murchandamus commented at 8:53 pm on December 23, 2024:
    I think I’m slowly getting the gist of it, but it might help to cover the abstract idea briefly at a higher level before getting into all the details.

    jonatack commented at 1:16 am on January 3, 2025:
    BIP114 is also named “MAST” (Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees), so perhaps write out the MAST you are referring to here.
  168. in bip-0360.mediawiki:321 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    317+  [nVersion][marker][flag][txins][txouts][witness][attestation][nLockTime]
    319+* <code>marker</code>: <code>0x00</code> (same as SegWit)
    321+* <code>flag</code>: <code>0x02</code> (indicates the presence of both witness and attestation data)

    murchandamus commented at 9:10 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Should the flag not be considered a boolean array? 0x01 for witness, 0x02 for attestation, 0x03 for witness and attestation? Is it possible for an attestation to appear without a witness section?

    cryptoquick commented at 10:42 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I’ve considered this, and yes, it might make sense if we’ve completely transitioned away from classical cryptography. I’ll be sure to factor that in.
  169. in bip-0360.mediawiki:347 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    343+* <code>signature_length</code>: compact size length of the signature.
    344+* <code>signature</code>: The signature bytes.
    346+This structure repeats for each input, in order, for flexibility in supporting multisig schemes and various
    347+quantum-resistant algorithms.

    murchandamus commented at 9:12 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I haven’t thought a lot about this, but given the goal of extensibility, it might be good to add a byte to indicate a signature type for more flexibility?

    cryptoquick commented at 10:59 pm on December 20, 2024:
    As I go into in the Signature Algorithm Identification section, we just use the length of the key and signature to indicate signature type. If there’s overlap, an extra byte is added.
  170. in bip-0360.mediawiki:391 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    387+* Valid signatures corresponding to the public key(s) and the transaction data.
    389+3. For multi-signature schemes, all required public keys and signatures must be provided for that input within the
    390+attestation. Public keys that are not needed can be excluded by including their hash in the attestation accompanied
    391+with an empty signature. This includes classical Schnorr signatures.

    murchandamus commented at 9:14 pm on December 20, 2024:
    For a multisignature scheme, would you need to reveal multiple leafs from the pubkey tree? From what I understood the tree can only hold public keys, not scripts. How then is the threshold communicated? Wouldn’t a spender be able to reveal only their own key and provide a signature for that?

    cryptoquick commented at 11:03 pm on December 20, 2024:
    That’s a good point. Does that need to be committed to in the output or just expressed in the attestation?

    murchandamus commented at 7:46 pm on December 23, 2024:
    If it’s not committed to in advance, you are building either a 1-of-n or a 0-of-n scheme, depending on the minimum value for the threshold.

    cryptoquick commented at 10:18 pm on December 23, 2024:

    That makes sense. So, we essentially need to commit to a script hash. I’m thinking we just do a bunch of consecutive data pushes of PKHs and they correspond to leaves on a binary tree. This is then included in the witness. Keys in the attestation are hashed and compared to the PKHs in the v3 witness. Like this:


    Notice, all 5 PKHs need to be committed to in advance in the script hash. Maybe we need to introduce a concept like QPKH? QuBit public key hash? And QSH for script hashes? Or would APKH / ASH be better, for attestation?

    What do you think? This I think will obviate the necessity for a merkle tree, as recommended by @EthanHeilman. If 3 public keys aren’t included and don’t hash to any of the public keys in the script hash, then the transaction fails.

  171. in bip-0360.mediawiki:577 in 4b8b6470e6 outdated
    572+== References ==
    574+* [ Mailing list discussion]
    575+* [ Delving Bitcoin discussion]
    576+* [ Bitcoin OpTech newsletter]
    577+* [ Bitcoin OpTech discussion transcript]

    murchandamus commented at 9:18 pm on December 20, 2024:
    0* [ Bitcoin Optech newsletter]
    1* [ Bitcoin Optech discussion transcript]
  172. murchandamus commented at 9:22 pm on December 20, 2024: contributor
    Sorry for the many comments. I’m glad that someone is looking into this topic, but it seems to me that there are still many unknowns with the topic, and I’m not sure the proposal is already at a level where it provides sufficient information for anyone to fashion an implementation.
  173. in bip-0360.mediawiki:3 in 990d8a87b5 outdated
    0@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
    2+  BIP: 360
    3+  Title: QuBit: SegWit v3 spending rules (P2QRH)

    murchandamus commented at 9:27 pm on December 20, 2024:

    After having just read the BIP again, I’m not sure why the term “QuBit” appears in the title. Wouldn’t the main topic simply be:

    0  Title: Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash
  174. in bip-0360.mediawiki:169 in 990d8a87b5 outdated
    164+[ Sam Jaques’ post on this].
    166+=== Rationale ===
    168+This is the first in a series of BIPs under a QuBit soft fork. A qubit is a fundamental unit of quantum computing, and
    169+the capital B refers to Bitcoin. The name QuBit also rhymes to some extent with SegWit.

    murchandamus commented at 9:36 pm on December 20, 2024:
    Is the intention to make a group of several BIPs that are intended to be activated together like SegWit? Otherwise I’m not sure whether I get the purpose of introducing the term “QuBit” here.

    cryptoquick commented at 11:07 pm on December 20, 2024:
    That is the idea, yes. QuBit is the name of the soft fork, similar to SegWit and Taproot.
  175. in bip-0360.mediawiki:597 in 990d8a87b5 outdated
    592+* 2024-11-20 - Clarifications based on feedback from Murch. Remove some sections that are not yet ready.
    593+* 2024-10-21 - Replace XMSS with CRYSTALS-Dilithium due to NIST approval and size constraints.
    594+* 2024-09-30 - Refactor the ECC vs PoW section. Swap quitness for attestation.
    595+* 2024-09-29 - Update section on PoW to include partial-preimage.
    596+* 2024-09-28 - Add Winternitz, XMSS signatures, and security assumption types to PQC table. Omit NIST Level I table. Add spend script specification. Add revealed public key scenario table.
    597+* 2024-09-27 - Initial draft proposal

    murchandamus commented at 9:46 pm on December 20, 2024:
    I don’t think “Address feedback form vostrnad”, “Update title and formatting”, “MediaWiki formatting fixes”, etc. are substantial changes that need to be tracked in the Changelog. Maybe this list could be compressed a bit.
  176. murchandamus commented at 9:48 pm on December 20, 2024: contributor

    After going over the editor checklist, I’m not sure why the term “QuBit” is introduced.

    Altogether, it feels like Motivation and Rationale are giving a very broad overview of the topic, straying maybe a bit too far for a document describing “Spending Rules”. Perhaps the document could be more concise in several sections, and the corresponding information could be provided outside of the BIP and just linked, or moved to the footnotes.

  177. Updates based on Murch and vostrnad feedback. 0fdd8c3edc
  178. Fix title change in README. 208a987f2f
  179. cryptoquick commented at 11:20 pm on December 20, 2024: none

    @murchandamus @vostrnad Thank you for taking the time to review. I realize this is a long BIP and there’s a lot to go over, but I think it’s important as the first quantum BIP to go into the problem in detail. In that way it’s similar to BIP-52.

    Regardless, I’ve made updates to satisfy your recommendations the best I can, here’s a diff for your convenience:

    For context, I also intend to introduce a QuBit activation BIP, and a P2TRH BIP separate from QuBit. Additionally, I realize that there’s some sections here that are underspecified. That will come with test vectors and an implementation, which I’m working towards.

  180. in bip-0360.mediawiki:36 in 208a987f2f outdated
    31+Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) exponentially faster than classical methods<ref name="shor">Shor's algorithm is
    32+believed to need 10^8 operations to break a 256-bit elliptic curve public key.</ref>, allowing the derivation of
    33+private keys from public keys—a process referred to as quantum key decryption. Importantly, simply doubling the public
    34+key length (e.g., using a hypothetical secp512k1 curve) would only make deriving the private key twice as hard,
    35+offering insufficient protection. The computational complexity of this attack is further explored in
    36+[ ''The impact of hardware specifications on reaching quantum advantage in the fault-tolerant regime''].

    murchandamus commented at 8:02 pm on December 23, 2024:

    Collaboration nit: Please don’t reformat a paragraph when you change just a couple words. Keep the line breaks at the same place to make it easier to spot the changes:

    It’s much easier to review

    0 believed to need 10^8 operations to break a 256-bit elliptic curve public key.</ref>, allowing the derivation of private
    1-keys from public keys—a process referred to as quantum key decryption. Importantly, simply increasing the public key
    2+keys from public keys—a process referred to as quantum key decryption. Importantly, simply doubling the public key
    3 length (e.g., using a hypothetical secp512k1 curve) would only make deriving the private key twice as hard, offering
    4 insufficient protection. The computational complexity of this attack is further explored in
    5-[ ''The impact
    6-of hardware specifications on reaching quantum advantage in the fault-tolerant regime''
    7+[ ''The impact of hardware specifications on reaching quantum advantage in the fault-tolerant regime''].


     0-believed to need 10^8 operations to break a 256-bit elliptic curve public key.</ref>, allowing the derivation of private
     1-keys from public keys—a process referred to as quantum key decryption. Importantly, simply increasing the public key
     2-length (e.g., using a hypothetical secp512k1 curve) would only make deriving the private key twice as hard, offering
     3-insufficient protection. The computational complexity of this attack is further explored in
     4-[ ''The impact
     5-of hardware specifications on reaching quantum advantage in the fault-tolerant regime''].
     6+believed to need 10^8 operations to break a 256-bit elliptic curve public key.</ref>, allowing the derivation of
     7+private keys from public keys—a process referred to as quantum key decryption. Importantly, simply doubling the public
     8+key length (e.g., using a hypothetical secp512k1 curve) would only make deriving the private key twice as hard,
     9+offering insufficient protection. The computational complexity of this attack is further explored in
    10+[ ''The impact of hardware specifications on reaching quantum advantage in the fault-tolerant regime''].

    because all the linebreaks were readjusted after the “private” at the end of the first line was moved to the second line.

    cryptoquick commented at 9:51 pm on December 23, 2024:
    Good point
  181. in bip-0360.mediawiki:103 in 208a987f2f outdated
     98+| P2TR || Yes || bc1p || bc1p92aslsnseq786wxfk3ekra90ds9ku47qttupfjsqmmj4z82xdq4q3rr58u
    100+| P2QRH || No || bc1r || bc1r8rt68aze8tek87cnz4ndnvfzk6tk93jv39n4lmpu5a4yw453rcpszsft3z
    103+Note: Funds are only safe in P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, and P2WSH outputs if they haven't used the address before.

    murchandamus commented at 8:19 pm on December 23, 2024:

    Address reuse can refer to just receiving funds to the same address multiple times, but that in itself is not unsafe. Here we specifically mean that it becomes vulnerable the input script has been revealed.

    Maybe add a ¹ to distinguish P2QRH from the mentioned output types:

     0{| class="wikitable"
     1|+ Vulnerable output types
     3! Type !! Vulnerable !! Prefix !! Example
     5| P2PK || Yes || Varies || 2103203b768951584fe9af6d9d9e6ff26a5f76e453212f19ba163774182ab8057f3eac
     7| P2PKH || No¹ || 1 || 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa
     9| P2MS || Yes || Varies || 52410496ec45f878b62c46c4be8e336dff7cc58df9b502178cc240e...
    11| P2SH || No¹ || 3 || 3FkhZo7sGNue153xhgqPBcUaBsYvJW6tTx
    13| P2WPKH || No¹ || bc1q || bc1qsnh5ktku9ztqeqfr89yrqjd05eh58nah884mku
    15| P2WSH || No¹ || bc1q || bc1qvhu3557twysq2ldn6dut6rmaj3qk04p60h9l79wk4lzgy0ca8mfsnffz65
    17| P2TR || Yes || bc1p || bc1p92aslsnseq786wxfk3ekra90ds9ku47qttupfjsqmmj4z82xdq4q3rr58u
    19| P2QRH || No || bc1r || bc1r8rt68aze8tek87cnz4ndnvfzk6tk93jv39n4lmpu5a4yw453rcpszsft3z
    22¹ Funds in P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, and P2WSH outputs become vulnerable to long-range quantum attacks when their input script is revealed. An address is no longer safe against long-range quantum attacks after funds from it have been spent.
  182. in bip-0360.mediawiki:109 in 208a987f2f outdated
    105+It should be noted that Taproot outputs are vulnerable in that they encode a 32-byte x-only public key, from which a
    106+full public key can be reconstructed.
    108+Derivation of child keys (whether hardened or not) requires the chain code, so this is only a concern if the attacker
    109+has access to the extended public key (in which case they can just directly convert it to an extended private key).

    murchandamus commented at 8:30 pm on December 23, 2024:

    Your new text seems to be responding to the thought of the removed sentence. How about this combination of the original and new version:

    0If an extended public key’s (xPub’s) parent private key of is recovered by CRQC, the attacker also recovers
    1the entire extended private key, whether it uses hardened or unhardened derivation.
  183. in bip-0360.mediawiki:119 in 208a987f2f outdated
    114+period of time, giving an attacker ample opportunity to break the cryptography. This affects:
    116+* P2PK outputs (Satoshi's coins, CPU miners, starts with 04)
    117+* Reused addresses (any type, except P2QRH)
    118+* Taproot addresses (starts with bc1p)
    119+* Wallet descriptor extended public keys, commonly known as "xpubs"

    murchandamus commented at 8:32 pm on December 23, 2024:

    I am not sure what you mean with “Wallet descriptor extended public keys”. Did you mean wallet descriptors and extended public keys?

    0* Extended public keys, commonly known as "xpubs"
    1* Wallet descriptors
  184. in bip-0360.mediawiki:280 in 208a987f2f outdated
    275+Hash Computation section.
    277+=== Output Mechanics ===
    279+To address the risk of arbitrary data being stored using P2QRH (QuBit) outputs, very specific rules will be applied
    280+to spending from the witness stack in SegWit v3 outputs. A fixed signature size will be necessary for spending the

    murchandamus commented at 8:48 pm on December 23, 2024:

    This is confusing. We don’t “spend from the witness stack”. From what I understand meanwhile, the public keys and public key hashes are provided in the attestation, and any signatures are provided in the witness. Under the assumption that the threshold of necessary keys is pre-committed and I understand that right, how about:

    0To prevent storage of arbitrary data using P2QRH (QuBit) outputs,
    1the witness stack for inputs spending segwit v3 outputs is limited to the fixed-size signatures necessary for spending the
  185. in bip-0360.mediawiki:311 in 208a987f2f outdated
    306+For example with 4 public keys:
    308+  h1 = HASH256(pubkey1)
    309+  h2 = HASH256(pubkey2)
    310+  h3 = HASH256(pubkey3)
    311+  h4 = HASH256(pubkey4)

    murchandamus commented at 8:52 pm on December 23, 2024:
    Have you considered making this tagged hashes to mitigate some of the general issues with Satoshi-style merkle trees?

    cryptoquick commented at 9:54 pm on December 23, 2024:
    I have not. I’m not familiar with the problem with Satoshi-style merkle trees. Wouldn’t tagged hashes require additional data?

    murchandamus commented at 5:10 pm on December 26, 2024:
    No, they’re the same cost, you just prefix the hashing process with the tag. The advantage is that it prevents any collisions or hashing the same things at different levels of the tree in different contexts. They could for example be used to disambiguate the different types of cryptographic schemes on the public key commitment level for free, or for distinguishing public key hashes from inner node hashes. I’m not sure they’re necessary here, but they clean-up a whole category of issues, so they might be useful.

    cryptoquick commented at 9:41 pm on December 26, 2024:
    That makes sense. That might be a good idea, if we are using Merkle trees.
  186. murchandamus commented at 8:54 pm on December 23, 2024: contributor
    Just a few quick responses to the edits
  187. Apply suggestions from code review
    Co-authored-by: Mark "Murch" Erhardt <>
  188. Fix broken link. d9bb0ffef1
  189. Remove Canary section. 0ae69db70a
  190. murchandamus commented at 5:11 pm on December 26, 2024: contributor
    This is all that I have at this time from an editorial standpoint. It would be good if this proposal got more feedback and/or endorsements from domain experts in the next steps.
  191. mraksoll4 commented at 5:52 pm on December 30, 2024: none

    the main problem that I see is decryptor wallets, as well as a master private key and a master public key, curves allow us to use something like this, but post-quantum algorithms do not provide such an opportunity (in current implementations)

    if use clasic logic with key pool , we simple get key pairs and use them

    but how are we going to associate a key obtained from master keys with post quantum keys?

  192. cryptoquick commented at 5:06 am on January 1, 2025: none
    @mraksoll4 All PQC algos will of course need to be compatible with BIP-32 HD wallet-style key derivation. There are definitely PQC libraries out there that just assume you’ll never want to bring your own entropy, and so they don’t provide a field or argument to provide that, but the intention behind the implementation of this BIP is that there will be a custom PQC library for bitcoin specifically that will implement things like this. So, your concern, while valid, is an implementation detail, and doesn’t really have much bearing on the BIP itself.
  193. mraksoll4 commented at 4:22 pm on January 1, 2025: none

    @mraksoll4 All PQC algos will of course need to be compatible with BIP-32 HD wallet-style key derivation. There are definitely PQC libraries out there that just assume you’ll never want to bring your own entropy, and so they don’t provide a field or argument to provide that, but the intention behind the implementation of this BIP is that there will be a custom PQC library for bitcoin specifically that will implement things like this. So, your concern, while valid, is an implementation detail, and doesn’t really have much bearing on the BIP itself.

    Well, we have no problems with private keys, and also with generating from a seed, I have already implemented for experiments on the liboqs library the use of my own seed for falcon and dilithium to obtain a pair of keys, as well as obtaining a public key from a private one.

    There are also no problems with multi-signature, the signature itself can be merged.

    but we have a problem with obtaining public keys from the master public key ; due to the design of post quantum algorithms, we do not have the ability to obtain public keys from other public keys through predictable mathematical operations as in ecdsa.

    although perhaps I don’t fully understand how we get the master public key.

    how start you can see at base examle .

    first we need to solve the problem of key hierarchy, or we will have to forget about generating public keys without cration the private key, although for example in Falcon you don’t need the entire private key but only part of it to reconstruct the public key

     2 * This function reconstructs the public key from a given private key.
     3 * It decodes the private key components (f and g) from the secret key
     4 * and uses them to regenerate the corresponding public key (h).
     5 * The generated public key is then encoded into the provided pk array.
     6 * 
     7 * public (pk):  The output buffer where the public key will be stored (must be at least PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES in size).
     8 * private (sk):  The input secret key (private key) in byte array format (must be PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES in size).
     9 * Return value: 0 on success, -1 on error.
    10 */
    13    uint8_t *pk, const uint8_t *sk) {
    14    union {
    15        uint8_t b[FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_10];
    16        uint64_t dummy_u64;
    17        fpr dummy_fpr;
    18    } tmp;
    19    int8_t f[1024], g[1024], F[1024];
    20    uint16_t h[1024];
    21    size_t u, v;
    23    /*
    24     * Decode the private key.
    25     */
    26    if (sk[0] != 0x50 + 10) {
    27        return -1;
    28    }
    29    u = 1;
    30    v = PQCLEAN_FALCON1024_CLEAN_trim_i8_decode(
    31            f, 10, PQCLEAN_FALCON1024_CLEAN_max_fg_bits[10],
    32            sk + u, PQCLEAN_FALCON1024_CLEAN_CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES - u);
    33    if (v == 0) {
    34        return -1;
    35    }
    36    u += v;
    37    v = PQCLEAN_FALCON1024_CLEAN_trim_i8_decode(
    38            g, 10, PQCLEAN_FALCON1024_CLEAN_max_fg_bits[10],
    39            sk + u, PQCLEAN_FALCON1024_CLEAN_CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES - u);
    40    if (v == 0) {
    41        return -1;
    42    }
    44    /*
    45     * Reconstruct the public key using f and g by calling the compute_public function.
    46     */
    47    if (!PQCLEAN_FALCON1024_CLEAN_compute_public(h, f, g, 10, tmp.b)) {
    48        return -1;
    49    }
    51    /*
    52     * Encode public key.
    53     */
    54    pk[0] = 0x00 + 10;
    55    v = PQCLEAN_FALCON1024_CLEAN_modq_encode(
    56            pk + 1, PQCLEAN_FALCON1024_CLEAN_CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES - 1,
    57            h, 10);
    59        return -1;
    60    }
    62    return 0;
  194. in bip-0360.mediawiki:44 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    39+relies on post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) signature algorithms. By adopting PQC, Bitcoin can enhance its quantum
    40+resistance without requiring a hard fork or block size increase.
    42+The vulnerability of existing Bitcoin addresses is investigated in
    44+and-the-bitcoin-blockchain.html this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the

    jonatack commented at 10:34 pm on January 2, 2025:

    nit, let’s avoid a line break in the url here, and s/estimates/estimated/

    1-and-the-bitcoin-blockchain.html this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the
    2+[ this Deloitte report]. The report estimated that in 2020 approximately 25% of the
  195. in bip-0360.mediawiki:47 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    42+The vulnerability of existing Bitcoin addresses is investigated in
    44+and-the-bitcoin-blockchain.html this Deloitte report]. The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the
    45+Bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to quantum attack. As of the time of writing, that number is now
    46+closer to 20%. Independently, Bitcoin developer Pieter Wuille [ reasons]
    47+even more might be vulnerable.

    jonatack commented at 10:41 pm on January 2, 2025:
    0even more addresses might be vulnerable, representing 5M to 10M bitcoin.
  196. in bip-0360.mediawiki:65 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    60+quantum computers must be run for longer in order to overcome errors caused by noise. A "short-range quantum attack"
    61+would be one performed on keys in the mempool, which is seen as much more difficult given the block time, and so it
    62+requires more sophisticated CRQCs.<ref name="short-range">
    63+In the paper
    64+[ How to compute a 256-bit elliptic curve private key with only 50 million Toffoli gates]
    65+the authors estimate that CRQC with 28 million superconducting physical qubits would take 8.3 seconds to calculate a

    jonatack commented at 10:48 pm on January 2, 2025:
    0the authors estimate that a CRQC with 28 million superconducting physical qubits would take 8.3 seconds to calculate a
  197. in bip-0360.mediawiki:96 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    92+| P2SH || No¹ || 3 || 3FkhZo7sGNue153xhgqPBcUaBsYvJW6tTx
    94+| P2WPKH || No¹ || bc1q || bc1qsnh5ktku9ztqeqfr89yrqjd05eh58nah884mku
    96+| P2WSH || No¹ || bc1q || bc1qvhu3557twysq2ldn6dut6rmaj3qk04p60h9l79wk4lzgy0ca8mfsnffz65

    jonatack commented at 10:54 pm on January 2, 2025:
    ISTM all of the No¹ entries ought to be Yes¹ or If revealed¹

    cryptoquick commented at 8:49 pm on January 14, 2025:

    Maybe it would be clearer if I set the table caption to be this?

    Output types vulnerable to long-range attacks on unspent addresses

  198. in bip-0360.mediawiki:108 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    103+¹ Funds in P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, and P2WSH outputs become vulnerable to long-range quantum attacks when their input script is revealed. An address is no longer safe against long-range quantum attacks after funds from it have been spent.
    105+It should be noted that Taproot outputs are vulnerable in that they encode a 32-byte x-only public key, from which a
    106+full public key can be reconstructed.
    108+If an extended public key’s (xPub’s) parent private key of is recovered by CRQC, the attacker also recovers

    jonatack commented at 10:56 pm on January 2, 2025:
    0If the parent private key of an extended public key (xpub) is recovered by a CRQC, the attacker also recovers
  199. in bip-0360.mediawiki:113 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    108+If an extended public key’s (xPub’s) parent private key of is recovered by CRQC, the attacker also recovers
    109+the entire extended private key, whether it uses hardened or unhardened derivation.
    111+==== Long Range and Short Range Quantum Attacks ====
    113+Long Range Quantum Attack is an attack in which the public key has been exposed on the blockchain for an extended

    jonatack commented at 10:57 pm on January 2, 2025:
    0A Long Range Quantum Attack is an attack in which the public key has been exposed on the blockchain for an extended
  200. in bip-0360.mediawiki:122 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    117+* Reused addresses (any type, except P2QRH)
    118+* Taproot addresses (starts with bc1p)
    119+* Extended public keys, commonly known as "xpubs"
    120+* Wallet descriptors
    122+Short Range Quantum Attack is an attack that must be executed quickly while a transaction is still in the mempool,

    jonatack commented at 10:58 pm on January 2, 2025:
    0A Short Range Quantum Attack is an attack that must be executed quickly while a transaction is still in the mempool,
  201. in bip-0360.mediawiki:123 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    118+* Taproot addresses (starts with bc1p)
    119+* Extended public keys, commonly known as "xpubs"
    120+* Wallet descriptors
    122+Short Range Quantum Attack is an attack that must be executed quickly while a transaction is still in the mempool,
    123+before it gets mined into a block. This affects:

    jonatack commented at 10:58 pm on January 2, 2025:
    0before it is mined into a block. This affects:
  202. in bip-0360.mediawiki:132 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    127+Short-range attacks require much larger, more expensive CRQCs since they must be executed within the short window
    128+before a transaction is mined. Long-range attacks can be executed over a longer timeframe since the public key remains
    129+exposed on the blockchain indefinitely.
    131+Coinbase outputs to P2PK keys go as far as block 200,000, so there are, at the time of writing, 1,723,848 coins that
    132+are vulnerable from the first epoch at the time of writing in P2PK outputs alone. The majority of these have a

    jonatack commented at 11:00 pm on January 2, 2025:
    Duplicate “at the time of writing” in this sentence.
  203. in bip-0360.mediawiki:151 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    146+The Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite (CNSA) 2.0 has a timeline for software and networking equipment to be
    147+upgraded by 2030, with browsers and operating systems fully upgraded by 2033. According to NIST IR 8547, Elliptic Curve
    148+Cryptography is planned to be disallowed within the US federal government after 2035. An exception is made for hybrid
    149+cryptography, which is the use of ECC and post-quantum algorithms together.
    151+Although CRQCs could pose a threat to the signatures used in Bitcoin, a smaller threat is to Bitcoin's hash algorithms.

    jonatack commented at 0:12 am on January 3, 2025:
    0Although the main threat posed by CRQCs is to the signatures used in Bitcoin, a smaller threat is to Bitcoin's hash algorithms.
  204. in bip-0360.mediawiki:245 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    241+  qrh(HASH256(HASH256(pubkey1) <nowiki>||</nowiki> HASH256(pubkey2) <nowiki>||</nowiki> ...))
    243+This function allows wallets to manage P2QRH addresses and outputs while accommodating multiple public keys of varying
    244+lengths, such as in multisig schemes, while keeping the public keys hidden until the time of spending. At a minimum,
    245+there should be two public keys in a P2QRH output, one that makes use of classical cryptography and one that makes use

    jonatack commented at 1:04 am on January 3, 2025:
    0there should be two public keys in a P2QRH output: one key that makes use of classical cryptography, and one that makes use
  205. in bip-0360.mediawiki:268 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    266+* <code>OP_PUSHNUM_3</code> (<code>0x03</code>) indicates SegWit version 3.
    267+* <nowiki><hash></nowiki> is the 32-byte HASH256 of the merkle root of a tree of public key hashes, as defined in the
    268+Hash Computation section.

    jonatack commented at 1:06 am on January 3, 2025:
    0Hash Computation section below.
  206. in bip-0360.mediawiki:273 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    268+Hash Computation section.
    270+=== Output Mechanics ===
    272+To prevent storage of arbitrary data using P2QRH (QuBit) outputs,
    273+the witness stack for inputs spending segwit v3 outputs is limited to the fixed-size signatures necessary for spending the

    jonatack commented at 1:07 am on January 3, 2025:

    The other references in this document are to “SegWit”

    0the witness stack for inputs spending SegWit v3 outputs is limited to the fixed-size signatures necessary for spending the
  207. in bip-0360.mediawiki:390 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    385+  * Public Key Length: 128 bytes
    386+  * Signature Length: 335 bytes
    388+Implementations must reject public keys and signatures that do not match expected lengths for supported algorithms.
    390+If there a new algorithm is added, and one of the byte sizes overlaps, then an additional byte should be prepended to the

    jonatack commented at 1:18 am on January 3, 2025:
    0If a new algorithm is added, and one of the byte sizes overlaps, then an additional byte should be prepended to the
  208. in bip-0360.mediawiki:570 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    565+outputs. Additionally, isogeny-based post-quantum cryptography is based on higher-order elliptic curves, and so it
    566+might be possible to implement Isogeny Schnorr signatures.
    568+Signature verification speed as it compares to Schnorr or ECDSA isn't seen as high a consideration as signature size
    569+due to block space being the primary fee constraint. As a P2QRH implementation materializes, a benchmark will be added
    570+for performance comparison. Fortunately, SQIsign signatures are substantially faster to verify than it is to generate

    jonatack commented at 1:26 am on January 3, 2025:
    0for performance comparison. Fortunately, SQIsign signatures are substantially faster to verify than they are to generate
  209. in bip-0360.mediawiki:516 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    511+| [ Lamport signature] || 1977 || 8,192 bytes || 16,384 bytes ||
    512+Hash-based cryptography
    514+| [ Winternitz signature] || 1982 || 2,368 bytes<ref name="winternitz">Winternitz
    515+signatures are much smaller than Lamport signatures due to efficient chunking, but computation is much higher,
    516+especially with high values for w. Winternitz values are for w of 4.</ref> || 2,368 bytes || Hash-based cryptography

    jonatack commented at 1:30 am on January 3, 2025:
    Should the caveat and consequences be mentioned here that Winternitz signatures are one-time?
  210. in bip-0360.mediawiki:581 in 0ae69db70a outdated
    576+security levels for post-quantum cryptography. NIST security level I provides security equivalent to 128-bit keys, and
    577+security level V provides 256-bit security.
    579+== Test Vectors and Reference Code ==

    jonatack commented at 1:33 am on January 3, 2025:
    Any timeline for adding these?

    mraksoll4 commented at 2:12 am on January 3, 2025:

    First, it is necessary to solve a rather simple and complex problem: key structure tree of priv and pub keys. Since in post-quantum algorithms there are not even approximate solutions, possible it will be universal since almost all of them are built on lattices

    Well, what’s important is that we only have a problem with generating public keys from a master public key or xpub, there are no problems with private keys, in almost any algorithm you can feed a seed to get a pair of keys and, as in the example above, reconstruct the public key from part of the private one.

    cryptoquick commented at 8:41 pm on January 14, 2025:
    @jonatack I haven’t had much time to focus on that part. Ideally I could add them as a separate pull request.
  211. jonatack commented at 1:45 am on January 3, 2025: member

    Did another review pass. Updated the PR title, as it looks like the BIP is now named “Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash.”

    Have you read the mail list discussion at It might be good to weigh in there if you’re inclined.

    Most important of the comments below: #1670 (review) and #1670 (review).

  212. jonatack renamed this:
    BIP-360: QuBit - P2QRH spending rules
    BIP-360: QuBit - Pay to Quantum Resistant Hash
    on Jan 3, 2025
  213. Apply suggestions from code review
    Co-authored-by: Jon Atack <>
  214. cryptoquick commented at 8:44 pm on January 14, 2025: none

    Have you read the mail list discussion at It might be good to weigh in there if you’re inclined.

    I did write a response in the mailing list many months ago, but it never showed up. Not sure what happened. I really don’t want to repeat my analysis… It was a good amount of work that was lost.

  215. Address suggestions from jonatack's review. c1b9047655
  216. cryptoquick requested review from jonatack on Jan 14, 2025
  217. cryptoquick requested review from murchandamus on Jan 14, 2025
  218. murchandamus commented at 5:04 pm on January 16, 2025: contributor
    And is it not in your send folder?
  219. in bip-0360.mediawiki:136 in c1b9047655 outdated
    138-transition Bitcoin to implement post-quantum security.
    139+are vulnerable from the first epoch in P2PK outputs alone. The majority of these have a block reward of 50 coins each,
    140+and there are roughly 34,000 distinct P2PK scripts that are vulnerable. These coins can be considered
    141+"Satoshi's Shield." Any addresses with a balance of less than the original block subsidy of 50 coins can be considered
    142+cryptoeconomically incentive incompatible to capture until all of these are mined, and these addresses serve to provide
    143+time to transition Bitcoin to implement post-quantum security.

    murchandamus commented at 5:06 pm on January 16, 2025:
    Once someone just starts stealing ~5% of the supply, it seems that it would be too late?

    cryptoquick commented at 9:14 pm on January 23, 2025:

    I don’t think anything can be done about the vulnerability of Satoshi’s coins without also introducing confiscatory changes. They do serve a useful purpose, however, in that they provide cover to the migration of smaller value transactions in the mempool.

    I’m just thinking worst case scenario, where the process to upgrade Bitcoin’s quantum security takes much longer than we all expect.

  220. cryptoquick commented at 5:08 pm on January 16, 2025: none

    And is it not in your send folder?

    I composed it in the Google GUI … Last I checked there wasn’t a way to check back on it.

  221. in bip-0360.mediawiki:318 in c1b9047655 outdated
    312@@ -315,8 +313,9 @@ keys from the transaction while still proving they were part of the original com
    313 This merkle tree construction creates an efficient cryptographic commitment to multiple public keys while enabling
    314 selective disclosure.
    316-This allows for inclusion of a Taproot MAST merkle root in the attestation, which makes P2QRH a quantum-resistant
    317-version of Taproot.
    318+This allows for inclusion of a [ BIP-114] Taproot
    319+Merkelized Abstract Syntax Tree (MAST) merkle root in the attestation, which makes P2QRH a quantum-resistant
    320+version of Taproot transactions.

    murchandamus commented at 5:08 pm on January 16, 2025:
    Taproot does not use an Abstract Syntax Tree. It uses an Alternative Script Tree. Also the term “MAST” is not used in the Taproot BIPs in this context, they refer to the concept as “script tree”.
  222. in bip-0360.mediawiki:47 in c1b9047655 outdated
    47-even more addresses might be vulnerable, representing 5M to 10M bitcoin.
    48+[ this Deloitte report].
    49+The report estimates that in 2020 approximately 25% of the Bitcoin supply is held within addresses vulnerable to
    50+quantum attack. As of the time of writing, that number is now closer to 20%. Independently, Bitcoin developer Pieter
    51+Wuille [ reasons] even more addresses might be vulnerable, representing
    52+5M to 10M bitcoin.

    murchandamus commented at 5:13 pm on January 16, 2025:
    As described above, please don’t reformat the entire paragraph when you change a single line. Moving all the line breaks makes it needlessly difficult to see what actually changed about the text.

    cryptoquick commented at 5:24 pm on January 16, 2025:
    Sorry, I just noticed that it was over 120 characters in length, which was something you requested earlier.

    murchandamus commented at 6:56 pm on January 21, 2025:

    Ah, I see. Let me clarify: I would suggest that you generally aim for a limited line length so that suggestions left in review refer to a limited amount of text and it is easy to see what changed. When you add a word or two in a change that pushes the line to a slightly larger length, you can either just leave it a bit longer, or you break just that line into two lines, leaving the rest of the lines without changes. That way it is still easy to say what was changed about the text. If that leaves an occasional line a little longer or some lines shorter, it is still easy to review and doesn’t change the visual appearance of the final document.

    If you instead reformat the entire paragraph, a diff will highlight everything as changed which makes it more time consuming to review.

  223. murchandamus commented at 5:15 pm on January 16, 2025: contributor
    If you sent it from there, it should be in your “Sent” or “Drafts” folder, unless you deleted it.
  224. cryptoquick commented at 5:18 pm on January 16, 2025: none
    I don’t see anything like that here… Screenshot from 2025-01-16 10-17-30
  225. murchandamus commented at 5:20 pm on January 16, 2025: contributor
    Oh, I thought you meant from the GUI of a Gmail account.
  226. murchandamus commented at 5:21 pm on January 16, 2025: contributor

    I’m a bit confused that another review was requested from me. As I said in my prior review:

    This is all that I have at this time from an editorial standpoint. It would be good if this proposal got more feedback and/or endorsements from domain experts in the next steps.

    I don’t think this needs another review from me, but rather it needs more engagement and support from other domain experts. Personally, I’m pretty skeptical about the approach of introducing a multitude of different signature schemes at once.

  227. mraksoll4 commented at 5:25 pm on January 16, 2025: none

    To start, I think we need to create a “skeleton” for integrating signature algorithms, such as Falcon-512 - 1024, as it seems to be the most optimal candidate at the moment. Since Falcon-512 - 1024 but it does not support key derivation for private and public keys, we can introduce an additional field in the wallet.dat to store the keys specifically for post-quantum signature algorithms.

    Naturally, the descriptor would also need to be designed to handle single keys, ensuring compatibility with Falcon . This “skeleton” would serve as a foundation for integrating Falcon and similar post-quantum algorithms into the system. It will allow us to expand functionality while maintaining separation from existing ECDSA or other elliptic-curve-based algorithms.

    I’m already trying to implement something similar using the available API, with slight extensions such as key generation from a seed and deriving a public key from a private key to match the expected logic

  228. mraksoll4 commented at 5:28 pm on January 16, 2025: none
    Снимок экрана 2025-01-12 052928
  229. cryptoquick commented at 5:57 pm on January 16, 2025: none


    I’m a bit confused that another review was requested from me. As I said in my prior review:

    This is all that I have at this time from an editorial standpoint. It would be good if this proposal got more feedback and/or endorsements from domain experts in the next steps.

    I don’t think this needs another review from me, but rather it needs more engagement and support from other domain experts. Personally, I’m pretty skeptical about the approach of introducing a multitude of different signature schemes at once.

    That makes sense. I’ll try to solicit more feedback from SMEs. The only reason I re-requested review was because I was hoping to get an approval and merge, but I’m not sure how far off we are from that.

    The reason four were proposed to be introduced was, not only does it make sense from a hybrid cryptography perspective (some may sign high-value transactions with multiple types for redundancy), it’s also possible that this early on, there might be vulnerabilities in the PQC algorithms chosen. There is skepticism about algorithms that make more modern security assumptions. Some prefer hash-based algorithms like SPHINCS, which was a strong preference from people like Antoine Riard and Matthew Corallo. There are problems with SPHINCS, however, in that it’s quite large, and also it doesn’t support signature aggregation so far as I’m aware.

    Do you think it might make sense to edit this to omit the specific signature algorithms? The only problem with that is, that makes it so I can’t implement valid test vectors, and when I eventually go to implement BIP-360, it’s unclear from the spec which algorithms to support.

    My stance has evolved on this over time… In my opinion, we should wait as long as possible until PQC algos are better understood, verified, and implemented. That said, P2QRH, as it was introduced on the mailing list, is meant to just be a concrete starting point for these discussions, and it’s essentially an imperfect compromise between multiple different competing interests.

    Additionally, I’d like to have another conversation around how multisig should work. Currently specified is a merkle tree approach, but I’m considering instead going with an approach similar to P2SH as I outlined in one of my comments. I’m not sure if that should go into this PR or into a separate PR.

    I also would like to work on an alternative BIP, one that’s more conservative and informed by lessons learned from this BIP, for Pay to Taproot Hash (P2TRH, with SegWit v2 addresses), but I’m reticent to open multiple BIP PRs at once. I think it makes sense as a sort of stopgap for those who rely on signature aggregation such as FROST multisig, and it’s a much less heavy a lift. It would be less controversial due to lack of PQC algo bikeshedding, and while it’s imperfect because it doesn’t make the mempool trustless to use, we can then point to P2QRH as the proposal to support if that’s where community consensus is.

    So, yes, there are a lot of considerations to be had here. I’m also likely going to need to deprecate SQIsign due to its terrible performance (100,000 times more computationally expensive to verify than ECDSA according to @EthanHeilman), and I might also want to include RACCOON because there’s definitely demand for signature aggregation. Additionally, I’ve heard concerns about the constants chosen for FALCON in favor or NTRU Prime, but there are also people working on signature aggregation for FALCON which could improve the utility of the proposal.

    One other possibility is that we make signature aggregation a requirement for any PQC algo included from this point forward so as to not have a significant reduction in functionality available with Taproot / Schnorr signatures. This requirement, which has been expressed to me by a number of users, would dramatically narrow down the number of valid signature algorithm candidates. @mraksoll4

    Since Falcon-512 - 1024 but it does not support key derivation for private and public keys

    I believe this is actually an implementation detail. pqclean is unsuitable for bitcoin pqc because of its lack of BIP-32 support, but it might be useful as a basis. It just lacks an API to provide your own entropy, but that’s not the fault of the signature algorithm, it’s instead the fault of the implementation, which can be corrected in a more unified bitcoin pqc library designed in support of this BIP.

  230. mraksoll4 commented at 6:18 pm on January 16, 2025: none

    most post-quantum algorithms that are not yet cracked are lattice structures (unless we want the signature size to be several megabytes) their mathematical basis does not allow for tweaks, as in eleptic curves. These are different mathematical structures, for example RSA, the problem with dilithium and falcon is that there is no analogous G, even potential components f and g are secrets

    This is not native functions of of clean , i created self based at exist function ( you can see it via added memory cleanse .. native does not clear temp buffers )

      0#include <stddef.h>
      1#include <string.h>
      2#include <stdio.h>
      4#include "api.h"
      5#include "inner.h"
      6#include "memory_cleanse.h"
      8#define NONCELEN   40
     10#include "randombytes.h"
     11/* keypair from fixed seed*/
     14    uint8_t *pk, uint8_t *sk, const uint8_t *seed) {
     15    union {
     16        uint8_t b[FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_9];
     17        uint64_t dummy_u64;
     18        fpr dummy_fpr;
     19    } tmp;
     20    int8_t f[512], g[512], F[512];
     21    uint16_t h[512];
     22    inner_shake256_context rng;
     23    size_t u, v;
     25    /*
     26     * Checking the input seed parameter.
     27     * If the seed is NULL, return an error.
     28     */
     29    if (seed == NULL) {
     30        return -1;  // Error: seed is not provided.
     31    }
     33    /*
     34     * Initialize the SHAKE256 random number generator using the seed.
     35     * We now pass the seed directly to the generator.
     36     */
     38    /*
     39     * print seed for debug 
     40	 */
     41    print_hex_debug("Generated Seed Keypair from fseed 1", seed, 48);
     43    inner_shake256_init(&rng);
     44    inner_shake256_inject(&rng, seed, 48);
     46    /*
     47     * print seed for debug 
     48	 */
     49    print_hex_debug("Generated Seed Keypair from fseed 2", seed, 48);
     51    memory_cleanse((void*)seed, 48);
     52    inner_shake256_flip(&rng);
     53    PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_keygen(&rng, f, g, F, NULL, h, 9, tmp.b);
     54    inner_shake256_ctx_release(&rng);
     56	memory_cleanse(&rng, sizeof(inner_shake256_context));
     58    /*
     59     * Encode private key.
     60     */
     61    sk[0] = 0x50 + 9;
     62    u = 1;
     63    v = PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_trim_i8_encode(
     64            sk + u, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES - u,
     65            f, 9, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_max_fg_bits[9]);
     66    if (v == 0) {
     67		memory_cleanse(f, sizeof(f));
     68        memory_cleanse(g, sizeof(g));
     69        memory_cleanse(F, sizeof(F));
     70        memory_cleanse(h, sizeof(h));
     71        memory_cleanse(tmp.b, sizeof(tmp.b));
     72        return -1;
     73    }
     74    u += v;
     75    v = PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_trim_i8_encode(
     76            sk + u, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES - u,
     77            g, 9, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_max_fg_bits[9]);
     78    if (v == 0) {
     79		memory_cleanse(f, sizeof(f));
     80        memory_cleanse(g, sizeof(g));
     81        memory_cleanse(F, sizeof(F));
     82        memory_cleanse(h, sizeof(h));
     83        memory_cleanse(tmp.b, sizeof(tmp.b));
     84        return -1;
     85    }
     86    u += v;
     87    v = PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_trim_i8_encode(
     88            sk + u, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES - u,
     89            F, 9, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_max_FG_bits[9]);
     90    if (v == 0) {
     91		memory_cleanse(f, sizeof(f));
     92        memory_cleanse(g, sizeof(g));
     93        memory_cleanse(F, sizeof(F));
     94        memory_cleanse(h, sizeof(h));
     95        memory_cleanse(tmp.b, sizeof(tmp.b));
     96        return -1;
     97    }
     98    u += v;
    100		memory_cleanse(f, sizeof(f));
    101        memory_cleanse(g, sizeof(g));
    102        memory_cleanse(F, sizeof(F));
    103        memory_cleanse(h, sizeof(h));
    104        memory_cleanse(tmp.b, sizeof(tmp.b));
    105        return -1;
    106    }
    108    memory_cleanse(f, sizeof(f));
    109    memory_cleanse(g, sizeof(g));
    110    memory_cleanse(F, sizeof(F));
    112    /*
    113     * Encode public key.
    114     */
    115    pk[0] = 0x00 + 9;
    116    v = PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_modq_encode(
    117            pk + 1, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES - 1,
    118            h, 9);
    120        memory_cleanse(h, sizeof(h));
    121        memory_cleanse(tmp.b, sizeof(tmp.b));
    122        return -1;
    123    }
    125    memory_cleanse(h, sizeof(h));
    126    memory_cleanse(tmp.b, sizeof(tmp.b));
    128    return 0;
    132 * This function reconstructs the public key from a given private key.
    133 * It decodes the private key components (f and g) from the secret key
    134 * and uses them to regenerate the corresponding public key (h).
    135 * The generated public key is then encoded into the provided pk array.
    136 * 
    137 * public (pk):  The output buffer where the public key will be stored (must be at least PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES in size).
    138 * private (sk):  The input secret key (private key) in byte array format (must be PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES in size).
    139 * Return value: 0 on success, -1 on error.
    140 */
    143    uint8_t *pk, const uint8_t *sk) {
    144    union {
    145        uint8_t b[FALCON_KEYGEN_TEMP_9];
    146        uint64_t dummy_u64;
    147        fpr dummy_fpr;
    148    } tmp;
    149    int8_t f[512], g[512];
    150    uint16_t h[512];
    151    size_t u, v;
    153    /*
    154     * Decode the private key.
    155     */
    156    if (sk[0] != 0x50 + 9) {
    157        return -1;
    158    }
    159    u = 1;
    160    v = PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_trim_i8_decode(
    161            f, 9, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_max_fg_bits[9],
    162            sk + u, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES - u);
    163    if (v == 0) {
    164        return -1;
    165    }
    166    u += v;
    167    v = PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_trim_i8_decode(
    168            g, 9, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_max_fg_bits[9],
    169            sk + u, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES - u);
    170    if (v == 0) {
    171        return -1;
    172    }
    174    /*
    175     * Reconstruct the public key using f and g by calling the compute_public function.
    176     */
    177    if (!PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_compute_public(h, f, g, 9, tmp.b)) {
    178		memory_cleanse(f, sizeof(f));
    179        memory_cleanse(g, sizeof(g));
    180        memory_cleanse(tmp.b, sizeof(tmp.b));
    181	    memory_cleanse(h, sizeof(h));
    182        return -1;
    183    }
    185    /*
    186     * Encode public key.
    187     */
    188    pk[0] = 0x00 + 9;
    189    v = PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_modq_encode(
    190            pk + 1, PQCLEAN_FALCON512_CLEAN_CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES - 1,
    191            h, 9);
    193		memory_cleanse(f, sizeof(f));
    194        memory_cleanse(g, sizeof(g));
    195        memory_cleanse(tmp.b, sizeof(tmp.b));
    196	    memory_cleanse(h, sizeof(h));
    197        return -1;
    198    }
    200    // Securely clear sensitive buffers
    201    memory_cleanse(f, sizeof(f));
    202    memory_cleanse(g, sizeof(g));
    203    memory_cleanse(tmp.b, sizeof(tmp.b));
    204	memory_cleanse(h, sizeof(h));
    205    return 0;
  231. cryptoquick commented at 6:20 pm on January 16, 2025: none
    @mraksoll4 I’m not sure I understand the point you’re trying to make.
  232. mraksoll4 commented at 6:31 pm on January 16, 2025: none

    @mraksoll4 I’m not sure I understand the point you’re trying to make.

    I meant that the capabilities of elliptic curves cannot and should not be directly projected onto post-quantum algorithms. A different approach is needed. BIP32 and the ability to derive public keys from public keys is a unique feature of elliptic curves. Even isogeny-based cryptography, which no longer holds against certain attacks, doesn’t support such functionality. The key difference lies in the underlying mathematical structures.

    But we can still build a key tree for private keys using abstractions on top of the seed.

    The problem lies specifically with public keys.

  233. cryptoquick commented at 6:35 pm on January 16, 2025: none

    No, it’s not. BIP-32 doesn’t rely on key tweaking. It just produces entropy (private keys) in a deterministic way.

    I think you’re confused because you’re only working from one implementation. For example, this implementation of FALCON would support BIP-32:,seed%3A%20%5Bu8%3B%2032%5D,-)%20-%3E%20(SecretKey%2C

  234. mraksoll4 commented at 6:50 pm on January 16, 2025: none

    No, it’s not. BIP-32 doesn’t rely on key tweaking. It just produces entropy (private keys) in a deterministic way.

    I think you’re confused because you’re only working from one implementation. For example, this implementation of FALCON would support BIP-32:,seed%3A%20%5Bu8%3B%2032%5D,-)%20-%3E%20(SecretKey%2C

    As far as I understand, this also works directly with key pairs. Earlier, I mentioned that we can manipulate the seed to generate child key pairs. The issue lies in the fact that we cannot derive public keys from other public key

    0shake256(seed + some data + some data  + index)=seed (48 bytes) --> int
    2    uint8_t *pk, uint8_t *sk, const uint8_t *seed)
  235. cryptoquick commented at 6:52 pm on January 16, 2025: none

    I see your point now. For example, using an xpub alone to generate more keys for, say, a watch-only wallet, might not be possible with FALCON.

    I’ll need to think about that.

  236. mraksoll4 commented at 7:05 pm on January 16, 2025: none

    I see your point now. For example, using an xpub alone to generate more keys for, say, a watch-only wallet, might not be possible with FALCON.

    I’ll need to think about that.

    Yes, but nothing prevents us from using single keys for watch-only wallets. For example, if a user tries to export an xpub for a post-quantum algorithm, we could display a message like:

    “Post-quantum algorithm [name] does not support xpub keys. You need to explicitly export the key using a command to retrieve it from the descriptor or key cache.”

    Alternatively, we could provide a list of existing keys in a serialized format. For instance:

    Generate 2000 keys on-demand when the user requests a key list. Offer an option to save the corresponding private keys to wallet.dat or not, securely wiping the buffer after generation. This approach would give flexibility while acknowledging the limitations of post-quantum algorithms and maintaining compatibility with watch-only and partially signed setups.

  237. mraksoll4 commented at 7:25 pm on January 16, 2025: none
    There is another option where multiple addresses can be linked to a single key pair through key packing and unpacking using additional parameters, with the index influencing the final address. However, this approach has limited practical value. While it makes it impossible to determine any connection between the addresses before a transaction is conducted, it resembles the concept of non-hardened derivation.
  238. Remove SQIsign from consideration due to significant performance concerns. Refactor language from long-range attack to long-exposure so as to not be confused with the language around block re-org attacks. b75003e64b
  239. murchandamus commented at 7:07 pm on January 21, 2025: contributor

    Do you think it might make sense to edit this to omit the specific signature algorithms? The only problem with that is, that makes it so I can’t implement valid test vectors, and when I eventually go to implement BIP-360, it’s unclear from the spec which algorithms to support.

    Perhaps it would make sense to describe the general output type mechanism, and then to have a separate BIP per signature algorithm to plug in?

  240. Fix typo. 5e568e3141
  241. cryptoquick commented at 9:04 pm on January 23, 2025: none