71@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ jobs:
72 run: |
73 # Run tests on commits after the last merge commit and before the PR head commit
74 # Use clang++, because it is a bit faster and uses less memory than g++
75- git rebase --exec "echo Running test-one-commit on \$( git log -1 ) && CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -B build -DBUILD_GUI=ON -DBUILD_BENCH=ON -DBUILD_FUZZ_BINARY=ON -DWITH_BDB=ON -DWITH_NATPMP=ON -DWITH_MINIUPNPC=ON -DWITH_USDT=ON && cmake --build build -j $(nproc) && ctest --test-dir build -j $(nproc) && ./build/test/functional/test_runner.py -j $(( $(nproc) * 2 ))" ${{ env.TEST_BASE }}
76+ git rebase --exec "echo Running test-one-commit on \$( git log -1 ) && CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -B build -DWITH_ZMQ=ON -DBUILD_GUI=ON -DBUILD_BENCH=ON -DBUILD_FUZZ_BINARY=ON -DWITH_BDB=ON -DWITH_NATPMP=ON -DWITH_MINIUPNPC=ON -DWITH_USDT=ON && cmake --build build -j $(nproc) && ctest --test-dir build -j $(nproc) && ./build/test/functional/test_runner.py -j $(( $(nproc) * 2 ))" ${{ env.TEST_BASE }}
Should this job also be installing libzmq3-dev
I am using python3-zmq
as a proxy for that, which should probably be enough, no? And if libzmq was missing, the CI would be failing, no?
Sure, it’s likely fine, just inconsistent with the other CIs.
Yeah, I am happy to review a different pull request touching those lines, but I haven’t touched them in this pull request, so I’ll leave this as-is for now.
Yeah, sorry. This CI task doesn’t run on pulls with one commit only.
Jup, I was wrong. Do you mind fixing it up in your pull?
No worries, I’ve pushed a commit into