Seen in #23842.
0 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.527668Z [http] [httpserver.cpp:238] [http_request_cb] Received a POST request for / from
1 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.527720Z [httpworker.1] [rpc/request.cpp:174] [parse] ThreadRPCServer method=scantxoutset user=__cookie__
2 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.527890Z [httpworker.1] [logging/timer.h:57] [Log] FlushStateToDisk: write block and undo data to disk started
3 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.529826Z [httpworker.1] [logging/timer.h:57] [Log] FlushStateToDisk: write block and undo data to disk completed (1.92ms)
4 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.529841Z [httpworker.1] [logging/timer.h:57] [Log] FlushStateToDisk: write block index to disk started
5 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.530512Z [httpworker.1] [logging/timer.h:57] [Log] FlushStateToDisk: write block index to disk completed (0.66ms)
6 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.530530Z [httpworker.1] [logging/timer.h:57] [Log] FlushStateToDisk: write coins cache to disk (0 coins, 0kB) started
7 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.530557Z [httpworker.1] [txdb.cpp:161] [BatchWrite] Writing final batch of 0.00 MiB
8 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.530569Z [httpworker.1] [txdb.cpp:163] [BatchWrite] Committed 0 changed transaction outputs (out of 0) to coin database...
9 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.530578Z [httpworker.1] [logging/timer.h:57] [Log] FlushStateToDisk: write coins cache to disk (0 coins, 0kB) completed (0.04ms)
10 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.530591Z [httpworker.1] [validationinterface.cpp:244] [ChainStateFlushed] Enqueuing ChainStateFlushed: block hash=1da9728920712f0193810f287cb3b9ce59171e90d13b6dfe87094be9a6810176
11 test 2021-12-22T19:23:59.531000Z TestFramework (ERROR): Assertion failed
12 Traceback (most recent call last):
13 File "/tmp/cirrus-build/ci/scratch/build/bitcoin-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/test/functional/test_framework/", line 132, in main
14 self.run_test()
15 File "/tmp/cirrus-build/ci/scratch/build/bitcoin-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/test/functional/", line 72, in run_test
16 assert_equal(self.nodes[0].scantxoutset("start", [ "wpkh(" + pubk1 + ")", "wpkh(" + pubk2 + ")", "wpkh(" + pubk3 + ")"])['total_amount'], Decimal("0.004"))
17 File "/tmp/cirrus-build/ci/scratch/build/bitcoin-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/test/functional/test_framework/", line 50, in assert_equal
18 raise AssertionError("not(%s)" % " == ".join(str(arg) for arg in (thing1, thing2) + args))
19 AssertionError: not(0E-8 == 0.004)
20 node0 2021-12-22T19:23:59.531303Z [scheduler] [validationinterface.cpp:244] [operator()] ChainStateFlushed: block hash=1da9728920712f0193810f287cb3b9ce59171e90d13b6dfe87094be9a6810176
21 test 2021-12-22T19:23:59.532000Z TestFramework (DEBUG): Closing down network thread
22 test 2021-12-22T19:23:59.583000Z TestFramework (INFO): Stopping nodes
23 test 2021-12-22T19:23:59.583000Z TestFramework.node0 (DEBUG): Stopping node