Fix remaining compiler warnings (MSVC).
0$ msbuild /p:TrackFileAccess=false /p:CLToolExe=clcache.exe build_msvc\bitcoin.sln /m /v:q /nowarn:C4244;C4267;C4715 /nologo
1…\script\script.cpp(272): warning C4018: '>': signed/unsigned mismatch
2…\test\allocator_tests.cpp(147): warning C4312: 'reinterpret_cast': conversion from 'int' to 'void *' of greater size
3…\boost\test\tools\old\impl.hpp(107): warning C4805: '==': unsafe mix of type 'const Left' and type 'const Right' in operation
4…\test\crypto_tests.cpp(535): warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?)
5…\test\script_tests.cpp(188): warning C4805: '==': unsafe mix of type 'int' and type 'bool' in operation
6…\test\script_tests.cpp(190): warning C4805: '==': unsafe mix of type 'int' and type 'bool' in operation
7…\test\script_tests.cpp(191): warning C4805: '==': unsafe mix of type 'int' and type 'bool' in operation
0$ msbuild /p:TrackFileAccess=false /p:CLToolExe=clcache.exe build_msvc\bitcoin.sln /m /v:q /nowarn:C4244;C4267;C4715;C4805 /nologo