wallet: addhdkey RPC to add just keys to wallets via new void(KEY) descriptor #29136

pull achow101 wants to merge 6 commits into bitcoin:master from achow101:sethdseed-void-descriptor changing 9 files +299 −1
  1. achow101 commented at 11:40 pm on December 22, 2023: member

    It is sometimes useful for the wallet to have keys that it can sign with but are not (initially) involved in any scripts, e.g. for setting up a multisig. Ryanofsky suggested A void(KEY) descriptor which allows for a key to be specified, but produces no scripts. These can be imported into the wallet, and subsequently retrieved with gethdkeys. Additionally, listdescriptors will output these descriptors so that they can be easily backed up.

    In order to make it easier for people to add HD keys to their wallet, and to generate a new one if they want to rotate their descriptors, an addhdkey RPC is also added. Without arguments, it will generate a new HD key and add it to the wallet via a void(KEY) descriptor. If provided a private key, it will construct the descriptor and add it to the wallet.

    See also: #26728 (comment)

    Based on #29130 as gethdkeys is useful for testing this.

  2. DrahtBot commented at 11:40 pm on December 22, 2023: contributor

    The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers.

    Code Coverage

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    See the guideline for information on the review process. A summary of reviews will appear here.


    Reviewers, this pull request conflicts with the following ones:

    • #30343 (wallet, logging: Replace WalletLogPrintf() with LogInfo() by ryanofsky)
    • #30243 (Tr partial descriptors by Eunovo)
    • #28710 (Remove the legacy wallet and BDB dependency by achow101)
    • #22838 (descriptors: Be able to specify change and receiving in a single descriptor string by achow101)

    If you consider this pull request important, please also help to review the conflicting pull requests. Ideally, start with the one that should be merged first.

  3. DrahtBot added the label Wallet on Dec 22, 2023
  4. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Dec 23, 2023
  5. ryanofsky commented at 4:40 am on December 23, 2023: contributor

    This is great, amazed you could implement this so quickly!

    I was thinking about the void(KEY) idea more today, and think it would be good to make 3 tweaks:

    1 - rename “void(KEY)” to “unused(KEY)” 2 - add logic to importdescriptors and generatewalletdescriptor to delete any unused(KEY) descriptor as soon as the KEY which it references is used by an new descriptor (taking into account both public and private parts of the key) 3 - add logic to importdescriptors to disallow importing an unused(KEY) if KEY is used by another descriptor.

    I think these changes would help make these descriptors easier to understand and also enhance backwards compatibility, because IIUC wallets containing unknown descriptor types can’t be opened by older software. Also keeping redundant descriptors in the wallet that were only temporarily needed is confusing.

    If making these tweaks isn’t possible or is not a good idea. I still think probably we should rename void(KEY) to data(KEY) or something like that. I think while “void” makes a certain amount of sense as programming jargon, it’s not really a familiar term and doesn’t describe the purpose of these descriptors, which is just to hold an inert piece of data, and not be used for generating or matching scriptpubkeys.

    I also have a number of ideas to improve the RPC interface for generating keys and descriptors, and will try to post them soon. (EDIT: now posted #29130 (review)). But this seems like a very good start and very functional.

  6. achow101 force-pushed on Jan 3, 2024
  7. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Jan 3, 2024
  8. achow101 force-pushed on Jan 4, 2024
  9. achow101 commented at 8:03 pm on January 4, 2024: member

    1 - rename “void(KEY)” to “unused(KEY)” 3 - add logic to importdescriptors to disallow importing an unused(KEY) if KEY is used by another descriptor.

    Done these. I’ve also added a further restriction that unused() cannot be import to a wallet without private keys. It isn’t useful in such wallets so I think it makes sense to disallow their import.

    2 - add logic to importdescriptors and generatewalletdescriptor to delete any unused(KEY) descriptor as soon as the KEY which it references is used by an new descriptor (taking into account both public and private parts of the key)

    Still working and thinking on this. However we’ve generally held to the policy of not deleting any records from the wallet since that could result in private keys being accidentally deleted. The only exception to that was adding encryption.

  10. achow101 force-pushed on Jan 4, 2024
  11. achow101 force-pushed on Jan 4, 2024
  12. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Jan 4, 2024
  13. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Jan 4, 2024
  14. ryanofsky commented at 5:41 pm on January 8, 2024: contributor

    However we’ve generally held to the policy of not deleting any records from the wallet since that could result in private keys being accidentally deleted. The only exception to that was adding encryption.

    Oh, I didn’t know that but it makes sense.

    One approach you could take would just be to delete the descriptor from memory without actually deleting it from the database, and ignore it the next time the wallet is loaded. But a drawback of this would be that once addhdkey was used the wallet would be forever incompatible with older versions of the software, when one of the benefits of deleting the descriptor was to make wallets backward compatible.

    Another approach that might be acceptable could be to add a DatabaseBatch::MarkErased method to call instead of DatabaseBatch::Erase. This could just prepend a serialized string like const std::string TOMBSTONE{"tombstone"} to the key and otherwise leave the record unchanged.

    Or maybe just decide in this case that it is ok to delete a record after verifying all the information it contains is present in other records.

    Would also want to think about it more, though.

  15. DrahtBot added the label CI failed on Jan 15, 2024
  16. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Feb 20, 2024
  17. achow101 force-pushed on Feb 20, 2024
  18. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Feb 20, 2024
  19. DrahtBot removed the label CI failed on Feb 20, 2024
  20. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Mar 29, 2024
  21. descriptor: Add unused(KEY) descriptor
    unused() descriptors do not have scriptPubKeys. Instead, the wallet uses
    them to store keys without having any scripts to watch for.
  22. test: Simple test for importing unused(KEY) 883f3bf2ed
  23. wallet: Add addhdkey RPC bccc62036d
  24. test: Test for addhdkey 0b4dd31605
  25. wallet, rpc: Disallow import of unused() if key already exists 3e58bf6fe3
  26. wallet, rpc: Disallow importing unused() to wallets without privkeys dec43c7c05
  27. achow101 force-pushed on Mar 29, 2024
  28. achow101 marked this as ready for review on Mar 29, 2024
  29. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Mar 29, 2024


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