Add ChaCha20Poly1305@Bitcoin AEAD #15649

pull jonasschnelli wants to merge 3 commits into bitcoin:master from jonasschnelli:2019/03/chachapoly1305 changing 6 files +525 −1
  1. jonasschnelli commented at 9:00 pm on March 22, 2019: contributor

    This adds a new AEAD (authenticated encryption with additional data) construct optimised for small messages (like used in Bitcoins p2p network).

    Includes: #15519, #15512 (please review those first).

    The construct is specified here.

    This aims for being used in v2 peer-to-peer messages.

  2. jonasschnelli added the label P2P on Mar 22, 2019
  3. jonasschnelli commented at 9:04 pm on March 22, 2019: contributor

    Benchmark compared with dbl-SHA256 (Intel x86 and ARM64 both with enabled and supported SHA256 asm)

    EDIT: Attention, those benchmark test a decryption that fails the MAC test (that’s why its faster).

     0i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
     1# Benchmark, evals, iterations, total, min, max, median
     2CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_DECRYPT, 5, 340, 0.974806, 0.000571213, 0.000575483, 0.000573147
     3CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_ENCRYPT, 5, 340, 3.45589, 0.00200816, 0.00206032, 0.00203075
     4CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_DECRYPT, 5, 250000, 0.353133, 2.7904e-07, 2.87463e-07, 2.81879e-07
     5CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_ENCRYPT, 5, 250000, 0.844029, 6.69314e-07, 6.84823e-07, 6.73278e-07
     6CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_DECRYPT, 5, 500000, 0.445114, 1.74585e-07, 1.79382e-07, 1.79109e-07
     7CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_ENCRYPT, 5, 500000, 0.756779, 3.02316e-07, 3.03721e-07, 3.02433e-07
     8HASH_1MB, 5, 340, 4.05031, 0.00234962, 0.00239718, 0.00238811
     9HASH_256BYTES, 5, 250000, 1.13878, 9.01793e-07, 9.20163e-07, 9.1145e-07
    10HASH_64BYTES, 5, 500000, 1.19347, 4.71828e-07, 4.8229e-07, 4.76693e-07
     0RK3399 64-bit Hexa Core A72/A53 CPU (aarch64)
     1CPU Features	: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32
     2CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_DECRYPT, 5, 340, 4.77829, 0.00277495, 0.00295277, 0.00277533
     3CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_ENCRYPT, 5, 340, 12.8776, 0.00757471, 0.00757529, 0.00757509
     4CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_DECRYPT, 5, 250000, 1.45431, 1.159e-06, 1.16777e-06, 1.16348e-06
     5CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_ENCRYPT, 5, 250000, 3.15133, 2.51743e-06, 2.5251e-06, 2.52047e-06
     6CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_DECRYPT, 5, 500000, 1.64303, 6.5714e-07, 6.57362e-07, 6.57166e-07
     7CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_ENCRYPT, 5, 500000, 2.84952, 1.13826e-06, 1.14302e-06, 1.13909e-06
     8HASH_1MB, 5, 340, 11.9929, 0.00705427, 0.00705483, 0.00705473
     9HASH_256BYTES, 5, 250000, 3.44999, 2.75893e-06, 2.76146e-06, 2.75963e-06
    10HASH_64BYTES, 5, 500000, 3.68293, 1.47287e-06, 1.47352e-06, 1.4732e-06
  4. DrahtBot commented at 10:35 pm on March 22, 2019: member

    The following sections might be updated with supplementary metadata relevant to reviewers and maintainers.


    Reviewers, this pull request conflicts with the following ones:

    • #14032 (Add p2p layer encryption with ECDH/ChaCha20Poly1305 by jonasschnelli)

    If you consider this pull request important, please also help to review the conflicting pull requests. Ideally, start with the one that should be merged first.

  5. in src/bench/chacha_poly_aead.cpp:25 in 8dd9f11261 outdated
    20+static ChaCha20Poly1305AEAD aead(k1, 32, k2, 32);
    22+static void CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD(benchmark::State& state, size_t buffersize, bool encrypt)
    24+    std::vector<unsigned char> in(buffersize + 3 + 16, 0);
    25+    std::vector<unsigned char> out(buffersize + 3 + 16, 0);

    skwp commented at 7:40 pm on March 23, 2019:
    not sure if these magic numbers are supposed to be obvious, but some named constants might be nice for people who are new to this stuff

    jonasschnelli commented at 9:18 pm on March 26, 2019:
    Thanks. Using the available constantes now.
  6. in src/test/crypto_tests.cpp:701 in 3f5a4c745d outdated
    696+        cmp_ctx.SetIV(htole64(seqnr_aad));
    697+        cmp_ctx.Seek(0);
    698+        cmp_ctx.Output(nullptr,, 64);
    700+        // crypt the 3 length bytes and compare the length
    701+        uint64_t len_cmp = 0;

    practicalswift commented at 9:24 am on March 26, 2019:


    Shadows existing len_cmp and also redundant initialization to zero?

    Could be just uint64_t len_cmp_inner = XOR(ciphertext_buf[0], …?

  7. in src/test/crypto_tests.cpp:642 in 3f5a4c745d outdated
    677+    len_cmp = le32toh(len_cmp);
    678+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(len_cmp, expected_aad_length);
    680+    // encrypt / decrypt 1000 packets
    681+    for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
    682+        res = aead.Crypt(seqnr_payload, seqnr_aad, aad_pos,, ciphertext_buf.size(),, plaintext_buf.size(), true);

    practicalswift commented at 9:25 am on March 26, 2019:
    This res is never used. Should be checked?

    jonasschnelli commented at 9:17 pm on March 26, 2019:
    Thanks. Fixed.
  8. in src/crypto/chacha_poly_aead.cpp:54 in 68617154ec outdated
    51+        // if we decrypt, make sure the source contains at least the expected AAD+MAC and the destination has at least space for the source - MAC
    52+        (!is_encrypt && (src_len < CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_AAD_LEN + POLY1305_TAGLEN || dest_len < src_len - POLY1305_TAGLEN))) {
    53+        return false;
    54+    }
    56+    unsigned char expected_tag[POLY1305_TAGLEN], poly_key[POLY1305_KEYLEN];

    practicalswift commented at 9:25 am on March 26, 2019:
    Scope can be reduced?

    jonasschnelli commented at 9:15 pm on March 26, 2019:
    You mean of expected_tag? Not sure it this makes things cleaner or more optimized.

    Empact commented at 8:48 pm on May 27, 2019:
    I would say it makes things cleaner by virtue of narrower scope. 🤷‍♂

    promag commented at 7:07 am on June 12, 2019:
    I think it’s fine as it is.
  9. in src/test/crypto_tests.cpp:659 in 3f5a4c745d outdated
    654+    // create a chacha20 instance to compare against
    655+    ChaCha20 cmp_ctx(, 32);
    657+    // encipher
    658+    bool res = aead.Crypt(seqnr_payload, seqnr_aad, aad_pos,, ciphertext_buf.size(),, plaintext_buf.size(), true);
    659+    // make sure the opperation succeeded if expected to succeed

    practicalswift commented at 9:26 am on March 26, 2019:
    Should be “operation” :-)

    jonasschnelli commented at 9:17 pm on March 26, 2019:
  10. sipa commented at 7:48 pm on March 26, 2019: member
    Why is encrypting ~3 times slower than decrypting?
  11. jonasschnelli commented at 8:34 pm on March 26, 2019: contributor

    Why is encrypting ~3 times slower than decrypting?

    Because the decryption in the benchmark always fails the MAC check… facepalm. Currently fixing.

  12. jonasschnelli force-pushed on Mar 26, 2019
  13. jonasschnelli force-pushed on Mar 26, 2019
  14. jonasschnelli commented at 9:23 pm on March 26, 2019: contributor

    Overhauled the AEAD benchmark, now it measures:

    • only encryption of 64, 256 and 1MB
    • encryption and decryption (also including the previous-to-decryption GetLength() call)
  15. sipa commented at 10:01 pm on March 26, 2019: member
    Feel like posting new numbers?
  16. jonasschnelli commented at 10:09 pm on March 26, 2019: contributor
     0i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
     1# Benchmark, evals, iterations, total, min, max, median
     2CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 340, 6.89749, 0.00401996, 0.004089, 0.00405691
     3CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 340, 3.42802, 0.00199702, 0.00206066, 0.00200356
     4CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 250000, 1.73244, 1.38097e-06, 1.39262e-06, 1.38631e-06
     5CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 250000, 0.866814, 6.89058e-07, 6.98332e-07, 6.92555e-07
     6CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 500000, 1.61924, 6.33995e-07, 6.61294e-07, 6.45421e-07
     7CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 500000, 0.794098, 3.15846e-07, 3.22632e-07, 3.16612e-07
     8HASH_1MB, 5, 340, 4.02255, 0.00233675, 0.00239431, 0.00236953
     9HASH_256BYTES, 5, 250000, 1.14968, 9.16826e-07, 9.2569e-07, 9.17793e-07
    10HASH_64BYTES, 5, 500000, 1.20545, 4.78177e-07, 4.87008e-07, 4.80163e-07
     0RK3399 64-bit Hexa Core A72/A53 CPU (aarch64)
     1CPU Features	: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32
     2CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 340, 25.8159, 0.0151542, 0.015309, 0.0151552
     3CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 340, 12.8818, 0.00757678, 0.00757883, 0.00757744
     4CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 250000, 6.28925, 5.02614e-06, 5.0389e-06, 5.0307e-06
     5CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 250000, 3.1574, 2.5177e-06, 2.53455e-06, 2.52181e-06
     6CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 500000, 5.67636, 2.26775e-06, 2.27397e-06, 2.26921e-06
     7CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 500000, 2.85557, 1.13888e-06, 1.14831e-06, 1.14157e-06
     8HASH_1MB, 5, 340, 11.9764, 0.00704443, 0.0070454, 0.00704505
     9HASH_256BYTES, 5, 250000, 3.43234, 2.74542e-06, 2.74639e-06, 2.74585e-06
    10HASH_64BYTES, 5, 500000, 3.6589, 1.4629e-06, 1.46428e-06, 1.46323e-06
  17. in src/bench/chacha_poly_aead.cpp:35 in a07f18c62c outdated
    29+    uint64_t seqnr_aad = 0;
    30+    int aad_pos = 0;
    31+    uint32_t len = 0;
    32+    while (state.KeepRunning()) {
    33+        // encrypt or decrypt the buffer with a static key
    34+        assert(aead.Crypt(seqnr_payload, seqnr_aad, aad_pos,, out.size(),, buffersize, true));

    practicalswift commented at 9:28 am on March 27, 2019:
    Could be bool ok = aead.Crypt(…); assert(ok); to guarantee side-effect free use of assert(...);?
  18. in src/bench/chacha_poly_aead.cpp:40 in a07f18c62c outdated
    34+        assert(aead.Crypt(seqnr_payload, seqnr_aad, aad_pos,, out.size(),, buffersize, true));
    36+        if (include_decryption) {
    37+            // if we decrypt, include the GetLength
    38+            assert(aead.GetLength(&len, seqnr_aad, aad_pos,;
    39+            assert(aead.Crypt(seqnr_payload, seqnr_aad, aad_pos,, out.size(),, buffersize, true));

    practicalswift commented at 9:30 am on March 27, 2019:
    Same here :-)
  19. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on Mar 27, 2019
  20. jonasschnelli force-pushed on Mar 27, 2019
  21. jonasschnelli commented at 4:40 pm on March 27, 2019: contributor
  22. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on Mar 27, 2019
  23. in src/crypto/chacha_poly_aead.cpp:123 in 63851d38e5 outdated
    118+        m_chacha_header.Seek(0);                                                        // block counter 0
    119+        m_chacha_header.Output(nullptr, m_aad_keystream_buffer, CHACHA20_ROUND_OUTPUT); // write keystream to the cache
    120+    }
    122+    // decrypt the ciphertext length by XORing the right position of the 64byte keystream cache with the ciphertext
    123+    *len24_out = 0;

    practicalswift commented at 7:40 am on April 2, 2019:
    *len24_out = 0; here serves no purpose AFAICT since assigned on the next line?

    jonasschnelli commented at 7:54 am on May 10, 2019:
  24. jonasschnelli force-pushed on May 10, 2019
  25. jonasschnelli commented at 7:53 am on May 10, 2019: contributor
  26. jonasschnelli force-pushed on May 10, 2019
  27. jonasschnelli commented at 1:45 pm on May 11, 2019: contributor

    Here are some number of the comparison against the @openSSH form of the AEAD (quick implementation is here) on Intel i7 and RK [arm64])

    There are moderate gains with our @Bitcoin AEAD construct especially for 64byte messages (~1.4 times faster)

    I also added HASH (dbl sha256) with no asm (to compare apples with apples since ChaCha20 is also not NI accelerated).

     0i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
     3CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 340, 6.96947, 0.00405818, 0.00418744, 0.00407654
     4CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 340, 3.483, 0.00202816, 0.00208079, 0.00204615
     5CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 250000, 1.72781, 1.35975e-06, 1.44466e-06, 1.36874e-06
     6CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 250000, 0.883109, 6.80501e-07, 7.98644e-07, 6.83484e-07
     7CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 500000, 1.58456, 6.14057e-07, 6.57714e-07, 6.38866e-07
     8CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 500000, 0.791489, 3.05361e-07, 3.57775e-07, 3.062e-07
    11CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_1MB_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 340, 7.0763, 0.00410207, 0.00423358, 0.00416736
    12CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_1MB_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 340, 3.50153, 0.00202787, 0.00211423, 0.00204805
    13CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_256BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 250000, 2.10268, 1.64571e-06, 1.76881e-06, 1.66784e-06
    14CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_256BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 250000, 0.990221, 7.72714e-07, 8.65131e-07, 7.74143e-07
    15CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_64BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 500000, 2.29661, 9.06308e-07, 9.4192e-07, 9.1748e-07
    16CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_64BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 500000, 1.03205, 4.03511e-07, 4.38993e-07, 4.05953e-07
    18(NO ASM DBL-SHA256)
    19HASH_1MB, 5, 340, 6.18416, 0.003603, 0.0036835, 0.00363839
    20HASH_256BYTES, 5, 250000, 1.84485, 1.45055e-06, 1.53387e-06, 1.46062e-06
    21HASH_64BYTES, 5, 500000, 1.81658, 7.14499e-07, 7.56105e-07, 7.21112e-07
     0RK3399 64-bit Hexa Core A72/A53 CPU (aarch64)
     1CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 340, 25.8472, 0.015143, 0.0153498, 0.0151757
     2CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_1MB_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 340, 12.8757, 0.00756406, 0.00758074, 0.00757862
     3CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 250000, 6.44229, 5.15237e-06, 5.1555e-06, 5.15375e-06
     4CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_256BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 250000, 3.22662, 2.57975e-06, 2.58201e-06, 2.5817e-06
     5CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 500000, 5.96034, 2.37337e-06, 2.38984e-06, 2.38668e-06
     6CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_64BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 500000, 2.97761, 1.18648e-06, 1.19878e-06, 1.18715e-06
     8CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_1MB_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 340, 25.7817, 0.0151531, 0.0151865, 0.0151633
     9CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_1MB_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 340, 12.8959, 0.00757261, 0.00759154, 0.00758821
    10CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_256BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 250000, 7.6112, 6.08182e-06, 6.10197e-06, 6.08393e-06
    11CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_256BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 250000, 3.59548, 2.87162e-06, 2.87949e-06, 2.87783e-06
    12CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_64BYTES_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, 5, 500000, 8.39425, 3.3108e-06, 3.53569e-06, 3.31353e-06
    13CHACHA20_POLY1305_OPENSSH_AEAD_64BYTES_ONLY_ENCRYPT, 5, 500000, 3.73337, 1.48799e-06, 1.49965e-06, 1.49489e-06
  28. DrahtBot added the label Needs rebase on May 16, 2019
  29. jonasschnelli force-pushed on May 16, 2019
  30. DrahtBot removed the label Needs rebase on May 16, 2019
  31. jonasschnelli added this to the "Mergeable" column in a project

  32. jonasschnelli moved this from the "Mergeable" to the "Blockers" column in a project

  33. in src/test/crypto_tests.cpp:646 in 02a73a8a00 outdated
    641+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(len_cmp, expected_aad_length);
    643+    // encrypt / decrypt 1000 packets
    644+    for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
    645+        res = aead.Crypt(seqnr_payload, seqnr_aad, aad_pos,, ciphertext_buf.size(),, plaintext_buf.size(), true);
    646+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res, true);

    Empact commented at 9:14 pm on May 27, 2019:
    nit: BOOST_CHECK()

    jonasschnelli commented at 8:07 am on June 11, 2019:
    Thanks. Fixed.
  34. in src/test/crypto_tests.cpp:622 in 02a73a8a00 outdated
    620+    // encipher
    621+    bool res = aead.Crypt(seqnr_payload, seqnr_aad, aad_pos,, ciphertext_buf.size(),, plaintext_buf.size(), true);
    622+    // make sure the operation succeeded if expected to succeed
    623+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res, must_succeed);
    624+    if (!res) return;

    Empact commented at 9:18 pm on May 27, 2019:
    How about splitting out TestChaCha20Poly1305AEADFails, rather than passing must_succeed?

    jonasschnelli commented at 8:07 am on June 11, 2019:
    I think passing the must_succeed argument is fine and simpler.
  35. Empact commented at 9:19 pm on May 27, 2019: member

    I compared the implementation to and did not find any notable incongruities.

    Disclaimer: I am not a cryptographer.

  36. in src/test/crypto_tests.cpp:589 in 9985e3c87b outdated
    585@@ -585,6 +586,135 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(hkdf_hmac_sha256_l32_tests)
    586                 "8da4e775a563c18f715f802a063c5a31b8a11f5c5ee1879ec3454e5f3c738d2d");
    587 }
    589+#define XOR(v, w) ((v) ^ (w))

    laanwj commented at 12:56 pm on June 5, 2019:
    What is the advantage of defining XOR as a macro here ? (same in chacha_poly_aead.cpp)

    jonasschnelli commented at 10:14 am on June 6, 2019:
    I thought it improves readability (got inspired by DJBs code). But happy to remove it since it saves space.

    laanwj commented at 10:56 am on June 6, 2019:
    It doesn’t make the code more readable to me, at least. I recognize the C operator but the macro I had to look up. But I don’t feel strongly about it.

    jonasschnelli commented at 8:19 am on June 11, 2019:
    Removed the extra XOR macro.

    promag commented at 1:46 pm on June 11, 2019:
    🤔 there are still 6 XOR usages, is this intended?
  37. jonasschnelli force-pushed on Jun 11, 2019
  38. in src/crypto/chacha_poly_aead.cpp:71 in 95d24be0c4 outdated
    66+        const unsigned char* tag = src + src_len - POLY1305_TAGLEN;
    67+        poly1305_auth(expected_tag, src, src_len - POLY1305_TAGLEN, poly_key);
    69+        // constant time compare the calculated MAC with the provided MAC
    70+        if (timingsafe_bcmp(expected_tag, tag, POLY1305_TAGLEN) != 0) {
    71+            memory_cleanse(expected_tag, sizeof(expected_tag));

    promag commented at 1:44 pm on June 11, 2019:

    Could add a auxiliary function at the top like:

    0template <typename T>
    1void memory_cleanse(T v) {
    2    memory_cleanse(v, sizeof(T));

    to prevent an invalid 2nd argument?

    jonasschnelli commented at 6:54 am on June 12, 2019:
    Both cleansed values can only be POLY1305_TAGLEN and I think it’s fine using the default memory_cleanse.
  39. promag commented at 1:53 pm on June 11, 2019: member

    Should delete ChaCha20Poly1305AEAD copy constructor?

    I mean

    0 public:
    1     ChaCha20Poly1305AEAD(const unsigned char* K_1, size_t K_1_len, const unsigned char* K_2, size_t K_2_len);
    3+    explicit ChaCha20Poly1305AEAD(const ChaCha20Poly1305AEAD&) = delete;
  40. jonasschnelli force-pushed on Jun 12, 2019
  41. jonasschnelli commented at 7:00 am on June 12, 2019: contributor
    Removed the XOR macro in the test as well.
  42. in src/crypto/chacha_poly_aead.h:131 in 21d07ab4fe outdated
    126+    ChaCha20Poly1305AEAD(const unsigned char* K_1, size_t K_1_len, const unsigned char* K_2, size_t K_2_len);
    128+    /** Encrypts/decrypts a packet
    129+        seqnr_payload, the message sequence number

    elichai commented at 1:15 am on June 17, 2019:

    Is the “message sequence number” randomly generate or is it a counter?

    Could it be reseted while the key will still be in use?

    elichai commented at 1:16 am on June 17, 2019:

    A. If it could get reseted without getting rid of the key this is not a good source for the nonce.

    B. If it’s randomly generated then 64bit isn’t secure enough. We should either move to the chacha20 from the RFC which has 96bit nonce and 32bit counter or increment it manually every time.

    sipa commented at 1:47 am on June 17, 2019:
    @elichai I think discussion of the proposed AEAD should probably go on the mailing list discussing the BIP ( Comments here should probably be just about implementation, or on discrepancies between the implementation and the BIP.

    sipa commented at 1:49 am on June 17, 2019:
    That said, I believe the sequence number is a simple counter, counting up from 0, incrementing by one for every message. It will get reset only when rekeying. Note that the security of ChaCha20 does not rely on the nonce being unpredictable, just on not reusing one, so it doesn’t need any entropy.

    elichai commented at 2:00 am on June 17, 2019:
    I’ll move it to the mailing list thanks.

    jonasschnelli commented at 2:50 pm on June 18, 2019:
  43. jonasschnelli force-pushed on Jun 18, 2019
  44. jonasschnelli commented at 3:50 pm on June 18, 2019: contributor
    Followed the advice by @promag and added default constructor avoidance.
  45. in src/crypto/chacha_poly_aead.cpp:56 in a6397f15a8 outdated
    51+        return false;
    52+    }
    54+    unsigned char expected_tag[POLY1305_TAGLEN], poly_key[POLY1305_KEYLEN];
    55+    memset(poly_key, 0, sizeof(poly_key));
    56+    m_chacha_main.SetIV(htole64(seqnr_payload));

    laanwj commented at 3:15 pm on June 20, 2019:

    are you sure the htole64 is correct here? SetIV is implemented as

    0void ChaCha20::SetIV(uint64_t iv)
    2    input[14] = iv;
    3    input[15] = iv >> 32;

    where input is an array of 32-bit unsigned integers that are (afaik) always used in LE fashion with ReadLE32 / WriteLE32 when doing byte operations. htole64 flips the bytes of an integer on a big-endian platform so on LE, the output looks like

    00      1       2        3        4        5        6        7
    1iv0..7 iv8..15 iv16..23 iv24..31 iv32..39 iv40..47 iv48..55 iv56.63

    on BE, however you’d get

    00       1         2        3        4        5        6       7      
    1iv56.63 iv48..55  iv40..47 iv32..39 iv24..31 iv16..23 iv8..15 iv0..7

    I might be wrong, but this needs testing on a big-endian platform.

    If it is necessary: as you always use SetIV with htole64, might make sense to move it into it.

    elichai commented at 4:49 pm on June 20, 2019:

    I think it is necessary, because even though input is always used with ReadLE32/WriteLE32 when you shift the iv and split it into input[14] and input[15] you’ll get different results in BE or LE platforms. (unless you use htole64 or something equivalent to make sure that the bits are sorted the same way)

    But I do agree that this should be part of the chacha20 implementation. because this is what requires that everything will be LE.

    sipa commented at 5:22 pm on June 20, 2019:
    There should not be any need for byteswapping. The IV is specified as an integer before serialization. The ChaCha20 implementation uses the LE serialization of that number, even on BE platforms.

    laanwj commented at 6:12 pm on June 20, 2019:

    I think it is necessary, because even though input is always used with

    If this is true, I still think it’s done in the wrong way if the goal is to be consistent between LE and BE, you’d need a different kind of word-level swap. But I think @sipa is right here.

    elichai commented at 9:09 pm on June 20, 2019:

    The only thing that bothers me is the split using r/l shift. Chacha20 defines everything as LE serialized/deserialized and if you shift than you bypass this requirement on BE platforms.

    (unless seqnr_payload is somehow already LE and not the host native endianess)

    sipa commented at 9:12 pm on June 20, 2019:
    seqnr_payload is an integer. The IV argument to ChaCha20 is an integer. Byte orders are only relevant when byte arrays are encoded as integers; that’s not the case here. This is a pointless discussion. The htole call needs to go away.

    elichai commented at 9:16 pm on June 20, 2019:
    Ok, I went back to look at the definitions and tested, and right/left shifts work the same in all platforms (which actually is the sane thing, otherwise it will be a bit UB). you and Wladimir are right, the htole64 isn’t needed here. Sorry.

    jonasschnelli commented at 8:41 am on June 25, 2019:

    Thanks for looking into this… I’m actually unsure also by comparing against openSSH’s implementation:

    Going to setup a BE machine to test against various test vectors.

    laanwj commented at 12:18 pm on June 25, 2019:

    and right/left shifts work the same in all platforms

    C++ has plenty of cruel and unusual cases of UB and IDB, but this luckily isn’t one

    I’m actually unsure also by comparing against openSSH’s implementation:

    Looking at these, they have POKE_U64 which pokes a unsigned 64-bit integer into memory (big-endian byte order, see This is used to poke the IV to a byte buffer iv. e.g.

    0iv[0] = (seqnr >> 56) & 0xff;
    1iv[1] = (seqnr >> 48) & 0xff;
    2iv[2] = (seqnr >> 40) & 0xff;
    3iv[3] = (seqnr >> 32) & 0xff;
    4iv[4] = (seqnr >> 24) & 0xff;
    5iv[5] = (seqnr >> 16) & 0xff;
    6iv[6] = (seqnr >> 8) & 0xff;
    7iv[7] = seqnr & 0xff;

    Then, in chacha_ivsetup (U8TO32_LITTLE is defined here:

    0x->input[14] = U8TO32_LITTLE(iv + 0);
    1x->input[15] = U8TO32_LITTLE(iv + 4);

    So if I get this right, this is equivalent to:

    0x->input[14] = (((seqnr >> 56) & 0xff)      ) |
    1               (((seqnr >> 48) & 0xff) <<  8) |
    2               (((seqnr >> 40) & 0xff) << 16) |
    3               (((seqnr >> 32) & 0xff) << 24);
    5x->input[15] = (((seqnr >> 24) & 0xff)      ) |
    6               (((seqnr >> 16) & 0xff) <<  8) |
    7               (((seqnr >>  8) & 0xff) << 16) |
    8               (( seqnr        & 0xff) << 24);

    Which is weird in some sense, but not dependent on platform.

    jonasschnelli commented at 1:13 pm on June 25, 2019:
    Thanks for clearing up. @sipa and @laanwj are def. correct. Removed all byteswappings.

    jonasschnelli commented at 1:21 pm on June 25, 2019:
    The only important part is, that “producers” or the AEAD stream (which is not part of this PR, we only intend to test against already produced test vectors) need to make sure that the 3 byte length is correctly in LE order (which is easy to screw up because htole32 won’t work in the 24bit case).
  46. in src/test/crypto_tests.cpp:634 in a6397f15a8 outdated
    629+    cmp_ctx.SetIV(htole64(seqnr_aad));
    630+    cmp_ctx.Seek(0);
    631+    cmp_ctx.Keystream(, 64);
    632+    BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(,, expected_aad_keystream.size()) == 0);
    633+    // crypt the 3 length bytes and compare the length
    634+    uint64_t len_cmp = 0;

    elichai commented at 5:06 pm on June 20, 2019:
    shouldn’t that be a 32bit number? (because of le32toh and that you later compare with expected_aad_length which is unsigned int(so either 32 or 64))

    jonasschnelli commented at 12:57 pm on June 25, 2019:
    Indeed. Fixed.
  47. jonasschnelli force-pushed on Jun 25, 2019
  48. Add ChaCha20Poly1305@Bitcoin AEAD implementation af5d1b5f4a
  49. jonasschnelli force-pushed on Jun 25, 2019
  50. in src/test/crypto_tests.cpp:629 in 4f53406444 outdated
    624+    // verify ciphertext & mac against the test vector
    625+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(expected_ciphertext_and_mac.size(), ciphertext_buf.size());
    626+    BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(,, ciphertext_buf.size()) == 0);
    628+    // manually construct the AAD keystream
    629+    cmp_ctx.SetIV(htole64(seqnr_aad));

    laanwj commented at 1:40 pm on July 1, 2019:
    there’s still IV byte swapping here (another one below)

    jonasschnelli commented at 8:08 pm on July 2, 2019:
    Missed the ones in test. Will fix asap.
  51. prusnak commented at 12:48 pm on July 2, 2019: contributor
    Is the construct RFC7539 compliant?
  52. jonasschnelli commented at 8:19 pm on July 2, 2019: contributor


    Thanks for asking. It probably belongs more to the mailing list discussion (here we discuss the actual implementation). However:

    Initially, the plan was to use the OpenSSH version of the AEAD construct over the IETF one because encrypting the length field seems desirable in our case (would allow new message types that could pad arbitrary data to make packet inspection harder).

    Since the OpenSSH version is not very efficient for small messages, and, most nodes in synced state deal with around 40% of messages below 64 bytes, we decided to further optimize the AEAD construct to require less ChaCha20 operations, thus making it faster. Even faster than the current non-encrypted packet transport on most systems (hence the dbl-sha256 cpu cost).

    Again, this discussion doesn’t belong here so please move further questions regarding the concept to the mailing list. The details are described in the BIP:

  53. Add ChaCha20Poly1305@Bitcoin tests 99aea045d6
  54. Add ChaCha20Poly1305@Bitcoin AEAD benchmark bb326add9f
  55. jonasschnelli commented at 9:54 am on July 3, 2019: contributor
    • Removed the invalid byte swapping in crypto_tests
    • Followed @practicalswift recommondation to not directly check and execute in assert() in the chacha_poly_aead bench
  56. jonasschnelli force-pushed on Jul 3, 2019
  57. laanwj commented at 7:48 pm on July 11, 2019: member

    code review ACK bb326add9f38f2a8e5ce5ee29d98ce08038200d8

    there’s nothing to test yet (besides running the unit tests), as this is the first step and the code here is currently unused

  58. laanwj removed this from the "Blockers" column in a project

  59. laanwj merged this on Jul 11, 2019
  60. laanwj closed this on Jul 11, 2019

  61. laanwj referenced this in commit 28d1353f48 on Jul 11, 2019
  62. sidhujag referenced this in commit aae6de0fc9 on Jul 11, 2019
  63. PastaPastaPasta referenced this in commit 1bf6613178 on Jul 18, 2019
  64. PastaPastaPasta referenced this in commit 0840ce3a92 on Jul 23, 2019
  65. PastaPastaPasta referenced this in commit 8214c765d4 on Aug 6, 2019
  66. barrystyle referenced this in commit 7ebc414298 on Jan 22, 2020
  67. in src/crypto/chacha_poly_aead.cpp:62 in bb326add9f
    58+    // block counter 0 for the poly1305 key
    59+    // use lower 32bytes for the poly1305 key
    60+    // (throws away 32 unused bytes (upper 32) from this ChaCha20 round)
    61+    m_chacha_main.Seek(0);
    62+    m_chacha_main.Crypt(poly_key, poly_key, sizeof(poly_key));

    rajarshimaitra commented at 11:28 am on June 16, 2020:

    BIP324 says the following on poly1305 key.

    The AEAD is constructed as follows: for each packet, generate a Poly1305 key by taking the first 256 bits of ChaCha20 stream output generated using K_2, an IV consisting of the packet sequence number encoded as an LE uint64 and a ChaCha20 block counter of zero.

    Here to me, it seems the key is being derived by encrypting a vector of zeros with m_chacha_main instead of simply taking the keystream of m_chacha_main? Are they the same thing? if not, then should the bip draft be changed to reflect this?

    elichai commented at 3:03 pm on June 16, 2020:
    encrypting in chacha means generating a random string and XORing with the plaintext, so yes taking a stream is equal to encrypting zeros.

    rajarshimaitra commented at 3:11 pm on June 16, 2020:
    Thanks for clarifying.
  68. in src/crypto/chacha_poly_aead.cpp:36 in bb326add9f
    31+ChaCha20Poly1305AEAD::ChaCha20Poly1305AEAD(const unsigned char* K_1, size_t K_1_len, const unsigned char* K_2, size_t K_2_len)
    33+    assert(K_1_len == CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_KEY_LEN);
    34+    assert(K_2_len == CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_KEY_LEN);
    35+    m_chacha_main.SetKey(K_1, CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_KEY_LEN);
    36+    m_chacha_header.SetKey(K_2, CHACHA20_POLY1305_AEAD_KEY_LEN);

    rajarshimaitra commented at 11:31 am on June 16, 2020:

    Nit: From BIP draft

    The instance keyed by K_1 is a stream cipher that is used only to encrypt the 3 byte packet length field and has its own sequence number. The second instance, keyed by K_2, is used in conjunction with poly1305 to build an AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) that is used to encrypt and authenticate the entire packet.

    To keep parity with the BIP should K_1 and K_2 be interchanged (either in BIP or in code)?

    jonasschnelli commented at 3:15 pm on June 16, 2020:
    Good point. It’s technically not wrong but confusing. Code update would probably be better.

    dhruv commented at 5:00 pm on June 23, 2021:
    If it’s helpful, I’ve created #22331 to fix this.
  69. rajarshimaitra commented at 11:33 am on June 16, 2020: contributor
    I understand this is already merged, But below are two following small doubts that occurred to me while reviewing.
  70. jasonbcox referenced this in commit 0934172526 on Sep 21, 2020
  71. fanquake referenced this in commit 607a6338a7 on Aug 19, 2021
  72. sidhujag referenced this in commit 1ca38972fc on Aug 20, 2021
  73. dhruv added this to the "Done" column in a project

  74. fanquake referenced this in commit 650382e4ec on Jun 10, 2022
  75. fanquake referenced this in commit 491bb14c0c on Jun 10, 2022
  76. laanwj referenced this in commit 1557014378 on Jun 14, 2022
  77. sidhujag referenced this in commit d23210a8d8 on Jun 15, 2022
  78. DrahtBot locked this on Aug 16, 2022


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