At least one circular dependency exists between the wallet and server libs:
0./src/libbitcoin_server.a:libbitcoin_server_a-main.o:000000000000c6c0 T CheckFinalTx(CTransaction const&, int)
1./src/libbitcoin_wallet.a:libbitcoin_wallet_a-wallet.o: U CheckFinalTx(CTransaction const&, int)
3./src/libbitcoin_server.a:libbitcoin_server_a-init.o: U RegisterWalletRPCCommands(CRPCTable&)
4./src/libbitcoin_wallet.a:libbitcoin_wallet_a-rpcwallet.o:0000000000000370 T RegisterWalletRPCCommands(CRPCTable&)
But this problem only manifests if you remove ccoins_caching.cpp, mempool_eviction.cpp, verify_script.cpp from the sources list (which is what I had done during development).
Otherwise, adding the crypo lib after the wallet lib as Wladimir suggested seems to be sufficient to build, so I updated the PR with this change and removed start-group.