This has been brought up a few times since at least 2018, e.g. here, here, but I never bothered to open an issue.
Some cherry-picked arguments in favor:
19:47:38 sqlite is also nice in that they provide a monolithic source file and encourage direct integration.
19:54:05 integrating sqlite into a project is trivial, indeed can be done as a single .cpp file if that’s desirable
19:54:33 any reason to not consider postgres for instance? 19:54:38 AHHHH 19:54:41 promag: god why
19:55:45 Also BDB is a compile pitfall
We could make this opt-in in a first release. Then after a few releases make it the default. That way users can still downgrade their node without losing access to the wallet.
It should be possible to ./configure
without BDB, but we’ll probably have to ship with BDB 4.8 (at least the ability to read) until the heat death of the universe.