Changes to support NAT-PMP #15717

pull MishraShivendra wants to merge 2 commits into bitcoin:master from MishraShivendra:master changing 12 files +1467 −29
  1. MishraShivendra commented at 5:52 pm on April 1, 2019: none

    Changes to support NAT-PMP port forwarding based on libnatpmp to address #11902. Changes include the following:

    • Porting of libnatpmp files (namely gateway.cpp/.h and natpmp.cpp/.h)
    • C++ style wrapper for easier integration
    • Changes to disable upnp by default and use NAT-PMP as explained in #11902 (Introducing -portmap switch).


    0$./src/bitcoind -portmap

    Note to reviewers are here, need insights.

  2. fanquake added the label P2P on Apr 1, 2019
  3. DrahtBot commented at 7:19 pm on April 1, 2019: member

    The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers.


    Reviewers, this pull request conflicts with the following ones:

    • #15890 (Doc: remove text about txes always relayed from -whitelist by harding)
    • #15704 (Move Win32 defines to to ensure they are globally defined by luke-jr)
    • #15529 (Add Qt programs to msvc build by sipsorcery)
    • #14856 (net: remove more CConnman globals (theuni) by dongcarl)

    If you consider this pull request important, please also help to review the conflicting pull requests. Ideally, start with the one that should be merged first.

  4. dongcarl commented at 7:36 pm on April 1, 2019: member

    @MishraShivendra I would love to review this, would you be able to do the following:

    1. Remove the copyright notices (we’re licensed MIT)
    2. Break the changes up into smaller, more digestible commits?
  5. MishraShivendra commented at 2:13 am on April 2, 2019: none
    @dongcarl Thanks. Sure. Let me close this pull request and do three separate commits for those bullet points.
  6. sipa commented at 2:20 am on April 2, 2019: member
    No need to close the PR; you can overwrite it by force pushing.
  7. in src/natpmp/natmap_wrapper.cpp:86 in 37a4b3c5dd outdated
    82+	if(returnCode<0) {
    83+		return returnCode;
    84+	}
    86+	publicPortOut = response.pnu.newportmapping.mappedpublicport,

    practicalswift commented at 7:51 am on April 2, 2019:
    This looks a bit dangerous: should be ; and not , right? :-)
  8. sipa commented at 8:09 am on April 2, 2019: member
    @practicalswift This is code copied from another project; unless we’re going to submit improvements upstream, nits here are pointless.
  9. practicalswift commented at 8:16 am on April 2, 2019: contributor
    @MishraShivendra Can you clarify which files/directories that are meant to be left as-is (with flaws reported upstream) and which files/directories that are not? :-)
  10. sipa commented at 8:20 am on April 2, 2019: member
    @practicalswift It’s literally in the PR description, and also obvious from the code (it’s copyright someone else…)
  11. practicalswift commented at 8:47 am on April 2, 2019: contributor
    @sipa The reason that I’m asking explicitly is that I noticed that some files added to this repo were not identical to the corresponding files in the repo that appears to be the upstream. @MishraShivendra What is the correct upstream repo the files were copied from?
  12. MishraShivendra commented at 3:35 pm on April 2, 2019: none

    @practicalswift Thanks for reviewing the changes. Those files were taken from here. I’ve taken just the files needed. A few headers were merged together and useless code was removed. A few other error codes were also added. Please see diff between corresponding .c and .h files. Would push suggested changes in a while.

    @practicalswift This is code copied from another project; unless we’re going to submit improvements upstream, nits here are pointless. @sipa I think we can fix/modify based on our need. Those files are already way too customized for upstream. @dongcarl Removing license headers will lead to writing implementation of our own. Not sure if that would be a good idea. Any input?

  13. laanwj commented at 4:54 pm on April 2, 2019: member

    travis linter complains; either this needs the expected include guards, or to be excluded from the lints

     0src/natpmp/gateway.h seems to be missing the expected include guard:
     3  ...
     4  #endif // BITCOIN_NATPMP_GATEWAY_H
     5src/natpmp/natmap_wrapper.h seems to be missing the expected include guard:
     8  ...
    10src/natpmp/natpmp.h seems to be missing the expected include guard:
    13  ...
    14  #endif // BITCOIN_NATPMP_NATPMP_H
    15^---- failure generated from test/lint/

    Remove the copyright notices (we’re licensed MIT)

    I don’t think this is allowed, at least the 3-clause BSD license has more restrictions than the MIT one.

  14. laanwj commented at 5:07 pm on April 2, 2019: member

    Ok, we discussed the license issue on IRC.

    The conclusion was that it’s probably best to mention the differing license for the files in contrib/debian/copyright (per file), so that people can see this in one glance without having to view the individual source files, but apart from that it’s acceptable to include them. 3BSD versus MIT is close enough, and is not expected to cause problems.

  15. dongcarl commented at 5:09 pm on April 2, 2019: member

    Also, I believe the upstream is really here, I’m not sure if there’s a diff between what you copied and what’s available upstream, so checking would be great!

    I was wrong, see comment here: #15717 (comment)

  16. dongcarl commented at 5:41 pm on April 2, 2019: member
    I’m sorry about the confusion, is indeed the repo that’s being updated.
  17. dongcarl commented at 6:32 pm on April 9, 2019: member

    @MishraShivendra It seems that Travis is failing. Could you take a look at the errors there?

    Aside from that, please rearrange your commits so they look something like this:

    1. A commit copying in the newest libnatpmp code
    2. A commit integrating libnatpmp with bitcoin’s build system
    3. One or more commits integrating libnatpmp with bitcoin’s codebase

    Obviously there might be some mixing of 2 and 3, but at the very least 1 should be a separate commit.

  18. luke-jr commented at 7:02 pm on April 9, 2019: member
    There’s no excuse to subtree this. It should be a normal shared library dependency.
  19. laanwj commented at 2:03 pm on April 10, 2019: member
    Concept ACK in any case, thanks for picking this up.
  20. MishraShivendra commented at 3:27 pm on April 10, 2019: none

    @dongcarl @laanwj Thanks for those input and clarification.

    It seems that Travis is failing. Could you take a look at the errors there?

    Changes already in progress on a private branch. I’ll push them shortly.

    There’s no excuse to subtree this. It should be a normal shared library dependency. @luke-jr I believe it was already discussed in #12288 . Not sure if we need a separate shared library for these changes.? I’m including 2 files from libnatpmp though.

  21. luke-jr commented at 3:55 pm on April 10, 2019: member
    There is already a separate shared library.
  22. Issue #11902
    * Pulls core NAT-PMP files from
    * Above codes are ported/filtered for easier integration.
  23. MishraShivendra commented at 5:48 am on April 14, 2019: none
    @dongcarl Travis-ci build seems to be inconsistent. The above PR build seems to fail but mainline of my forked repo passes: Travis-Ci-Master-Build. Can someone please restart the PR build? @practicalswift The current commit includes most of the changes you suggested. Can you please take a look? @luke-jr Can you please point me to it. I couldn’t find any place where we already build one. Did you mean upnp shared lib?
  24. practicalswift commented at 1:21 pm on April 14, 2019: contributor
    @MishraShivendra Sure! In light of previous comments – do you want me to review all the files or just a subset? In the latter case, what subset? :-)
  25. MishraShivendra commented at 3:38 pm on April 14, 2019: none
    @practicalswift A quick look at everything, please.
    To shed some light on the changes: These (first commit) are the file belong to libnatpmp and this diff shows the changes I’ve introduced in upstream. Second commit introduces integration changes. net.cpp includes changes to start/stop/renew the port mapping. RenewPortMapping() is a detached thread to periodically renew the port mapping. Feel free to raise any questions :)
  26. luke-jr commented at 7:40 pm on April 14, 2019: member
    @MishaShivendra It’s installed with the user’s OS.
  27. in src/net.cpp:81 in 0667cfc11b outdated
    76+    NONE,
    77+    INITIALIZED,
    79+    MAPPED_PORT
    81+typedef enum NatPmpState NatPmpStateType;

    practicalswift commented at 5:58 am on April 17, 2019:
    Nit: Consider using using instead of typedef.
  28. in src/natpmp/include/natmap_wrapper.h:36 in 0667cfc11b outdated
    33+/// @brief Wrapper over libnatpmp functions
    34+class NatMap
    38+    natpmp_t m_NatPmpObj;

    practicalswift commented at 6:03 am on April 17, 2019:
    Consider initialising m_NatPmpObj here or in the constructor. As the code is currently formulated m_NatPmpObj will remain uninitialised if the InitNatPmp call in the constructor fails.
  29. in src/natpmp/natmap_wrapper.cpp:14 in 0667cfc11b outdated
     9+    m_State = InitNatPmp(&m_NatPmpObj,
    10+                         alternateGWAddr?1:0,
    11+                         gateway);
    14+int NatMap::IsGood(void) const

    practicalswift commented at 6:03 am on April 17, 2019:
    Nit: void redundant.
  30. in src/natpmp/natpmp.cpp:295 in 0667cfc11b outdated
    290+        p->has_pending_request = 0;
    291+    }
    292+    return n;
    295+const char * StrNatPmpErr(int r)

    practicalswift commented at 6:06 am on April 17, 2019:
    Nit: Make sure parameter names match between definition and declaration.
  31. in src/natpmp/natpmp.cpp:63 in 0667cfc11b outdated
    59+    int flags;
    61+    if(!p)
    62+        return NATPMP_ERR_INVALIDARGS;
    63+    struct sockaddr_in addr;

    practicalswift commented at 6:09 am on April 17, 2019:
    Nit: Move this down to first use to make it clear that it is zeroed before use?
  32. in src/natpmp/include/natmap_wrapper.h:45 in 0667cfc11b outdated
    42+    /// @brief Constructor
    43+    ///
    44+    /// @param alternateGWAddr Pass a known gateway if default not to be used.
    45+    NatMap(in_addr_t* alternateGWAddr = nullptr);

    practicalswift commented at 6:21 am on April 17, 2019:
    Constructor should be explicit :-)
  33. in src/natpmp/gateway.cpp:367 in 0667cfc11b outdated
    362+    //     -DhcpIPAddress =
    363+    //     -DhcpDefaultGateway =
    364+    //     -[more]
    365+    //   -{86226414-5545-4335-A9D1-5BD7120119AD}
    366+    //     -DhcpIpAddress =
    367+    //     -DhcpDefaultGateay =

    practicalswift commented at 6:28 am on April 17, 2019:
    Should be “DhcpDefaultGateway” :-)
  34. in src/natpmp/natpmp.cpp:123 in 0667cfc11b outdated
    118+    if(!p)
    119+        return NATPMP_ERR_INVALIDARGS;
    120+    p->has_pending_request = 1;
    121+    p->try_number = 1;
    122+    int n = sendpendingrequest(p);
    123+    gettimeofday(&p->retry_time, nullptr);

    practicalswift commented at 6:32 am on April 17, 2019:
    In parts of this PR the return value of gettimeofday is checked and in some parts it is not. Consider doing it consistently throughout this PR: either the assumption is that it can fail or the assumption is that it cannot :-)
  35. in src/natpmp/gateway.cpp:126 in 0667cfc11b outdated
    123+int TestIfWhiteSpace(char character)
    125+    std::list<char> whiteSpaces = {'\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v'};
    126+    return std::count(whiteSpaces.begin(), whiteSpaces.end(), character);

    practicalswift commented at 7:10 am on April 17, 2019:
    Take a look at how this is handled in IsSpace(char c) (strencodings.h).
  36. in src/natpmp/gateway.cpp:139 in 0667cfc11b outdated
    134+        int line = 0;
    135+        char * p = nullptr;
    136+        FILE* f = fopen("/proc/net/route", "r");
    137+        if(!f)
    138+                return FAILED;
    139+        while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) {

    practicalswift commented at 7:13 am on April 17, 2019:
    Consider running clang-tidy on all new files. For changes to existing files: use
  37. Issue #11902
    * Changes to support NAT-PMP based on libnatpmp
    * Introduces wrapper over libnatpmp for easier integration
    * Changes to disable upnp by default and use NAT-PMP
      as explained in #11902 (Introducing -portmap switch)
    * Integration of above in build system
  38. MishraShivendra commented at 6:46 pm on April 19, 2019: none
    Pushed suggested changes.
  39. in src/init.cpp:443 in ce1ef8a9fd
    436@@ -437,16 +437,17 @@ void SetupServerArgs()
    437     gArgs.AddArg("-torpassword=<pass>", "Tor control port password (default: empty)", false, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
    438 #ifdef USE_UPNP
    439 #if USE_UPNP
    440-    gArgs.AddArg("-upnp", "Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 1 when listening and no -proxy)", false, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
    441+    gArgs.AddArg("-portmap", "Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 1 when listening and no -proxy)", false, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
    442 #else
    443-    gArgs.AddArg("-upnp", strprintf("Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: %u)", 0), false, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
    444+    gArgs.AddArg("-portmap", strprintf("Use NAT-PMP to map the listening port (default: %u)", 0), false, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
    445 #endif

    luke-jr commented at 6:25 pm on April 20, 2019:
    Both should be supported…

    MishraShivendra commented at 10:35 am on April 21, 2019:
    @luke-jr I meant to use same switch “-portmap” for upnp as well as NAT-PMP. And the particular implementation is picked based on “USE_UPNP” flag (In this file as well as net.cpp). So I believe both are supported but picked based on USE_UPNP flag. Do you see any problem here?

    luke-jr commented at 6:40 pm on April 21, 2019:

    USE_UPNP is a compile-time option, not run-time.

    UPnP and NAT-PMP are two completely different protocols. They don’t do the same thing. Some routers may support only one or the other.

    MishraShivendra commented at 7:48 am on April 22, 2019:
    @laanwj @luke-jr Do you think we should introduce a separate switch for this? Or fall back to upnp? #11902
  40. MishraShivendra commented at 5:35 pm on April 24, 2019: none
    Can someone please give input in the above?
  41. luke-jr commented at 9:26 pm on April 24, 2019: member
    You should leave UPnP stuff alone for this. Just add NAT-PMP support as a separate feature.
  42. ryanofsky commented at 4:26 pm on April 25, 2019: member

    There was some discussion about this in IRC yesterday:

    I did want to throw out as a suggestion that instead of running this code inside bitcoind or even adding it to the project we could consider calling out to a command line client with boost::process like: This could potentially be a very small code change after #15382 which adds boost::process. But this is just a thought which doesn’t need to affect the current effort.

  43. dongcarl commented at 4:56 pm on April 25, 2019: member

    There was some discussion about this in IRC yesterday:

    Yes that discussion resulted in a few conclusions:

    1. NAT-PMP should be enabled by default 2. Let’s not submit more reviews of the subtree’d code, as we might make it a dependency under depends
    2. Updated: We are going to make NAT-PMP part of the bitcoind codebase, exactly like you’ve done here (IRC conversation)

    w/re how we’re going to depend on libnatpmp, my naive thinking is that it should be a dependency under depends that we statically link into our binaries, since it needs to be on by default. Maybe this doesn’t make sense, and others can advise.

  44. laanwj commented at 6:25 pm on April 25, 2019: member

    I did want to throw out as a suggestion that instead of running this code inside bitcoind or even adding it to the project we could consider calling out to a command line client with boost::process like:

    Please, no scope creep here. This can always be done later but there’s no need to complicate this effort even further with a requirement that it should run outside the process.

  45. luke-jr commented at 6:34 pm on April 25, 2019: member

    Updated: We are going to make NAT-PMP part of the bitcoind codebase, exactly like you’ve done here

    NACK. There is no excuse for this. It is universally held to be a bad practice in the open source community, and for very good reasons. We have an excuse to bundle consensus-critical stuff because upstream doesn’t generally consider the ramifications of some bugfixes, but that does not apply to NAT-PMP at all.

  46. ryanofsky commented at 6:48 pm on April 25, 2019: member

    Please, no scope creep here.

    Just in case there is a misunderstanding, the change I was referring to is potentially a very small change after #15382. Something like:

    0gArgs.AddArg("-upnpc_bin", "Path to port forwarding client binary.");
    2if (gArgs.IsArgSet("-upnp_bin")) {
    3   bp::system(strprintf("%s %i %i", gArgs.GetArg("-upnp_bin"), internal_port, external_port));

    But I mostly just wanted to suggest it an alternative to the approaches discussed above (which all seem perfectly fine to me).

  47. Sjors commented at 7:08 pm on April 26, 2019: member

    Concept ACK. I’m OK with compiling this by default

    I don’t think we should turn this on by default until the GUI is updated: that’s better done in a followup.

    I’m reluctant to strip UPnP compilation by default. The GUI currently has a “map port using UPnP” (off by default). Although it’s tempting to just change the text and meaning of that textbox, that’s a can of worms by itself. It seems better to just add a checkbox for this new setting, and mention in the tooltip which one is recommended.

    I tend to agree with @luke-jr on avoiding pulling in code. The Depends system seems more appropriate. From IRC in favor of subtree’ing:

    the main reason for not using it as a library was because the upstream library looked to be unmaintained, or at least have no new releases for years

    The last Homebrew release is from 2015. Ditto for Ubuntu Bionic. I haven’t tested those releases. If they have problems then we could encourage the author to issue a new release. Also, a slight lazy argument of why fresh releases aren’t super important, is that anyone who can compile from source can learn how to forward a port; this library primarily benefits users of the binary distribution.

    There is still is some modest commit activity, so we shouldn’t declare it dead upstream. Even if it was, I would prefer forking the repo in the bitcoin-core org. The act us of using it could also bring new life to the project. In fact I think we should encourage that, since a lot projects stand to benefit from this library.

    For a followup I like the idea of using boost::process, but as @laanwj says let’s not complicate this PR. It could be a while before #15382 is merged too.

  48. MishraShivendra commented at 5:46 am on April 27, 2019: none

    I did want to throw out as a suggestion that instead of running this code inside bitcoind or even adding it to the project we could consider calling out to a command line client with boost::process like:

    I don’t seem to agree. It could be difficult to find these errors through running the binary with the help of boost::process.

    I happen to agree with @luke-jr idea to sub-tree libnatpmp related changes.

    Just to sum it up:

    1. Leave UPnP as is and keep nat-pmp as a separate feature: Would introduce “-natpmp” switch to enable, and absense of this switch would disable nat-pmp port mapping
    2. Sub-tree libnatpmp changes: Would sub-tree libnatpmp. I would remove all unused files and maintain the same gateway/natpmp (.cpp/.h) files introduced already in this PR.
    3. Anything else.

    Let me know if you all agree with the aforementioned.

  49. luke-jr commented at 6:48 am on April 27, 2019: member
    That’s not what I meant. Just use standard pkg-config for libnatpmp. Every major distro has it already.
  50. Sjors commented at 7:22 am on April 27, 2019: member
    1. Yes
    2. What Luke says, plus adding to depends because we need that for distribution builds (though that can wait for a followup if if the feature is off by default)
  51. MishraShivendra commented at 7:13 pm on April 27, 2019: none
    @luke-jr @Sjors So you mean to say #2 should be: 2. Sub-tree libnatpmp changes: Would sub-tree libnatpmp. I would remove all unused files and maintain the same gateway/natpmp (.cpp/.h) files introduced already in this PR. Use package-config for libnatpmp and add depends.
  52. Sjors commented at 7:38 pm on April 27, 2019: member
    No, I would not sub-tree libnatpmp. Just rely on pkg-config to find libnatpmp on the system (during ./configure). The wrapper you created can go in src/util or some similar place. Don’t worry about depends: that can wait for a future commit.
  53. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on May 8, 2019
  54. DrahtBot commented at 8:34 pm on May 8, 2019: member
  55. DrahtBot commented at 2:02 pm on August 16, 2019: member
  56. DrahtBot added the label Up for grabs on Aug 16, 2019
  57. DrahtBot closed this on Aug 16, 2019

  58. laanwj removed the label Needs rebase on Oct 24, 2019
  59. brakmic commented at 10:30 pm on November 28, 2019: contributor


    First, I’m not sure if this task is still “up for grabs”, because it’s closed now. However, the icon is still there, so it should be. Anyway, I’m working on it out of curiosity, because I only know about UPnPC, so I thought it would be nice to learn how NAT-PMP works. :)

    The commit in my forked repo contains following changes:

    • Integrated libnatpmp source directory (similar to secp256k1 and univalue)

    • Created, and for libnatpmp, because the original repo doesn’t have them. Instead, they offer a Makefile which makes it non-portable (no .la-files generation available).

    • Added a few build-aux/m4 macros to search for pthreads, compiler & linker flags, and other stuff.

    • Bitcoin’s was changed to allow for searching of system libnatpmp or to build it from source. However, as libnatpmp has no pkg-config, the search is not the same as with univalue. Instead, it simply tries to find natpmp.h include file. Not sure, if this is enough for every OS, but we could maybe test it.

    • Adapted src/ to build and link libnatpmp. Also adapted: Makefile.qt.include and Makefile.test.include

    • Added src/natmap.cpp and src/natmap.h where we access the libnatpmp API. The code in these two files is partially based on the example code from libnatpmp webpage as well as the code from the initial poster of this PR. However, I have removed the whole C-to-C++ mapping stuff, because the C code from libnatpmp is so horrible that there is practically no good way to abstract it away. Instead, I’ve simply taken all the ugly only-lowercase-because-I-hate-humans-Functions and put them directly into NatMap class. YOLO! Anyway, all kudos go to libnatpmp developer!

    Well, that’s it. I don’t know the current state of this task, but in any case, it was fun writing configure scripts, trying out various Makefile settings,…and reading through ugly C code.


  60. luke-jr commented at 0:13 am on November 29, 2019: member

    Integrated libnatpmp source directory (similar to secp256k1 and univalue)

    Don’t do this.

    non-portable (no .la-files generation available).

    .la files are generally considered obsolete…

  61. brakmic commented at 5:37 am on November 29, 2019: contributor

    @luke-jr I know that la-files are obsolete, but as libnatpmp has no pkg-config, there was no other option. Maybe there is one that I don’t know about?

    Anyway, I consider this task as obsolete then.


  62. Sjors commented at 8:00 am on November 29, 2019: member

    Adding. NAT-PMP support is not obsolete, see #11902. The question is just how.

    I think @luke-jr’s point about integrating the source directory is that this practice should be avoided, especially for projects that are still being (somewhat) maintained. It’s better to make a PR upstream to add pkg-config support.

    Meanwhile you could add it to, which works by fetching the code from its original source, and has room for patches. The only problem there is that afaik you can’t build 1 depends package and get the rest via pkg-config (but I could be wrong).

  63. fanquake removed the label Up for grabs on Feb 6, 2020
  64. laanwj referenced this in commit d7e2401c62 on Jan 7, 2021
  65. DrahtBot locked this on Feb 15, 2022


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