Allow fee estimation to work with lower fees #13990

pull ajtowns wants to merge 6 commits into bitcoin:master from ajtowns:201808-fee-buckets changing 4 files +521 −24
  1. ajtowns commented at 8:16 am on August 16, 2018: contributor
    Changes the minimum bucket for fee estimation from 1000 satoshi per kilobyte to 4 satoshi per kilobyte, and upgrades any saved fee estimation data.
  2. fanquake added the label TX fees and policy on Aug 16, 2018
  3. in src/policy/fees.cpp:209 in f9dd933a75 outdated
    201@@ -195,6 +202,45 @@ TxConfirmStats::TxConfirmStats(const std::vector<double>& defaultBuckets,
    202     resizeInMemoryCounters(buckets.size());
    203 }
    205+TxConfirmStats::TxConfirmStats(const std::vector<double>& defaultBuckets, const std::map<double, unsigned int>& defaultBucketMap, const TxConfirmStats& txstatsSource)
    206+    : buckets(defaultBuckets), bucketMap(defaultBucketMap)
    208+    decay = txstatsSource.decay;
    209+    scale = txstatsSource.scale;

    Empact commented at 7:58 pm on September 1, 2018:
    nit: these could go in the initializer list
  4. in src/policy/fees.cpp:227 in f9dd933a75 outdated
    223+    txCtAvg.resize(buckets.size());
    224+    avg.resize(buckets.size());
    226+    unsigned int src = 0;
    227+    for (unsigned int dst = 0; dst < buckets.size(); dst++) {

    Empact commented at 7:59 pm on September 1, 2018:
    nit: ++dst here and elsewhere
  5. in src/policy/fees.cpp:238 in f9dd933a75 outdated
    233+            confAvg[i][dst] = txstatsSource.confAvg[i][src];
    234+            failAvg[i][dst] = txstatsSource.failAvg[i][src];
    235+        }
    237+        src++;
    238+        if (src >= txstatsSource.buckets.size()) break;

    Empact commented at 8:00 pm on September 1, 2018:
    nit: can move these conditions into the for, so that it manages both src and dst.
  6. ajtowns force-pushed on Sep 3, 2018
  7. ajtowns force-pushed on Sep 3, 2018
  8. ajtowns commented at 8:47 am on September 3, 2018: contributor
    The really high fee rates were due to not handling the buckets/bucketMap objects correctly, believe that’s fixed now.
  9. ajtowns force-pushed on Sep 5, 2018
  10. ajtowns force-pushed on Sep 7, 2018
  11. ajtowns renamed this:
    WIP: allow fee estimation to work with lower fees
    Allow fee estimation to work with lower fees
    on Sep 7, 2018
  12. ajtowns commented at 4:39 am on September 7, 2018: contributor

    Dropped the WIP tag, this should be good to review/nitpick now.

    I couldn’t come up with a reasonable way to add functional tests for this change; if someone has a good idea, suggestions/patches welcome :) Though… I guess just generating an estimates file directly in python, pointing bitcoind at it, and seeing what estimates bitcoind comes up with after upgrading it without ever actually putting txes in the blockchain could work okay…

  13. ajtowns force-pushed on Jan 3, 2019
  14. ajtowns commented at 3:33 pm on January 3, 2019: contributor
    Reworked based on a suggestion from @Sjors; could still use some functional tests to check that loading a particular set of fee rates produces an expected set of fee estimates.
  15. DrahtBot commented at 5:38 pm on January 5, 2019: contributor

    The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers.


    See the guideline for information on the review process.

    Type Reviewers
    Concept NACK tryphe, ghost
    Concept ACK Empact

    If your review is incorrectly listed, please react with 👎 to this comment and the bot will ignore it on the next update.


    Reviewers, this pull request conflicts with the following ones:

    • #26376 (test: Use type-safe NodeSeconds for TestMemPoolEntryHelper by MarcoFalke)

    If you consider this pull request important, please also help to review the conflicting pull requests. Ideally, start with the one that should be merged first.

  16. in src/policy/fees.h:191 in f28cf3c0ab outdated
    196     static constexpr double FEE_SPACING = 1.05;
    198 public:
    199     /** Create new BlockPolicyEstimator and initialize stats tracking classes with default values */
    200-    CBlockPolicyEstimator();
    201+    CBlockPolicyEstimator(double min_bucket_feerate = MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE);

    practicalswift commented at 2:35 pm on January 7, 2019:
    Should be explicit?

    ajtowns commented at 4:25 am on March 23, 2020:
  17. DrahtBot closed this on Mar 9, 2020

  18. DrahtBot reopened this on Mar 9, 2020

  19. stevenroose commented at 4:19 pm on March 17, 2020: contributor
    Is this work abandoned?
  20. Empact commented at 5:27 pm on March 18, 2020: member
    Concept ACK
  21. ajtowns commented at 11:50 pm on March 19, 2020: contributor
    Had stalled this on writing some tests. Having now written a test, it’s found a bug, so now trying to fix that… :)
  22. ajtowns force-pushed on Mar 20, 2020
  23. ajtowns force-pushed on Mar 23, 2020
  24. ajtowns force-pushed on Mar 23, 2020
  25. ajtowns commented at 4:35 am on March 23, 2020: contributor

    Rebased, test case added as first commit, should be reviewable.

    Note that this only makes estimations work for fee rates below 1sat/byte if you ever actually accept fee rates that low into your mempool. To make your mempool accept/relay transactions that cheap requires setting -minrelaytxfee or changing DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE; and to have your wallet use fees that low means setting-mintxfee or changing DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_MINFEE and potentially also WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE. Doing those things now for mainnet would probably just be a spam vector, rather than particularly useful IMHO.

  26. maflcko commented at 12:31 pm on March 23, 2020: member

    Doing those things now for mainnet would probably just be a spam vector

    Also open a huge surface for privacy leaks

  27. in src/policy/fees.cpp:176 in 5f76ecbb09 outdated
    132@@ -133,8 +133,83 @@ class TxConfirmStats
    133      * variables with this state.
    134      */
    135     void Read(CAutoFile& filein, int nFileVersion, size_t numBuckets);
    137+    /**
    138+     * Helper function to check that TxConfirmStats behavior is consistent
    139+     */
    140+    int CheckConsistent(size_t expected_bucket_count) const;
    141+    int CheckConsistent(const std::vector<double>& exp_buckets, const std::map<double, unsigned int>& exp_bucket_map) const;

    stevenroose commented at 6:19 pm on April 11, 2020:
    It’s not very clear to me what these methods are supposed to return. Just from reading the definition, not the implementation.
  28. in src/policy/fees.h:282 in 5f76ecbb09 outdated
    256@@ -254,6 +257,9 @@ class CBlockPolicyEstimator
    257     /** Initialise bucketMap */
    258     void InitBucketMap() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);
    260+    /** Check stats are consistent (for unit tests) */
    261+    int CheckConsistent() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);

    stevenroose commented at 6:20 pm on April 11, 2020:
    For this method it’s also not clear what it returns. I suppose either a method’s name or documentation should make that clear.
  29. in src/policy/fees.h:170 in c68f796c41 outdated
    165@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ class CBlockPolicyEstimator
    166      * The MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE and MAX_BUCKET_FEERATE should just be set to
    167      * the lowest and highest reasonable feerate we might ever want to track.
    168      */
    169+    static constexpr double MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE = 4;

    stevenroose commented at 10:00 pm on April 11, 2020:
    The PR OP says “8 satoshi”. I don’t know if this conflicts with the concept ACKs on the PR.

    ajtowns commented at 9:30 pm on December 23, 2021:
    Right, if I remember correctly, the original patchset didn’t preserve the estimate data, but did have a lower bound of exactly 8sat/kvb. The patchset now does preserve the old estimates, but as a result only approximates the lower bound – choose 4 gives an error of 0.8% whereas 8 gave an error of 4.7%. Updated the PR description.
  30. in src/policy/fees.cpp:602 in c68f796c41 outdated
    598@@ -599,7 +599,8 @@ CBlockPolicyEstimator::CBlockPolicyEstimator(double min_bucket_feerate)
    599     : nBestSeenHeight(0), firstRecordedHeight(0), historicalFirst(0), historicalBest(0), trackedTxs(0), untrackedTxs(0)
    600 {
    601     assert(0 < min_bucket_feerate);
    602-    static_assert(BASE_BUCKET_FEERATE > 0, "Base feerate must be nonzero");

    stevenroose commented at 10:00 pm on April 11, 2020:
    Will BASE_BUCKET_FEERATE still be used?

    ajtowns commented at 9:31 pm on December 23, 2021:
    BASE_BUCKET_FEERATE defines the bucket alignment, MIN and MAX then define the extremities.
  31. in src/policy/fees.h:286 in b8c7ec4be4 outdated
    260@@ -260,6 +261,9 @@ class CBlockPolicyEstimator
    261     /** Check stats are consistent (for unit tests) */
    262     int CheckConsistent() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);
    264+    /** Initialise buckets up to base */
    265+    size_t ExtendBucketsUpTo(double base, double min) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);

    stevenroose commented at 10:08 pm on April 11, 2020:
    I would appreciate the documentation on this method to be a little bit more descriptive. IIUC it adds buckets on the lower end from min up to base?

    ajtowns commented at 9:36 pm on December 23, 2021:
    Update the comment
  32. in src/policy/fees.h:173 in b8c7ec4be4 outdated
    169-     * invalidates old estimates files. So leave it at 1000 unless it becomes
    170-     * necessary to lower it, and then lower it substantially.
    171+     * The MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE and MAX_BUCKET_FEERATE should just be set to
    172+     * the lowest and highest reasonable feerate we might ever want to track.
    173      */
    174-    static constexpr double MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE = 1000;

    stevenroose commented at 10:24 pm on April 11, 2020:
    Hmm, I think something weird happened in the separation of the commits. Here you seem to remove the MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE constant, while in you’re adding it again.

    ajtowns commented at 9:39 pm on December 23, 2021:
    Prior to this PR, MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE defines both the lower bound of the buckets, and how they’re aligned (that is, all buckets are at FEE_SPACING**n * MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE). This commit renames MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE to BASE_BUCKET_FEERATE because the alignment will continue to be based on it, even as the minimum gets reduced in the later commit that reintroduce MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE at a new, lower value.
  33. stevenroose commented at 10:27 pm on April 11, 2020: contributor
    I felt obliged to take a look at the entire PR as it seemed that I prompted renewed interest. I’m not fully familiar with the bucket system, but all seemed reasonable.
  34. maflcko added the label Waiting for author on Aug 13, 2020
  35. ghost commented at 3:12 am on September 29, 2020: none

    Doing those things now for mainnet would probably just be a spam vector, rather than particularly useful IMHO. @ajtowns what if those things only work if mempool has transactions less than 10 MB and switch to default if greater than 10 MB

    Also open a huge surface for privacy leaks @MarcoFalke what kind of privacy leaks are possible with such changes?

  36. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Dec 7, 2020
  37. ghost commented at 1:35 am on December 25, 2020: none

    Got no response for the last comment. Still trying to understand what can go wrong if fee rate below 1 sat/vByte is allowed

    Related SE questions:

    Related tweet:

    Related PR in which it was reduced in past: #3305

    If miners revenue is a concern or incentives in Bitcoin, maybe we will have to look at lot of charts, consider everything and discuss with more people especially who use bitcoin like coinjoin etc. I don’t see spam and privacy as reasons or maybe need more details.

  38. maflcko removed the label Waiting for author on Feb 12, 2021
  39. rebroad commented at 11:59 am on April 15, 2021: contributor
    @ajtowns sorry for the noob-like question, but why is so much code needed to simply reduce the minfee…? I’d have thought it ought to be a one-line change for this. What am I missing?
  40. in src/policy/fees.cpp:201 in c68f796c41 outdated
    161+    return res;
    164+int TxConfirmStats::CheckConsistent(size_t expected_bucket_count) const
    166+    if (decay <= 0 || 1 <= decay) return 1;

    GeneFerneau commented at 8:07 pm on July 29, 2021:

    Might be helpful to wrap these return values in an struct/class enum with variants that describe the consistency conditions. You could then downcast back to an int when doing arithmetic like in CBlockPlicyEstimator::CheckConsistent.

    Then, in the test cases, check the calls to CheckConsistent match the expected variant, instead of just being non-zero.

    If you decide to use an enum, maybe add docs about where the values come from. If not, maybe add some docs above the function about return value meaning/origin. Where do you get these values?

    ajtowns commented at 9:23 pm on December 23, 2021:
    They don’t have any meaning, they’re just distinct to allow you to refer back to the line that found that inconsistency.
  41. tryphe commented at 10:01 pm on July 29, 2021: contributor

    Concept ACK involving estimation/stats/tests code changes NACK on changing the default rate unless others really want it and there is good reasoning for it light code review ACK c68f796c41b9b145c9c1b2c24aea505362ad1b63

    I think it might be helpful to split this up into two PRs: one changing the minimum feerate variable(which doesn’t necessarily do what it seems unless there is no demand for blockspace), and one involving estimation/stats/tests. There seems to be multiple interpretations and some confusion on what the default minimum should be (, but I think the other changes are good changes.

  42. ghost commented at 10:38 pm on July 29, 2021: none

    I had asked a related question in December 2020. Pieter Wuille answered it with following things:

    1. Why can’t we change default minimum fee rate to something below 1 sat/vByte?

    The primary reason for the minimum feerate (and related things like the discard feerate) is preventing the use of the P2P network as a cheap global broadcast system. If it’s easy to produce transaction that will never confirm yet will relay across the network, it’d open the network to abuse. I don’t know what the right level is to make sure that doesn’t happen, but 1 sat/vbyte seems pretty low

    1. It was done in past: #3305 why not again?

    That was before the network and mempool logic had floating fees. Now the feerate is primarily set by market pressure, and lowering the minimum would at most have an impact during times when there is ~no demand for block space. I personally think the ecosystem should expect to function fine when there is continuous back pressure, so I’m not sure what is gained by reducing it.

    1. Do you think it will result in spamming? I don’t think so and few other people as well:

    I don’t think spam is the problem. Lately the feerate has been significantly higher than 1 sat/vbyte anyway, and long term I hope that whatever the minimum is set to, it’s effectively never hit. What matters is the discard feerate, which is not set by the market (it’s the “additional” feerate you need to pay to replace a transaction in the mempool through RBF or mempool limiting, in order to make sure there is some cost to relaying the transaction that is now expected to not be mined anymore). That discard feerate is by default set to 1 sat/vbyte as well, which seems low.

    After reading this answer and looking at few stats I am not sure if this is required. Also there is no way to test if lower fee rates will increase transactions and fee revenue for miners or decrease. Or if someone can find better charts and ways to test this before being used then we can re-evaluate. If we don’t have lower default min fee rates, fee estimation for lower fee rates doesn’t make sense so I have no opinion on this or weak NACK for now:


  43. ajtowns force-pushed on Dec 23, 2021
  44. ajtowns commented at 9:22 pm on December 23, 2021: contributor


    Still trying to understand what can go wrong if fee rate below 1 sat/vByte is allowed

    This PR isn’t changing that, so it’s not entirely on-topic, suggest discussing elsewhere (eg on stackoverflow or in a PR that does change the fee rate or perhaps creating an issue on the topic if there isn’t already one). There’s two sorts of spam made more accessible by lowering the fee rate: spam that makes it into what would otherwise have been non-full blocks, which increases the resources needed for IBD; and spam that only ever goes through the p2p network and mempool, increasing the bandwidth cost of running a full node – if you change the min fee to 0.1 sat/vbyte but keep the min incremental relay fee were left at 1 sat/vbyte, this might be pretty minimal though. @rebroad

    sorry for the noob-like question, but why is so much code needed to simply reduce the minfee…?

    It’s not changing the minfee, it’s changing the range of values the fee estimation code supports. That needs a bunch of code mostly in order to support updating the old data set with a smaller range to a new data set with a larger range.

    If you did the “one-line change” to update the minfee without updating the fee estimates, you’d always be told you need to pay at least 1sat/vbyte for your txs anyway; if you did it without the update code, fee estimates would only go below 1sat/vbyte for new installs or if you delete the fee_estimates.dat file. @tryphe

    I think it might be helpful to split this up into two PRs: one changing the minimum feerate variable

    This PR doesn’t change the minimum feerate variable – that’s DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE (validation.h) and DEFAULT_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE (policy/policy.h) for mempool, and also WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE (wallet/wallet.h) for the wallet.

  45. ajtowns force-pushed on Dec 23, 2021
  46. ajtowns commented at 9:45 pm on December 23, 2021: contributor

    @MarcoFalke thanks for the ping; somehow I’d forgotten that it needed a rebase and followups

    Rebased, responded to comments. If someone wants to take this over, they’re welcome to – I don’t see this as a huge priority while a full 1sat/vb block would leave fees as less than 1% of the block subsidy. But better to have it open and potentially mergeable than end up forgotten and completely out of date.

  47. ghost commented at 10:00 pm on December 23, 2021: none

    This PR isn’t changing that, so it’s not entirely on-topic, suggest discussing elsewhere (eg on stackoverflow or in a PR that does change the fee rate or perhaps creating an issue on the topic if there isn’t already one). There’s two sorts of spam made more accessible by lowering the fee rate: spam that makes it into what would otherwise have been non-full blocks, which increases the resources needed for IBD; and spam that only ever goes through the p2p network and mempool, increasing the bandwidth cost of running a full node – if you change the min fee to 0.1 sat/vbyte but keep the min incremental relay fee were left at 1 sat/vbyte, this might be pretty minimal though.

    This PR is not needed if we don’t have fee rates below 1 sat/vbyte. And I already asked on stackexchange which was answered by sipa:

  48. unknown changes_requested
  49. unknown commented at 10:09 pm on December 23, 2021: none

    Concept NACK

    Fee rates below 1 sat/vbyte do not work right now and there are no plans or benefits for changing default minimum anytime soon. So fee estimation is not required for things that do not exist or relayed.

  50. ajtowns commented at 10:22 pm on December 23, 2021: contributor

    Fee rates below 1 sat/vbyte do not work right now and there are no plans or benefits for changing default minimum anytime soon. So fee estimation is not required for things that do not exist or relayed.

    Fee rate below 1 sat/vbyte do work right now; they just require changing the default. My nodes where I have change the default have received transactions offering such low fee rates, and occassionally they are mined – that is, while rare, they do exist and are relayed on current mainnet.

    Having fee estimation work correctly with lower fee rates should be done prior to changing the defaults, not after, so that software attempting to work with the new defaults does not misbehave in unexpected ways.

  51. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Dec 23, 2021
  52. ghost commented at 11:28 pm on December 23, 2021: none

    Such experiments do not require changes proposed in this PR which is a slippery slope to make things worse for fee market which already has issues.

    I have tried experimenting with fee rate below 1 sat/vbyte:

  53. bitcoin deleted a comment on Dec 24, 2021
  54. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Jan 6, 2022
  55. ajtowns force-pushed on Jan 12, 2022
  56. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Jan 12, 2022
  57. murchandamus commented at 8:59 pm on February 7, 2022: contributor
    Seems reasonable, definitely agree that making everything else ready before changing the DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE is the way to go. But if we’re looking at a full block at minRelayTxFee bringing more than 1% of the fees, that’s about a decade away, so I agree that it doesn’t seem very urgent.
  58. ajtowns force-pushed on Apr 22, 2022
  59. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Jun 29, 2022
  60. glozow commented at 5:55 pm on October 12, 2022: member
    @ajtowns are you still working on this?
  61. [tests] Check estimations when loaded from file
    Makes feature_fee_estimates load a fixed fee_estimates.dat and
    checks that the estimates given afterwards are also fixed.
  62. Add comment to CBlockPolicyEstimator::Read 8050f44f5d
  63. [refactor] Add CBlockPolicyEstimator::InitBucketMap helper a20e5d3c23
  64. Add CBlockPolicyEstimator::CheckConsistent helper 19c84e6f4b
  65. Allow extending fee estimation buckets 48218ddd9b
  66. Make fee buckets go much lower d7f903c333
  67. ajtowns force-pushed on Oct 17, 2022
  68. ajtowns marked this as a draft on Oct 17, 2022
  69. ajtowns commented at 6:19 am on October 17, 2022: contributor
    Rebased, but is failing fuzz testing for reasons that aren’t immediately obvious, so converted to draft
  70. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Oct 17, 2022
  71. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Nov 22, 2022
  72. DrahtBot commented at 11:18 am on November 22, 2022: contributor

    🐙 This pull request conflicts with the target branch and needs rebase.

  73. DrahtBot commented at 1:22 am on February 20, 2023: contributor

    There hasn’t been much activity lately and the patch still needs rebase. What is the status here?

    • Is it still relevant? ➡️ Please solve the conflicts to make it ready for review and to ensure the CI passes.
    • Is it no longer relevant? ➡️ Please close.
    • Did the author lose interest or time to work on this? ➡️ Please close it and mark it ‘Up for grabs’ with the label, so that it can be picked up in the future.
  74. DrahtBot commented at 1:18 am on May 21, 2023: contributor

    There hasn’t been much activity lately and the patch still needs rebase. What is the status here?

    • Is it still relevant? ➡️ Please solve the conflicts to make it ready for review and to ensure the CI passes.
    • Is it no longer relevant? ➡️ Please close.
    • Did the author lose interest or time to work on this? ➡️ Please close it and mark it ‘Up for grabs’ with the label, so that it can be picked up in the future.
  75. stevenroose commented at 8:53 pm on June 3, 2023: contributor
    Lately definitely looks like it is less relevant. Nothing says we can’t go back to the situation from a year or two ago where txs with 1 sat/vB would easily confirm in a few hours.
  76. DrahtBot commented at 2:00 am on September 1, 2023: contributor

    There hasn’t been much activity lately and the patch still needs rebase. What is the status here?

    • Is it still relevant? ➡️ Please solve the conflicts to make it ready for review and to ensure the CI passes.
    • Is it no longer relevant? ➡️ Please close.
    • Did the author lose interest or time to work on this? ➡️ Please close it and mark it ‘Up for grabs’ with the label, so that it can be picked up in the future.
  77. achow101 added the label Up for grabs on Sep 23, 2023
  78. achow101 commented at 4:37 pm on September 23, 2023: member
    Closing as up for grabs due to lack of activity.
  79. achow101 closed this on Sep 23, 2023

  80. bitcoin locked this on Sep 22, 2024


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